Well me and my gf made a couple of new chars on WoW about a week or so ago, she made a male tauren druid, and i made a female undead lock. and its amusing to see peoples reaction to seeing a huge ass male tauren talk like a girl haha.
Well me and my gf made a couple of new chars on WoW about a week or so ago, she made a male tauren druid, and i made a female undead lock. and its amusing to see peoples reaction to seeing a huge ass male tauren talk like a girl haha.
lol yea.. it's kinda of weird playing a male tauren, to be honest. Female taurens felt weird to play so I didn't pick that out. I personally think UD and Tauren Males look better than the female class. The jokes and flirt comments were amusing.
Here is the real kicker in the ol GEM SACK. When I just beat some poor sap playing a gal toon in pvp. Now he has to go to be wondering if he just got beat by a GAL.
What are your thoughts......
To be honest, the above is what i find the most disturbing part of your post. Not to be picking on you but "so what" if a woman beats a man?
It seems to me that your thinking is a bit archaic (to be nice) and that the idea of woman beating a man is emasculating somehow?
I don't know, it just seems a bit backwards to me. So if your wife made more money than you would that be a problem? Or if you had a female supervisor? If a woman is smarter than you is that a problem?
I do believe that there are differences between men and women (besides the physical) but I don't believe the differences are so wide that one can ignore the fact that women are people with strengths and weaknesses just like men.
Interesting statement you made. I am all for woman's rights. I am all for woman who are CEO's of any company and if I was married and my wife made more money then me I would praise her for her achievements. My comment about a guy playing a gal beating a guy in pvp I think is very funny sometimes because some guys have that backwards thinking it is a macho thing for pvp players to be the best in BG's and the attitude for some is that the best player on any realm are guy toons. I would love to see woman toon regardless if being played by a man or woman be on top for a change as the best pvp player or at least bottom line just have fun with your game. Play your toon to your like. Keep it real.
I'm a male and I've always played male characters although I agree that women characters have better looking models and their gear fits better than most male characters. I don't have a problem with male playing women characters at all, it just sort of questionable when one goes full tilt with it. Like winking at male toons, blowing kisses and other emotes. I was a guildmaster and had a guy who played a female toon who did these things. I thought he was a female until he signed up to the guild's messageboard he did so as a male. He was always doing sublte things like calling male toons hun or babe, and very e-affectionate(if that's a term lol) to all of the male toons he quested with in the guild. I play the game with my wife, she was the assisnt GM so it didn't bother me either way really as I wasn't flirting and I didn't and don't play mmorpg to hit on chicks. It's just sort of odd that he was behaving as a woman, and he'd never come on to vent or teamspeak as he didn't want to use his speaking voice. When I brought it up in casual conversation, he ended up leaving the guild. Weird...was a damn good guild officer. I think it's a some what deeper issue when someone who is male plays a female toon and interact with male players as a female player would and does it for over a year. I mean to each it's own. It doesn't bother me being that I take social interactions within the game with a grain of salt, but I can understand how a person who doesn't think like I do could be upset by something like this.
^^^^I really wanted to get some feedback on this as I don't think it has been addressed on this thread. What about those guys who play female toons and interact with male toons and players as if they are females? Most of everyone think that it's the "keyboard casanovas" who have a problem with men playing as women toons. I think this is a seperate issue in itself. I went into deeper detail in my quote above.
MMORPG played in order played: Sims Online, WoW, CoX, EQ2, LinksRealm, LOTRO,TOR...and counting
I never play female, i just can't identify with them. i don't want to be female IRL so why would i play one?
Isn't that really what it's about, we play games to live out certain roles we can't in RL?
I mean if people could easily be a mage in a team, owning in dangerous dungeons, in real life, who would want to play WoW?
To me it looks more like an excuse to express a feminine side, or that they are simply gay.
I don't have anything against a male playing a female, whatever floats your boat I guess...
But I DO have something against people that can't be honest about who they are, males that pretend to be female even in OOC. If you want to be anonymous then just be silent about it, or say that you don't want to tell. which is perfectly allright ofc.
To me most of them comes across as gay. Which i don't have a problem with as long as they are honest about it.
And i also don't see anything wrong with flirting with someone ingame - to the poster that said you have to pay to chat with girls?? That's just bs.
