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What will REALLY be in game

ktanner3ktanner3 Member UncommonPosts: 4,063

Complete MMORPG Prevview


First Trailer

Character Creation


Gamescon part 1

Gamescom part 2

Gamescom part 3

Gamescom part 4

Movie and the game

      Star Trek (the new movie) takes place in this alternate reality. This is explained in the film in a conversation between Uhura and Spock on the bridge of the Enterprise.

  • Star Trek Online is set in the "prime" Star Trek reality. This is the timeline of the five television series and the first 10 movies. It is the world in which the Gorn attacked Cestus III, Kirk fought Khan in the Mutara Nebula, Picard explored the galaxy, the Federation fought the Dominion War, Voyager was stranded in the Delta Quadrant and Captain Archer and the crew of the NX-01 showed us how it all began.


Events in the movie that happened in the prime timeline (the destruction of Romulus, and the disappearance of Spock and Nero) have affected STO. 

Player progression

Player ProgressionWhen you think of progressing in Star Trek Online, it’s best to picture an inverted triangle. You begin the game with broad skills available to you – the wide part of the triangle – and as you progress in rank, the skills you select become more specialized as the triangle narrows to a point. 

There will be six ranks through which to progress at launch:

Ensign (this is the rank you play in the Tutorial – you are rapidly promoted within the first couple hours of gameplay)


Lieutenant Commander




Star Trek Online is a skill-based game, meaning the experience you receive for completing missions and finishing episodes awards you skill points, which you use to directly improve the skills available to you. There’s a set number of skills available to you, depending on your rank. For instance, there’s a group of broad skills available at the Lieutenant rank; when you reach Lieutenant Commander, more refined skills become available to you.

The skills available in the early game provide blanket bonuses to the items and abilities you use, and more refined skills will provide more specific bonuses to items and abilities. Again, think of that inverted triangle.

For example, an Engineering officer has the option at lower ranks to decide between focusing on Maintenance or Modification. (He could also generalize in both, if he were to choose to do so.) Let’s say he decided to work exclusively on Modification, and maxes his Lieutenant Modification skill. When he becomes a Lieutenant Commander, new, more refined skills will become available in both the Modification and Maintenance categories. He then could switch his focus to Maintenance if he wanted, and the bonuses from his Lieutenant Modification skills would still apply for the remainder of the character’s existence. By the time the officer reaches the rank of Commander, he can choose to spend his skill points by specializing in any of three branches in his Engineering career.

All of a character’s skills influence his potency with his career abilities, as well as his equipped Kit (which grants additional abilities suited to a particular specialty of their chosen career). A character will collect several Kits as they advance in rank, allowing their role or "spec" to change by equipping the Kit that contains the abilities they currently need for the mission.


The skills available in the early game provide blanket bonuses to the items and abilities you use, and more refined skills will provide more specific bonuses to items and abilities. Again, think of that inverted triangle.

For example, an Engineering officer has the option at lower ranks to decide between focusing on Maintenance or Modification. (He could also generalize in both, if he were to choose to do so.) Let’s say he decided to work exclusively on Modification, and maxes his Lieutenant Modification skill. When he becomes a Lieutenant Commander, new, more refined skills will become available in both the Modification and Maintenance categories. He then could switch his focus to Maintenance if he wanted, and the bonuses from his Lieutenant Modification skills would still apply for the remainder of the character’s existence. By the time the officer reaches the rank of Commander, he can choose to spend his skill points by specializing in any of three branches in his Engineering career.

All of a character’s skills influence his potency with his career abilities, as well as his equipped Kit (which grants additional abilities suited to a particular specialty of their chosen career). A character will collect several Kits as they advance in rank, allowing their role or "spec" to change by equipping the Kit that contains the abilities they currently need for the mission.

In order to advance in rank, you’ll need to spend a specific number of skill points in your currently available skills. To advance from Lieutenant to Lieutenant Commander, you’ll need to have invested a certain number of skill points before you’re offered a promotion. Were a player to invest the minimum-required skill points to reach Admiral, he’d be about half-developed in relation to a maxed character. It will take significantly longer to completely max out each available skill.

The skill sets in the game fall into two major categories: Space and Ground.

