There are two schools of thought for the EU and world peace.
School 1 says the EU is the reason why there has been no war in Europe since WW2. That to put supernational priorities above all others guarentee's peace.
School 2 says the last time Europe tried to Federalise it started WW2. The time before that WW1 the time before that the Napoleonic War and that the current period of European peace was bought to Europe against most of it's will by the combined might of Russia and the Allies. That the current status quo was not brought by the EU and that it is not wise to rock the stabilest ever boat with a "new world order".
Does the UK need the EU? That's a very contentious issue. Public opinion is very split on that one.
The finance industry clearly benefits from not joining the Euro, although many people nationally would still like it to. Everyone here holidays in Europe regularly. They don't want to bother changing money.
Exports to the EU have a greater say in any EU regulations imposed by European markets under EU membership, (although Britain is not a major exporter within the EU and instead is a net importer, so we lose more sovreignty than we gain in this regard).
Financially EU membership doesn't really pay off as it stands in my opinion, but many will argue this point. Not least those in the countries that benefit most from our participation.
Although Britain entered into the EU as a free trade zone, it is the political project that many people are more intrested in.
In the long term it is hoped that the EU will rival the U.S. as a unified tradezone, political zone and military zone.
Traditionally UK foreign policy has favoured a more anglo-centric approach, but this is very contentious among the domestic population, the young, particularly, don't feel the same strength of kinship with the U.S. that the WW2 generation do.
For many people the great EU debate hinges on the one single issue. America or the EU, the U.K. must choose one or the other side.
I myself see Britains unique strength being in not choosing either. To remain flexable and to ally with one or other as national intrest dictates on a specific subject to subject basis. If it ever did actually come down to having to permanently choose sides, the 51st state of the U.S. or the 7th of the EU, I would be choosing America.
My own personal bias is anti-european integration. I think this is the majority domestic view in the country, but I'm sure you will hear other opinions. This is perhaps the most divisive and politically contentious issue of my lifetime.
That's an old one matey, the money has run out since he wrote that. The government is in debt and people aren't buying government bonds. From now on it's tax rises and government cuts only.
And while opinion poles certain don't provide any evidence of Browns rising popularity, quite the opposite, Precursors Muslim hatreds are most certainly not in anyway indicative of British opinion or life. This is a secular culture. Muslims are far more popular here than extreme right wingers and facists.
LOL I'm still getting up to speed on how power is divided over there..i was completely unaware how the lower house has no power what so ever..Not sure if you call it lower house tho,your post have helped tho.keep up the good work mate..I love it when you use that phrase.Matey,HA
but I just have to you think the UK will hit IMF up for some loans.
And what do you think about the fact the UK will be the first to pull out of the you know many are speculating that their is a real chance that it just might happen.Or is it just a bunch of back lash talk.
Nah i dont think they will leave the Eu, they'll probably take it furhter and adopt the Euro if the pound weakens even more. Btw the lower house i.e House of Commons has all the power, the lower house (house of Lords) is there to scrutinise laws and only have the power to send bills back to the house of commons upto 2 times before it is forced past house of lords.
Can they just boot Brown,or does it take a special election, I mean Brown looks like he is getting the tar beat out of him.
You think he will last.
I see,thx for clearing that up for me.
Well the party can kick the leader out but that's not what usually happens. If there is enough opposition from within the party (and the party has a majority in the House of Commons) the oopposition can issue a vote of no confidence which is basically where parliament (House of Commons) votes on whether to keep the Prime Minister. However usually the PM's party has a majority in parliament so they can easily vote no by whipping the vote (whipping is here they force the MPs of the party to vote either way, for example on abortion the vote can be whipped once which means turn up to the vote if u want to, two whips is we kinda want you there and vote our way, whip 3 is you must vote this way or you bascially get kicked out the party), however if there is opposition from within the party and rebel back benchers can vote against the PM with opposition support and kick the leader out. Also if the opposition has a big enough majority anyway in the House of Commons (Hoc) they can try and get him/her kick out themselves, i hope that cleared stuff up for you! lol there is a lot to digest there sorry
"If they can make Penicillin out of mouldy bread, they can sure make something out of you," - Muhammed Ali
There are two schools of thought for the EU and world peace.
