Yup... that's why good 'ol GW was a failure of a president. I believe he should have been brought up on crimes against Humanity for the BS he has put our soldiers through and the amount of Iraqi civilians that were maimed/killed during this useless war. A war that was perpetrated with the reasoning that Bush gave to us and the rest of the world, that "Iraq was hording WMD's." Well, there were none found... well, except for some highly degraded and useless mustard gas that was probably made during the Kuait war. Yup... no usable WMD's at all found. And, many soldiers and civilians have lost their lives, and many more will probably loose their lives as well, all due to this POS of a Human Being. Not to mention the billions of US dollars this has cost our economy to fund this useless war.
Between him destroying our economy with his tax cuts to the wealthy, not providing incentives for companies to keep jobs within the US, and the perpetration of this useless war (Afghanistan was legit... this one was not) that costed billions of dollars, Bush has reached a new low point for future presidents to aim above. Talk about setting the bar extremely low.
Yup... that's why good 'ol GW was a failure of a president. I believe he should have been brought up on crimes against Humanity for the BS he has put our soldiers through and the amount of Iraqi civilians that were maimed/killed during this useless war. A war that was perpetrated with the reasoning that Bush gave to us and the rest of the world, that "Iraq was hording WMD's." Well, there were none found... well, except for some highly degraded and useless mustard gas that was probably made during the Kuait war. Yup... no usable WMD's at all found. And, many soldiers and civilians have lost their lives, and many more will probably loose their lives as well, all due to this POS of a Human Being. Not to mention the billions of US dollars this has cost our economy to fund this useless war. Between him destroying our economy with his tax cuts to the wealthy, not providing incentives for companies to keep jobs within the US, and the perpetration of this useless war (Afghanistan was legit... this one was not) that costed billions of dollars, Bush has reached a new low point for future presidents to aim above. Talk about setting the bar extremely low.
Our fate in regards with the economy was established way before Bush.
But yeah, I agree about crimes on humanity. I think ALL, regardless of political affiliation, should be brought before a Grand Jury. I really want to know why this isn't being done. I think others are involved that are on the opposite side, but I think no matter which side you're on, it is only good to weed out the criminals that run our government.
I think its an embarrasment to use the deaths of our soldiers as an excuse to leave Iraq. They volunteered into the military to fight and possibly die. Now their deaths aren't being used to make rights in Iraq, its being used to cut and run from Iraq calling what they died for a war crime.
We went into Iraq because it was controlled by a tyrannical dictator who has killed millions of Suni and Kurds. He refused to let our peacekeepers check to see if he was carrying WMDs. We went in for protection of ourselves and the region due to that refusal. It was wrong intel that even most higher ups believed to be true such as Powell and Bush. The result of taking Saddam out of power was a civil war as the Sunni saw it as a chance for revenge against the Shia populace. Most civilian deaths can be attributed to this civil war that has been brewing for decades. The only reason why it did not happen sooner is because Saddam was a strong arm dictator who had rape camps and freely killed dissenters.
I think the 2nd Iraq War happened and there is no taking it back. Its best to make good on the situation rather then pulling out and hoping the Iraqi people will do fine with a chaotic country. There has been a growing green zone, and less conflicts. The economy and infrastructure in Iraq are also starting to grow.
I think your argument of holding Bush accountable on war crimes foolish. Its common notion to believe Bush was a fool. Yet somehow smart enough to orchestrate a war crime and convince the majority on congress to go to war on false intelligence. Bush did what he had to with the intelligence believing the safety of the United States and its allies were at risk. Should he be held accountable because of that? Should everyone who believed we should go into Iraq at the time due to faulty intelligence accountable? Trust me thats not the lowest an american president has gone. I think the President of the United States ordering a Naval Captain to kill survivors of another US Warship so they can go to war is alot more terrible.
Yup... that's why good 'ol GW was a failure of a president. I believe he should have been brought up on crimes against Humanity for the BS he has put our soldiers through and the amount of Iraqi civilians that were maimed/killed during this useless war. A war that was perpetrated with the reasoning that Bush gave to us and the rest of the world, that "Iraq was hording WMD's." Well, there were none found... well, except for some highly degraded and useless mustard gas that was probably made during the Kuait war. Yup... no usable WMD's at all found. And, many soldiers and civilians have lost their lives, and many more will probably loose their lives as well, all due to this POS of a Human Being. Not to mention the billions of US dollars this has cost our economy to fund this useless war. Between him destroying our economy with his tax cuts to the wealthy, not providing incentives for companies to keep jobs within the US, and the perpetration of this useless war (Afghanistan was legit... this one was not) that costed billions of dollars, Bush has reached a new low point for future presidents to aim above. Talk about setting the bar extremely low.
Our fate in regards with the economy was established way before Bush.
But yeah, I agree about crimes on humanity. I think ALL, regardless of political affiliation, should be brought before a Grand Jury. I really want to know why this isn't being done. I think others are involved that are on the opposite side, but I think no matter which side you're on, it is only good to weed out the criminals that run our government.
5,000 Americans dead because of Iraq. 50,000 dead becaue of Vietnam. A draft was issued for Vietnam even though Congress never even declared war. Total number of Vietnam-era politicans who stood trial for it: 0.
The "change" that we are seeing now is the return to power of the Established East Coast: northern, urban, well-educated elite. It was not since Kennedy's admin in the 60s has the Ivy League and President been so cohesive. Obama, e.g., holds two Ivy degrees and taught at Univ. of Chicago Law School (near-Ivy). His inner is all Ivy. FDR had this Brain Trust, Eishenhower had his adivsers, and JFK had "whiz kids."
