It's almost ready for second beta. The whole world has been scaled down (now 50 sq miles instead of 200), beautified (a bit) and setup for more quest/grind areas. Also, I just finished changing to a slightly older engine to get better performance, and did the port to OS X Leopard which is still alpha (tested a little, so far seems okay). Overall, it still needs NPCs, some dungeon work, bosses, etc.
No date set yet for public beta. Won't be long... a few weeks tops, maybe as soon as next weekend if all goes well (hehe, like that ever happens ~grin~).
Ken One man, a small pile of money, and the screwball idea of a DIY Indie MMORPG? Yep, that's him. ~sigh~
It's almost ready for second beta. The whole world has been scaled down (now 50 sq miles instead of 200), beautified (a bit) and setup for more quest/grind areas. Also, I just finished changing to a slightly older engine to get better performance, and did the port to OS X Leopard which is still alpha (tested a little, so far seems okay). Overall, it still needs NPCs, some dungeon work, bosses, etc.
No date set yet for public beta. Won't be long... a few weeks tops, maybe as soon as next weekend if all goes well (hehe, like that ever happens ~grin~).
One man, a small pile of money, and the screwball idea of a DIY Indie MMORPG? Yep, that's him. ~sigh~