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If you've never played it before, give it a try. There are certain trolls who will lead you to believe the game is bad. The truth is, it's a great innovative MMORPG and it will be very fun for most people. The game is very newb friendly. Glitches are extremely rare. There are no class restrictions, so unlike a lot of other MMOs you don't have to make multiple toons to get the full feel of the game. There is a huge selection of skills to level up. I don't quite remember, but I believe there are 28. There is more than enough to do. This game is easily worth trying. The game is free to play too. The free to play world is big, has a good number of quests, and has over half the skills available to you. Plus, membership is only $6 a month. For an extra $2 a month you also get subscription to Jagex's other website which has a lot of high quality browser games to play. The graphics aren't the best in the world, but you won't even notice after you start playing.
Don't be turned off by the trolling here. There has been serious changes to the game in the past which made some of the higher leveled players get angry at the game. Most of these changes you won't even notice when playing. The only major one a player who is new to the game will notice is the trade limit. Every item in the game has a value, and the game won't let you have an "unfair trade" where one player recieves much more than they are trading for. At this point in time though, you won't even notice it. They have made the amount that has to be traded for a trade to be unfair high enough that new players to the game wouldn't be able to reach the amount required to make the trade unfair. It would take a very long time to get the funds for it to be an issue, and even then you would have to give away a lot. They put this in to stop real world trading, people trading real life money for RuneScape gold.
Now that I'm done writing, I guarentee that this will be trolled just like every other thread in this forum. Don't let the trolling get to you. It's a good game and it has enough free to play content to keep anyone occupied for a few months. Just to prove that it's all trolling in this forum, go look at who has had the last post in almost every thread in the first 3 pages of this forum section. If anyone starts this game and wants some help, send me a PM and I'll get on my old account to help you out.
((>_<)) ~Aesoa
Trust me, by the way you act, you act just like every other runescape fanboy calling people who oppose Jagex as trolls. THERE are no such things as unfair trades. A person has the right to trade whatever he wants. Why limit the trade? RWT has it's advantages as well. To stereotype a two faced system is self destruction. You merely state what Jagex is promoting. Well wake up kid! this is not the RUNESCAPE FORUM. Here, you face the best of rants, that are directed at the liars. Is this some kind of conspiracy? NO IT IS NOT. If you look out there and try to see the real reason why Jagex implemented this features, you will AGREE. The problem with you is that you tend to take what is popular. Why don't you learn to follow what YOU think is honest and straight forward. Why don't you LEARN to research the facts that I have stated about Jagex? Are you brainwashed?
Mike470 is a respected veteran runescape player and active moderator at the mechscapeworld forums.
Here are Mike470's answers(In RED) to posts submitted by runescape fanboys trying to promote Runescape against those who try to state the truth. Remember we are not WoW fans. We are Runescape Veterans. We know all about RUNESCAPE. This is the truth folks, believe it or not:
1 - Runescape has a large variety. Yes, to train each individual skill is a grind... If training one skill and one skill only for a long period of time is what you want to do. However, if you don't want to grind you don't have to - you can still experience the vast majority of the game without it.
Everything is a grind. They just disguise the grind with different skillls. They're so repetitived and uninteresting...and you HAVE to do the skills to make money..if you don't, you'll be way behind in money.
2 - It is a matter of opinion what makes a good pvp system. But the rewards are exactly the same as they always have been - and a good deal better than most other mmorpgs.
Lol, it's not a matter of opinion. Hardly anyone thinks that bounty hunter was better than the wilderness, just look at all the PKers who quit. Bounty hunter is a terrible minigame, and the only reason people play it is because it's the only PVP with full loot. No one would rather have BH than the wilderness.
3 - what do you mean by this? that levels go slowly? If so, I challenge you to find me a decent mmo where the levels don't go slowly by the end. Oh wait, there aren't any... If you are talking about lag - try using a better world for you.
It's just an overall slowpaced game. Standing in one spot, doing the same thing over and over. That isn't fast paced at all, it's just very slow and very boring.
