thats an excellent write up,thanks for linking it. I like the option of having a last name-why dont more MMOs do that? Only lotro and guild wars have recently allowed you to do that.
If it werent for the limited combat and what appears to be limited builds options,id definately shell out for this game even if just for the random pvp.
You can have a last name in Everquest 2... you get it later, I think 20 (its been awhile) My Gnome Berzerker's name was "Dimple" I later added the last name "O'Doom"
Edit: Just finished reading the article. I must say I'm suprised to hear all the good comments about the game. I might give this game a go once they get the account management straightened out .
thats an excellent write up,thanks for linking it. I like the option of having a last name-why dont more MMOs do that? Only lotro and guild wars have recently allowed you to do that. If it werent for the limited combat and what appears to be limited builds options,id definately shell out for this game even if just for the random pvp.
A number of MMOs have been allowing surnames. Just not all of them allow it upon character creation. You just need to know where to look.
But I'm very very skeptical about this article from IGN. Its fairly obvious that he's aware of's existence and the politics therein. Honestly, we all know that Darkfall started a little clunky and still has some clunkiness to it.... playable but clunky.
As soon as the article writer said this:
"For Darkfall to actually launch with very good stability and be entirely playable was not expected by this writer."
I did not expect the writer to be as objective of their experience as other players, who admit that despite the PvP in Darkfall being fun... there still needs a chunk of stability fixes.
Who is Mark Moran and why does his review carry more weight than any other persons review. I'd like to know this so I know how to catalog this review in my mind. For instance, I'd value a review written by PC Gamer more than a regular forum goer or Is this review written by IGN staff or is Mark Moran just some random person writing a review like members?
for a professional review... that was really fanboish, but it might have been because his expectations were rock bottom (he didn't think the game would ever be released).
And it brings up an interesting point, none of the reviewers that will review this game have been following DF for very long and they don't notice what huge amount of material has been cut. This will make them appreciate the game for what it is, and maybe even give the game good reviews. This doesn't mean that the game WONT bomb, look at AoC, it had good content, given a 9, but it destroyed expectations, and thus tanked.
The screen shots back up this author's claims about a beautiful game world. I think you are trying to hard to dislike this game. Let it go man. Deep breaths.
"All I can say is, in respect to the forums and negativity about lag, poor gameplay, bad visuals, that has not been my experience at all. Darkfall is a viable contender for your money if you like FFA sandbox MMOs."
"Some would consider the release of Darkfall a miracle, as the game had been the definition of vaporware on MMORPG forums for years. For Darkfall to actually launch with very good stability and be entirely playable was not expected by this writer."
"First off, I was not expecting Darkfall's world of Agon to be so beautiful and inspired. The game world is spectacular. Sunsets are amazing. This world is an MMO explorer's dream."
"The sense of elevation in Darkfall is excellent, and easily ranks among the best examples in the genre."
"For a game built on old tech, Darkfall is stunning and Agon may very well be one of the best non-instanced persistent massive multiplayer game worlds ever created."
"Avatars are not the best I've ever seen but definitely not the worst. Somewhat disappointingly, Darkfall's avatars are not on the same level with the stunning game world. Character creation is basic but adequate."
"Mounts variation and visuals are some of the best I've seen in the genre."
"Combat may turn some people off of Darkfall. If you are looking for a deep, complex combat system, Darkfall probably will not fulfill that desire. I have two 'swings' that I can use during combat."
"Mounted combat is very well done in Darkfall, with the ability to 'lean' over the side of your mount and bring your weapon down hard across anyone in your path. "
"My personal take is that Aventurine deserves a lot of credit for what they have accomplished here. Exploits, launch issues, server downtime aside, Darkfall is very impressive. I've read over and over again how Darkfall reminds people of early Ultima Online and Asheron's Call. I was 100% a skeptic going into this game."
"Also, much to my surprise, Darkfall has not been a gankfest."
" I suspect another server or two will be opened up over the next month as I believe 'Euro 1' has 10,000 active accounts on it now. The server remains perfectly stable, and downtime has been minimal. Lag has not been an issue, even with a screen full of players."
