My front door is always locked, one day WHILE I WAS LOOKING AT IT, I saw the door handle move and the door open. Same thing happened again a few days later, but I wasn't watching it, I just heard it and walked over to find that it was open... kind of creepy.
Just the other day I found a 20 oz thing of milk in my refrigerator that seems to have just appeared out of freaking no where.
A story from someone else who lived here was that one time they were heating up something in the microwave and they went to take it out after the timer went off and found that it was ALREADY out of the microwave, like it had never been put in, but it was also heated up.
Originally posted by Mythster Just the other day I found a 20 oz thing of milk in my refrigerator that seems to have just appeared out of freaking no where. A story from someone else who lived here was that one time they were heating up something in the microwave and they went to take it out after the timer went off and found that it was ALREADY out of the microwave, like it had never been put in, but it was also heated up.
Hrm...Wheres the bad?
Sounds like you have a ghostly maid free of charge...Or at least you hope...Whahahahaha.
"The greatest trick the devil played on humanity in the 20th century was convincing them that he didn't exist." (Paraphrasing) C.S. Lewis
"The greatest trick the devil played on humanity in the 20th century was convincing them that he didn't exist." (Paraphrasing) C.S. Lewis
"If a mother can kill her own child, what is left before I kill you and you kill me?" -Mother Teresa when talking about abortion after accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979
Just the other day I found a 20 oz thing of milk in my refrigerator that seems to have just appeared out of freaking no where.
If, for whatever reason, a few hundred-dollar bills just appear in your wallet, then be sure to let me know.
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather "Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain
Ok I just had a weird experience now. I was reading all these posts and was also going to give a few of my own but I had to go to the bathroom first. When I came back in my computer was off everything else was on the speakers the monitor and it still had the message board up. I had to open the door on my comp and hit the power switch to restart it. I am getting chills I love it.
Well These are the ones I was going to tell you about. My son just turned 2 years old. At night he has his own room to sleep but sometimes wants to sleep with my wife and I. This freaked us both out, we were just lying there takling and stuff before we fall asleep. Are son was in the middle of us just playing when all of a sudden he sits up looks at our doorway to the bedroom and says Hi how are you and turns to us and says look whos that daddy. We did not see anything but he just kept talking to whatever was there and then he says bye see ya later and lays back down in bed with us needless to say my wife did not get that much sleep that night I did but I love things like that. This happened 2 more times but has not happened for about 6 months now. My son also says the phone to either one of us but it doesnt start ringing until 30 seconds or so later and sometimes he will say who it is like grandmas on the phone and then the phone will ring and sure enough it will be her or whoever he said it was going to be. Another is when I am home with him and he will say mommas home while we are in the livingroom playing where you can't see or hear anything coming up the driveway and then i go to the window and look out just as she pulls in to the driveway.
This is the other story I wanted to share. I was watching the tv show americas most haunted places or something like that in my old apartment. I had one table lamp on and that was it along with the tv. About halfway into the show a commercial came on and I just thought to myself wouldn't it be freaky if the light went out on the lamp and not a second later the light went out. I got such a shiver was sweating but I thought it was awesome that happened so I went running up the stairs to get a new light bulb to put in to try it again. So I put in the new light buld and sadly it did not do it again but I love ghost stories and haunted places and hope to visit some in the future
"Suddenly I heard a of someone gently Rapping..Rapping at my Chamber door". You heard me Rapping right?
"Suddenly I heard a of someone gently Rapping..Rapping at my Chamber door". You heard me Rapping right?
Another is when I am home with him and he will say mommas home while we are in the livingroom playing where you can't see or hear anything coming up the driveway and then i go to the window and look out just as she pulls in to the driveway.
