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Rappelz EPic 6 Reveiw

thrylas12thrylas12 Member Posts: 1

Well heres a short reveiw of the changes in epic 6 for for Rappelz and an overall gameplay.


Open opening the Epic 6 client now you are warmly greeted with a well made intro movie in comparison to the old screen splash of the company logos, which are still in place but thats how it goes right?.  A nice, neat and brightly colored login screen depicting a ship, which i assume represents the new dungeon added to the game which i will speak about after we get logged in here. The new server screens have been added in late E[pic 5 as voted for by the players and easily identifies each server and represents the well. Character selection stays the same, altho no major changes are needed there anyway.

Alright so were logged in created a new char and were off to the Trainee island! Ok so remember that broken down place you used to start in with its one little quest mob? its still there! lol, well not quite, it has been revamped quit nicely and looks really good now, and yeah its still only got the one little quest mob, but what the hell your there what 2 mins?..... So after completing the 2 little quests set out to teach new players the few basics to the game your off to the main town of the Trainee island. oh but what is this? its not a shabby little town with old crappy buildings anymore! The main town has also been revamped and all the mobiles moved around accordingly. Much better for the lay out and more quests for the new players! After completing the quests, or not because as a curteousy to us experienced players you no longer have to do them for the job quest, your on to the new dungeon!

The base begins at the old quest guy  at the foot of the hills where the antenema or however its spelled (Boss from job class quest) are. he gives you the first quest which allows you to enter the new dungeon which is located where the old wyvern boss use to be on the beach on the north side. entering the dungeon you are ported to a ship crewed by skeletons and headed for navislamia. there is a linear quest here that takes you through portals to different parts of the ship requiring collection of items and killing some mobs here and there till you get to a nice big boss at the end. doing all the quests should get you to about lvl 16 or 17.

so now you are back in the main game and not much has changed here from epic 5, no major layout anyway except one which i will get to further down. A few major changes to the main game is the addition of Gen points (ursa points) to regular quests letting you gain the points easier then just spending hours in the ursa challenge. Well i spose i should mention the NEW PETZ!. thats right folks 3 new pets have been added to the game for Epic 6! in the basiuc Tier (orc, yeti blue pixie ect) a Wolf was added to the list of great petz, this cuddley little evo one turns into a pretty feirce competetory at higher evolutions and is considered to rival the yeti in tanking for low lvls due to its high hit power andd agility for dodging. Some creatures of this pet have been added, aswell to "The island" (117-130 farming/dungeon party area). Next  in the Uncommon tier (hawkman ect) we have the Harpy, finally a great ranged class pet! this pet is perfect for archers, built for ranged combat it effectively damages quickly from a distance, altho i havent had the privilage as of yet myself to use one. and as we mostly already know they were already scattered throught the game here and there. Finally in the rare tier, along side the angels and kentas we have the Gnoll! Designed for a tank pet it its as dengeous as it is rare, perfect for taking aggro and assisting the tank in well tanking! it has found a new home in north lasky for the lvl 30-40 range to farm creating a small village which is the layout changes i mentioned above. We;; thats all i can say about pets, i guess you just have to play and get one to try em out!


Ok onto the high lvl stuff! Rank 5, 6 and 7 have had drop rate increases, rank 7 gear has been removed from the high lvl dungeons to be replaced with ancients r7 gear, and well i cant really say to much more about that stuff cause there really isnt much to say.

Overall the launch of Epic 6 has come nicely after a little confusion of players trying to figure out the new skill bar and how to use it and pets, bet ya thought i forgot about that eh? yes the old skill bar is no more and has been replaced by a much better looking and more functional in my opinion skill bar. the pet skill bar has been removed and you can now place pet skills anywhere on your own bar which now has all 4 bars visible in comparison to just the 2 and you can map hotkeys to almost any key you want to now and are not limited to just the F-Keys. Come on in and see it for yourself its great!

As for the first week of Epic 6, like i said its going well, having 2 events running at the same time was good, yes that right 2 drop events at once!, one being the may flower event droping flowers to open that came out the week before epic 6 continuing the weak of realease, having a chance of empty salas, epty hawkmen, pet respec potions and pet res scolls to name a few. The other event was a collection and dissenchantment quest. disenchanting the Armor drops you get from the event would creat items for u, some were just npc trash the others could be collected and traded to a special merchant that would use them to create you a +10 lvl 10 armor with a +15 vitality bonus on it. the number of items required was fairly low but based on rank of the armor you wanted.

All in all Epic 6 is off to a great start and we are hopping to see the return of old players and we want to welcome all new comers to the game. For the new players it is a pretty new player friendly game with lots of explaination and help available if needed.

Thats all i have to say for now, if i missed something im sorry but im still new to epic 6 too so i dont know it all!




P.S i know my spelling and grammer sucks but yeah i type fast and dont care :P

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