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Finally figured out why so many gladiators(dps warrior) on China server !!!

billysonbillyson Member Posts: 41

       I been playing Aion on the free trial server(april30-may15), at the beginning I didnt pay attention what class most people playing cuz its overcrowded. Untill Im lvl19 when I was grinding Craps near the beach I saw 8 gladiators out of 10 players, pretty much they all repeating using the same skills then rest/sit. It didnt bother me till I saw corpse everywhere(In Aion when you loot the body it will disappear), then I went to pay a visit to Aion forums on Sdo(game company). Guess what tons of gold selling and powerlvl post flying around and not getting deleted. So bascially the most of the gladiators you saw probably botting.


P.s. Don't play on the chinese server if you really want to enjoy Aion on the english release because the lack of support from the Gm and Company that runs the server.  They only ban low level botters and ignore high level botters.



  • SynthetickSynthetick Member Posts: 977

    Whether or not Chinese farmers on the Chinese servers are banned doesn't effect my overall experience when the game launches NA. I don't understand the point you were trying to make in the PS. I, personally, am only playing the Chinese servers to experience the game before it comes out, you know, nothing I see from the Chinese community is going to scare me away from the NA launch.

    Play it now if you enjoy it, or wait.


  • EphimeroEphimero Member Posts: 1,860

    Shanda should step up like NCsoft Korea did and do something about botters, anyways, if my theory is right, they've got a method to discover who's botting and they'll just go and ban thousands at once like they did in Korea.

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