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The future : a de jure corrupt, tyranical, racist police state where your rights are actually only privileges, and your privileges are only accorded to you along the lines of race and political party. Apparently racist black hate groups and/or democrats(one of the panthers was a dem polling officer ) groups can engange in any bahvior they so wish, so long as they don't bother to show up in court to defend their behaviors. Who knew lady liberty was actually doing the sieg heil! .
Oh no, are you being oppressed?
Did you even watch the video? Perhaps it wasn't appropriate for the guys to be standing there with a night stick, but they certainly weren't intimidating anyone.
If anything someone should have arrested the sniveling little prick that made the video for his confrontational and inflammatory behavior.
After decades of hardcore voter intimidation against african americans (and 8 years with a blatantly corrupt administration) I can certainly see why black voters might be concerned about protecting their voting rights.
All you frantic bozos keep looking for conspiracies and hoping that things will fall apart under Obama: First of all, way to be patriotic.
Second of all, we have an intelligent, articulate man in the white house now, and he's doing a good job despite almost impossible conditions left over after the last 8 years of criminal negligence. He's black. I know that gets a lot of panties in a bunch out there, but get over it.
deviliscious: (PS. I have been told that when I use scientific language, it does not make me sound more intelligent, it only makes me sound like a jackass. It makes me appear that I am not knowledgable enough in the subject I am discussing to be able to translate it for people outside the field to understand. Some advice you might consider as well)
And by the way, Jenny is not the girl for you. Tommy Tutone does not approve of your little angry man antics.
deviliscious: (PS. I have been told that when I use scientific language, it does not make me sound more intelligent, it only makes me sound like a jackass. It makes me appear that I am not knowledgable enough in the subject I am discussing to be able to translate it for people outside the field to understand. Some advice you might consider as well)
That guy who wrote that has actually been one of the people fighting against vote intimidation since the 60s. And according to him, it was the worst and most blatant case he's ever seen. So if you think it's a joke, then the idea blacks were ever intimidate at polls is down right absurd. Take your pick.
The main people who care that Obama is black are black people and libby Democrats. Most naysayers of him do so because they think he's destroying the country with socialist, now getting into communist, government programs and actions. "Way to be patriotic"? What real American wouldn't want policies like his to fail? He's a clown who is going to triple the deficit in 10 years and "redistribute" the money you earn. The non-stimulus bill got passed despite no one reading it. Billions are funneled into ACORN. He fired a CEO and wants to tell banks how much they can pay their employees even if they didn't take any TARP money. It's all just insane.
Oh yeah, and he's so articulate that he has problems putting two words together without a teleprompter and doesn't even know enough not to make a Special Olympics joke on national TV.
Paulson, Bush, and the Democratic Congress pushed through the bailouts. Republicans finally started to grow a pair again and show a little sign that they don't suck too, but it was too little, too late. That's right, Bush had the Democrats on his side. Other than the original tax cuts, Bush was for Big Government and spend spend spend, seemingly trying to beat the tax-and-spend liberals at their own game. Obama is just Bush version 3.0. More war, (Afghanistan, for starters), more spending, more Big Government taking away your freedoms, but now with new and improved tax increases and maybe some gun restrictions to go with it. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
I don't know why Democrats dislike Bush and most of the previous Republican Congress so much. They spent a lot and made government bigger similar to what Democrats like to do. You want to say the previous eight years were corrupt? Go ahead. But it doesn't really matter because they're all corrupt. There's only a handful of representatives I trust. The rest are either corrupt or simply too damn dumb.
"Way to be patriotic"? You constantly get your freedoms taken away, and you sit there waving a flag celebrating it.
I think the big three republicans reagan, bush SR and Bush JR destroyed America far more than obama could ever do, with reagans star wars project and billions of other projects we are still paying for today, Bush Sr and his New world order speech and Bush JR and his Iraq war.
Its funny how capitalism under Bush Jr a republican was failing yet at the same time some Socialist/communist countries were blooming.
I like capitalism but I think when people use the words socialist and communist to describe obama only do so because they here republican radio host say he is, none of you who spew that garbage know the true meaning of socialism or communism.
save our future.
Umm, Obama's own numbers, which are hopelessly optimistic, show he will put us into a greater deficit then the deficit of EVERY OTHER PRESIDENT COMBINED.
Back to practcing your goose stepping and koolaid guzzling.
I'll be learning Mandarin.
Umm, Obama's own numbers, which are hopelessly optimistic, show he will put us into a greater deficit then the deficit of EVERY OTHER PRESIDENT COMBINED.