Well, a couple of things. We know the reviewer is not a "homer", he even admits being skeptical about Darkfall, but was pleasantly surprised.
We know Adventurine doesn't have the money to pay this guy or anyone else off, because they are so small^^. We also know all those slights on the Noob Comic author were unwarranted and silly. Apparently, she was right even though she was a friend of Tasos. Yay for objectivity and professionalism! Boo for the naysayers and defamationists!
We know Adventurine appears to have delivered pretty much what they said they would for most of its "true fans", the people who have followed it for years.
Congratulations to Darkfall fans again on your game. In this day and age, it's really nice to see some MMO gamer ACTUALLY getting what he craved, wanted and was promised... unlike so many of us others who are still waiting for their particular "game". A bit of advice: DO NOT ALLOW Adventurine to change your game to suit the QQ crybabies who don't like it.. remember the SWG lesson. Stay vocal on your boards and encourage Tasos to keep everything that is working... working.
Aah, I love IGN. It's one of the only websites where all aspects, both good and bad, are looked at. Unlike some others, where they just keep bashing the bad points.
Thanks for linking!
You know it, the best way to realize your dreams is waking up and start moving, never lose hope and always keep up.
A decent write up but like so many other ppl who are gushing about the game they all seem to forget the "Honeymoon" period of a nice shiny fresh MMO to delve into, perhaps a review after say 2 or 3 months play might throw up a different perspective on the game when it has had time to settle down.
However I didn't feel the reviewer to be totally biased towards DF, he did point out some of the problems then game has faced and still facing, so we didn't get an overly hyped review.
I look forward to reading more reviews to see if all the games networks are singing from the same hymn sheet.
for a professional review... that was really fanboish, but it might have been because his expectations were rock bottom (he didn't think the game would ever be released).
And it brings up an interesting point, none of the reviewers that will review this game have been following DF for very long and they don't notice what huge amount of material has been cut. This will make them appreciate the game for what it is, and maybe even give the game good reviews. This doesn't mean that the game WONT bomb, look at AoC, it had good content, given a 9, but it destroyed expectations, and thus tanked.
Hmm, I don't doubt expectations play a role in a games release, but to be honest, the majority of people who buy these games don't visit forums or even follow a game. They hear about it somewhere and see a list of features, and say "hey, that sounds cool, I'll pick that up and give it a shot." Games usually fail because those type of people aren't fooled into, "we'll fix it over the next 3 months in patches," like many forum goers are fooled into believing. The fact of the matter, as I see it, is that most people buy and play a game for what it is, and if it isn't fun, they ditch it. This is probably why some of your more technical masterpieces are more popular than the technical disasters. Fighting with technical issues while playing a game, or UI issues, or gameplay (raw beta) issues isn't fun and will push normal players away.
Darkfall isn't a well known or advertised game, so it'll attract mainly the forum goers and game fenatics first, probably ensuring that this game will have a loyal following, so good for Adventurine.
But I agree with you. That reviewer sounded like a fanboi of Darkfall and it sounded like he still had his beer goggles on. I'm still going to give it 1-3 months or until the US servers release before I jump into the game, if ever. Some of these first impression reviews sound really good, while most also point out some serious flaws with the game.
Good to see some official sites starting to give good reviews. It will only be a matter of time before the trolls have to simply quit and cave in to the fact that this game is fun as shit to play, even though it has it's "new MMO" problems. Give it 2 months and this game will kick more ass then it does now.
A former vaportroll is being convienced by "game will show by itself".
After reading the first paragraph (in wich he openly admited he expected vapor) i expected a typical hater review but this one was fair to what he experienced in game..nice write up and review. Seems people who play find always positive things to talk about.
In one point his review haven't been accurate tho. He talked about combat and meant explicit and only mellee combat to give him to simple choices,. He praised mounted combat in the next sentence for example and i think ranged is pretty much fun and also magic.
-----MY-TERMS-OF-USE-------------------------------------------------- $OE - eternal enemy of online gaming -We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
The screen shots back up this author's claims about a beautiful game world. I think you are trying to hard to dislike this game. Let it go man. Deep breaths.