That's not completely unbelievable, but it's not necessarily normal either (granted I don't know the specifics of your house or property). I once was with this family in this old barn, and (I forget exactly what happened) this little girl said something like a car's coming up the drive way when none of us could hear anything and the road was quite a ways away. The mother said that she had good hearing. I'd say... I know that seemed somewhat vague, but so is my memory. :
but I love ghost stories and haunted places and hope to visit some in the future
I don't know... I'm more of the type of person that likes to keep their calm and sanity unlike you "ghost chasers". jk
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather "Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain
well the place that a few of my buddies are currently living in is fooked the hell up...
its a fairly big house, 3 floors... pretty old...
anyways, 1st wierd thing that happened is one time after a party, i was sleeping on the couch and i thin it was around 5-6am when someone with INSANELY cold hand touched my toe... i didnt really think anything of it since people are constantly coming in and out of the house and i thought it was just someboyd who had come in from outside... although i was kind of suspicious when i realised i didnt hear anybody come in, not to mention the doors are ALWAYS locked at night...
so anyways later that morning i asked if anybody had been downstairs and had poked me in an attempt to piss me off... none of them knew what the hell i was talking about, not to mention i would have heard if somebody had come down or went up the stairs... anyways it was at that time that i learned some chick who had been there a few weeks before was freaking out because she had supposedly seen something walking around downstairs (like some old guy)...
not long after that some other chick (who had never heard anything about it) was downstairs and freaked out because something was "hitting" her hair when she was grabbing some bread...
then just rescently another buddy who moved in there (and once again, had NO knowledge of any of this) supposedly had a short conversation with an old woman (not a man this time... a woman) while he was in his room (which is also downstairs)... this actually spooked him to the point where he now sleeps upstairs in another guys room on the couch (unless his gf is over of course)... now, i've known this guy for years and he's not one to get spooked easily, not to mention before he moved in there, he was in his parents basement which was creepy as hell and it never got to him... something spooked him good to cause him to do that o_0;;
anyways, thats the most rescent thing... i personally dont believe in ghosts or nothing, but i gotta say some wierd stuff goes down in that house...
[edit] nevermind, i completely forgot about what happened last time i crashed on their couch (mostly to spite the guy who now sleeps on the upstairs couch)...
for some reason ALL night long, the TV in the livingroom would go fuzzy for about 1 minute then back to normal... this would happen about ever 5 minutes or so and this went on from about midnight untill roughly sunrise... that wasnt what creeped me out though... at one point in the night the dog was scratching on the other couch which woke me up... so i turned over and looked out one of the livingroom windows (the blind wasnt all the way down) and saw what could only be described as gray-ish bubbles floating upwards... anyways, needless to say, i had a rough night and was tired as hell in the morning... ive crashed there one time since and nothing happened...
-------------------------------- Games Played - Too many to list~ Games Currently Playing - City of Heroes Favorite Game So Far - Lineage 1 ^^ Waiting For - WoW (OB is gonna be hell T_T l337 d3wdz everywhere =_=)
I'm a skeptic, but I also love a good story. So, I think these accounts are fun to read, but I tend to think if you look deep enough into each one, you will find completely normal explanations. I won't go into each one, because I hate to cheapen them like that--they are interesting as much as they are entertaining. Hate to ruin that
My basic thoughts on ghosts and such are that if I see one, it is more likely I am going insane than it is the ghost or whatever really exists. The reason I think this is that there are more confirmed instances of "ghost stories" being explained away by normal things (or being hoaxes) than there are "ghost stories" being confirmed as real ghosts. In fact, not a single case has been confirmed to be really caused by a ghost. All cases have been either inconclusive due to lack of evidence or confirmed as hoaxes or something other than ghosts.
From that point, I can also say the same about the stories I am reading here. I bet if you delved deep enough as you can handle (I know some of the experiences are scary), you'd find a completely reasonable explanation of what happened that doesn't involve ghosts.
Here is a good example of what I am talking about:
Typical ghost story... Logical conclusion. Also, easily the same explanation could apply to some of the stories here and many that you might have heard in the past.
