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The latin term is hostis humani generis. Just out of curiousity I did an internet search to see what would come up. Some of the results astounded me. On the first page alone I got:
One nutcase, err...I mean blogger says it's the nation of Israel.
Many environmentalists claim that it's coal
Presumably, along the same environmental lines, this article, says it's Caterpillar dump trucks.
Someone even says it's the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Funny, I was thinking more along the lines of terrorists being the enemy of the human race. But they were nowhere to be found on the first few pages of my search. What is the world coming to?
human themself
so much agree with you. Sometimes, i feel that human is the most evil creature.
The Official God FAQ
We commit murder, steal, rape, wage wars, destroy the environment, enslave others, discriminate, etc.
No race or thing does that to us, we do it to ourselves.
Oh and Cylons
yeah they hate humans for the most part.
Yes terrorists are the ultimate enemy of the human race, lets just ignore thousands of years of human history and not ask ourselves why we actually have terrorists in the first place. It goes much deeper then that, not the propganda constantly shoved into your mind from the tele.
The answer is quite obvious - Ourselves. Think a bit man.
O_o o_O
Yes terrorists are the ultimate enemy of the human race, lets just ignore thousands of years of human history and not ask ourselves why we actually have terrorists in the first place. It goes much deeper then that, not the propganda constantly shoved into your mind from the tele.
The answer is quite obvious - Ourselves. Think a bit man.
You mean it's not brown people?
Fox lied to me!
The Official God FAQ
Yes terrorists are the ultimate enemy of the human race, lets just ignore thousands of years of human history and not ask ourselves why we actually have terrorists in the first place. It goes much deeper then that, not the propganda constantly shoved into your mind from the tele.
The answer is quite obvious - Ourselves. Think a bit man.
You mean it's not brown people?
Fox lied to me!
Well, gee, the last I checked, terrorists fell within the category of human beings. More so than coal or dump trucks, wouldn't you say? So I guess that makes their answers worse than mine.
When did FOX ever say brown people are enemies of the human race? Sounds like you are hating on a news network just because you don't like what you hear being reported on it.
Yes terrorists are the ultimate enemy of the human race, lets just ignore thousands of years of human history and not ask ourselves why we actually have terrorists in the first place. It goes much deeper then that, not the propganda constantly shoved into your mind from the tele.
The answer is quite obvious - Ourselves. Think a bit man.
You mean it's not brown people?
Fox lied to me!
When did FOX ever say brown people are enemies of the human race? Sounds like you are hating on a news network just because you don't like what you hear being reported on it.
off topic, but they have attacked black culture on television a number of times
Every society from every point in time would likely give you a different answer, yet, here we are.
I ask for so little. Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave.
Bean burritos from Taco Bell. That's the definite enemy. They create weapons of mass destruction out of thin air.
Yes terrorists are the ultimate enemy of the human race, lets just ignore thousands of years of human history and not ask ourselves why we actually have terrorists in the first place. It goes much deeper then that, not the propganda constantly shoved into your mind from the tele.
The answer is quite obvious - Ourselves. Think a bit man.
You mean it's not brown people?
Fox lied to me!
When did FOX ever say brown people are enemies of the human race? Sounds like you are hating on a news network just because you don't like what you hear being reported on it.
off topic, but they have attacked black culture on television a number of times
Holy cow! That is the biggest piece of crap propoganda I have ever seen against FOX in my life. The poster cuts out these 5 second sound bites without the viewer having the benefit of seeing the entire context of the story. Somebody says "black" or "minority" and suddenly it's a racist piece. That video could almost be grounds for a defamation lawsuit if it caused any damage to the network.
Terrorism and violences of any kind are just as moot alongside coal and carterpillar machinery when it comes to enemies of the human race as a whole. Diseases and cancers are the "enemy".
Disease, microbes, bacteria, whatever you wanna call it, nothing kills off humans like this stuff, eventually it will become immune to what we have and we will die off even worse.
Sad really, for all we can do, we can't really stop something so small heh.
"The great thing about human language is that it prevents us from sticking to the matter at hand."
- Lewis Thomas
Who or what is the enermy of the Human race?
Pretty easy to answer this one. The Enemy does the following.....
Wage war on Humankind
Murder Humans
create new diseases with the specific purpose of killing Humans as efficently as possable
Contanimate human food with various naturall and artificial ingredients which can be harmfull to Humans
Give you one guess who this enermy is.
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
USA and they will destroy the complet world in a few years.
mmm did they took out the smiley? I don't see them..
d(-_-)b (thumbs up)
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
Not to double post, but in the interest of staying on topic.
Originally posted by javac
well i'm 35 and have a PhD in science, and then 10 years experience in bioinformatics... you?
Jews - obviously, just ask Hitler.
"Every day, here and at home, we are warned about the enemy. But who is the enemy?
Is it the alien?
Well, we are all alien to one another.
Is it the one who believes differently than we do? No, oh no, my friends.
The enemy is fear. The enemy is ignorance.
The enemy is the one who tells you that you must hate that which is different. Because, in the end, that hate will turn on you. And that same hate will destroy you."
Babylon 5, Reverend Dexter
And the rock cried out, no hiding place
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
They didn't, it is just more specious Fox bashing.
But it won't matter in a few years, when the ninja death Gerbils finalize their plan to exterminate the human race.
All of the above.
Gonna go with virus though as the ultimate enemy though, politicians seek money and power, coal is melting the ice caps (bad but not species ending), Jews are...... just chatty and obnoxious (hardly a destroyer of mankind) and mans own intolerance at least makes room for some others.
**Ninja death Gerbils are a close 2nd though..... if they ever do unite under one banner things would get grim
Yeah that mostly.
But as a personal favourite I would add a couple more like, money, corporations, military (the whole world, don't blame any specific country), bullies (in general), capitalism, and maybe others I can't recall now.
Besides, the term terrorist has changed a little lately. Specially after Israel raped gaza, again. Nobody called them terrorist.
Though, that explains why you found "Israel" first on the list. You have to thank them a little, I mean you the USA, cause they kinda lifted the bully status from you and transfered it to them.
But.. this is all points of view righ. The quoted word explains it all, maybe if words like terrorist didn't exists, the terrorist itself would disapear with it...
EDIT: I typed Iran instead of Israel, what the status quo can make of someones mind...
Oh, and since I'm adding. Don't forget the Jews! they are the most evil of all (This las part is sarcasm )
I don't think there's an animal, natural catastrophe or disease able to threaten mankind more than humans themselves.
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." - Einstein