Space skills are generally broader than ground skills. They’re designed to augment your Bridge Officers’ abilities, as well as your own. Therefore, even if you’re a Tactical officer, you can take Engineering skills, which will help your Engineering Bridge Officers become more effective. This has a lot of influence on the way your ships behave. If you’re a Tactical officer flying an Escort ship, which usually doesn’t offer much in the way of Engineering bridge stations, having a lot of skill points invested in Engineering could significantly improve your Engineer’s performance, even though the ship has limited capabilities in that area.

The skill points you invest in space also determine which ships you can fly. You’ll need to have invested skill points in the Heavy Cruiser skill to be able to fly a second-tier Cruiser, for example. Certain skills also increase different items’ performance, so if you increase your Phaser Cannon skill, Phaser Cannons will be more effective in combat.

Your Bridge Officers gain experience similarly to your Captain. While their skills are far more limited than the captain’s, they advance through rank in the same manner. Once you spend enough skill points in a certain rank, Bridge Officers can be promoted to a higher rank, though they must remain at least a rank below you at all times. If your Captain is a Lieutenant Commander, his Bridge Officers can only be Ensigns or Lieutenants.

As you progress through the game, you accrue skill points to assign to your Bridge Officers. Those points enter a pool, which you can then assign to any Bridge Officer in your possession. Bridge Officers don’t need to go on specific missions with you to gain experience; this allows you more freedom to determine how you want your Officers to advance and doesn’t penalize you for wanting to draw from a larger group of Officers in your employ. 

Since Bridge Officers can have unique skills, they may be more complementary to one Captain’s play style than another’s. As such, you may transfer Bridge Officers to other players in exchange for their Officers or other goods and services. 


General gameplay:


  • There will be a lot of references to familiar storylines and characters, and certainly some familiar locations, but mainly this is supposed to be your experience. [CZ1]
  • At launch, you'll be a member of either Starfleet or the Klingon Defense Force, but other factions may be added later on, such as "the Dominion and the Romulans". [LVWc] Privateering may be possible later on. [JE3]
  • You might not be able to play a Klingon Starfleet officer or a Human fighting for the Empire, but the character creator will allow you to create something similar. [AC4]
  • Player death penalties will probably be very light.
  • You shouldn't have to play for hours on end to be competitive.
  • You don't have to be a Trek-fan to enjoy this game, but you'll learn a lot about Star Trek in the process. [LVWc]
  • Where possible, the game will provide non-violent ways to resolve conflicts. [AC2]
  • Time travel may be in the game, but because each era requires a lot of work, it will be limited. [JE2]
  • Crafting will be present in the sense that you can tinker with your systems. [JE3]
  • You won't lose your ship when it's destroyed. [CZ10
  • ] If your whole party dies when you're doing a mission, you should be able to pick up where you left off. [CZ11]


  • The game takes place in 2409; roughly 30 years after Star Trek: Nemesis.
  • The Khitomer Accords are "long past". [LVWc] The Federation and the Klingons are at the verge of war with each other.
  • Gorn, Nausicaans and Orion are on the Klingon side. [CZ4] Humans, Vulcans, Bajorans, Andorians, Ferengi, and Tellarites are playable Federation races. [GI186]
  • An ancient threat out of Star Trek canon will reemerge. [GCI08]
  • On top of being at war with the Federation, the Klingon Empire has annexed Romulan space, reclaiming Khitomer, and apparently entering into hostilities with the Gorn Hegemony.
  • The Romulan Empire is crumbling, as is the Cardassian Union.
  • Bajor is on the way to Federation membership.
  • The production of mobile emitters and Soong-type androids is being researched into. [Path]


  • Starship battles are tactical and slow-pace ("like tall ships"); you will be able to give commands such as "Repair a hull breach on deck X" or "Reroute energy from engines to weapons".
  • Ground-based combat will be more fast-paced, with both melee and ranged attacks. Defensive options like using personal shields and ducking for cover will be available.
  • Tactics will probably not be just like traditional MMOG tactics, with tanks and buffers and so forth. [LVWc]
  • You can move around in three dimensions, but battle will usually be "level"; Cryptic doesn't "want it to be a dogfight". [CCMG]
  • Space combat is designed to be a paced and tactical experience. Positioning, timing, power levels, monitoring your shields, and utilizing the abilities of your bridge crew are all important to being successful in starship combat.