We have had decades of anti-Establishment rhetoric. That is, sound men from good backrounds. But! What about Vietnam? Vietnam was bungled by the Establishment. The Establishment tends to be moderate. You can also expect high tax rates during Establishment regimes (separate the noveaux wealthy from the money).
Interestingly, however, the Establishment usually comes to power through populist movements, just like Obama. Obama, though, is a strange animal. He is a political animal, I think. I think he is the consummate politician. Cunning, bright, crafty, and so forth. Heck, he is even a smoker. (gasp!). It reminds me, while in Paris, I had a few cigarettes, and I liked them; that is an extremely bad things. I somewhat could go for one now. I have had one cigar since being back.
I would not expect much change, other than a more . . . genteel tone with populist themes.
Yup... that's why good 'ol GW was a failure of a president. I believe he should have been brought up on crimes against Humanity for the BS he has put our soldiers through and the amount of Iraqi civilians that were maimed/killed during this useless war. A war that was perpetrated with the reasoning that Bush gave to us and the rest of the world, that "Iraq was hording WMD's." Well, there were none found... well, except for some highly degraded and useless mustard gas that was probably made during the Kuait war. Yup... no usable WMD's at all found. And, many soldiers and civilians have lost their lives, and many more will probably loose their lives as well, all due to this POS of a Human Being. Not to mention the billions of US dollars this has cost our economy to fund this useless war.
Between him destroying our economy with his tax cuts to the wealthy, not providing incentives for companies to keep jobs within the US, and the perpetration of this useless war (Afghanistan was legit... this one was not) that costed billions of dollars, Bush has reached a new low point for future presidents to aim above. Talk about setting the bar extremely low.
Our fate in regards with the economy was established way before Bush.
But yeah, I agree about crimes on humanity. I think ALL, regardless of political affiliation, should be brought before a Grand Jury. I really want to know why this isn't being done. I think others are involved that are on the opposite side, but I think no matter which side you're on, it is only good to weed out the criminals that run our government.
I think its an embarrasment to use the deaths of our soldiers as an excuse to leave Iraq. They volunteered into the military to fight and possibly die. Now their deaths aren't being used to make rights in Iraq, its being used to cut and run from Iraq calling what they died for a war crime.
We went into Iraq because it was controlled by a tyrannical dictator who has killed millions of Suni and Kurds. He refused to let our peacekeepers check to see if he was carrying WMDs. We went in for protection of ourselves and the region due to that refusal. It was wrong intel that even most higher ups believed to be true such as Powell and Bush. The result of taking Saddam out of power was a civil war as the Sunni saw it as a chance for revenge against the Shia populace. Most civilian deaths can be attributed to this civil war that has been brewing for decades. The only reason why it did not happen sooner is because Saddam was a strong arm dictator who had rape camps and freely killed dissenters.
I think the 2nd Iraq War happened and there is no taking it back. Its best to make good on the situation rather then pulling out and hoping the Iraqi people will do fine with a chaotic country. There has been a growing green zone, and less conflicts. The economy and infrastructure in Iraq are also starting to grow.
I think your argument of holding Bush accountable on war crimes foolish. Its common notion to believe Bush was a fool. Yet somehow smart enough to orchestrate a war crime and convince the majority on congress to go to war on false intelligence. Bush did what he had to with the intelligence believing the safety of the United States and its allies were at risk. Should he be held accountable because of that? Should everyone who believed we should go into Iraq at the time due to faulty intelligence accountable? Trust me thats not the lowest an american president has gone. I think the President of the United States ordering a Naval Captain to kill survivors of another US Warship so they can go to war is alot more terrible.
Our fate in regards with the economy was established way before Bush.
But yeah, I agree about crimes on humanity. I think ALL, regardless of political affiliation, should be brought before a Grand Jury. I really want to know why this isn't being done. I think others are involved that are on the opposite side, but I think no matter which side you're on, it is only good to weed out the criminals that run our government.
5,000 Americans dead because of Iraq. 50,000 dead becaue of Vietnam. A draft was issued for Vietnam even though Congress never even declared war. Total number of Vietnam-era politicans who stood trial for it: 0.
My youtube MMO gaming channel
The "change" that we are seeing now is the return to power of the Established East Coast: northern, urban, well-educated elite. It was not since Kennedy's admin in the 60s has the Ivy League and President been so cohesive. Obama, e.g., holds two Ivy degrees and taught at Univ. of Chicago Law School (near-Ivy). His inner is all Ivy. FDR had this Brain Trust, Eishenhower had his adivsers, and JFK had "whiz kids."
We have had decades of anti-Establishment rhetoric. That is, sound men from good backrounds. But! What about Vietnam? Vietnam was bungled by the Establishment. The Establishment tends to be moderate. You can also expect high tax rates during Establishment regimes (separate the noveaux wealthy from the money).
Interestingly, however, the Establishment usually comes to power through populist movements, just like Obama. Obama, though, is a strange animal. He is a political animal, I think. I think he is the consummate politician. Cunning, bright, crafty, and so forth. Heck, he is even a smoker. (gasp!). It reminds me, while in Paris, I had a few cigarettes, and I liked them; that is an extremely bad things. I somewhat could go for one now. I have had one cigar since being back.
I would not expect much change, other than a more . . . genteel tone with populist themes.