Back to practcing your goose stepping and koolaid guzzling.
I'll be learning Mandarin.
You need to learn history. look it up, three republican presidents are the cause of 75% of americans national debt.
save our future.
Umm, Obama's own numbers, which are hopelessly optimistic, show he will put us into a greater deficit then the deficit of EVERY OTHER PRESIDENT COMBINED.
Back to practcing your goose stepping and koolaid guzzling.
I'll be learning Mandarin.
You need to learn history. look it up, three republican presidents are the cause of 75% of americans national debt.
Regardless of your fantastically imaginative (I'm being kind) numbers, Obama makes them all look like Ebenezer Scrooges.
with what?obamas only been president for a few months. You dont know how his plans will pan out. Yes It was reagan bush sr and bush jr that caused America to go into a recession and in major debt to china.
You cant blame it on liberal socialism when these three had the power. republicans like to bring up Obama and a NWO but forget about Bush Sr`s NWO speech.
Lets not forget it was the republican president hoover who first started the first great depression.
save our future.
Haha. And you mentioned someone should "learn history". I don't think you've ever seen a book that wouldn't make a good dust collector.
Ar duh, duh,. Repbleekans bad. Ar duh, duh. Dey be weel bad. Ar duh, duh. Don't yours weed boocks?
Haha. And you mentioned someone should "learn history". I don't think you've ever seen a book that wouldn't make a good dust collector.
Ar duh, duh,. Repbleekans bad. Ar duh, duh. Dey be weel bad. Ar duh, duh. Don't yours weed boocks?
Is this the republican way of arguing against facts?
save our future.
Haha. And you mentioned someone should "learn history". I don't think you've ever seen a book that wouldn't make a good dust collector.
Ar duh, duh,. Repbleekans bad. Ar duh, duh. Dey be weel bad. Ar duh, duh. Don't yours weed boocks?
Is this the republican way of arguing against facts?
It's how anyone with a functioning brain and basic education responds to a non-sequetur.
You've sat here babbling about the supposed debts accumlated by republicans, and yet when I tell you that Obama has more spentding in the pipe than every one of them combined, you just spew a bunch of ignorant garbage. It's pretty obvious you don't a single thing about history, government, or reality. A typical O-bot. Get to goose stepping and quit wasting my time and the internets bandwidth.
Haha. And you mentioned someone should "learn history". I don't think you've ever seen a book that wouldn't make a good dust collector.
Ar duh, duh,. Repbleekans bad. Ar duh, duh. Dey be weel bad. Ar duh, duh. Don't yours weed boocks?
Is this the republican way of arguing against facts?
Sadly it is which is why such topics trolled by republicans rarely become anything like an interesting topic.
They tend to go like this...
Obama is evil and he is wrecking the economy.
That is wrong and here are some facts/points to show you why i think you are wrong.
Ahh your a big doo-doo head and liberall yayaya
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
Of course, you're in no real position because you would defend McCain to the death if he were doing the exact same things Obama is and you know he would be.
Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin -- more even than death.... Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid. Thought is great and swift and free, the light of the world, and the chief glory of man. -- Bertrand Russell
On a seperate note in order to fix the damage done to the economy caused by years of neglect by the banks and goverment a lot of money will be needed just to support the economy or just to lessen the blow. Then more will be needed to try and fix things. So id say 6 months is a bit early to be call foul on Obama's administration.
Also hoping he will fail seems to me to be very unpatriotic and pro terrorist agenda.
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
I remember during bushes first term, if you spoke poorly about anything bush did, you were unpatriotic. It only took till his second term when the masses figured out he was terrible.
save our future.
Calm down angry little man.
Please explain to us the "better plan" that you have formulated to get us out of our current situation.
I'm not happy at all with more deficit spending.
On the other hand, I think it would kind of suck if our economy completely collapsed.
I have two good friends with graduate degrees in economics.. and they seem to COMPLETELY disagree on how to fix the current situation. It seems we are in unknown territory thanks to the UNFATHOMABLE IRRESPONSIBILITY of the of the baby bush administration (I actually thought his father did a damned good job).
The "greed is a virtue" policy that has been upheld by corporate/ govenment power structure in this country for many years is what got us where we are today. Sleazy ass money manipulators that made billions with nothing more than financial slight of hand are the ones that bankrupted us. Oh, that and plunging us into an unsalvagable war of occupation under false pretenses.
Guess what?
All of that money that went into trust funds and 200 foot private yachts essentially came from NOWHERE. It wasn't from selling goods and services- that was going on pretty much everywhere else on the planet. The "wealth" that those rich bastards generated came from clever (criminal) manipulation of numbers.