4 - Replace 92% with 2% and you would be about right. However this is indeed a problem (although one which seems to have reduced substantially over the last few months), and one of the downsides of Runescape. Why is this the case? Because the game is so accessible. You don't have to spend hours downloading it, and you can play for free. Of course you will get idiots playing. It is a shame, but it is a price that, in my opinion, is worth paying.
It has NOT gotten better. While the number may not be 92%, it was WAY too high. The community is immature, filled with 9-13 yr olds, or people older than that but still act immature. RS has a horrible community, there is no hiding that. I would much rather download a game and pay than to have an easily accessible game for free.
5 - There are a lot of mmos that use clicking to move. To be honest I don't really care whether a game uses arrow keys or the mouse. What difference does it make
A lot of games have WASD movement two. More than not (unless they're from Korea, more are point n click from there) actually use WASD movement. They should at least make it optional.
6 - I am yet to come across another gaming company that cares as much as Jagex does about what people want... Even the updates at the end of last year - complaints about bots were far more common than complaints about the wildy are now... And even if they did only want your money... how would they go about getting it? That's right - by implementing updates that people want. An example of a far more money-hungry gaming company would be Aeria games - who just create various games and then never update them other than to create new items for the item mall - which have to be bought for real world cash. I am glad to say that selling items in such a way is something that Jagex have chosen not to do - and any firm that just cared about cash wouldn't hesitate to do.
Haha, I love how you try to turn this around and make JaGeX look good. In case you didn't realize, they couldn't give a crap about what they do and what their community thinks. They make bad update after bad update, not caring about the thoughts of the players. They have horrible customer service, and overall they are a bad company. Jagex just does this because they know no one will leave, and they will stick around even after they destroy the game even more (if that's possible).
7 - load of nonsense. How many nerfs have there been so far this year? Oh wait... None.
I think what he meant to say was that all of the PVP updates were ways of trying to fix the updates that happened last year --- all of which that failed. Nothing has become even a decent replacement for what they removed.
8 - also a load of nonsense. Many jmods are active on the forums, and they are frequently sighted in game. You can (and should) report any rulebreakers you see easily via an anonymous in-game facility. There is a very high number of players per customer support jmod simply because of the huge number of players.
Jagex has horrible customer service...Wrongly banning some players while letting the bad players on the loose. Don't try and lie, even most of the players can realize Jagex has poor, poor customer service...
9 - everyone who claims they were banned for no reason is lying. Everyone. People have been muted for no significant reason before - usually due to a misunderstanding by a player moderator.
...yeah, the thousands of people just lied...sure.
10 - have you played runescape since the graphical update? Nope, thought not. While these may not be the best in the business, can you blame them given that it is a browser based game. The runescape graphics are way better than ANY other browser based game in existance.
I have, and the graphics still suck. It doesn't matter if they are Java, they are still bad graphics. Wurm Online is another browser based game, and I think that has better graphics than RS.
That is just the surface. If you want the best of it, you gotta PLAY the game and study the game. For example:
"Adam Tuckwell is the “Safety Minister” and Head of PR at Jagex. He was proud to talk to me about Runescape's effort to make the game a safe environment for under children under the age of 13. Previously, players had to to be 13+ to play the game. Runescape launched the under 13 game in June. This provides a Quick Chat interface, and children under 13 can only see Quick Chat text from other players of the under 13 game. This game is Coppa compliant, and have been awarded Best in Class by the IWF (Internet Watch Foundation). Since the launch of the under 13 game, Jagex has seen a 40% increase in Runescape registrations.
In the Quarter 2 or 3 of 2009, the Parental Controls dashboard will be launched. This provides parents with the means to set how often and how long their children can play Runescape, set various chat settings and have various controls over their children's Friends List – such as the ability to add friends with or without parental approval."
Shocking isnt it? For you probably not, but for us veterans, this game is just retarded. We speak from experience. DO YOU?