  • And in regard to cloaking, the Federation will not have free access to the technology. If we gave the Federation access to cloaking, it’s all anyone would use, and that’s not the type of gameplay we envision when we think of Star Trek. Klingons, of course, will have access to cloaking, and the Federation will have access to cloak detection. Science vessels will be very good at detecting cloaked ships, so if you’re in a PvP situation, you’re probably going to want really good science vessels on your team. You won’t feel like you’re missing out on the Federation side just because you can’t cloak.

    That said, there probably will be circumstances where Federation players will receive limited access to a cloaking device. But it’s not going to be something Federation players can hold onto.

    And yes, these are things that we also debated a lot internally. : )

  • There are familiar races to choose from, but you can also create your own.
  • You'll be able to edit "everything" about your character; check out the Character editor video!
  • You can "mix and match" features from already existing races when creating a new species, but there will also be a lot of original body parts available. [AC4]
  • When you select a faction, you cannot select a species from the other faction (for instance, playing an Orion in Starfleet will not be a pre-defined option). However, you can create that race in the character editor and call it whatever you want, no matter what faction you're with.
  • The character editor does not only allow you to determine what your species looks like, but also what abilities come with it.
  • At launch, all characters created will be humanoid.
  • When you've created the blueprint for a species, you can share it with your friends, so that they can create a character based on your design. [AC9]
  • You can have a specialty (Science, Engineering, Security, Navigation...) apart from captaincy. [LVWc]
  • You will unlock different starship configurations that encompass several ships of similar design (for instance, the Miranda-class and Centaur-type ships have design traits in common that separate them from many other ships). You can modify all the different parts of the ship, and upgrade the various systems, but you will always be able to tell roughly what configuration it is based on (a Miranda-class variant always looks like a Miranda-class variant, as opposed to a modded Defiant). [AC8]
  • You can pick your ship name and registry number. [JE1]
  • Uniforms can be customized to some extent. [AC3]
  • In the future, players may get access to more of the tools, allowing them to create missions and the like. [JE3]
  • There is additional diversity in ship customization on the Klingon side because the different species' (Klingons, Gorn, Orion, etc.) ships are very different from each other. [CZ10]
  • There are over a dozen of these configurations. [CZ10]
  • Your ship configuration determines which of your bridge officers can be active. For instance, an escort-type ship may have more Tactical officers on the bridge than a science ship. [CZ10]
  • The three major careers are Engineering, Science and Tactical. There is a lot of customization within the career. [CZ10]



  • "There will be plenty of interiors in the game at launch - there are plenty in the game right now and I don't see them going anywhere. : )

    You will be taken to interiors during instanced missions. You'll go to them in persistent ways as well - mostly social, but also in other cases that I'm going to be vague about right now on purpose : ) - There are starbases, satellites, ship interiors (yes, ships), buildings on the ground, caverns under the earth or deep in asteroids - all sorts of places you'll adventure within interiors.

    Sadly, what we won't have at launch is the ability for you to customize your own ship, invite other players over and walkaround, seeing hundreds of NPC crew members and investigate every nook, cranny and Jefferies tube on it. We want to make sure that when we a feature like this in, it is a robust system that people will love, not just a marketing bullet point on the back of the box".-ZINC


    Canon vs. Apocrypha:
  • The shows and films are law.
  • Non-canon sources - such as novels and comic books - will also be looked to for inspiration.
  • Every member of the team has to watch an entire series; some are reading the books. [LVWc]


  • A "vital part"; certainly something they're discussing. [LVWc]

Economy and crafting:

  • Trade will be flowing within the various factions and between them; the players will be "expediting this".
  • You will be competing for resources more than outright fighting other players for them. [LVWc]
  • There will be a variety of ways to gather resources. Rewards for completing missions and tours of duty will be a big part, as well as gathering, crafting and trading.
  • There will be some salvage in space or on planets – you might find a cool piece of technology that you want to study or find a way to use on your ship – but Federation captains don’t loot corpses.