Another way to ruin good ghost stories and such is by visiting this website... A good place to read up on lots of myths, actually.
Anyway, I do have an interesting story myself. One that I cannot explain:
I was living in some single bedroom apartments about 7 years ago. It was a time when I used to smoke and I was having a cig on the patio in back with the neighbor. The apartments were actually separate bungalows that surrounded a medium-sized pool. The pool was lit up by underwater lamps and smaller lights encircled it and dotted the walkways between the buildings.
The neighbor and I were were chatting about various things, when he suddenly looked up and said, "What the hell is that?"
I looked up and saw it. All I could see at first was something moving that I couldn't explain. Then as I took it in, I made out a spherical shape that was shiny and very dark in color. It reflected the lights around the pool as it moved quietly southward at a very steady speed. It looked like a large ball or upside-down dome drifting through the air. It was completely smooth and featureless.
I thought at first it was a balloon, but it didn't undulate like a balloon would. It moved perfectly steady, maintained its altitude, and traveled exactly south. It actually appeared to be accelerating as it moved away from us, because instead of visually slowing down as the distance increased, it remained at a steady visual velocity.
The neighbor looked at me and said, "I've never seen anything like that before!" I nodded my head in agreement as I tried to track the object as it disappeared into the distance...
Anyway, that's probably the strangest thing I've ever experienced that I couldn't explain.
Good story. What was the figure he saw though? Was it just a product of his imagination? I have heard that under the right circumstances the mind can play powerful tricks on oneself. I, too, believe that such sitings can be explained with science since science is... well... the compilation of the laws governing the universe. I don't believe in ghosts, but I do believe in extraterrestrial beings - angelic or demonic. And, I believe that the same laws with regard to the physical universe apply to them as well.
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather "Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain
I don't know if this was a ghost but it was certainly unusual.
In the summer I was camping with some friends, we walked around the park and got to a beach. We were staring up at the sky looking for shooting stars when suddenly all four of us saw something very bright. We all looked down and about 15 feet above the lake was a big white cloud floating in the air that was some how lit up moving across the lake. It then after around 4 seconds vanished. There was no source of light coming from anywhere, and we all saw the same thing.
In conclusion, i had no idea what the heck that thing was!
"The Crimes of the Servers are No Servers ONline and BLIZZARD KNOWS this! We play to beta test to WOW play the game that we Tested... FOR THEM!! Why then to the Devs give us excuses for the Servers of Delays on their DElays. CRIMES! I'm a Elf and need levels because I couldn't Play THURsday. I couldn't play FIRDAY either because Ther servers DOWN and Today's Friday!" - Catavari
Originally posted by Adreal Good story. What was the figure he saw though? Was it just a product of his imagination? I have heard that under the right circumstances the mind can play powerful tricks on oneself. I, too, believe that such sitings can be explained with science since science is... well... the compilation of the laws governing the universe. I don't believe in ghosts, but I do believe in extraterrestrial beings - angelic or demonic. And, I believe that the same laws with regard to the physical universe apply to them as well.
No we both saw it. Neither of us suggested what it looked like to the other until after it was gone. We both agreed it was completely black, shiny, and smooth spherical object. Only thing we could think of was a UFO or a high-tech, very quiet, low-flying, ultra-slow airplane of some kind.
To this day I can still picture it... reflecting all the lights around the pool back at us.
This kind of stuff scares the heck out of me, and yet I've been drawn to these stories since I was a kid. Check out the link on this link to the movie with ghosts and stuff.. Pretty farking scary.
I had been living with my father for roughly two years. Before that I was living with my mother after they had divorced. Anyway, It was a Saturday night and Sunday afternoon I was to fly back to my mother's to live with her again. That night, I had drawn a death's head on my C64 using a paint program and dedicated it to a friend of mine that lived in my mother's neighborhood that I hadn't even talked to, much less thought that much about, since I had been living with my father. Well, Sunday I flew home. Monday, I heard that Friday night my friend had shot himself in the head with a .32. His parents took him off of life support Saturday night and he died.