Yet during all my online gaming time I don't think I've seriously hit on a female even once, cause i like to get to know the person playing first, obviously with all the males playing females....
Heh, I play girls in game some of the time. Why? Well, the eye candy is always on the girls. Also, I get a laugh when some guy comes trying to hit me up. What started guys playing gals? Well, back in the days where they only online games were FPS, girl avatars had a smaller silouette making them harder to target. The same still holds true for the most part. Female toons are harder to pick out because they are usually slimmer and shorter than male characters, whom the developers seem to see as only these hulking big guys.
I pick female toons pretty often, simply because they mostly look more agile and fast. In WoW for instance I cant really play some of the male model; they look downright ugly and utterly clumsy, like a walking brickwall. The exceptions would be blood elf and undead.
I also never create my toon to be my alter ego, I create it to be a unique individual (in a way I might be roleplaying i guess). Furthermore, I dont give a crap about the gender of people I play a computor game with. Youre a guy? Good for you! Youre a girl? Good for you! Youre an evolved blob from outer space with an interest in computor games? Good for you ( I guess).
I enjoy playing a female toon because they don't nag, tell you to put down the toilet seat, watch "The View" "Oprah" "Ellen" "Dr Phil" all day then bitch you out when you get home from work for being such a shit as a husband.
They also like to game, and can't wait for you to log into them.
Here is the real kicker in the ol GEM SACK. When I just beat some poor sap playing a gal toon in pvp. Now he has to go to be wondering if he just got beat by a GAL. What are your thoughts......
This is totally sexist.
When you get a little older, maybe 18 or 20 or so youll realize that there are MANY a girl out there who can do things better than a lot of guys can, it works both ways. Besides, all it is is hand eye coordination and not sleeping (and not even tough hand eye cordination, especially in wow). MMOs are simple to play and any girl can do it just as well as a guy if they want. Hell, my last girlfriend was playing MMOs for years before I even knew what they were.
Sadly some people past their early 20s still dont realize this.
Besides, why make fun of a guy for playing a female character when if you really step back and look at the picture you could make fun of every guy for paying money to enter a fake virtual world and play as an ELF or an ORC with magical powers. Its just as silly/nerdy/odd/pathetic to the rest of the world.
Originally posted by Scagweed22 is it the graphics? the repetativenesses? i mean what is the point? you could be so much more productive in real life Real life brings repetition and pointlessness too. The only thing real life offers is Great graphics. Its kinda expensive too and way to dependent on the cash shop. Totally pay to win as well. No thank you. Ill stick to my games.
male or female most of us have played lara croft in a video game . same thing really its a virtual fantasy world .most of my characters are male but i do have a couple of female ones in warcraft and city of heroes . i dont have a problem with it but then again i m not some spotty little teenager who is worried that playing a female character now and they will effect his sexuality . in fact if i recall guys used to like playing lara croft because she was eye candy . lol .
Here is the real kicker in the ol GEM SACK. When I just beat some poor sap playing a gal toon in pvp. Now he has to go to be wondering if he just got beat by a GAL. What are your thoughts......
This is totally sexist.
When you get a little older, maybe 18 or 20 or so youll realize that there are MANY a girl out there who can do things better than a lot of guys can, it works both ways. Besides, all it is is hand eye coordination and not sleeping (and not even tough hand eye cordination, especially in wow). MMOs are simple to play and any girl can do it just as well as a guy if they want. Hell, my last girlfriend was playing MMOs for years before I even knew what they were.
Sadly some people past their early 20s still dont realize this.
Besides, why make fun of a guy for playing a female character when if you really step back and look at the picture you could make fun of every guy for paying money to enter a fake virtual world and play as an ELF or an ORC with magical powers. Its just as silly/nerdy/odd/pathetic to the rest of the world.