Exploration and locations:

  • Space exploration takes place on different scales: Galaxy, sector and system.
  • On the galactic map, you can see what different sectors you can visit.
  • Upon selecting a sector, you will be taken to the sector map, where you will see a tactical overview of the sector, with information on the various systems you can visit.
  • Once you have entered a particular system, you control your ship through 3D space from a third-person point of view. [GI186]
  • Ship interiors will probably be limited to missions, at start, but hopefully at some point in time you'll be able to bring other players aboard to socialize with them. [CZ3]
  • The game takes place in outer space, onboard ships and planetside.
  • "Infinite exploration", with new worlds constantly being created by sophisticated software.
  • Technology and knowledge acquired through exploration will be "funneled back" to your faction. What faction benefits more from a civilization depends on how much "favor" they have with it.[LVWc]
  • Travel time will be "semi-realistic". There will be transwarp conduits and wormholes to help you traverse long distances faster. [OFAQ]
  • You cannot enter warp at a whim within a star system; impulse is the norm. You can warp between planets within a system, however.
  • In the sector view, you will be able to choose a warp factor based on your Engineer's skills and the quality of your warp engines. [AC8]
  • The environment will be built to encourage socialization; for instance, some travel routes will be better than others, thus increasing player density through those.
  • Many planetside environments will be instanced. [JE2]
  • You can name stars and planets you discover. [JE3]
  • Space is BIG. We want to retain a sense of that grandiose scale, but it’s not fun to have to spend days and days traveling between planets. There will be a number of options such as wormholes and transwarp conduits to speed travel times.
  • But since exploration is a big part of STO, there will be times when the best thing to do is pick a direction and see what’s out there.

Guilds or Fleets

  • Within a fleet you can "pull your resources" to create various structures such as mining plants and space stations, enabling you to build better ships to "be handed out to the rest of the fleet".
  • "Some things can only be accomplished by a lot of people working together." [LVWc]
  • Although players in Fleets will probably end up establishing some sort of chain of command, there will probably not be game mechanics in place for ordering other players to perform certain tasks. [CZ8]

Missions and events:

  • Missions in Star Trek Online will feature a mix of scripted and randomly generated content. [CZ6] These procedurally generated missions are "designed to take you to a number of widely differing environments during a single gameplay session." [EL1]
  • You can do away missions with your NPC crewmembers or with other players. Your away team will consist of five characters (PCs or NPCs). [IGN1]
  • You'll receive missions and instructions from central command.
  • Missions are "fully cooperative"; sometimes you'll have to team up with other players to accomplish your goals.
  • Select your away team well; you'll be able to make use of the different members' abilities to secure success.
  • There are "tours of duty", consisting of several missions.
  • There will be dynamic events (such as Borg invasions and the like) on top of pre-scripted missions. [LVWc}
  • Teams have a maximum of five players. A lot of content is designed for team instances. But there are also large scale Fleet Action where many teams will need to work together to complete.

Starships and crews:

  • You can keep your old ship when you get a new one. [AC6]
  • You will be in control of your own starship, but you will not start out with the rank of Captain.
  • You will have a fully customizable and partially controllable Bridge Crew, similar to "pets" in many MMOGs.
  • You will also have tens, even hundreds of lower ranking officers; your "redshirts".
  • You will receive bonuses depending on your crewmembers' races/species.
  • Also important is your crew. Your Bridge Crew will have the biggest impact on what you can do, because they have skills and abilities you can call on that will help define your role. If you select a tactical officer who can load spreads of photon torpedoes, you will have different options than a Captain who picked an engineer specialized in shield modulation and efficiency. The number of your Bridge Crew active at any given time depends on your ship configuration.