There is alot more to the story, but it is probably better that it remain unsaid. If the above doesn't make sense to you, that's okay. It makes sense to me.
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin
My front door is always locked, one day WHILE I WAS LOOKING AT IT, I saw the door handle move and the door open. Same thing happened again a few days later, but I wasn't watching it, I just heard it and walked over to find that it was open... kind of creepy.
Just the other day I found a 20 oz thing of milk in my refrigerator that seems to have just appeared out of freaking no where.
A story from someone else who lived here was that one time they were heating up something in the microwave and they went to take it out after the timer went off and found that it was ALREADY out of the microwave, like it had never been put in, but it was also heated up.
"The greatest trick the devil played on humanity in the 20th century was convincing them that he didn't exist." (Paraphrasing) C.S. Lewis
"The greatest trick the devil played on humanity in the 20th century was convincing them that he didn't exist." (Paraphrasing) C.S. Lewis
"If a mother can kill her own child, what is left before I kill you and you kill me?" -Mother Teresa when talking about abortion after accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979
Just the other day I found a 20 oz thing of milk in my refrigerator that seems to have just appeared out of freaking no where.
If, for whatever reason, a few hundred-dollar bills just appear in your wallet, then be sure to let me know.
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather
"Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek
AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain
Ok I just had a weird experience now. I was reading all these posts and was also going to give a few of my own but I had to go to the bathroom first. When I came back in my computer was off everything else was on the speakers the monitor and it still had the message board up. I had to open the door on my comp and hit the power switch to restart it. I am getting chills I love it.
Well These are the ones I was going to tell you about. My son just turned 2 years old. At night he has his own room to sleep but sometimes wants to sleep with my wife and I. This freaked us both out, we were just lying there takling and stuff before we fall asleep. Are son was in the middle of us just playing when all of a sudden he sits up looks at our doorway to the bedroom and says Hi how are you and turns to us and says look whos that daddy. We did not see anything but he just kept talking to whatever was there and then he says bye see ya later and lays back down in bed with us needless to say my wife did not get that much sleep that night I did but I love things like that. This happened 2 more times but has not happened for about 6 months now. My son also says the phone to either one of us but it doesnt start ringing until 30 seconds or so later and sometimes he will say who it is like grandmas on the phone and then the phone will ring and sure enough it will be her or whoever he said it was going to be. Another is when I am home with him and he will say mommas home while we are in the livingroom playing where you can't see or hear anything coming up the driveway and then i go to the window and look out just as she pulls in to the driveway.
This is the other story I wanted to share. I was watching the tv show americas most haunted places or something like that in my old apartment. I had one table lamp on and that was it along with the tv. About halfway into the show a commercial came on and I just thought to myself wouldn't it be freaky if the light went out on the lamp and not a second later the light went out. I got such a shiver was sweating but I thought it was awesome that happened so I went running up the stairs to get a new light bulb to put in to try it again. So I put in the new light buld and sadly it did not do it again but I love ghost stories and haunted places and hope to visit some in the future
"Suddenly I heard a of someone gently Rapping..Rapping at my Chamber door". You heard me Rapping right?
"Suddenly I heard a of someone gently Rapping..Rapping at my Chamber door". You heard me Rapping right?
Another is when I am home with him and he will say mommas home while we are in the livingroom playing where you can't see or hear anything coming up the driveway and then i go to the window and look out just as she pulls in to the driveway.