We now either get to PAY THE PIPER or THROW IN THE TOWEL.
I vote for option one. It is going to be heinously expensive, and things may already be UNSALVAGABLE.
You neocon, republican, angry white guys had EIGHT YEARS to do whatever you wanted... and managed to destroy decades worth of progress in this country. In terms of foreign policy, the IDIOCY of the baby bush administration lost moral credibility that we will NEVER REGAIN.
So listen up angry little man:
You had your chance. You blew it BIGTIME. Now SIT DOWN, SHUT UP, and help us work our way OUT of this mess that people like you got us into!
*** If you are going to counter with blah blah blah I didn't support Bush either, I'm still betting that you are an angry little white guy and if you want to post more than drivel, I recommend you propose an alternative plan (or at least something more than "Obama is a nazi"). Pathetic. Bozo.
***If you are going to tell me "calm down" or "not be so angry" please know ahead of time that writing this little note was nothing more than a source of a few chuckles for me. The obvious discomfort demonstrated in the original post is a source of mild amusement for me, nothing more.
p.s. Tommy Tutone still does not approve of your screen name.
deviliscious: (PS. I have been told that when I use scientific language, it does not make me sound more intelligent, it only makes me sound like a jackass. It makes me appear that I am not knowledgable enough in the subject I am discussing to be able to translate it for people outside the field to understand. Some advice you might consider as well)
deviliscious: (PS. I have been told that when I use scientific language, it does not make me sound more intelligent, it only makes me sound like a jackass. It makes me appear that I am not knowledgable enough in the subject I am discussing to be able to translate it for people outside the field to understand. Some advice you might consider as well)
It SO VERY AMUSES me to hear the conservatives call someone a Nazi or a Communist, I almost might cry. You slow witted, feeble minded, blinded, simpletons, sit there call Obama a nazi and a communist when ALL OF YOU are the ones who want to take away the freedoms of your fellow citizens and suppress people to conform to your values.
Mein Kamp/ Socialism=Bible/ Conservatives, Don't believe me?
Mein Kamp, declared that a people to be responsible for all the worlds ills. Gays, can't marry because they'll ruin family values and upset the world where the American family can leave in matrimonial bliss. Republicans are the ones who want to suppress a people. When slavery was nearing it's end it was the Whig party(later called the Republican party) was the one that fought to keep the southern states from freeing that people. Nazi's took away the freedoms of it's people, putting some in jail, others into concentration camps. Conservatives want to take away the freedom of choice, they want to keep the 'detainees' in a ramsackle prison without trial or legal recourse. The Jews=Bad with the Nazi's, because they believed different. Gays/Muslims/Liberals=Bad with Conservatives, because we believe different from you try to take away our rights, you attack us, you denounce us. Nazi's believed they had the divine right to carry the world into a new perfect age. In Germany the jewish minority was stripped of their families' wealth so it can be given over to party leaders, believing the jews had ridden the backs of the german people to gain their wealth. In the US, Conservatives believe that they shouldn't pay more taxes because of their wealth, that those on the bottom are responsible for their own fate and that any attempt at bringing any more wealth into their lives will harm those 'that have earned it'. Conservatives claim the bible gives them the ultimate authority to declare what is right and wrong. Conservatives believe that they have the political mandate to lead this country into it's gold age, that you have an unquestionable insight into the way things SHOULD be.
Communists=Conservatives, Don't believe me?
The communist regime suppress the freedom of speech, everyone who spoke out against them was taken away in the middle of night never to be heard of again. Conservatives shout down anyone who says differently, how long before you stop shouting and form a KGB of your own to shut us up? Communists had the KGB to watch their people to insure unquestioned loyalty and to silence those who even whispered of their denied freedoms. Conservatives have the Patriot act, and the Homeland security act that took away the legal rights of it's citizens and perform illegal wiretaps to insure the loyalty of it's people. Not to mention taking all the far flung branches of 'Intelligence agencies' and reformed them under a single command to gather all the information needed to 'keep the homeland safe'. Why don't you just drop the act and start calling this the 'Mother US', so you can be more like your idols who called their home 'Mother Russia'. In Russia, the detained people without trial and tortured people to give up their 'co-conspirators', conservatives want to shove all 'terrorists' into prisons without trial so they can use 'advanced interrorgation methods' to extract information. In Russia and China, gays, religions, and other minority groups were oppressed, silenced, or just killed out right. Conservatives want to expel all Muslims, force the Mexicans back over 'their border', and destroy liberals who believe different from them. In Russia, political leaders/ military leaders lived lives of luxury and opulence while the people dwelled just above poverty. In the US, the rich just keep getting richer on the backs of those who have less.