You are yet another fine example of the community that defends ruinedscape. Thanks for showing everyone here what 90% of the runescape community is like now.
Keep in mind the community wasn't always full of immature little kids flaming everyone. The community used to be a respectful and mature place that it didn't need any player moderators!
The voice of the public is the best place to get answers. This applies not only to games, but to almost everything...including politics. Here is an example:
Posted by Matt269:
" Runescape's large variety isn't really variety considering you do the same thing for every skill. You click, wait and repeat.
The rewards suck. I don't want to waste 3 months getting a skill to level 99 to get a stupid cape that does nothing but a stupid emote and cause flaming from noobs.
If you ever even played runescape that long you would know that lvl 92 is the half way point for experience points in any skill. Most other mmorps do not have a leveling system that increases exponentially to the degree that runescape does. Its ridiculous.
The game is not worth paying for if you do have to deal with immature little kids and stupid updates which ruin the game.
Jagex doesn't care what players want. they care about money and only money. end of story.
There have been loads of nerfs recently. To list a few: pvp, economy, quests, rewards, minigames, wilderness, and trading. All of which have been nerfed.
There is a common belief among the majority of most runescape players that gold crowns are rarer than party hats. When was the last time you saw a jmod in the game. Of the 6 years I've played I've only seen one. Ive seen way more party hats than j mods. and party hats are the rarest item in the game in case you didnt know. excluding the christmas cracker which cant be seen except in trade windows.
Actually a lot of players I know including myself have been muted and/or banned for the dumbest reasons. So don't talk about things of which you clearly dont know anything about.
Yes i have played since the graphics update. The graphics are better admittingly but still have numerous flaws. Compared to many other games runescape's graphics are still substandard."
More later....
The problem isn't merely that there are stupid skills to grind levels in. The problem is that there isn't anything else in the game. Basically the same says, you can grind for levels in this. You don't like that? Well then, you can grind for levels in this other thing instead. Or maybe grind for levels in yet something else. But if you want to do something other than grinding for levels, you're out of luck.
And that is why the game is so awful. There's not even a pretense at offering anything other than the worst sort of level grinding.
Trust me friends, all that "level grinding" and "skillcape crap" wasn't really "crappy" until the removed the free trade system. Trust me it used to be fun and exciting. It made me feel good inside. Now, what's the point of "grinding" if you can't share at least half of it to friends? What the point of "grinding" if you can't have private drop parties under your supervision? I used to respect the skilling system of Runescape until they took out free trade. In my opinion, it just makes the skilling system bland and selfish. That's my opinion, and you have the choice to believe it or not. Cheers.
I'm not even bothering to read his trolling anymore.
There is a lot of grind, but you can skip a lot of the grind by doing quests. They give great XP. If you do all the quests, then you end up with very little grind in between quests. A lot of the time you can prepare for the next quest you want to do while you're leveling the skills you need for the quest. If you sit down and decide you're going straight for a skillcape, yeah you're going to be grinding non-stop. For me, the grind hasn't been that bad with RuneScape. Talking to buddies, join a clan chat.. Time flies by. Especially since they removed a lot of the random events.
Plus, in the beginning of the game you aren't really grinding. Hell, there's no real grinding until level 50. The low quest requirements before then should be come pretty easy. Just to clarify, I'm just putting my opinion for anyone who's thinking of starting. I'm ignoring anything written by the supertroll of the RuneScape forum.
((>_<)) ~Aesoa
Free trade gave the game thought and human interaction on a real level rather than "click on crap put it in your bank repeat until bank is full then sell crap to make bank space".. lol
I had maxed stats on multiple accounts .. and did every quest and skill in the game what are you trying to tell me? I am telling you what happens after all that.. wouldn;t a troll be someone who has very little game knowledge ? try me .. lol I could write the handbook.. oh yea I helped doing that too.. lmao
Join a clan chat? lmao you can;t even fit all clan members on your friends list. Just try to fit all 600 members of my clan on a list .... the chat system is a joke.
