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I like the game but the scenarios killed it for me. The concept of RVR is great, but when the rvr areas are vacant or lacking in players it's just boring. Eveyone wants to lvl using the SCs and not use the areas on the world map so you are pretty muched forced to run SCs to find others. If you like this more power to you but for me and probally a lot of others the game is lost to us. i might come back and play the game if they took them out, but thats not going to happen. Maybe if they made a server with no SCs in it I would come back. As it is, it is flawed to me. Just my thoughts though.
How many delicate flowers have you met in Counterstrike?
I got a case of beer and a chainsaw waiting for me at home after work.
Some like the scenarios, others don't. There are certainly positives and negatives here, and not everyone agrees on all points..
But to suggest that "everyone" (meaning 100% of all players) is only interested in leveling using scenarios, as you clearly state above, is utter nonsense. Certainly, there are plenty who do play them, but it's quite disingenuous to claim that everyone does to the exclusion of all else.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
What I guess I'm saying is that a lot of the player base does use the SCs to lvl and to me that is a bad thing. Why try to grind out a lvl killing mobs when you can do an SC and get 3 or 4 time as much xp in it. I don;t blame anyone from going into them to lvl. I just think they could have done the rvr areas alone this way. Especially since you do get xp from killing other players along with defending or capturing a keep. They could have left the areas open and not made the SCs and the game would have been better to me.
It is a pvp game after all and a player should not have to go to an instanced area to find other players. Can make this argument for other games as well. They did an alright jb with the game it just comes up short in the RVR for me.
I rarely seen a hostile player other than if they did decide to capture a keep or the the rare defence of it. Most of the time it was a zerg on the keeps with little or no defence cause all the players are in SCs (maybe). That or the player base is that small.
Just my take is all.
How many delicate flowers have you met in Counterstrike?
I got a case of beer and a chainsaw waiting for me at home after work.
It is still a better idea for a PvP game then mob grinding but they need to make sieging and RvR a lot more worthwhile.
They just need to make seiging more than zerg. They should have added in crafting seige weapons, make walls breakable insetad of just doors. They should have spent more time on oRVR and seiging mechanic, than level design and scenario mechanics.
I understand what you're saying, and appreciate your response. I can just say that our experiences are very different. I'm pretty much an RvR fanatic - I tend to hang out at the warcamps almost exclusively, and upon logging in, can usually figure out where the fighting is using guild chat, region chat, the search function, or SoR within a minute or so. Then it's a quick flight and I'm usually fighting shortly thereafter.
As an example, I've been playing my newly created Squig Herder over the last couple of days in Tier 1 on Phoenix Throne. I did the quests up until about 5th level just to get some skills and basic gear, then answered a "rally call" to the lakes, and haven't gone back since. I've been part of several multi-group warbands, and have taken every objective in the tier, several much more than once. I've done a few scenarios over that time as well, because Nordenwatch is one of my favorites available in the entire game, but most of the leveling I've done has been in the lakes (along with all the quests they have in them now). As a funny aside, I did get to kill a 40th level guy chickened with some of his low-level friends in the Empire/Chaos pairing today, not once, but twice. That was some nice exp/renown/influence!
I don't generally do a lot of scenarios, though usually find them enjoyable when I do.
They could probably still stand to tune up the experience gained a little more from fights and sieges in the lakes, but there are other rewards for fighting oRvR as well (keep lord drops, influence gear). That, and I just find oRvR to be a lot of fun.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
I have been playing Warhammer lately as my new game. I have to first off I love it. It has been a long time since I seen this much group activity throughout an entire game. The last time when I played EQ in 2000. It is refreshing, War makes grouping just happen. I have met so many nice people just walking into a Public Quest or going into a ORvR area. Also I know you are complaining about all people do is scenarios but this hasn't been my experience.
Though I will say it is great that at level 1 my "endgame" experience has already started. I am right into the fun right in the beginning. The game isn't seperated into leveling and then end game. The game starts at level 1. When I am not in a scenario I usually find plenty of people doing PQs or doing a little Orvr. I am right now in tier 2 and so far this is been the case since I have began. It may have something to do with what server you are on. Play on a med to high server for the most satisfaction.
No ranged CC system and no interrupts with everything on a GCD is what killed it for me.
I think that stuff is what killed the open RVR aspect of the game personally.
What you've described has almost exactly been my experience with the game. It's changed a bit since launch, with increased activity in the RvR lakes, but I agree with you - it feels like the game starts at 1st level, and not at 40th.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
I agree, sort of, But if there were only RVR lakes and no scenarios, then you (as an example) would be here making a post about how RVR zerging killed it for you.
I see open RVR action every night. Sometimes I have to go looking for it it in a different zone, but it's usually always there.
Zerging isnt an issue with ranged CC and interrupts.
Zerging isnt an issue with ranged CC and interrupts.
If they didn't make it really really easy to defend with 1/4 the people attacking, or one entrance for 90% of people to get aoed from it being a choke point... it might help. But, it's just retarded in keep seiges how if there is a marginal defense, you can't take it. And then if you actually get to the keep lord through the two doors, (Only doors, no walls. That'd be too easy to destroy any part) there is the stair of AOE death. If you get up the stairs, there are the order defending, plus the lord and his minions. And there is the fact that if just one ranged person at the AOE death stairs aggros the lord, he retreats back to his center from going to far and gets full hp.