Members of the alien races you encounter may join your crew. [LVWc]

  • You control how your NPCs progress. [CZ6]
  • No cooperative bridge play, at least not at launch. [GCI08]
  • While there probably won't be much conversation with your NPC crewmembers, they'll be the ones keeping you up to speed on what's going on around you. [CZ3]
  • You can transfer power between a ship's various systems, and do things like balance shield power.
  • There will probably not be a traditional "mana bar" that controls your base abilities (such as firing phasers and photon torpedoes), but rather a number of cool-down timers. More advanced abilities may have something like a mana bar associated with them. [AC8]
  • There may be occasions when you can commandeer a ship of a different faction than your own, but you won't get to keep it. [AC7]

Ship Specs




  • Yes; definitely. [LVWc]
  • Open PvP only in designated areas (both space and planetside).[AC3] Consensual PvP in contested areas. [OFAQ]
  • PvP is in-between the factions, but there may be wargames/dueling within factions. [JE1]
  • The UFP-KE Neutral Zone will be "static", but areas near it will change affiliation depending on who's winning. [CZ7]

Corporate and technical:

  • Cryptic has not specified a firm release date, but say that the game will be out "sooner than you think". It is commonly thought in the community that the game will be released in 2010, although a fair number suspect it may even be in late 2009.
  • This short development cycle is provided by Cryptic's experience and already existent game engine.
  • Game shouldn't be too demanding in terms of hardware.
  • CBS "has been great" working with Cryptic Studios.
  • Animation will be done manually, not using motion capture.
  • You wanna be a beta tester? You can't sign up for it yet, but you should join the forum; that's always where they go first!
  • The number of servers has not been decided, but they'd like to have just one big server.
  • This should be a game for "children of all ages", although Emmert stresses the importance of parental supervision for younglings.
  • LINUX and Mac? Not at launch! [LVWc]
  • The game is being developed for both PCs and consoles. [OFAQ]
  • The development team will stay on after the game is launched, so as to guarantee that post-release content is of high quality. [CZ8]

Release Date

  • No official release date. "Guys you know that we haven't announced the release date yet."-Awen


  • The fact that you're in command of a vessel provides you the courtesy of being addressed as captain. It is separate from military rank.- Zinc


  • There will be some stealth abilities. Starfleet cloaking? Uncertain, but there will definitely be some stealth abilities.
  • There are plans to include content related to the Mirror Universe and Section 31. [GCI08]
  • There will be different types of tricorders, and how you can use them depends on you character's abilities. [CZ2]
  • Multi-Vector Assault Mode and saucer separation probably won't be in at launch.
  • Cryptic has been talking to a few "celebrities" [CZ3], as well as with Bad Robot and IDW [CZ5], although nothing further has been disclosed at this point.
  • There will be collision detection both on the ground and in space [AC8], although things such as whether or not you will be able to crash into asteroids is uncertain, [CZ8] as is the option of ramming. [CZ9]
  • There will be a "Captain's Log" which contains a lot of info about what you've experienced in the game. [AC8]
  • There will be "all sorts of medals and accolades that you can achieve by exploration."
  • It does not seem likely that Borg will be playable; definitely not at launch.
  • Holograms and changeling have been considered as possible crewmembers.
  • The rank of Admiral will be attainable.
  • There will probably be some sort of "raid" content, although in exactly what form is a bit uncertain. [CZ8]
  • With Starfleet, you start out with a ship of the Miranda configuration. [CZ11]
  • There are some very big creatures on the ground, and even larger ones in space. [CZ11]

  • There will be random events along the lines of a Borg invasion or attack by a quadrant-threatening entity. As far as seasonal events go … we’ll have them, but we’re not going to be releasing any details yet.


  • We’ll have holodecks – they’re too much a part of Trek to leave out. But they’re tricky. They’re so powerful that everyone on the team has their own ideas of what to cram into them.



    Will keep this updated whenever possible. Newest comments will be in red.



    There are more than a dozen different starship classifications – we call them configurations – on the Federation side. Within each of these configurations you can customize your ship’s appearance. Switch out the nacelles, the pylons, the saucer, the bridge, change the color details or windows … the team has done some incredible stuff!

    Our goal with the configurations is to let players create the ship they want, but also to help other players know what kind of ship someone has and what it can do at a glance. “I know that’s an Akira configuration, so I know about how powerful that guy is. I know what his ship can do.”

    Now, there are a lot of aspects to your ship that aren’t cosmetic – what weapons you have, what systems you’ve upgraded, how your deflector dish is configured, what skills your bridge officers know – that really define what it is that you can do. The choices you make in how you build your ship and crew will determine what kind of role you play in the game. You’ll be able to upgrade your equipment and train your crew throughout the game.