The fun that the game had was in being able to help people after you already had everything you wanted for yourself in the game, the mass wildy clan wars full loot pk with hundreds of people , that for all that effort it took to gain the skills, they actually had a reason, you could use them to help your clan, your friends, your family. It gave them a purpose. What they did to the game was made it feel real empty once you put forth the effort it takes to get that far.
Oh yea I didn;t get the easy ride ... no I got my skills the hard way before they made it easier to max.. nope no make x or all options it was all single click, no Pest control, no easy prayer xp at alters... I had to actually work for it. I didn;t even mind they mad eit easier, nope.. I knew what a pain it was the way it was, but What I did mind was when they took away all my reason for doing it in the first place. That is just messed up.
When you started playing, wasn't it fun? I'm not trying to argue that things don't tamper off when you get to higher level. I'm trying to make sure people play this game. The game has a lot of good unique qualities that you never see in any other MMO. I think it's an experience that anyone who plays online games should play. I don't like how Blissey sits here and trolls on every thread that comes up, because that might make people decide not to play. That's my purpose for this thread.
((>_<)) ~Aesoa
It's not this or that change that made painful grinding no longer fun. It never was fun in the first place.
Was Runescape fun initially? Perhaps, if only in the sense that trying a new game is usually fun at the very start because it's new to you. But Runescape never had anything past that to offer.
Runescape forum? are you aware where you are? This is, not
Do you work for Jagex? I mean I have to wonder why you would want people to play a broken game. I mean sure if they fix the game, I would be the first to tell people to check it out. Hell I did for years until they broke it.
The reason there are tons of people coming here upset was that they treated many players terribly. I knew an english teacher that was banned for giving free stuff to her students ... they accused her of RMT seriously.. I knew a grandmother that was banned for giving her grandson armor. And he was muted for talking about it. That is how they treat their customers, so you can imagine you will see quite a few of them comming around pretty upset.
They do not allow players to tell the truth about Jagex's actions in their forums, so MMORPG gets slammed with them. WHat I have witnessed over the years from Jagex is enough to leave a sour taste in anyones mouth. Yes, it is true you can create an account max it out follow the rules and get banned when you never even broke the rules. The report system works for the thugs not the law abiding players. They even made scammers into mods...
This kind of behavior from a company should not just be accepted by the gaming community, no they should expect to be treated better than that. If one day Jagex has proven they have genuinely changed , I will be the first to step up to defend them.
The quests were always the main draw of the game. They are deep storylines. A lot of the time they had good jokes in them, and hard puzzles to solve. Unless you always used a guide, you can't say you didn't have trouble trying to solve the Ernest the Chicken maze rooms or what key you needed in the Priest in Peril quest. I've done most of the quests in the game many, many times and the quests still throw me off when I play through them again.
((>_<)) ~Aesoa
Use your common sense. If you want all the praises for Jagex, go to some forum like ZYBEZ or sal's. Those forums are PAID to praise Jagex. Those forums are orderd to do so as well. Don't ask me how. Or perheaps you want to get moderator status for your "loyalty" and "ignorance", then go to the official RS FORUMS. You don't stand a chance against the public because we know ALL ABOUT RUNESCAPE, and we used to play that game. Don't expect us to be like WoW fans who just make assumptions on certain things because we don't make assumptions, we state the obvious. Who cares about Jagex anyway? They have been screwing up the loyal public ever since 07. You wanna know how? do some research and stop making lies by calling me a "troll". I am just being 100% honest and straightforward. By contradicting it, you are the "troll".
Since you are a RS LORE fan, have you read "Betrayal at Falador"?
I did every quest in the game, there is nothing hard or challenging about them, honestly they are just time consuming. I mean even on my pure I was able to solo desert treasure at lvl 48 combat with no defense and 11 prayer ...