The screen shots were really good and multiple reviews comment on how nice the gameworld looks.
I'm still going to give it 1-3 months or until the US servers release before I jump into the game, if ever. Some of these first impression reviews sound really good, while most also point out some serious flaws with the game.
You act as if you have a choice to go out and get it now or next month or something, lol. If you're not in the game now, you are in line. And the way it looks like they plan to open more servers (slowly and cautiously.. good move), if you don't sign up and reserve a spot you will be waiting much longer. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, people should feel comfortable before diving in, especially after Warhammer and AoC.
But don't make it seem like you have some alternative here as a consumer. Whenever you decide, you'll still be in a big line because that many more people are already waiting and decided to play, long before official reviews came out.
It isn't an review. It's a Vault Network review. IGN's Darkfall section doesn't have a review.
So its a forum users review or a mods review?
This is the equivalent of a blog, nothing more or less. All of the Vault "previews" or "reviews" are nothing but site admins that are playing the game.
It isn't an review. It's a Vault Network review. IGN's Darkfall section doesn't have a review.
Omg i just realized that. you go to to and select previews and Darkfall is not mentioned. Infact you click on darkfall and there are NO review /preview.
Sorry but whats posted is NOT official from its a regular joe who posted his views of the game. His fews do not represent
Good try tho. I will prefer to wait for the "REAL" deal from
Watching Fanbois drop their soap in a prison full of desperate men.
I'm still going to give it 1-3 months or until the US servers release before I jump into the game, if ever. Some of these first impression reviews sound really good, while most also point out some serious flaws with the game.
You act as if you have a choice to go out and get it now or next month or something, lol. If you're not in the game now, you are in line. And the way it looks like they plan to open more servers (slowly and cautiously.. good move), if you don't sign up and reserve a spot you will be waiting much longer. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, people should feel comfortable before diving in, especially after Warhammer and AoC.
But don't make it seem like you have some alternative here as a consumer. Whenever you decide, you'll still be in a big line because that many more people are already waiting and decided to play, long before official reviews came out.
Oh I most certainly do have a choice and alternatives. I can choose to sit at the computure spamming F5 as others call it or I can wait until they are together enough to allow open access to the game, or I can not get the game at all. That's three choices and alternatives there. If I don't get the game, no sweat, because there's hundreds of games out there and just because it's a MMO or a FFA PvP MMO doesn't mean I'm going to wet myself if I don't get in; no skin off my back if Adventurine doesn't what my money when I want to give it, because there's other companies that do. You make it seem like it's a privelage to give Adventurine money and to play DFO, when in fact it's charity. If I am charitable, I might give Adventurine my money when I choose to, if they can prove they have a product worth investing in, because as of right now, their game is most certainly in a Beta state and it's nothing but charity to give them money right now.
thats an excellent write up,thanks for linking it. I like the option of having a last name-why dont more MMOs do that? Only lotro and guild wars have recently allowed you to do that. If it werent for the limited combat and what appears to be limited builds options,id definately shell out for this game even if just for the random pvp.
The review isn't even from IGN. Seriously guys why are you OVERLY trying to promote this game? Everyone here has seen it and can make up their mind for themself. Tasos lies enough for everyone, why do you have to? It was from vault.
thats an excellent write up,thanks for linking it. I like the option of having a last name-why dont more MMOs do that? Only lotro and guild wars have recently allowed you to do that.
If it werent for the limited combat and what appears to be limited builds options,id definately shell out for this game even if just for the random pvp.
You can have a last name in Everquest 2... you get it later, I think 20 (its been awhile) My Gnome Berzerker's name was "Dimple" I later added the last name "O'Doom"
Edit: Just finished reading the article. I must say I'm suprised to hear all the good comments about the game. I might give this game a go once they get the account management straightened out .
Further proof that IGN write ups are worthless.
A number of MMOs have been allowing surnames. Just not all of them allow it upon character creation. You just need to know where to look.
But I'm very very skeptical about this article from IGN. Its fairly obvious that he's aware of's existence and the politics therein. Honestly, we all know that Darkfall started a little clunky and still has some clunkiness to it.... playable but clunky.