Currently Playing: World of Warcraft



  • nubadaknubadak Member Posts: 150

    Altho I look forward to trying the game this scares me as it reminds me to some degree of POTBS:

    # Upon selecting a sector, you will be taken to the sector map, where you will see a tactical overview of the sector, with information on the various systems you can visit.

    # Once you have entered a particular system, you control your ship through 3D space from a third-person point of view. [GI186]


    Any thoughts?



  • HypeHype Member CommonPosts: 270

    Thank you for getting the facts.  I haven't read them all, but it looks great.


    I'm not very optimistic about the Trekkieness of the whole thing.  I think I'd enjoy this if it were a different IP, though.  Sounds like Mass Effect, actually.

    The Illusion of Choice

  • ktanner3ktanner3 Member UncommonPosts: 4,063
    Originally posted by nubadak

    Altho I look forward to trying the game this scares me as it reminds me to some degree of POTBS:
    # Upon selecting a sector, you will be taken to the sector map, where you will see a tactical overview of the sector, with information on the various systems you can visit.

    # Once you have entered a particular system, you control your ship through 3D space from a third-person point of view. [GI186]
    Any thoughts?


    Forgive my ignorance, but what does POTBS mean?

    Currently Playing: World of Warcraft

  • HypeHype Member CommonPosts: 270

    I presume that's the MMO: Pirates of the Burning Sea

    The Illusion of Choice

  • ktanner3ktanner3 Member UncommonPosts: 4,063
    Originally posted by Hype

    I presume that's the MMO: Pirates of the Burning Sea


    The only thing I know about that game is it's payment system, which is why I've never played it.

    Currently Playing: World of Warcraft

  • DragonSharkDragonShark Member UncommonPosts: 227
    Originally posted by ktanner3

    Gorn, Nausicaans and Orion are on the Klingon side. [CZ4] Humans, Vulcans, Bajorans, Andorians, Ferengi, and Tellarites are playable Federation races. [GI186]
    On top of being at war with the Federation, the Klingon Empire has annexed Romulan space, reclaiming Khitomer, and apparently entering into hostilities with the Gorn Hegemony.


    They should probably decide whether Gorn are friends or enemies of the Empire. These two points are completely at odds with each other.

  • ktanner3ktanner3 Member UncommonPosts: 4,063

    Good catch.THe best explanation I can come up with is playable Gorn for the Klingons are subjects and not allies. Klingons are the opposite of the Federation in that they don't get other worlds to join them. They conquoer them.

    Currently Playing: World of Warcraft

  • HagonbokHagonbok Member Posts: 365

    I think for most people how the Gorn are part of the Klingon faction won't matter all the much. Just that they are I imagine. 

  • GardavilGardavil Member Posts: 60

    Thank you very much ktanner3, excellent summary of STO and it's known features.

  • ktanner3ktanner3 Member UncommonPosts: 4,063

    Originally posted by Gardavil

    Thank you very much ktanner3, excellent summary of STO and it's known features.

    Thanks. It's nice to be able to cut thru the B.S to what will and won't be in game.


    Currently Playing: World of Warcraft

  • themiltonthemilton Member Posts: 353
    Originally posted by DragonShark

    Originally posted by ktanner3

    Gorn, Nausicaans and Orion are on the Klingon side. [CZ4] Humans, Vulcans, Bajorans, Andorians, Ferengi, and Tellarites are playable Federation races. [GI186]
    On top of being at war with the Federation, the Klingon Empire has annexed Romulan space, reclaiming Khitomer, and apparently entering into hostilities with the Gorn Hegemony.


    They should probably decide whether Gorn are friends or enemies of the Empire. These two points are completely at odds with each other.


    Maybe it's more of a "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" situation? The Orion Syndicate and the Federation are certainly hostile to each other, even if not at outright war. The Nausicans and the Gorn have never been friendly to the Federation. So perhaps the Gorn and the KE are uneasy allies - as long as they have something greater than themselves to worry about, they'll work together, but once that's dealt with...

    The less you expect, the more you'll be surprised. Hopefully, pleasantly so.