The only thing challenging at all in the game I thought was the massive wilderness full loot 120+ combat clan wars. I miss those, they were fun with hundreds of people. Staying alive when your fighting one clan only to have another ambush you was fun. Though they really hurt the game for that as well, considering we gave out tons of rune sets each week, we fished for the clan, we made weapons and armor for the clan.. and now you can only make your own.
Do you work for Jagex? I mean I have to wonder why you would want people to play a broken game. I mean sure if they fix the game, I would be the first to tell people to check it out. Hell I did for years until they broke it.
The reason there are tons of people coming here upset was that they treated many players terribly. I knew an english teacher that was banned for giving free stuff to her students ... they accused her of RMT seriously.. I knew a grandmother that was banned for giving her grandson armor. And he was muted for talking about it. That is how they treat their customers, so you can imagine you will see quite a few of them comming around pretty upset.
They do not allow players to tell the truth about Jagex's actions in their forums, so MMORPG gets slammed with them. WHat I have witnessed over the years from Jagex is enough to leave a sour taste in anyones mouth. Yes, it is true you can create an account max it out follow the rules and get banned when you never even broke the rules. The report system works for the thugs not the law abiding players. They even made scammers into mods...
This kind of behavior from a company should not just be accepted by the gaming community, no they should expect to be treated better than that. If one day Jagex has proven they have genuinely changed , I will be the first to step up to defend them.
It's a unique game and one of my favorites. A lot of good games have gone down over the years, but I would still want other people to have the experiences I had with them. I've been playing for a very long time and I never had an issue with Jagex. I had one issue with a player mod who muted me for asking if a person if they knew latin, but all I had to do was appeal it with customer service and they took it off my record. There are always going to be some corruption in positions of power. Just because some people have bad experiences doesn't mean everyone will.
((>_<)) ~Aesoa
Do you work for Jagex? I mean I have to wonder why you would want people to play a broken game. I mean sure if they fix the game, I would be the first to tell people to check it out. Hell I did for years until they broke it.
The reason there are tons of people coming here upset was that they treated many players terribly. I knew an english teacher that was banned for giving free stuff to her students ... they accused her of RMT seriously.. I knew a grandmother that was banned for giving her grandson armor. And he was muted for talking about it. That is how they treat their customers, so you can imagine you will see quite a few of them comming around pretty upset.
They do not allow players to tell the truth about Jagex's actions in their forums, so MMORPG gets slammed with them. WHat I have witnessed over the years from Jagex is enough to leave a sour taste in anyones mouth. Yes, it is true you can create an account max it out follow the rules and get banned when you never even broke the rules. The report system works for the thugs not the law abiding players. They even made scammers into mods...
This kind of behavior from a company should not just be accepted by the gaming community, no they should expect to be treated better than that. If one day Jagex has proven they have genuinely changed , I will be the first to step up to defend them.
It's a unique game and one of my favorites. A lot of good games have gone down over the years, but I would still want other people to have the experiences I had with them. I've been playing for a very long time and I never had an issue with Jagex. I had one issue with a player mod who muted me for asking if a person if they knew latin, but all I had to do was appeal it with customer service and they took it off my record. There are always going to be some corruption in positions of power. Just because some people have bad experiences doesn't mean everyone will.
Youre in the wrong place at the wrong time, kid. If you got the brains like Einstein had, travel back to '05 and I'd help you promote Runescape to everyone-including WoW FANS.
I was never banned .. I have friends who are mods that still play. They tell me nothing has changed, just the cover.
Many player mods are just kids on a power trip. They allowed children to do the regulating. "Some" bad expierances? they lost 2.4 million separate players not including programs or duel accounts that access their site from their data charts on their corporate site immediately after they broke the game.. then lied to their players trying to down play it. They never had to do these updates . Programs access the client different than the actual players so they could block programs from accessing their site. They even have programs listed completely separate on their chart information. There were many more options they chose not to implement. This is why the other games are learning from Jagex .. they are learning what not to do to break a game that was doing well.
It is messed up that the programs are still being allowed to access their site, if they wanted to fix things they could do it much easier.