Ozreth I will give you the benfit of the doubt that you did not read my reply to Sovrath post #55 in this thread. To clearify I will quote myself again as so you can see I did NOT mean any thing by my original thoughts and aculy I am far from sexist. So with out further to adue:
"Interesting statement you made. I am all for woman's rights. I am all for woman who are CEO's of any company and if I was married and my wife made more money then me I would praise her for her achievements. My comment about a guy playing a gal beating a guy in pvp I think is very funny sometimes because some guys have that backwards thinking it is a macho thing for pvp players to be the best in BG's and the attitude for some is that the best player on any realm are guy toons. I would love to see woman toon regardless if being played by a man or woman be on top for a change as the best pvp player or at least bottom line just have fun with your game. Play your toon to your like. Keep it real."
Here is the real kicker in the ol GEM SACK. When I just beat some poor sap playing a gal toon in pvp. Now he has to go to be wondering if he just got beat by a GAL. What are your thoughts......
This is totally sexist.
When you get a little older, maybe 18 or 20 or so youll realize that there are MANY a girl out there who can do things better than a lot of guys can, it works both ways. Besides, all it is is hand eye coordination and not sleeping (and not even tough hand eye cordination, especially in wow). MMOs are simple to play and any girl can do it just as well as a guy if they want. Hell, my last girlfriend was playing MMOs for years before I even knew what they were.
Sadly some people past their early 20s still dont realize this.
Besides, why make fun of a guy for playing a female character when if you really step back and look at the picture you could make fun of every guy for paying money to enter a fake virtual world and play as an ELF or an ORC with magical powers. Its just as silly/nerdy/odd/pathetic to the rest of the world.
Ozreth I will give you the benfit of the doubt that you did not read my reply to Sovrath post #55 in this thread. To clearify I will quote myself again as so you can see I did NOT mean any thing by my original thoughts and aculy I am far from sexist. So with out further to adue:
"Interesting statement you made. I am all for woman's rights. I am all for woman who are CEO's of any company and if I was married and my wife made more money then me I would praise her for her achievements. My comment about a guy playing a gal beating a guy in pvp I think is very funny sometimes because some guys have that backwards thinking it is a macho thing for pvp players to be the best in BG's and the attitude for some is that the best player on any realm are guy toons. I would love to see woman toon regardless if being played by a man or woman be on top for a change as the best pvp player or at least bottom line just have fun with your game. Play your toon to your like. Keep it real."
I stand corrected : )
Originally posted by Scagweed22 is it the graphics? the repetativenesses? i mean what is the point? you could be so much more productive in real life Real life brings repetition and pointlessness too. The only thing real life offers is Great graphics. Its kinda expensive too and way to dependent on the cash shop. Totally pay to win as well. No thank you. Ill stick to my games.
Guy on the first page got the gist of it right imo; if you find that you have a problem with people who play a character of the opposite gender or if you could never concieve of playing one yourself without feeling like you're doing something wrong/unnatural; then you're way too invested in the game and probably need to take a couple of mental steps back and reconsider your perspective, 'cos this issue says a lot more about you than it does about the cross-gender player.
Like a lot of people, I choose the gender of my characters based on how they look; my main WoW character is a male tauren druid and my alt is a female orc hunter; I would never play a troll or undead of either gender because their visual styles don't appeal to me.
Playing: EVE, Final Fantasy 13, Uncharted 2, Need for Speed: Shift
Female toons are usually the 2nd characters I have, because the first has to be male and reserve my name in the world. I love having a female toon too because I like to model them after one of my ladies that I knew and just play and have something to look at. Not that I have a problem, it's because I like to be something diffrerent.
Some guys are perplexed why a MAN would play a female character in a game. The real issue they are having with the "problem" is not that it is gay or that they think the guy has transgender issues... but the fact they like to cyber. They hate they could possibly be flirting with a man.
These types of people sees MMO's as a possible dating venue where they can flirt and cyber with chicks they wouldn't dare talk to in real life. That's the real issue. God forbid they started flirting with a cyber chick that's actually a dude in real life. That is where these threads are coming from under the disguise of "why do guys play chicks".
It reminds me of those threads you will ALWAYS see on a new and upcoming MMO's message board called "How many of you are girls which will be playing this game" or a variant of it like "post your picture". The only people upset about guys playing female characters are the so-called keyboard cassanovas.
Nobody else has a reason to care
I will take it one step futher. I bet a number of these people who get upset when they found out that gal was a guy are really closet pedophiles hoping to be cybering with chldren. What healthly adult would risk flirting with strangers in a game with a large number of children playing it? Perents need to watch who is talking to their kids online.