That's not completely unbelievable, but it's not necessarily normal either (granted I don't know the specifics of your house or property). I once was with this family in this old barn, and (I forget exactly what happened) this little girl said something like a car's coming up the drive way when none of us could hear anything and the road was quite a ways away. The mother said that she had good hearing. I'd say... I know that seemed somewhat vague, but so is my memory. :
but I love ghost stories and haunted places and hope to visit some in the future
I don't know... I'm more of the type of person that likes to keep their calm and sanity unlike you "ghost chasers". jk
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather
"Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek
AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain
well the place that a few of my buddies are currently living in is fooked the hell up...
its a fairly big house, 3 floors... pretty old...
anyways, 1st wierd thing that happened is one time after a party, i was sleeping on the couch and i thin it was around 5-6am when someone with INSANELY cold hand touched my toe... i didnt really think anything of it since people are constantly coming in and out of the house and i thought it was just someboyd who had come in from outside... although i was kind of suspicious when i realised i didnt hear anybody come in, not to mention the doors are ALWAYS locked at night...
so anyways later that morning i asked if anybody had been downstairs and had poked me in an attempt to piss me off... none of them knew what the hell i was talking about, not to mention i would have heard if somebody had come down or went up the stairs... anyways it was at that time that i learned some chick who had been there a few weeks before was freaking out because she had supposedly seen something walking around downstairs (like some old guy)...
not long after that some other chick (who had never heard anything about it) was downstairs and freaked out because something was "hitting" her hair when she was grabbing some bread...
then just rescently another buddy who moved in there (and once again, had NO knowledge of any of this) supposedly had a short conversation with an old woman (not a man this time... a woman) while he was in his room (which is also downstairs)... this actually spooked him to the point where he now sleeps upstairs in another guys room on the couch (unless his gf is over of course)... now, i've known this guy for years and he's not one to get spooked easily, not to mention before he moved in there, he was in his parents basement which was creepy as hell and it never got to him... something spooked him good to cause him to do that o_0;;
anyways, thats the most rescent thing... i personally dont believe in ghosts or nothing, but i gotta say some wierd stuff goes down in that house...
[edit] nevermind, i completely forgot about what happened last time i crashed on their couch (mostly to spite the guy who now sleeps on the upstairs couch)...
for some reason ALL night long, the TV in the livingroom would go fuzzy for about 1 minute then back to normal... this would happen about ever 5 minutes or so and this went on from about midnight untill roughly sunrise... that wasnt what creeped me out though... at one point in the night the dog was scratching on the other couch which woke me up... so i turned over and looked out one of the livingroom windows (the blind wasnt all the way down) and saw what could only be described as gray-ish bubbles floating upwards... anyways, needless to say, i had a rough night and was tired as hell in the morning... ive crashed there one time since and nothing happened...
Games Played - Too many to list~
Games Currently Playing - City of Heroes
Favorite Game So Far - Lineage 1 ^^
Waiting For - WoW (OB is gonna be hell T_T l337 d3wdz everywhere =_=)
I'm a skeptic, but I also love a good story. So, I think these accounts are fun to read, but I tend to think if you look deep enough into each one, you will find completely normal explanations. I won't go into each one, because I hate to cheapen them like that--they are interesting as much as they are entertaining. Hate to ruin that
My basic thoughts on ghosts and such are that if I see one, it is more likely I am going insane than it is the ghost or whatever really exists. The reason I think this is that there are more confirmed instances of "ghost stories" being explained away by normal things (or being hoaxes) than there are "ghost stories" being confirmed as real ghosts. In fact, not a single case has been confirmed to be really caused by a ghost. All cases have been either inconclusive due to lack of evidence or confirmed as hoaxes or something other than ghosts.
From that point, I can also say the same about the stories I am reading here. I bet if you delved deep enough as you can handle (I know some of the experiences are scary), you'd find a completely reasonable explanation of what happened that doesn't involve ghosts.
Here is a good example of what I am talking about:
Science wrecks a good ghost story
Typical ghost story... Logical conclusion. Also, easily the same explanation could apply to some of the stories here and many that you might have heard in the past.
Another way to ruin good ghost stories and such is by visiting this website... A good place to read up on lots of myths, actually.
