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i heard someone said the firewall will slow game down, i am using zone alarm pro 5. 0 something,is this true or what ever?
Question:Why three monks stands there with a empty barrel.
Answer:they are waiting for jay and silent bob.
What For? Please check out next Jay and Silent Bob movie.
Leave it turned on!
One time, while I was visiting my parents, I was playing AO with my laptop over their dial-up and kept having dropouts. So I decided to turn off Zone Alarm and see if the dropouts continued. I then played for a couple more hours.
When I went back the next day to play, I discovered someone had slipped a program into my StartUp directory! It didn't do any damage, but I immediately re-enabled Zone Alarm and deleted the file from my system.
Lesson learned.
BTW, The dropouts seemed to be from the dail-up and not Zone Alarm.
"These creatures must be driven away before it's too late. We must stop Cartagia no matter what the cost."
"The cost? That would be the dying thing, right?"
-Lando and Vir
This reminds me how hopping mad I get when developers say, "We don't support firewalls or routers." I understand that they don't support the modifying the setup on the many different firewalls and routers out there, but suggesting that you simply bypass them to play their game is unreasonable.
Then again, maybe makers of MMORPGs should support most firewalls/routers. At least the big ones. Saying they don't is like saying they don't support video cards. Both are used to play the game and both are arguably mandatory to play the game, so why aren't both supported?
Anyway, just had to vent a bit on that subject...
I don't user a firewall or virus protection.
Haven't had a problem with a virus for almost 5 years... and firewall... who's really going to take their time and hack into YOUR PC?
So, another pointless download for me.
My $0.02
What will he do next?
If you have a NAT router (like a Linksys BEFSR41), that counts as a firewall under most definitions. If not and you are directly connected, then count yourself extremely lucky. Perhaps miraculously lucky.
One time I did a test where I put a Win2000 computer outside the corporate firewall. It wasn't but 2 hours later that it had been hacked. I did the same test at home. It took 30 minutes to get a NET SEND on the screen from someone, and another 20 minutes to be hacked.
Two different IP subnets, same result.
corporate firewall isn't the same as a personal firewall.
I don't have any one other then family here. . .
What will he do next?
Don't be a reject. You said "One time I did a test where I put a Win2000 computer outside the corporate firewall. "
I said, most people don't have to do anyting with corporate... so why should they have to worry.
Being in a corporation and being HOME are NOT even CLOSE to being the SAME.
What will he do next?
That's why I did the test in both places; home and work. In both cases the computer was hacked in short time. Corporate doesn't matter anyway. Since it was outside the corporate firewall, it was exposed to the Internet in a raw, unfettered way. Hackers don't care who owns the IP addresses!
I must be lucky. Never had any issues with hackers... never.
What will he do next?
Only firewall I have is built into the router. You can't turn it off but you can open the DMZ which is essentially the same thing. I have run it both ways with little problems. The main problem is not from a hacker but from yourself. Clicking on links or opening websites that have spyware or adware on them is what really gets to you. That or having a trojan on your computer (which btw is a program or file that allows someone to access your IP or data at any time of their choosing).
Most hackers won't bother spending the five minutes it would take them to crack into your dinky firewall just so they can "slow" your computer down. :P
"Feel free to hate me, but hate me for the right reasons."
"Your still ignorant if you believe the first thing you see when the blindfold is removed."
"Be smart enough to know I'm smarter than you."
i know now when i grow up im going to make an anti-virus called trojan man. Like condoms protect from having babies this software will protect from viruses but you know there might be a rip in the cyber condom and you might get a virus once in a while.
They don't need or want corporate computers for DoS attacks, your home computer is jussst fine. And I've seen enough malicious code executed and trojans slipped into TPAs for games to know it's not always about some ubar-hakkar targeting your box directly like they're in the Matrix. All it takes is a little program, or a little image, or a little keylogging. Firewalls and anti-virus proggies are a must have, especially if you run Windows, which is an OS that just screams "OMG!!11!1! JACK ME!!!" with it's constant security issues.
And yes, I do run Windows, cuz, well, games!! But I do it behind a firewall, without using IE, office or Outlook, with an antivirus always running.
Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do.
Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do.
Like I said earlier it usually isn't a hacker you have to worry about. A lot of those little programs are hidden in sites we goto on a daily basis or are sent to us in e-mails. Many of these things will always get past your firewall. My best advice to those of you who want some good protection without having the hassle of a very poorly built firewall that you have to run in the b/g of Windows:
Get a router and enable the hardware firewall, download Firefox, and get a program called Spyware Blaster. Spyware Blaster will set your internet settings to the most secure yet free settings possible. For those people who aren't completely in the know for the whole hacker security and such. Firefox doesn't have as many loopholes for spyware and adware programs to get in plus it is faster.
With these things in place you should be 99% safe from viruses and spyware/adware.
I recommend getting TrendMicro's anti-virus along with Ad-Aware Pro and hi-jack this. These programs will do an excellent job of monitoring and cleaning your system. Just run each of those once a month and you should be good. I usually run each of these once a month and they haven't found anything since I switched to Firefox + Spyware Blaster a couple of months ago.
"Feel free to hate me, but hate me for the right reasons."
"Your still ignorant if you believe the first thing you see when the blindfold is removed."
"Be smart enough to know I'm smarter than you."
definately leave that mother on