As soon as the article writer said this:
"For Darkfall to actually launch with very good stability and be entirely playable was not expected by this writer."
I did not expect the writer to be as objective of their experience as other players, who admit that despite the PvP in Darkfall being fun... there still needs a chunk of stability fixes.
Who is Mark Moran and why does his review carry more weight than any other persons review. I'd like to know this so I know how to catalog this review in my mind. For instance, I'd value a review written by PC Gamer more than a regular forum goer or Is this review written by IGN staff or is Mark Moran just some random person writing a review like members?
for a professional review... that was really fanboish, but it might have been because his expectations were rock bottom (he didn't think the game would ever be released).
And it brings up an interesting point, none of the reviewers that will review this game have been following DF for very long and they don't notice what huge amount of material has been cut. This will make them appreciate the game for what it is, and maybe even give the game good reviews. This doesn't mean that the game WONT bomb, look at AoC, it had good content, given a 9, but it destroyed expectations, and thus tanked.
When I'm energetic I'm:
the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
When I'm at default I'm:
Lol according to this I'm bipolar :O
The screen shots back up this author's claims about a beautiful game world. I think you are trying to hard to dislike this game. Let it go man. Deep breaths.
Well, a couple of things. We know the reviewer is not a "homer", he even admits being skeptical about Darkfall, but was pleasantly surprised.
We know Adventurine doesn't have the money to pay this guy or anyone else off, because they are so small^^. We also know all those slights on the Noob Comic author were unwarranted and silly. Apparently, she was right even though she was a friend of Tasos. Yay for objectivity and professionalism! Boo for the naysayers and defamationists!
We know Adventurine appears to have delivered pretty much what they said they would for most of its "true fans", the people who have followed it for years.
Congratulations to Darkfall fans again on your game. In this day and age, it's really nice to see some MMO gamer ACTUALLY getting what he craved, wanted and was promised... unlike so many of us others who are still waiting for their particular "game". A bit of advice: DO NOT ALLOW Adventurine to change your game to suit the QQ crybabies who don't like it.. remember the SWG lesson. Stay vocal on your boards and encourage Tasos to keep everything that is working... working.
Have fun!
Aah, I love IGN. It's one of the only websites where all aspects, both good and bad, are looked at. Unlike some others, where they just keep bashing the bad points.
Thanks for linking!
You know it, the best way to realize your dreams is waking up and start moving, never lose hope and always keep up.
A decent write up but like so many other ppl who are gushing about the game they all seem to forget the "Honeymoon" period of a nice shiny fresh MMO to delve into, perhaps a review after say 2 or 3 months play might throw up a different perspective on the game when it has had time to settle down.
However I didn't feel the reviewer to be totally biased towards DF, he did point out some of the problems then game has faced and still facing, so we didn't get an overly hyped review.
I look forward to reading more reviews to see if all the games networks are singing from the same hymn sheet.
Hmm, I don't doubt expectations play a role in a games release, but to be honest, the majority of people who buy these games don't visit forums or even follow a game. They hear about it somewhere and see a list of features, and say "hey, that sounds cool, I'll pick that up and give it a shot." Games usually fail because those type of people aren't fooled into, "we'll fix it over the next 3 months in patches," like many forum goers are fooled into believing. The fact of the matter, as I see it, is that most people buy and play a game for what it is, and if it isn't fun, they ditch it. This is probably why some of your more technical masterpieces are more popular than the technical disasters. Fighting with technical issues while playing a game, or UI issues, or gameplay (raw beta) issues isn't fun and will push normal players away.
Darkfall isn't a well known or advertised game, so it'll attract mainly the forum goers and game fenatics first, probably ensuring that this game will have a loyal following, so good for Adventurine.
But I agree with you. That reviewer sounded like a fanboi of Darkfall and it sounded like he still had his beer goggles on. I'm still going to give it 1-3 months or until the US servers release before I jump into the game, if ever. Some of these first impression reviews sound really good, while most also point out some serious flaws with the game.
