I have seen alot of bashing and some that like the game , and that just it, a Game and some a lifestyle for some, i have played and was bored to tears but have other friends who like it , but i bash them , lol the only thing that gets me is that FFXI is out sources they servers and they cant even manage there own game GEEZ!
ur post only half makes sense...
are you talking crypticly or are you just not very good at speaking?
That aside.. yeah they need better servers.. well more servers... and they need to seperate the PS people and the PC people.. the people who play on their PS2's just lag the game so much.
I never get any unbearable lag, just when i run its a bit jumpy if there are people on PS2 about... and occasionally it takes a lil longer o cast a spell than it should...
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-my 2 cents-
Oh yea, I forgot. Unless you seriously don't have a life. Good luck on finding groups past level 50, because finding a party takes roughly an average of 2-3 hours to form. Minimum 1 hour to get a party started, maximum, oh I'd take a random guess ... 5 hours? And this is for a group that will stick together for over 1 hours of experiencing. AND, most of the time ... you have a high probability chance of having someone seriously incompetant that will probably end your group in complete disaster, and death costing you the expereince you just spent hours attaining. There's nothing more painful than to spend about 2 hours forming a group, another hour going to the camp, and another hour getting into a groove, and then getting obliterated by an incompetant party member, and come out of this disaster in negative experience gained. Too much time wasted at high levels. Too much patience required.
Hello everyone.
Just thought id throw some advice in this thread for anyone wanting to play FFXI online but are undecided. It is a GREAT game. It has LOADS of content and really fun (although sometimes , maybe, strange) World events .Summerfest really sticks out in my mind heh for those who are playing, ya know what i mean. I dont play anymore though as im really just now finding out after years of playing the more "swords and sorcery" type of MMO that im more of a sci-fi MMO fan( i played AO on release and continued to play for a year, even though it was SEVERLY bug heavy) and plan on returning after christmas so AI can at least get some bugs worked out which will inevitably be introduced.
Anyways, my main reason for posting is that while FFXI online does have a severe language barrier, there is an in game translation that you can use and you will need to familiarize yourself with. Even the most basic, broken sentence will get you into JP (japanese player) groups almost always and lemme tell you thats where the fun lies. While i never got a job past high 50's , to me , the fun lies in how any race can concievably be any job and i think JP's actually look for this from NA players ( in my experience anyways). Just get used to the in game translator and youll see that most (not all) JP's will welcome you and youll level like mad. Just thought id throw this info in for anyone looking at these forums and wondering if its possible for NA players who dont speak japanese to even get anywhere in the game. I was a taru DRG/WAR ,BLM/WHM mainly ( all lvled to 40's-50's...the harder lvls, especially WAR as a taru, being in JP parties).
Im in no way saying NA players dont know what theyre doing , but when i played, it seemed the english speaking players didnt even really want to give the translator even a second glance. I hated the translator at first. I mean theres so much in that game to figure out already and i have to use a translator to communicate ? But it only takes a short ammount of time to just get some basic as i said even BROKEN terms/sentences down and youre golden.
Detonated, you have GOT to be kidding man...
1) English people dont use the translator?! Speaking purely as a lvl 59 whm, forming most of my own pts... I've seen maybe, 10-15 JP players use the translator. I can't even guess the number of English players that use the translator... Astronomical.
2) Japanese players will let you join, if you use the translator? Maybe I have a bad server, Shiva, but alot of the Japanese players on my server think, English = {Thanks for the offer, but I'll have to pass}. A good portion of the stereotype us for being complete novices to MMORPG's.
3) I can't believe how many people like you are firm believers in, JP = GREAT EXP! Have you ever tried putting together a intelligent NA pt? The exp is just as good, if not better than the, godly far eastern pts...
Yes , leveling slow is very normal in final fantasy 11...
I played the game for 7 or 8 months, as a VERY hardcore gamer (8-14 hour days) And was still under level 50 when i finished.... (although i had a few jobs level 30-40)
FFXI is a horribly waste of time, i was playing very hardcore and then i suddenly realised "this isn't fun! it is a damn job!" i quit like the next day and never played it again.
