Seriously do missions or mine at the start itll get you some ISK which is what you really need. These are the two most generic ways people start out, you can always try something more fun if you know what you want to do but most people feel lost at this stage.
But whats much more important is to be looking at the market and particularly the skills tab and picking up everything and training it. This should pretty much be your initial aim make some ISK and get some skills. Upgrade to the best frigate is probably a priority.
Constantly read the rookie help channel and join the recruitment channel and join a newb friendly corp. Ask questions constantly. Really this is what will show you what you really want to do eventually and once you start gaining knowledge and resources you'll be able to put it into practice. Ill summarise some of the stuff you can do starting with the easiest most casual friendly yet boring (IMO).
Some of the things you can do and ways to get into them (all inaccurate)
1. Mission whore (train for a cruiser then a battleship and get your racial weapons trained)
2. Miner (go for cruisers then a mining barge)
3. Killing NPC rats (same as missions)
4. Trading (train for industrials and trading skills get the ones that let you make remote buy and sell orders ASAP)
5. Manufacturing (train mining barges probably best bet no experience here) and Research (get science skills get blueprints and datacores)
6. Exploration and mini professions (train missions then get the astrometrics skills and probing skills)
9. Low Sec Piracy (join a piracy corp and learn find a T2 ship you want to pilot and train for it)
10. Factional Warfare (same as above)
11. Mercenary (same as above)
12. 0.0 Warfare (decide if you want to fly big (BC and up) or small ships if you want capitals train up to Battleship then move onto capitals if you want small ships can stop at cruiser or frigate training, join a 0.0 alliance or corp)
Seriously do missions or mine at the start itll get you some ISK which is what you really need. These are the two most generic ways people start out, you can always try something more fun if you know what you want to do but most people feel lost at this stage.
But whats much more important is to be looking at the market and particularly the skills tab and picking up everything and training it. This should pretty much be your initial aim make some ISK and get some skills. Upgrade to the best frigate is probably a priority.
Constantly read the rookie help channel and join the recruitment channel and join a newb friendly corp. Ask questions constantly. Really this is what will show you what you really want to do eventually and once you start gaining knowledge and resources you'll be able to put it into practice. Ill summarise some of the stuff you can do starting with the easiest most casual friendly yet boring (IMO).
Some of the things you can do and ways to get into them (all inaccurate)
1. Mission whore (train for a cruiser then a battleship and get your racial weapons trained)
2. Miner (go for cruisers then a mining barge)
3. Killing NPC rats (same as missions)
4. Trading (train for industrials and trading skills get the ones that let you make remote buy and sell orders ASAP)
5. Manufacturing (train mining barges probably best bet no experience here) and Research (get science skills get blueprints and datacores)
6. Exploration and mini professions (train missions then get the astrometrics skills and probing skills)
9. Low Sec Piracy (join a piracy corp and learn find a T2 ship you want to pilot and train for it)
10. Factional Warfare (same as above)
11. Mercenary (same as above)
12. 0.0 Warfare (decide if you want to fly big (BC and up) or small ships if you want capitals train up to Battleship then move onto capitals if you want small ships can stop at cruiser or frigate training, join a 0.0 alliance or corp)