Mershu, I was extremely disheartened when I (Dez Pifko on the forums) went to reply to your very nice PM to me in response to my apologies on behalf of the community and found that you were banned. I'm glad you're here so I have the opportunity to do so.
While what you said, that maybe you shouldn't have posted, MAY be true, there is NO excuse for how your post was received. By the community OR the mods. Even less of an excuse that you were banned for it. While I have been doubtful about the production of the game (not due to your husband and his fellow DEVs) due to the business end of things, that was kind of a final straw for me to see you treated that way.
That does NOT look like any kind of community I want to be a part of. Again, I wish you and your family the absolute best, and hope SGW sees some pickup for YOUR benefits. But even if the game were to come out, I don't think I'll be playing it.
From what I gathered from your PM you are clearly a decent person, and the fact that you were absolutely roasted for your POSSIBLE emotional lapse in judgement (I say possible because you had EVERY right to post those things, IMO) is inexcusable to me. What kind of MMO community is left at this point? I hope for the best for SGW solely out of respect for the Devs' hard work, but not much is left outside of that, in my eyes.
Again, my best wishes for everything working out for you and yours. Apologies that your husband's hard work seems to have been wasted on a terrible company & community.
Dez Pifko (as you would know me, at least)
I really hope that *insert game name here* will be the first game to ever live up to all of its pre-release promises, maintain a manageable hype level and have a clean release. Just don't expect me to hold my breath.
Frankly, I don't think that the status of one's pay or benefits with one's job is to be considered company-confidential, unless you actually signed an agreement that stated such specifically.
And besides, once the company breaks their obligation to pay you your due, I'd have little sympathy for them.
In fact, I would bet that the state and feds might be quite upset at CME for doing so, particularly if they are not keeping up with taxes. It's gone on long enough that I'm somewhat surprised that someone hasn't blow the whistle to the state AG. BTW, in a bankruptcy, I believe that salary is pretty much at the front of the line, ahead of creditors. Of course, it's gone on long enough now that it's likely that CME doesn't have anywhere near enough assets to cover even that... which is why it shouldn't have been let go this long.
It's one thing to give a company you believe in time to make good, but that requires trust, and I'd have none for CME.
Thanks Dez Pifko, I very much agree with your sediments. And yeah, that was a tough weekend for me in many ways. I am in a much better place and regret saying anything – but it is what it is.
Out of curiosity, I asked my boss if he thought my husband venting in frustration about my work not paying employees for three months, if that was confidential. He laughed and reassured me that most legit employers wouldn't not pay their employees for that long so it was mute.
This is the only rule in the registration process:
"By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws."
I didnt see anything in the Code of Conduct that specifically applied to me. However, I now know why MMOGULS is a banned word on the SWG Boards. See Rule #1:
1. Conduct or send surveys, contests, pyramid schemes, chain letters, junk email, spam or any duplicative or unsolicited messages (commercial or otherwise).
I think the single most telling statement I have seen about this game, aside from multiple leaks from various people within CME that nobody is getting paid, is this:
Quote is from an interview with GateWorld and Michael Shanks (Daniel Jackson). The quote I highlight is towards the top of the 2nd page of the text of the interview....
GW: A spin-off of a big blockbuster summer film ...
MS: Which as you know has a great track record. [When you're] spinning off of films, the success rate is very high ...
Absolutely. There is a franchise now. There is a brand name. The fact that there's so many incarnations of the same thing that are happening. Whether it be the failing video game or ... [Laughter] I'm sorry! I had to flag that in there. The video game or the merchandising.
It's pretty bad when the stars of the major blockbuster TV Series & DVD movies are blasting CME, however veiled it may be, on this. At this point everyone involved with the TV series has basically stated that the game either has failed or is failing. Only CME keeps saying the game is still alive.
Could they manage to release it? I guess anything is possible. But every passing day makes it more unlikely.
As to Mershu? TBH while I empathise with her about her situation she probably shouldn't have posted about pay, or lack thereof, on the forums. They had every right to ban her... (though that doesn't make banning her the 'right' thing to do).
As to those europeans who are apparently clueless about American employment laws:
The folks at CME that are still working there are apparently doing so voluntarily. Probably because they haven't landed another job yet. The law in America is pretty clear that if you aren't getting paid you are completely within your rights to refuse to work, or go work elsewhere. I suspect the devs still working on the project are trying very hard to find other work... unfortunately in this economy it's fairly difficult to find such work. It's also very true that when looking for work it's best to do it while you are still employed (even without pay). Most employers will look at someone applying who's currently employed more favorably than someone who is not employed. So it's sort of a catch 22 for the folks working w/o pay.... sure they could refuse to work or quit or whatever. But that makes it harder for them to find new work. So I suspect they're just continuing to work while looking for other jobs.