Its just a game who cares what you play girl toon or boy toon i dont choose something that reflect rl i choose a avatar that i like most sometimes female sometimes male but if its posible i like mostly choose a character that is as far from rl as it is like in ac2 tumerok or darkfall mahirim.
Games played:AC1-Darktide'99-2000-AC2-Darktide/dawnsong2003-2005,Lineage2-2005-2006 and now Darkfall-2009..... In between WoW few months AoC few months and some f2p also all very short few weeks.
Well if I make a male or female toon in a game... I mean I'm there to play a game. I'm not there to pick people up or cyborz for cash. If you are really that stuck on the "gender" of pixels around you.. perhaps the problem is with the person with the fixation.
There is also this thing about entering a "fantasy" world (I mean it can be sci-fi but its not real so generic "fantasy").
You can do things you can't do in real life.
Now developers have been doing everything to make me more gimp "in game" than I am in real life. Which hey why should i pay for that.
Ever look at most male models? They are some kinda ugly normally.
Now honestly if I have to be more gimp in game than I am in real life fine... But why in the hell do I have to play to be uglier in game than I am in real life?
So ya I occasionally make female toons. Generally the only thing I make as a female is any assassin or thief type character I might play.
I dont get the idea why people play a different gender than themselves at all. I play an idealized version of me, I want to feel like "hey thats me living that heroic life" and not "hey I watch some good looking char that isnt me like some barbie doll doing stuff." I roleplay me or aspects of me. Playing something I could not relate to would totally beat the point of playing a MMO for me.
So if you wrote a book, would all the characters be male variations of yourself?
I don't think its as much "hey I watch some good looking char that isn't me" but rather "hey I watch some good looking char that I created".
If you consider yourself to "BE" the avatar, then a female toon would imply some cross gender exploration. However, if you consider yourself to be writing your own story rather than playing an idealized version of yourself, than a female avatar is just one of the characters you made up.
Originally posted by Isturi I would rather enjoy the look of my creation with the pleasantness of a female toon as I lvl her up.
Something implied in this line - as you level HER up. That is, she, your character, is a she. Not the player, dressed up as a girl, but an entity seperate from yourself.
I wonder if that's where the difference in opinion on this comes from. People who only play their own gender, and get creeped out when others don't do the same, tend to think of the game as being like a chat room, where your character is supposed to be representative of yourself. Some even try to make their characters look like themselves.
I see it as seperate. My character is under my control, but not supposed to represent ME at all. I even get annoyed when people call my female toons a he, because they mean me. It can be subtle, but there's a difference between talking about me, the player, and talking about my character. You can refer to my character as a "she" without me thinking that you're mistaking me, the player, for a girl.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
To me, my character in an MMO is the same as the white blob at the bottom of the screen in Space Invaders - it's my 'ship.' If I could paint massive flames across the sides and a great big shark mouth on the front, I would. Since those options aren't available to me in MMOs, I go with what's available. That basically means most of my characters will be red-headed archer chicks that look like they just came out of an Awesome Abs exercise video. I'm a male and I'm more than comfortable with that.
Actually, a few MMOs recently offered tattoo options, so I have been able to achieve that 'flames up the sides' look as well, which makes me happy and full of glee.
-- Whammy - a 64x64 miniRPG - RPG Quiz - can you get all 25 right? - FPS Quiz - how well do you know your shooters?
Originally posted by Isturi I would rather enjoy the look of my creation with the pleasantness of a female toon as I lvl her up.
Something implied in this line - as you level HER up. That is, she, your character, is a she. Not the player, dressed up as a girl, but an entity seperate from yourself.
I wonder if that's where the difference in opinion on this comes from. People who only play their own gender, and get creeped out when others don't do the same, tend to think of the game as being like a chat room, where your character is supposed to be representative of yourself. Some even try to make their characters look like themselves.
I see it as seperate. My character is under my control, but not supposed to represent ME at all. I even get annoyed when people call my female toons a he, because they mean me. It can be subtle, but there's a difference between talking about me, the player, and talking about my character. You can refer to my character as a "she" without me thinking that you're mistaking me, the player, for a girl.