  • ktanner3ktanner3 Member UncommonPosts: 4,063
    Originally posted by themilton

    Originally posted by DragonShark

    Originally posted by ktanner3

    Gorn, Nausicaans and Orion are on the Klingon side. [CZ4] Humans, Vulcans, Bajorans, Andorians, Ferengi, and Tellarites are playable Federation races. [GI186]
    On top of being at war with the Federation, the Klingon Empire has annexed Romulan space, reclaiming Khitomer, and apparently entering into hostilities with the Gorn Hegemony.


    They should probably decide whether Gorn are friends or enemies of the Empire. These two points are completely at odds with each other.


    Maybe it's more of a "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" situation? The Orion Syndicate and the Federation are certainly hostile to each other, even if not at outright war. The Nausicans and the Gorn have never been friendly to the Federation. So perhaps the Gorn and the KE are uneasy allies - as long as they have something greater than themselves to worry about, they'll work together, but once that's dealt with...

    An interesting point, but I get the feeling that you will be playing a Gorn as a member of the Klingon Faction. There are only going to be two factions in game and that will be Federation and Klingon.


    Currently Playing: World of Warcraft

  • ktanner3ktanner3 Member UncommonPosts: 4,063

    Added the truth about the release date since that seems to be the newest lie being spread.

    Currently Playing: World of Warcraft

  • ktanner3ktanner3 Member UncommonPosts: 4,063

    Updated information about ranks. New comments in red.

    Currently Playing: World of Warcraft

  • ozmonoozmono Member UncommonPosts: 1,211
    Originally posted by ktanner3

    Added the truth about the release date since that seems to be the newest lie being spread.

    There is a huge difference between the person mistaking the release date from either misinterpreting or reading directly (haven't read that article so don't know) what the mainstream is saying and posting what they obviously thought was news from gaming media than "spreading lies".

    Despite what I think of your average posts though, your doing a good job in this thread.

  • infofrontinfofront Member UncommonPosts: 160

    As a Star Trek fan, I'm extremely excited about this game. As an MMO gamer, I'm pretty sure that this game will be half-ass and mediocre as hell, like everything Cryptic touches.

  • ktanner3ktanner3 Member UncommonPosts: 4,063

    Added new information on General Gameplay, Other and Customization

    Currently Playing: World of Warcraft

  • ktanner3ktanner3 Member UncommonPosts: 4,063

    Just added a comment made by Cryptic recently about interiors

    "There will be plenty of interiors in the game at launch - there are plenty in the game right now and I don't see them going anywhere. : )

    You will be taken to interiors during instanced missions. You'll go to them in persistent ways as well - mostly social, but also in other cases that I'm going to be vague about right now on purpose : ) - There are starbases, satellites, ship interiors (yes, ships), buildings on the ground, caverns under the earth or deep in asteroids - all sorts of places you'll adventure within interiors.

    Sadly, what we won't have at launch is the ability for you to customize your own ship, invite other players over and walkaround, seeing hundreds of NPC crew members and investigate every nook, cranny and Jefferies tube on it. We want to make sure that when we a feature like this in, it is a robust system that people will love, not just a marketing bullet point on the back of the box."- Zinc

    Currently Playing: World of Warcraft

  • infofrontinfofront Member UncommonPosts: 160

    What they're saying is that technically, there will be interiors. i.e., you might see small sections of the ship's bridge, or you will see the interior of a cave on away missions, but you won't be able to actually walk around your ship or do anything cool.

  • GardavilGardavil Member Posts: 60
    Originally posted by ktanner3

    Just added a comment made by Cryptic recently about interiors
    "There will be plenty of interiors in the game at launch - there are plenty in the game right now and I don't see them going anywhere. : )
    You will be taken to interiors during instanced missions. You'll go to them in persistent ways as well - mostly social, but also in other cases that I'm going to be vague about right now on purpose : ) - There are starbases, satellites, ship interiors (yes, ships), buildings on the ground, caverns under the earth or deep in asteroids - all sorts of places you'll adventure within interiors.
    Sadly, what we won't have at launch is the ability for you to customize your own ship, invite other players over and walkaround, seeing hundreds of NPC crew members and investigate every nook, cranny and Jefferies tube on it. We want to make sure that when we a feature like this in, it is a robust system that people will love, not just a marketing bullet point on the back of the box."- Zinc


    Ok, it's not exactly what "we" had been hoping for, but it is better than I had thought it would be with the info we had.