Flame me all you want, attack my argument all you want, have a hissy fit over my claims, because it doesn't matter you conservative pricks, your attacks on Obama and Democrats don't hold water when faced with the facts that YOU are far more like what you CLAIM him to be. For all your moaning, for all your b*tching, for all the nasty things you say, your poster boy bush jr. did far more to make you like the nazi's and the communist's than Obama has. Before you bandy about words perhaps you should take a GOOD, HARD look into the mirror, because that's where you will find the Nazi's, the Communists, and the outright b*stards of the modern world.
My favorite new poster.
I find it hard to believe that the United States of America is the fourth German empire. Also, pulling a Godwin in the first post makes everything else a bit hard to swallow.
What I find funny is that people nearly fist fight when they argue Obama being better than Bush, or vice versa, or just plain argue. Fact is, the only thing different about Obama when compared to Bush, is what people say he is and what Obama says he is. Granted, he hasn't been in office that long, but he's been in office long enough to unravel things he said was going to undo. So far, he's done nothing to unravel what the Bush administration has done. He's literally following suit with what Bush left at the table, just look at the stats.
All I see is a lot of huffing and puffing, and no straw houses falling down.
He did the same thing with the trillions in bailouts.
He's increasing troop levels in the middle-east.. Increasing, by as much as 30,000.. let that number sink in.
He was just recently quoted in saying that he supports preventive detention for situations other than Afghanistan/Iraq. That is jailing people, without trial, on mere suspicion. That is - Guantanamo Bay 2: Domestic Adventures.
I don't care if people say Obama is different, or he's the Democratic saviour. I don't care if Bush was favored by Republicans. I don't fall for the 1-2 Switcharoo, business as usual approach when it comes to Washington policy-making. This whole thing has been a psychological mind-fuck for the entire population.
It's when you sit in an interrogation room, being accused of a crime. A rough and rowdy cop with his sleeves rolled-up comes barreling in, demanding you tell him the truth damnit, or else. Banging the table, shaking his fist. Then his mellow buddy with his sleeves rolled down, comes walking in all cool and laid back. He tells the rowdy cop to take a break and cool off, then leans over to you and apologizes, saying ol' rowdy didn't mean anything. The cool cop is there to make you feel better, to soothe your ruffled feathers and to make you feel safe, but both cops only want one thing.
I don't see faces. I don't see Bush or Obama, I dont' see black and white. I only see the details, the policy, what matters. When I look at it like this, all I see is another 4 (or 8) years of more progression into a xenophobic police-state.
... and who knows what else.
Thanks Protoroc, and feel free to quote as a whole or in parts, I just wrote down the facts and feel no need to take credit for an amalgamation of true comparisons.
Certainly there are some racist, white people in the country. Now, how many black people voted for him only because he's black? I wonder what color had more racists voting in this election.
Regardless, sorry that you work with some closet racists, but look at the people and policymakers who see race in everything. Makes me think of Oprah going on about how with a black President she and others can finally feel like they can achieve. She knows she's a huge success and can buy the United States if she wanted, right?
The way to stop treating people differently based on color is to stop treating people differently based on color.
And, yes, people waved flags under Bush during, hmmm, certainly not the full 8 years. I'm sure you've heard of all the Republicans who say "my party left me." And I already see a whole lot of people having buyer's remorse with Obama. Change? Tim Geithner? Hillary? Nominating people to big positions who apparently are too dumb to even file their taxes properly? How many earmarks are in these bills again? Transparency? This isn't change.
Point is, many people are looking at either/or for Presidents and parties when those Presidents and parties are pretty much on the same page in general. Someone bashing Obama isn't automatically a bible-thumping conservative. Both main parties have embraced Big Government for quite awhile now. They may want to spend your money on different things and take away different freedoms, but the overall result is the same: less money and less freedom.
Is there supposed to be free speech under Obama or something, Shiva_Shadow? Look up what happened to the ABC or CBS news guy filming from a sidewalk. That's just one off the top of my head. I'm sure you can find more. Point is, again, that people do a lot of fighting back and forth about the two main parties even though they both have been hurting you. Some people may be more for or against this or that of one party or another, but the the big picture is still Big Government controlling your life.
Big Government is the common enemy. So vote for those who are for smaller government. The Second Amendment isn't there to go duck hunting; it's there to protect you from your government. If people who care about freedom want to be on the same page, I dunno, maybe consider voting Libertarian or something..
The more government spends, the more freedom is lost.