Well put, I agree completely. Some people just have trouble digesting the virtualization of social contact and the differences and levels of (inter)faces you can present yourself with. Strage is that they accept that a character is a gnome dwarf elf or whatever without assuming anything about height, beard or pointness of ears of the player, yet gender is different. I guess because it's a common factor everyone can understad and is clearly defined, dunno. I wonder if a MMO gave genderless race or more genders per race, it's fantasy worlds, they do not have to be so similar to our world in so many defining concepts FFS.
Anyway... I play female dwarfs whenever there is a choice to do so and it's not in any way a decision influenced by any sexual factor, I just love that combination and enjoy being a rare sight and memorable for the people I play with.
Subscribtions: EVE, SWTOR WOW, WAR, DDO, VG, AOC, COV, FFXI, GW, RFO, Aion +plenty of F2P, betas, trials
Female Dwarf player: WOW, VG, WAR, DDO . Due to the recent economic crisis and spending cuts the light at the end of the tunnel was turned off. Sincerely, God.
I play female toons upon occasion. The reason being that there is always a guy who will give you gold or equipment to be "nice" to you. Then they flirt, at which point I tell them I am a 57 year old male and ride off with the loot and money they gave me. Also if solo playing and in trouble - players are more likely to bail out a female character than a male one. This has been my experience. Usually I play male, but I do like the extras that come with playing a female character.
Lastly I like playing a Female tank - the reactions of the other players is usually pretty cool.
When graphics in MMORPGs were poor, I used to almost exclusively play males. As they got better, I started playing girls more and more, though I always name them something that makes it pretty obvioous I am not a girl Now it;s basically 50/50 chance I make a male or I make a female. Uusually after I see the avatar on character creation it just pops into my mind if I'm going to make a male or female character/ Then I play the game and usually never even realize I'm playing a male/female chaarcater regardless. Heh.
I usually just assume a person is male, unless they say otherwise. I'm not trying to hookup online, so it doesn't matter to me if it's a guy playing a female character.
Playing - FFXIV, ESO Played - FFXI, WoW, Lineage 2, Guild Wars, Aion, SWToR, LotRO, GW2, TERA, Rift, ArcheAge, TSW
Well me and my gf made a couple of new chars on WoW about a week or so ago, she made a male tauren druid, and i made a female undead lock. and its amusing to see peoples reaction to seeing a huge ass male tauren talk like a girl haha.
lol yea.. it's kinda of weird playing a male tauren, to be honest. Female taurens felt weird to play so I didn't pick that out. I personally think UD and Tauren Males look better than the female class. The jokes and flirt comments were amusing.
~ Moobacca (feral combat druid) ftw!
^^^^I really wanted to get some feedback on this as I don't think it has been addressed on this thread. What about those guys who play female toons and interact with male toons and players as if they are females? Most of everyone think that it's the "keyboard casanovas" who have a problem with men playing as women toons. I think this is a seperate issue in itself. I went into deeper detail in my quote above.
MMORPG played in order played: Sims Online, WoW, CoX, EQ2, LinksRealm, LOTRO,TOR...and counting
I never play female, i just can't identify with them. i don't want to be female IRL so why would i play one?
Isn't that really what it's about, we play games to live out certain roles we can't in RL?
I mean if people could easily be a mage in a team, owning in dangerous dungeons, in real life, who would want to play WoW?
To me it looks more like an excuse to express a feminine side, or that they are simply gay.
I don't have anything against a male playing a female, whatever floats your boat I guess...
But I DO have something against people that can't be honest about who they are, males that pretend to be female even in OOC. If you want to be anonymous then just be silent about it, or say that you don't want to tell. which is perfectly allright ofc.
To me most of them comes across as gay. Which i don't have a problem with as long as they are honest about it.
And i also don't see anything wrong with flirting with someone ingame - to the poster that said you have to pay to chat with girls?? That's just bs.
Yet during all my online gaming time I don't think I've seriously hit on a female even once, cause i like to get to know the person playing first, obviously with all the males playing females....
If you're gay then just admit it?