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
CME hit a lot of stars up on their visits to the studio for becoming investors in the game, and many took them up on it. When they are bitching about CME or the state of the game, they are privy to those 'investor' updates and would be in the know.
Surprisingly, some investors to CME have never been hit up for additional contributions to help secure their original investment. However, many of the investors in Tim’s company Knowledge Relay have been.
Oddly, Tim Jensen’s spin on how he feels about Knowledge Relay to CME vs. what he tells his investors @ Knowledge Relay are two different stories. I smell a lot of good cop/bad cop going on here.
Originally posted by Mershu Wow, still not sure what to say about this. Apparently, I was banned for repeating what has been all over the web, and confirmed by CME, about employees not being paid. I have never shared anything confidential -- and nor would I ever (unless CME closes shop, days or years from now)
I will say one thing here, just because you found it somewhere else on the net, still doesn't mean its not classified, confidential information or a sore point for them. For example if I tell someone my salary, that's company classified / confidential information, now if some one posts that on another site, and the you post that information about that salary on their site, you are posting classified and confidential information (it hasn't been officially released information from the company, and is against there TOC).
Because you find information somewhere else (this doesn't mean its still not classified in some sense or confidential information), you need to use common sense to realize whether its gonna cause a reaction or not, personally I thought a deletion of the post and a warning would have been sufficient, but hey its a touchy subject I bet, and you pressed the wrong persons buttons with it.
Coming here to complain about it seems a little screwed up, personally I would have sent an email stating you made a mistake, which obviously you did, considering you didn't realize they would ban you for this, instead of complaining about it on another forum. (If you knew you would get banned for posting it, then you got what you aimed for).
Interpreting what you understand as what you read, is another matter all together, 'we are having financial difficulties', doesn't come across as a statement that salaries are not being paid (they neither confirmed or denied it), you may know that, you may have even suffered under it, but its still not an open statement from them that they are not paying salaries, you knowing and then using there vague reply as a foundation to prove your statement can be seen as a breach of there TOC. Its there website and there forum, they do with it as they want, and how they enforce there TOC is upto them, just because you got banned because you knew you would be touching a sore point, and then complaining about it comes across a bit extreme.
If you were truly sorry about the 'misunderstanding' a simple email to the forum mod would have sufficed, but to complain about it on another forum, shows you have alterior motives.
Just my opinion, but
Company classified information that they aren't paying her husbands salary and have dropped health insurance for her kids? Whatever you're smokin' it can't be legal man! Maybe you purchased it from MR Whiting at one of his MMOGULs appearances in Rio?
It's hard to classify or make information confidential when everyone already knows about it, don't you think? I didn't see her break the RoC, it's just team Whiting don't want anyone to know what's happening so that they can squeeze the maximum cash out of this before CME goes chapter 11 along with MMOGULs.
My advice to any developers working at CME is to quit now, because it's the best chance you have of seeing any back pay. If you quit now they'll probably pay the money but if you wait they could go chapter 11 and you get nothing while Whiting makes off with the swag. Think about it, it's cheaper to keep everyone working for free and go bankrupt rather than lay them off and pay what's owed.
She got banned for telling everyone about Gary Whiting's immoral practices, FACT!
Actualy...very important technical distinction here... do not "Quit"....Quiting can impact your unemployment benefits. Simply state that you are "unwilling to provide further work without being paid the compensation that you are owed". What CME is doing to it's employees, technicaly qualifies as a "layoff" even if they aren't calling it that. If you get "layed off"... you qualify for unemployment benefits.... they may even be FORCED to offer you Health Insurance through COBRA if you had it as a benefit at the time of your layoff (i.e. when they stopped paying you)...... definately march down to your local unemployment office and inform them exactly of what is going on.
But yes, get your resume together and start looking for another job. No reputable company behaves that flow issues or no. In some states what they are doing would actualy be ILLEGAL.
Furthermore Bankruptcy would actually be the BEST thing that could happen to the employees right now. Bankruptcy plans require Court oversight....and one of the Courts primary mandates is to make sure employees get paid any compensation owed them (in priority right after paying any taxes owed, and BEFORE anything else).
It's very likely the case that Whiting is trying to stave off Bankruptcy as long as possible to prevent Court oversight...and syphon off as much of the existing assets as possible.
The laws vary a bit from state to state....but from what I read....