I really want to like the game, but the lack of real innovation and choices in rvr kills me. Why can't we blow up walls? Why can't we move around seige weapons? Why can't we craft seige weapons to do different things?
Warhammer Online is just pathetic. The subscriber base tells it all.
Certainly entitled to your opinion, for me WAR is AWESOME! Totally rocks. No it doesn't have WOW's subscription base but it doesn't need them to be a good game. 2-300k subscribers is plenty.
At release my experience was certainly more scenarios than rvr, because the world pvp areas were rather empty.
Now though, there is almost always some big scale warband action going on in world pvp. It may not be in every racial paring of every tier, but just look at your map for all three areas and you will see the crossed swords in one zone telling you where the pvp action is happening. Take a quick flight to the zone and join and open warband. Run a few minutes and you are in the thick of pvp battles.
They are not always even sided, but open rvr is far more popular on my server than scenarios even come close to being. I enjoy both, but scenarios are rather hard to get into, while open pvp is always around. I try to do a mix of everything.
The PQs are great. I really enjoy them when there are people ther doing them. Just think if most the people weren't trying to lvl in th SCs how populated the RVR and PQ areas would be. Thats what I'm getting at. The xp for doing a SC is way greater than most or all PQs. RVR would benifit too. Think of all the players that would be running around in the RVR areas if they weren't in the SCs. Most of the RVR action takes place after the other side has logged. You zerg and empty keep from one area to the next. If the other side does hapen to be in the area. They just wait to you leave and zerg it back. Kind of everyone going in a circle retaking everything.
I love the concept of the RVR, they just didnt flesh it out to well for me. If you like it great, hope the game stays alive and gets better/bigger. We need all the MMO's to prosper and do better so that other developers will see that differnent gameplay styles work and will continue to make new and differnet kinds of games. With luck they will finally make the game I'm looking for again. I'm trying EVE again for the 4th time. gets a lil better for me each trail, might actually sub this time. Want to be a pirate I think.
How many delicate flowers have you met in Counterstrike?
I got a case of beer and a chainsaw waiting for me at home after work.
I go into the other areas outside of SC's to get gear.
I'm part of the subscriber base. I like it.
I don't get why you have to come here and insult us.
I go into the other areas outside of SC's to get gear.
I do the same thing, especially with PQs, to get good gear. That, and the PQs are generally a lot of fun.
But, like most group activities in just about every MMO, you often have to put together a group to do so if you don't find one there already engaged in it. That's fine with me, given that it's no different. I think a lot of people made the false assumption that all PQs everywhere were going to be being done in every tier all the time, like they were at launch. That expectation wasn't very realistic, but nevertheless seems to be a sticking point for many.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
It sounds to me that the OP plays the overpopulated side. Sorry pal when destro can muster up 4-5 times the players in a matter of minutes it forces order to SC to have an even remote chance of a fair battle.
Server population imbalances ruined WAR for me.
It's funny that the Scenario problem didn't come up in beta because everyone in beta wanted to do RVR.
Because noone wants to work on anything lasting since all those efforts will disappear anyway.
Problem is, if you made the game without anything lasting to go for people wouldn't buy it, go in and just PvP "For the fun of it". They'd say "what the hell, there's nothing to do here" and they'd bolt.
FPS like PvP doesn't work in a MMO setting imo, not if that's all there is.
Well the RVR wasn't fun anyways because all you got was two massive groups of healers and ranged and a no mans land in the middle. It constantly went back and forth and melee classes were useless cause to do damage they have to get close and as soon as they left the saftey of the giant group they were instant killed. The only time melee became useful is once you'r ein the keep but you got kicked out really fast by all the spawning enemy coming up from behind and sandwiching you and you couldn't get reinforcements from then on. It went on like this for hours and hours and still didn't capture the keep and it was just so boring cause it took too long and it was broken.
Not to mention that the combat just felt really off and alot of the classes felt the same like the Chaos and Greenskins tanks.
I think the biggest problem for me is the world was just dull and very generic and boring. The PVE was really crap for a start but it was like it had no soul and the art style just felt so generic and didn't have a personality and for me it didn't feel like Warhammer. There was no good lore in the game and no interesting characters like Arthas in WoW. So in the end I didn't care for what I was fighting for and The Order were the worst cause they were like the most generic and boring so everyone went Destruction. The Empire city just looks and feels so meh..... like theres nothing special about it and just feels bland and just shit lol.
I wish the game had more of the art style of the CGI trailer with all the gore and the gritty dark look. Instead of the final game with looks like a Poor mans WoW and instead of gore theres all these colourful spell effects which feel out of place.
I actually enjoyed the scenarios, they were a nice break from the ORvR and PQ grind and my guildies and I had a ball queuing together.
SCs are extremely well done and from this point on whenever a MMO releases instanced pvp it will need to be stacked up against the game with the best instanced pvp on the market.
WARs SCs destroy any instanced pvp on the market today (out of MMOs of course).
Playing: EvE, Ryzom