Good to see some official sites starting to give good reviews. It will only be a matter of time before the trolls have to simply quit and cave in to the fact that this game is fun as shit to play, even though it has it's "new MMO" problems. Give it 2 months and this game will kick more ass then it does now.
It isn't an review. It's a Vault Network review. IGN's Darkfall section doesn't have a review.
- RPG Quiz - can you get all 25 right?
- FPS Quiz - how well do you know your shooters?
A former vaportroll is being convienced by "game will show by itself".
After reading the first paragraph (in wich he openly admited he expected vapor) i expected a typical hater review but this one was fair to what he experienced in game..nice write up and review. Seems people who play find always positive things to talk about.
In one point his review haven't been accurate tho. He talked about combat and meant explicit and only mellee combat to give him to simple choices,. He praised mounted combat in the next sentence for example and i think ranged is pretty much fun and also magic.
$OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
-We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
The screen shots back up this author's claims about a beautiful game world. I think you are trying to hard to dislike this game. Let it go man. Deep breaths.
The screen shots were really good and multiple reviews comment on how nice the gameworld looks.
You act as if you have a choice to go out and get it now or next month or something, lol. If you're not in the game now, you are in line. And the way it looks like they plan to open more servers (slowly and cautiously.. good move), if you don't sign up and reserve a spot you will be waiting much longer. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, people should feel comfortable before diving in, especially after Warhammer and AoC.
But don't make it seem like you have some alternative here as a consumer. Whenever you decide, you'll still be in a big line because that many more people are already waiting and decided to play, long before official reviews came out.
thx for the link op i usually trust ign, except for their movie reviews they are not very good at that lol
It isn't an review. It's a Vault Network review. IGN's Darkfall section doesn't have a review.
So its a forum users review or a mods review?
It isn't an review. It's a Vault Network review. IGN's Darkfall section doesn't have a review.
So its a forum users review or a mods review?
This is the equivalent of a blog, nothing more or less. All of the Vault "previews" or "reviews" are nothing but site admins that are playing the game.
It isn't an review. It's a Vault Network review. IGN's Darkfall section doesn't have a review.
Omg i just realized that. you go to to and select previews and Darkfall is not mentioned. Infact you click on darkfall and there are NO review /preview.
Sorry but whats posted is NOT official from its a regular joe who posted his views of the game. His fews do not represent
Good try tho. I will prefer to wait for the "REAL" deal from
Watching Fanbois drop their soap in a prison full of desperate men.
there is one "reader review" on with a 9.5 rating!
Lets discuss that 1 person clicking a high number and not providing any write up.
You act as if you have a choice to go out and get it now or next month or something, lol. If you're not in the game now, you are in line. And the way it looks like they plan to open more servers (slowly and cautiously.. good move), if you don't sign up and reserve a spot you will be waiting much longer. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, people should feel comfortable before diving in, especially after Warhammer and AoC.
But don't make it seem like you have some alternative here as a consumer. Whenever you decide, you'll still be in a big line because that many more people are already waiting and decided to play, long before official reviews came out.
Oh I most certainly do have a choice and alternatives. I can choose to sit at the computure spamming F5 as others call it or I can wait until they are together enough to allow open access to the game, or I can not get the game at all. That's three choices and alternatives there. If I don't get the game, no sweat, because there's hundreds of games out there and just because it's a MMO or a FFA PvP MMO doesn't mean I'm going to wet myself if I don't get in; no skin off my back if Adventurine doesn't what my money when I want to give it, because there's other companies that do. You make it seem like it's a privelage to give Adventurine money and to play DFO, when in fact it's charity. If I am charitable, I might give Adventurine my money when I choose to, if they can prove they have a product worth investing in, because as of right now, their game is most certainly in a Beta state and it's nothing but charity to give them money right now.
Warhammer does too.
The review isn't even from IGN. Seriously guys why are you OVERLY trying to promote this game? Everyone here has seen it and can make up their mind for themself. Tasos lies enough for everyone, why do you have to? It was from vault.
Warhammer does too.
So does DAoC, EQ, EQ2, WoW, Horizons, and almost every other MMO I have played or tried.