OP I mostly agree with you. I understand, however, how people can get hooked on jedi. We both gotta admit, jedi are darn cool. That being said, I agree with everything else. All the planets, and ships, and resources, and housing, not to mention the content that could have been developed. Oh well, one of these days we'll get a good sanbox/hybrid sci-fi mmo and it will be like swg all over again but hopefully better.
I do not think everyone in an MMO should be a hero, but people of ability. It seems the timeline for TOR sets that up nicely because jedi/sith were abundant, bounty hunters, etc, who were all people of ability. They were not the norms nor the ultimate hero or villain (although I'm sure each had instances of such).
I think that is what an MMO needs, characters of ability, who strive to make a name for themselves as a hero or villain.
On a side note, I am not sure how this game will pan out as an MMO. It almost seems like an online single player rpg with some interaction, but I will still give the game a try even if that is exactly what it is because I would hopefully still garner some enjoyment from it.
Here's the thing I don't get though, aren't Jedi supposed to be overpowered?
Yes but only against most common soldiers. You play the elite of the elite in the game.
For lore reference Bobba Fett was a Jedi Hunter. He killed plenty of Jedi by himself. If you read the books you will notice that mandolorians in general are very good at taking out Jedi. It is not hard to believe that not all Jedi are that amazing either. We only know about the top tier jedi, what about the scrubs? Maybe we will play one of those?
Jedi powers actualy don't work well on certain people. Also even non jedi have force. The elite of the elite soldiers often have latent force ability, though not in a way that could make them jedi or sith.
OP I mostly agree with you. I understand, however, how people can get hooked on jedi. We both gotta admit, jedi are darn cool. That being said, I agree with everything else. All the planets, and ships, and resources, and housing, not to mention the content that could have been developed. Oh well, one of these days we'll get a good sanbox/hybrid sci-fi mmo and it will be like swg all over again but hopefully better.
I do not think everyone in an MMO should be a hero, but people of ability. It seems the timeline for TOR sets that up nicely because jedi/sith were abundant, bounty hunters, etc, who were all people of ability. They were not the norms nor the ultimate hero or villain (although I'm sure each had instances of such).
I think that is what an MMO needs, characters of ability, who strive to make a name for themselves as a hero or villain.
On a side note, I am not sure how this game will pan out as an MMO. It almost seems like an online single player rpg with some interaction, but I will still give the game a try even if that is exactly what it is because I would hopefully still garner some enjoyment from it.
Yes but only against most common soldiers. You play the elite of the elite in the game.
For lore reference Bobba Fett was a Jedi Hunter. He killed plenty of Jedi by himself. If you read the books you will notice that mandolorians in general are very good at taking out Jedi. It is not hard to believe that not all Jedi are that amazing either. We only know about the top tier jedi, what about the scrubs? Maybe we will play one of those?
Jedi powers actualy don't work well on certain people. Also even non jedi have force. The elite of the elite soldiers often have latent force ability, though not in a way that could make them jedi or sith.