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Ok, first let me start off, once I got through the vast setup and config process I love this game. However, there is things that I just can't figure out... probably a lot more to come.
1. Armor... I have 1k gil to my name and im lvl 19 (Working on finishing Sub Job Quest) and I think people are looking at my armor and laughing... I'm mainly in my start set with the exception of some gear i picked up off a vendor and 2 pieces from AH. What do I need to do? I'm a WHM
2. Valk Dunes... I'm windurst nation and can't find any guard that will cast signet on me. What am i missing and how to correct, my Home Point is Sabina.
3. Auto-Translator... No clue and completely lost. Can someone give me a breakdown on how to use or even what it does.
Thank you,
Tumz / WHM 19 Titan Server
If you have survived to level 19 and only have 1k, I have to both applaud and scold you. I have no idea how you could only have that much money. What are you doing with things that drop off mobs? I personally make at least 100k on crystal sales alone over the course of a month and that is only what drops off mobs in exp where I am competing with 5 other people. Are you just dropping everything or just NPCing things? Best to save up what you can and get 12 of items that can stack. That way you can put them on the AH and get some good money going. You are at least getting all your spells?
Money is a difficult thing when you are first starting out. I can suggest playing the other 5 jobs you have access too as well. Even though you might never have a use for WAR you can easily get 10-20 lvls soloing, sell the drops you are getting, and get some real money going. Once you get ahead of the money curve in this game you can pretty much ride the crest into shore if you are okay with medium lvl gear. The high end stuff will cost you still.
Also the Feilds of Valor will reward you with gil and exp for completing those tasks and is an easy easy way to make a quick buck.
Signet can be gotten from the gate guards in your main city, the embassies in forgein city, outpost guards in each zone, or from the city guards in the communial city of Jueno. When you country owns a zone after conquest update on Sunday mornings you will have access to the guards at the outpost -- for the dunes the OP is just north of Selbina. However if they do not own the zone you will not be able to get sigent. It is a double edge sword because without signet you will not be able help you countyr in conquest so it is less likly that the zone can be converted to your side. From where you are I 'd suggest running up to San d'Oria and hitting up the consulate there for signet. Trouble is with only being level 19 you will have to walk back and that is a half hour walk one way so 1/6 [edit: 1/8 sorry i can math] of your signet (it last 4 hours when your on mission 1) will be gone by the time you get back. Each rank mission you do your signet will get longer and longer. You can also get a Signet staff, but you need to be rank 10 to get one so the other way it to buy one from someone and since you have a money issue that could be a problem.
The best news is you leave the Dunes at lvl 20 (at 19 WHM you could leave now) so you won't have much more time that far away from a a signet NPC so once you get your subjob items you will be good to go. The next zone you go to is Qufim Island which is right next to Jeuno.
Auto Translator. It is something where you can select terms from a list and what you select gets translated into the language the person reading is native to. For instance if you were to say Hello to a japanese player they might not understand you, but if you use the autotranslate and scroll to hello then they will see it in japanese and understand you. You can get to the menu by starting to type something then hitting the tab key. This will do one of two things.
If you are up against a word and hit tab your menu will open and you will see all the options that are avaiable to translate that start with those letters. For instance if you type Hell then hit tab you will come up with a menu with Helldive and Hello! and i think a few other things. Then you can hit enter and it will go into the chat window for you to say. The other way it works is if you are not up against a word then it will open up the root menu for auto translate which groups everything up more nicly, but you will have a crap load of choices. I'd personally suggest opening up the menu by typing space then type tab. This will open the menu nicely for you and then you can sift through the list. Once you have an idea of what is in the list then you will know what your options might be. For instance if you wanted to tell someone that you are standing under a tree, you might type {Hello!} {Tarutaru} {Down} {Tree} and someone who is japanaes will understand what you are trying to say (down and under are ironically the same word in japanaese or so I have been told). This will take some getting used to, but once you have it you will probably be talking to everyone this way reguardless of them needing a translation.