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I am a returning player to Vanguard looking for some decent GvG PvP. I have played ShadowBane,AoC,WoW,WHO,EQ2 and have found no PvP/GvG/Nation vs. Nation to compare to the Shadowbane environment.Are there any organized guilds playing VG/SoH looking for mature players in Vanguard? Please respond here or pm me. Thank you......
I suggest you to post in the official forums. There is a forum for each server, do it in Sartok (PvP one).
Hunter Nullail Destruction - 85 Ranger. Bristlebane (Solusek Ro) - EQ
Knight-Captain Nullail - 60 Hunter. C'Thun - Pre TBC - WoW
Nullail - 80 BE Hunter.Kor'Gall - WoW
Hunter Nullail - 55 Ranger. Telon - VG
Nullail Destruction - Archer/Bard - Cerberus. FFXIV
I think that looking for what you want in Vanguard is a real long shot honestly.
Those long shots do come off sometimes though.
I wish you the best of luck.
The PvP server is not nearly as active as the PvE servers, but you can find active guilds:
This was posted 5/18/2009 on the PvP sever.
I just did the new guild update for 's guild data and I am pleased to announce that there are 6 new active guilds. Sure at least 3 I think are reformed, but it's good to see activity The guilds are:
XtinctioN 60 active toons
Silver Sun 36 active toons
It Burns When I PvP 10 active toons
Gnome Nation 9 active toons
Excellence of Execution 8 active toons
MeatheadsMuppetteers 7 active toons
The numbers are active unique toons in the last month. You can see the individual members by clicking the guild name on the report:;font=FAFAFA . Once again I apologize for the very slow speed on the report. I will get things running faster next month by moving to a new server.
Thanks for the replies. I will post on Sartok forums and see how it goes.
This was posted also.
28 people on the whole server.