Heh, I play girls in game some of the time. Why? Well, the eye candy is always on the girls. Also, I get a laugh when some guy comes trying to hit me up. What started guys playing gals? Well, back in the days where they only online games were FPS, girl avatars had a smaller silouette making them harder to target. The same still holds true for the most part. Female toons are harder to pick out because they are usually slimmer and shorter than male characters, whom the developers seem to see as only these hulking big guys.
I pick female toons pretty often, simply because they mostly look more agile and fast. In WoW for instance I cant really play some of the male model; they look downright ugly and utterly clumsy, like a walking brickwall. The exceptions would be blood elf and undead.
I also never create my toon to be my alter ego, I create it to be a unique individual (in a way I might be roleplaying i guess). Furthermore, I dont give a crap about the gender of people I play a computor game with. Youre a guy? Good for you! Youre a girl? Good for you! Youre an evolved blob from outer space with an interest in computor games? Good for you ( I guess).
I enjoy playing a female toon because they don't nag, tell you to put down the toilet seat, watch "The View" "Oprah" "Ellen" "Dr Phil" all day then bitch you out when you get home from work for being such a shit as a husband.
They also like to game, and can't wait for you to log into them.
This is totally sexist.
When you get a little older, maybe 18 or 20 or so youll realize that there are MANY a girl out there who can do things better than a lot of guys can, it works both ways. Besides, all it is is hand eye coordination and not sleeping (and not even tough hand eye cordination, especially in wow). MMOs are simple to play and any girl can do it just as well as a guy if they want. Hell, my last girlfriend was playing MMOs for years before I even knew what they were.
Sadly some people past their early 20s still dont realize this.
Besides, why make fun of a guy for playing a female character when if you really step back and look at the picture you could make fun of every guy for paying money to enter a fake virtual world and play as an ELF or an ORC with magical powers. Its just as silly/nerdy/odd/pathetic to the rest of the world.
Originally posted by Scagweed22
is it the graphics? the repetativenesses? i mean what is the point? you could be so much more productive in real life
Real life brings repetition and pointlessness too. The only thing real life offers is Great graphics. Its kinda expensive too and way to dependent on the cash shop. Totally pay to win as well. No thank you. Ill stick to my games.
male or female most of us have played lara croft in a video game . same thing really its a virtual fantasy world .most of my characters are male but i do have a couple of female ones in warcraft and city of heroes . i dont have a problem with it but then again i m not some spotty little teenager who is worried that playing a female character now and they will effect his sexuality . in fact if i recall guys used to like playing lara croft because she was eye candy . lol .
This is totally sexist.
When you get a little older, maybe 18 or 20 or so youll realize that there are MANY a girl out there who can do things better than a lot of guys can, it works both ways. Besides, all it is is hand eye coordination and not sleeping (and not even tough hand eye cordination, especially in wow). MMOs are simple to play and any girl can do it just as well as a guy if they want. Hell, my last girlfriend was playing MMOs for years before I even knew what they were.
Sadly some people past their early 20s still dont realize this.
Besides, why make fun of a guy for playing a female character when if you really step back and look at the picture you could make fun of every guy for paying money to enter a fake virtual world and play as an ELF or an ORC with magical powers. Its just as silly/nerdy/odd/pathetic to the rest of the world.
Ozreth I will give you the benfit of the doubt that you did not read my reply to Sovrath post #55 in this thread. To clearify I will quote myself again as so you can see I did NOT mean any thing by my original thoughts and aculy I am far from sexist. So with out further to adue:
"Interesting statement you made. I am all for woman's rights. I am all for woman who are CEO's of any company and if I was married and my wife made more money then me I would praise her for her achievements. My comment about a guy playing a gal beating a guy in pvp I think is very funny sometimes because some guys have that backwards thinking it is a macho thing for pvp players to be the best in BG's and the attitude for some is that the best player on any realm are guy toons. I would love to see woman toon regardless if being played by a man or woman be on top for a change as the best pvp player or at least bottom line just have fun with your game. Play your toon to your like. Keep it real."
This is totally sexist.
When you get a little older, maybe 18 or 20 or so youll realize that there are MANY a girl out there who can do things better than a lot of guys can, it works both ways. Besides, all it is is hand eye coordination and not sleeping (and not even tough hand eye cordination, especially in wow). MMOs are simple to play and any girl can do it just as well as a guy if they want. Hell, my last girlfriend was playing MMOs for years before I even knew what they were.