Anyway, I do have an interesting story myself. One that I cannot explain:
I was living in some single bedroom apartments about 7 years ago. It was a time when I used to smoke and I was having a cig on the patio in back with the neighbor. The apartments were actually separate bungalows that surrounded a medium-sized pool. The pool was lit up by underwater lamps and smaller lights encircled it and dotted the walkways between the buildings.
The neighbor and I were were chatting about various things, when he suddenly looked up and said, "What the hell is that?"
I looked up and saw it. All I could see at first was something moving that I couldn't explain. Then as I took it in, I made out a spherical shape that was shiny and very dark in color. It reflected the lights around the pool as it moved quietly southward at a very steady speed. It looked like a large ball or upside-down dome drifting through the air. It was completely smooth and featureless.
I thought at first it was a balloon, but it didn't undulate like a balloon would. It moved perfectly steady, maintained its altitude, and traveled exactly south. It actually appeared to be accelerating as it moved away from us, because instead of visually slowing down as the distance increased, it remained at a steady visual velocity.
The neighbor looked at me and said, "I've never seen anything like that before!" I nodded my head in agreement as I tried to track the object as it disappeared into the distance...
Anyway, that's probably the strangest thing I've ever experienced that I couldn't explain.
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather
"Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek
AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain
I don't know if this was a ghost but it was certainly unusual.
In the summer I was camping with some friends, we walked around the park and got to a beach. We were staring up at the sky looking for shooting stars when suddenly all four of us saw something very bright. We all looked down and about 15 feet above the lake was a big white cloud floating in the air that was some how lit up moving across the lake. It then after around 4 seconds vanished. There was no source of light coming from anywhere, and we all saw the same thing.
In conclusion, i had no idea what the heck that thing was!
"The Crimes of the Servers are No Servers ONline and BLIZZARD KNOWS this! We play to beta test to WOW play the game that we Tested... FOR THEM!! Why then to the Devs give us excuses for the Servers of Delays on their DElays. CRIMES! I'm a Elf and need levels because I couldn't Play THURsday. I couldn't play FIRDAY either because Ther servers DOWN and Today's Friday!" - Catavari
No we both saw it. Neither of us suggested what it looked like to the other until after it was gone. We both agreed it was completely black, shiny, and smooth spherical object. Only thing we could think of was a UFO or a high-tech, very quiet, low-flying, ultra-slow airplane of some kind.
To this day I can still picture it... reflecting all the lights around the pool back at us.
Very odd stuff bring in more its great to read and the best right before you go to bed
WoW Destromath!
Revion lvl 70 Warrior
Altar of Storms
Smeagol 60 Paladin
Revion 60 Rogue
There's a great thread with a bunch of these on
This kind of stuff scares the heck out of me, and yet I've been drawn to these stories since I was a kid. Check out the link on this link to the movie with ghosts and stuff.. Pretty farking scary.
Waiting for WoW, will play until something with new gameplay arrives
"The philosophy of a corporate entity umbrellas all activities. Obviously, SOE has a flawed way of doing business."
-Crabby, MMORPG Boards
Looking forward (cautiously) to: Age of Conan, Dark Solstice, Armada Online.
Will soon try: Guild Wars
Overall: Amazed and bewhildered at the current sad state of the artform of gaming.
Not a ghost story, but kinda weird.
I had been living with my father for roughly two years. Before that I was living with my mother after they had divorced. Anyway, It was a Saturday night and Sunday afternoon I was to fly back to my mother's to live with her again. That night, I had drawn a death's head on my C64 using a paint program and dedicated it to a friend of mine that lived in my mother's neighborhood that I hadn't even talked to, much less thought that much about, since I had been living with my father. Well, Sunday I flew home. Monday, I heard that Friday night my friend had shot himself in the head with a .32. His parents took him off of life support Saturday night and he died.
There is alot more to the story, but it is probably better that it remain unsaid. If the above doesn't make sense to you, that's okay. It makes sense to me.
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin
Cartman has a big fat ass!