School 1 says the EU is the reason why there has been no war in Europe since WW2. That to put supernational priorities above all others guarentee's peace.
School 2 says the last time Europe tried to Federalise it started WW2. The time before that WW1 the time before that the Napoleonic War and that the current period of European peace was bought to Europe against most of it's will by the combined might of Russia and the Allies. That the current status quo was not brought by the EU and that it is not wise to rock the stabilest ever boat with a "new world order".
Does the UK need the EU? That's a very contentious issue. Public opinion is very split on that one.
The finance industry clearly benefits from not joining the Euro, although many people nationally would still like it to. Everyone here holidays in Europe regularly. They don't want to bother changing money.
Exports to the EU have a greater say in any EU regulations imposed by European markets under EU membership, (although Britain is not a major exporter within the EU and instead is a net importer, so we lose more sovreignty than we gain in this regard).
Financially EU membership doesn't really pay off as it stands in my opinion, but many will argue this point. Not least those in the countries that benefit most from our participation.
Although Britain entered into the EU as a free trade zone, it is the political project that many people are more intrested in.
In the long term it is hoped that the EU will rival the U.S. as a unified tradezone, political zone and military zone.
Traditionally UK foreign policy has favoured a more anglo-centric approach, but this is very contentious among the domestic population, the young, particularly, don't feel the same strength of kinship with the U.S. that the WW2 generation do.
For many people the great EU debate hinges on the one single issue. America or the EU, the U.K. must choose one or the other side.
I myself see Britains unique strength being in not choosing either. To remain flexable and to ally with one or other as national intrest dictates on a specific subject to subject basis. If it ever did actually come down to having to permanently choose sides, the 51st state of the U.S. or the 7th of the EU, I would be choosing America.
My own personal bias is anti-european integration. I think this is the majority domestic view in the country, but I'm sure you will hear other opinions. This is perhaps the most divisive and politically contentious issue of my lifetime.
LOL I'm still getting up to speed on how power is divided over there..i was completely unaware how the lower house has no power what so ever..Not sure if you call it lower house tho,your post have helped tho.keep up the good work mate..I love it when you use that phrase.Matey,HA
but I just have to you think the UK will hit IMF up for some loans.
And what do you think about the fact the UK will be the first to pull out of the you know many are speculating that their is a real chance that it just might happen.Or is it just a bunch of back lash talk.
Nah i dont think they will leave the Eu, they'll probably take it furhter and adopt the Euro if the pound weakens even more. Btw the lower house i.e House of Commons has all the power, the lower house (house of Lords) is there to scrutinise laws and only have the power to send bills back to the house of commons upto 2 times before it is forced past house of lords.
Can they just boot Brown,or does it take a special election, I mean Brown looks like he is getting the tar beat out of him.
You think he will last.
I see,thx for clearing that up for me.
Well the party can kick the leader out but that's not what usually happens. If there is enough opposition from within the party (and the party has a majority in the House of Commons) the oopposition can issue a vote of no confidence which is basically where parliament (House of Commons) votes on whether to keep the Prime Minister. However usually the PM's party has a majority in parliament so they can easily vote no by whipping the vote (whipping is here they force the MPs of the party to vote either way, for example on abortion the vote can be whipped once which means turn up to the vote if u want to, two whips is we kinda want you there and vote our way, whip 3 is you must vote this way or you bascially get kicked out the party), however if there is opposition from within the party and rebel back benchers can vote against the PM with opposition support and kick the leader out. Also if the opposition has a big enough majority anyway in the House of Commons (Hoc) they can try and get him/her kick out themselves, i hope that cleared stuff up for you! lol there is a lot to digest there sorry
"If they can make Penicillin out of mouldy bread, they can sure make something out of you," - Muhammed Ali