    Alright, I am watching STO and waiting for it's release again. I think I can get into this design layout.

    p.s.: I should define "We" in my statement above as to mean Players like myself that had hoped for STO to have ships that were crewed by Players making them multiPlayer vessels, with one Player as a Captain of such a vessel. Clearly that is not what is being planned.

    Thank you ktanner3 for keeping us up to date :)

  • ktanner3ktanner3 Member UncommonPosts: 4,063
    Originally posted by Gardavil

    Originally posted by ktanner3

    Just added a comment made by Cryptic recently about interiors
    "There will be plenty of interiors in the game at launch - there are plenty in the game right now and I don't see them going anywhere. : )
    You will be taken to interiors during instanced missions. You'll go to them in persistent ways as well - mostly social, but also in other cases that I'm going to be vague about right now on purpose : ) - There are starbases, satellites, ship interiors (yes, ships), buildings on the ground, caverns under the earth or deep in asteroids - all sorts of places you'll adventure within interiors.
    Sadly, what we won't have at launch is the ability for you to customize your own ship, invite other players over and walkaround, seeing hundreds of NPC crew members and investigate every nook, cranny and Jefferies tube on it. We want to make sure that when we a feature like this in, it is a robust system that people will love, not just a marketing bullet point on the back of the box."- Zinc


    Ok, it's not exactly what "we" had been hoping for, but it is better than I had thought it would be with the info we had.

    Alright, I am watching STO and waiting for it's release again. I think I can get into this design layout.

    p.s.: I should define "We" in my statement above as to mean Players like myself that had hoped for STO to have ships that were crewed by Players making them multiPlayer vessels, with one Player as a Captain of such a vessel. Clearly that is not what is being planned.

    Thank you ktanner3 for keeping us up to date :)


    I knew we wouldn't get to see every part of the ship, but I was hoping at least to see my bridge. The bridge shots we saw in the first trailer looked pretty good. I'm wondering(this is speculation) if what they end up doing is make the interior of the ship one big instance. You load in  and are able to walk into every part of the ship. That's the only way I see them adding it in AFTER the game is already launched, but I'm not a game designer so who knows?

    I defintely agree with making stuff function and have a purpose rather than it just being eye candy. We'll just have to wait and see.

    Currently Playing: World of Warcraft

  • NeblessNebless Member RarePosts: 1,878
    Originally posted by ktanner3

    On top of being at war with the Federation, the Klingon Empire has annexed Romulan space, reclaiming Khitomer,

    The Romulan Empire is crumbling,


    Probably a given if they've lost their space, they're crumbling :)

    Quick side question for you Ktanner - what did you mean about PoTBS payment system?  It's a monthly fee which seems pretty normal, granted FLS has SOE running the financial side, is that what you meant?

    SWG (pre-cu) - AoC (pre-f2p) - PotBS (pre-boarder) - DDO - LotRO (pre-f2p) - STO (pre-f2p) - GnH (beta tester) - SWTOR - Neverwinter

  • ktanner3ktanner3 Member UncommonPosts: 4,063
    Originally posted by Nebless

    Originally posted by ktanner3

    On top of being at war with the Federation, the Klingon Empire has annexed Romulan space, reclaiming Khitomer,

    The Romulan Empire is crumbling,


    Probably a given if they've lost their space, they're crumbling :)

    Quick side question for you Ktanner - what did you mean about PoTBS payment system?  It's a monthly fee which seems pretty normal, granted FLS has SOE running the financial side, is that what you meant?


    Yep. I won't touch anything that has the SOE brand on it.

    Currently Playing: World of Warcraft

  • AmazingAveryAmazingAvery Age of Conan AdvocateMember UncommonPosts: 7,188

    Thanks for the updates.

    I hope it has the tactics of 'Armada'

  • Glacial_RainGlacial_Rain Member Posts: 110

    I just wanna make a red shirt named shoot


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