The charts are posted somewhere in these forums .. but it was a while back so I am not surfing for them .. Maybe Mike knows where they are lol
I was never banned .. I have friends who are mods that still play. They tell me nothing has changed, just the cover.
Many player mods are just kids on a power trip. They allowed children to do the regulating. "Some" bad expierances? they lost 2.4 million separate players not including programs or duel accounts that access their site from their data charts on their corporate site immediately after they broke the game.. then lied to their players trying to down play it. They never had to do these updates . Programs access the client different than the actual players so they could block programs from accessing their site. They even have programs listed completely separate on their chart information. There were many more options they chose not to implement. This is why the other games are learning from Jagex .. they are learning what not to do to break a game that was doing well.
It is messed up that the programs are still being allowed to access their site, if they wanted to fix things they could do it much easier.
The charts are posted somewhere in these forums .. but it was a while back so I am not surfing for them .. Maybe Mike knows where they are lol
That just goes away from my point though. If you're playing F2p, chances are you won't even see a mod. They are damn near impossible to find F2p. It's not like I'm sitting here telling people they should go play and try to get all the skillcapes, I'm just saying it's worth trying for great quests and innovation. Think back to when you were a newb. Unless you were a begger, most of the stuff you did back then you can still do. Don't you remember killing cows trying to get enough cowhides to get a black platebody, or maybe you even roleplayed with some friends. Stumbling opon the Falador mines in the little shack, then running like hell when the scorpions started attacking you. Those experiences were some of the most fun I've ever had playing an MMO. The things they've done to the endgame haven't ruined the fun of newbing in that game.
((>_<)) ~Aesoa
I was never banned .. I have friends who are mods that still play. They tell me nothing has changed, just the cover.
Many player mods are just kids on a power trip. They allowed children to do the regulating. "Some" bad expierances? they lost 2.4 million separate players not including programs or duel accounts that access their site from their data charts on their corporate site immediately after they broke the game.. then lied to their players trying to down play it. They never had to do these updates . Programs access the client different than the actual players so they could block programs from accessing their site. They even have programs listed completely separate on their chart information. There were many more options they chose not to implement. This is why the other games are learning from Jagex .. they are learning what not to do to break a game that was doing well.
It is messed up that the programs are still being allowed to access their site, if they wanted to fix things they could do it much easier.
The charts are posted somewhere in these forums .. but it was a while back so I am not surfing for them .. Maybe Mike knows where they are lol
That just goes away from my point though. If you're playing F2p, chances are you won't even see a mod. They are damn near impossible to find F2p. It's not like I'm sitting here telling people they should go play and try to get all the skillcapes, I'm just saying it's worth trying for great quests and innovation. Think back to when you were a newb. Unless you were a begger, most of the stuff you did back then you can still do. Don't you remember killing cows trying to get enough cowhides to get a black platebody, or maybe you even roleplayed with some friends. Stumbling opon the Falador mines in the little shack, then running like hell when the scorpions started attacking you. Those experiences were some of the most fun I've ever had playing an MMO. The things they've done to the endgame haven't ruined the fun of newbing in that game.
When I was a newb the game was open pvp full loot... no banks, no level limits on combat. When they added banks everyone stayed huddled in them daring each other to step outside. When you did you died so fast it was too funny.. good times .. No matter what level you were there was respect for each other. No one cared what you had in the game or what level you were. No spam or flaming .. no just all in fun. Then they added duel options .. game has never been the same since. So no I cannot do any of the things I did when I was a newb.
There was no tutorials, safe zones, trade limits ... you must have started ALOT later than I did lol.
Was that RuneScape Classic? I started less than a year after they started RuneScape 2.. I remember all the higher level players walking around complaining about how much better classic was. They still let you make classic accounts when I first joined but I never made one.
((>_<)) ~Aesoa
I was a beta tester lol...When they first started the game it was called devious mud, then they changed it to runescape.
That means you still have alot to learn. Why don't you do a research on it?