Sadly some people past their early 20s still dont realize this.
Besides, why make fun of a guy for playing a female character when if you really step back and look at the picture you could make fun of every guy for paying money to enter a fake virtual world and play as an ELF or an ORC with magical powers. Its just as silly/nerdy/odd/pathetic to the rest of the world.
Ozreth I will give you the benfit of the doubt that you did not read my reply to Sovrath post #55 in this thread. To clearify I will quote myself again as so you can see I did NOT mean any thing by my original thoughts and aculy I am far from sexist. So with out further to adue:
"Interesting statement you made. I am all for woman's rights. I am all for woman who are CEO's of any company and if I was married and my wife made more money then me I would praise her for her achievements. My comment about a guy playing a gal beating a guy in pvp I think is very funny sometimes because some guys have that backwards thinking it is a macho thing for pvp players to be the best in BG's and the attitude for some is that the best player on any realm are guy toons. I would love to see woman toon regardless if being played by a man or woman be on top for a change as the best pvp player or at least bottom line just have fun with your game. Play your toon to your like. Keep it real."
I stand corrected : )
Originally posted by Scagweed22
is it the graphics? the repetativenesses? i mean what is the point? you could be so much more productive in real life
Real life brings repetition and pointlessness too. The only thing real life offers is Great graphics. Its kinda expensive too and way to dependent on the cash shop. Totally pay to win as well. No thank you. Ill stick to my games.
Guy on the first page got the gist of it right imo; if you find that you have a problem with people who play a character of the opposite gender or if you could never concieve of playing one yourself without feeling like you're doing something wrong/unnatural; then you're way too invested in the game and probably need to take a couple of mental steps back and reconsider your perspective, 'cos this issue says a lot more about you than it does about the cross-gender player.
Like a lot of people, I choose the gender of my characters based on how they look; my main WoW character is a male tauren druid and my alt is a female orc hunter; I would never play a troll or undead of either gender because their visual styles don't appeal to me.
Playing: EVE, Final Fantasy 13, Uncharted 2, Need for Speed: Shift
Female toons are usually the 2nd characters I have, because the first has to be male and reserve my name in the world. I love having a female toon too because I like to model them after one of my ladies that I knew and just play and have something to look at. Not that I have a problem, it's because I like to be something diffrerent.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
I will take it one step futher. I bet a number of these people who get upset when they found out that gal was a guy are really closet pedophiles hoping to be cybering with chldren. What healthly adult would risk flirting with strangers in a game with a large number of children playing it? Perents need to watch who is talking to their kids online.
Its just a game who cares what you play girl toon or boy toon i dont choose something that reflect rl i choose a avatar that i like most sometimes female sometimes male but if its posible i like mostly choose a character that is as far from rl as it is like in ac2 tumerok or darkfall mahirim.
Games played:AC1-Darktide'99-2000-AC2-Darktide/dawnsong2003-2005,Lineage2-2005-2006 and now Darkfall-2009.....
In between WoW few months AoC few months and some f2p also all very short few weeks.
For some, this is "just a game", but scaringly enough for the most part, MMO's is a lifestyle.
Well if I make a male or female toon in a game... I mean I'm there to play a game. I'm not there to pick people up or cyborz for cash. If you are really that stuck on the "gender" of pixels around you.. perhaps the problem is with the person with the fixation.
There is also this thing about entering a "fantasy" world (I mean it can be sci-fi but its not real so generic "fantasy").
You can do things you can't do in real life.
Now developers have been doing everything to make me more gimp "in game" than I am in real life. Which hey why should i pay for that.
Ever look at most male models? They are some kinda ugly normally.
Now honestly if I have to be more gimp in game than I am in real life fine... But why in the hell do I have to play to be uglier in game than I am in real life?
So ya I occasionally make female toons. Generally the only thing I make as a female is any assassin or thief type character I might play.
So if you wrote a book, would all the characters be male variations of yourself?
I don't think its as much "hey I watch some good looking char that isn't me" but rather "hey I watch some good looking char that I created".
If you consider yourself to "BE" the avatar, then a female toon would imply some cross gender exploration. However, if you consider yourself to be writing your own story rather than playing an idealized version of yourself, than a female avatar is just one of the characters you made up.