I have never encountered such an enormous time commitment required to play a game.
1. If you don't have a perfect group you are screwed... this means always a paladin for a tank, even the right job with the wrong subjob will gimp your group.
2. Forced grouping + perfect group requirements = long waits for a group. Not to mention most people were so retarded they would screw up your group even with the right class
3. Death penalty... ok i don't mind having penalties in games, but with the INCREDIBLY slow leveling rate in ffxi, and the perfect group requirement, it happend on several occasions that i would play for a full day and have not made any progress by the end of the day.
4. Horrible loot, most mobs don't even drop anything, and the only good drops are from mobs that spawn every 2-6 hours, and at any given time have about 3-10 people camping them, 24 hours a day... with about a 15% drop rate.
5. The same exact mobs from level 1-75... this means you will be fighting little bunnies and fish for the entire 3000 hours you put into this game before you realise you were brainwashed.
6. TINY WORLD... this wouldn't be as big of a deal if there was some other things in the game that were worthwile and exciting, but seriouisly i can run from San Doria to Bastok in like 10-15 minutes tops... just too small for me.
7. At level 7 everyone wears leather armor, at level 10 everyone wears one of 2 sets of armors, and the trend continues, everyone always wears the same armor and there is never many choices to make unless you want to gimp yourself. The only exception being at level 33-37 or so when you get racial specific gear, which has stats that builds on your races weaknesses.
In conclusion... i sujjest you play another game.
And BTW, i LOVED this game for the first few days i played it.. but as soon as you hit the 2nd zone it suddenly becomes a huge grind and you start to encounter forced grouping.
Ok i am done ranting
Have a nice day.
I have two level 75 characters. I leveled Monk first, then ninja more receantly. I played EverQuest for 3 years. And UO and DAoC a little in between. FFXI does things so much better, people just don't realized it.
*The only way to level to 75 quickly is through a set-party. Find people with the appropriate jobs who can play at the same time/day of the week that you can. I brough Ninja from 50-75 doing this in 2 months. It was very fun since we all knew eachother, and NEVER had newbie issues.
FFXI IS A VERY DIFFICULT GAME You can't just breeze through it alone ignoring people. You need to know how you network people and manage your time efficiantly to obtain high status. I remember people who solo'd or paid for power leveling to high level in EQ that were complete assholes. In FFXI, you can't be power leveled past 30/40. Your on your own, and you can't do anything by yourself. FFXI promotes socalization more than any other MMORPG.
And Japanese players don't hate American players, they hate noobs that slow them down and waste their time. I had 2 japanese players in my set party.
Solution: Get Rank 10. Find people that are you rank and nation and do all of your missions together on schedualed days. You'll be rank 10 in no time, and Japanese players will almost always join your party or help you, since your equally or more experienced that they are. Just use the translator function, be polite, and there is no trouble at all.
And the FFXI world is NOT tiny. If your a new player and you think running from bastok to sandoria is quick. Of course it's giong to be quick. They don't want to waste anyones time just going afk on auto-run. FFXI is the perfect size. And with airships and chocobo's they let you get anywhere you want to go in a modest amount of time, while still not wasting your time with a map thats overly sized.
And as far as obtaining Gil goes. Yes it's incredibly difficult, people will laugh at your poor gear. Thats just the reality, as it is in most MMORPG's. FFXI has a great econemy, and exellent money-making oppertunities if you just TRY. I'm a very rich person, I lead raids on high level area's and I'm rewarded for my efforts. Don't expect for gil to be handed to you quickly and easily when ever you want a new item upgrade. Won't happen. TRY TRY TRY TRY TRY!!!!! The the moral of the whole game.
Final Fantasy XI: 75 Monk. 75 Ninja. (2003-Current)
EQ: 65 Druid. 65 Rogue (Cancelled;2002)
EQ2: Prospective
EQ: 65 Druid. 65 Rogue (Cancelled;2002)
Final Fantasy XI: 75 Monk. 75 Ninja. (Current)
EQ2: Prospective?