Something implied in this line - as you level HER up. That is, she, your character, is a she. Not the player, dressed up as a girl, but an entity seperate from yourself.
I wonder if that's where the difference in opinion on this comes from. People who only play their own gender, and get creeped out when others don't do the same, tend to think of the game as being like a chat room, where your character is supposed to be representative of yourself. Some even try to make their characters look like themselves.
I see it as seperate. My character is under my control, but not supposed to represent ME at all. I even get annoyed when people call my female toons a he, because they mean me. It can be subtle, but there's a difference between talking about me, the player, and talking about my character. You can refer to my character as a "she" without me thinking that you're mistaking me, the player, for a girl.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
To me, my character in an MMO is the same as the white blob at the bottom of the screen in Space Invaders - it's my 'ship.' If I could paint massive flames across the sides and a great big shark mouth on the front, I would. Since those options aren't available to me in MMOs, I go with what's available. That basically means most of my characters will be red-headed archer chicks that look like they just came out of an Awesome Abs exercise video. I'm a male and I'm more than comfortable with that.
Actually, a few MMOs recently offered tattoo options, so I have been able to achieve that 'flames up the sides' look as well, which makes me happy and full of glee.
- RPG Quiz - can you get all 25 right?
- FPS Quiz - how well do you know your shooters?
Something implied in this line - as you level HER up. That is, she, your character, is a she. Not the player, dressed up as a girl, but an entity seperate from yourself.
I wonder if that's where the difference in opinion on this comes from. People who only play their own gender, and get creeped out when others don't do the same, tend to think of the game as being like a chat room, where your character is supposed to be representative of yourself. Some even try to make their characters look like themselves.
I see it as seperate. My character is under my control, but not supposed to represent ME at all. I even get annoyed when people call my female toons a he, because they mean me. It can be subtle, but there's a difference between talking about me, the player, and talking about my character. You can refer to my character as a "she" without me thinking that you're mistaking me, the player, for a girl.
Well put, I agree completely. Some people just have trouble digesting the virtualization of social contact and the differences and levels of (inter)faces you can present yourself with. Strage is that they accept that a character is a gnome dwarf elf or whatever without assuming anything about height, beard or pointness of ears of the player, yet gender is different. I guess because it's a common factor everyone can understad and is clearly defined, dunno. I wonder if a MMO gave genderless race or more genders per race, it's fantasy worlds, they do not have to be so similar to our world in so many defining concepts FFS.
Anyway... I play female dwarfs whenever there is a choice to do so and it's not in any way a decision influenced by any sexual factor, I just love that combination and enjoy being a rare sight and memorable for the people I play with.
Subscribtions: EVE, SWTOR WOW, WAR, DDO, VG, AOC, COV, FFXI, GW, RFO, Aion
+plenty of F2P, betas, trials
Female Dwarf player: WOW, VG, WAR, DDO
Due to the recent economic crisis and spending cuts the light at the end of the tunnel was turned off. Sincerely, God.
I play female toons upon occasion. The reason being that there is always a guy who will give you gold or equipment to be "nice" to you. Then they flirt, at which point I tell them I am a 57 year old male and ride off with the loot and money they gave me. Also if solo playing and in trouble - players are more likely to bail out a female character than a male one. This has been my experience. Usually I play male, but I do like the extras that come with playing a female character.
Lastly I like playing a Female tank - the reactions of the other players is usually pretty cool.
When graphics in MMORPGs were poor, I used to almost exclusively play males. As they got better, I started playing girls more and more, though I always name them something that makes it pretty obvioous I am not a girl Now it;s basically 50/50 chance I make a male or I make a female. Uusually after I see the avatar on character creation it just pops into my mind if I'm going to make a male or female character/ Then I play the game and usually never even realize I'm playing a male/female chaarcater regardless. Heh.
I usually just assume a person is male, unless they say otherwise. I'm not trying to hookup online, so it doesn't matter to me if it's a guy playing a female character.
Playing - FFXIV, ESO
Played - FFXI, WoW, Lineage 2, Guild Wars, Aion, SWToR, LotRO, GW2, TERA, Rift, ArcheAge, TSW