If CME was offering Health Insurance and dropped it they are RQUIRED by Federal Law to inform thier employees about eligibilty for COBRA.
It's also pretty clear that CME (if it's offices are in AZ) is in violation of state labor law.
Note...... you can get back upto triple the amount owed you by an employer as a attorney fees.
Don't sit around and wait for empty promises to come through. The unpaid employees should all get together and 1) file complaints with the State Labor board... 2) Get a lawyer to represent them. Individualy you may have some difficulty getting good legal the amount that any one of you is owed may not be sufficient to attract a lawyer to take the case. Collectively, if you all goto a lawyer together.....they could be looking at a pretty significant settlement.... which means pretty significant Attorney fees able to be awarded.
At the very worst, you force CME into involuntary insolvency.... which is actually what you want at this point.... you want Court oversight....and you want any of it's remaining assets going to pay you (....and you are 2nd on the list of people to paid in a bankruptcy proceeding...right behind back taxes)..... The longer you wait....the fewer assets there will be to go toward resolving debts.
I as a Stargate fan, am sad to see that the game the bare the name of the series that I love so much hurt so many good people, hope MGM rip the rights right out of there hands so that this people can get back to there normal life. I am sure there are game designers out there that want hire this good people!
the employees dont care cuz there will be at least 200k people retarded enough to buy this game when it comes out at launch for 50 big ones. 10 million dollars will help pay the employees so they are not worried one bit. Can u said Vanguard?!
the employees dont care cuz there will be at least 200k people retarded enough to buy this game when it comes out at launch for 50 big ones. 10 million dollars will help pay the employees so they are not worried one bit. Can u said Vanguard?!
The employees who aren't being paid NOW surely care about that at the very least. The game will probably never be released at all if the lack of funding and bad publicity continue. So all the idiots who might buy the game when its released no matter how bad it is aren't actually a factor unless the game actually makes it to a point where it even could be released.
This situation is a bit different from Vanguard. The original creator(s) of Vangaurd are the ones who made it a crappy game but they sold it off to Sony who in turn was the company which lied about the quality of the game and released it knowing it wasn't ready or any fun.
I would compare this game more to Shadowbane, in the sense that it has been in development for a long time, will probably continue to be in development for a long time, people doubt it is anything other than vaporware and the company making it seems to be run by liars and theives.
And I agree with the guy who said the unpaid employees need to get a lawyer and fight back. What this company is doing is wrong and apparently illegal as well. What this company is doing needs to be stopped and people who aren't being paid shouldn't put up with this kind of crap when there is an obvious means of fighting back. I recall saying as much on the guestbook of one of those "days since last paid" sites which popped up awhile back but now seems to be gone.
And I agree with the guy who said the unpaid employees need to get a lawyer and fight back. What this company is doing is wrong and apparently illegal as well. What this company is doing needs to be stopped and people who aren't being paid shouldn't put up with this kind of crap when there is an obvious means of fighting back. I recall saying as much on the guestbook of one of those "days since last paid" sites which popped up awhile back but now seems to be gone.
Whats sad about this, is a great IP thats going to waste lead by a bunch of muppets at cme which even if it did launch i would not let them have my credit card details lol, shame about the workers and feel for there familys, times right now are hard enough.
Wish mgm would step in and cancel it and put this torid affair out of everyones misery.
Hopefully then it will be picked up by a real company and fans will get the game they deserve.
Playing: FFXIV Future: wishing for SWG 2, World of Warcraft Classic Played: Most current and extinct MMO's - 18 Years in....
And I agree with the guy who said the unpaid employees need to get a lawyer and fight back. What this company is doing is wrong and apparently illegal as well. What this company is doing needs to be stopped and people who aren't being paid shouldn't put up with this kind of crap when there is an obvious means of fighting back. I recall saying as much on the guestbook of one of those "days since last paid" sites which popped up awhile back but now seems to be gone.
Er... yeah, I think you may be right. I saw that site too but assumed it was a different site because it looks slightly different and doesn't have a guest book like the old site did. I just assumed the older site died when the web host froze the account and that this site was a different one. Whatever, I guess it doesn't matter much.
Mershu, I was extremely disheartened when I (Dez Pifko on the forums) went to reply to your very nice PM to me in response to my apologies on behalf of the community and found that you were banned. I'm glad you're here so I have the opportunity to do so.
While what you said, that maybe you shouldn't have posted, MAY be true, there is NO excuse for how your post was received. By the community OR the mods. Even less of an excuse that you were banned for it. While I have been doubtful about the production of the game (not due to your husband and his fellow DEVs) due to the business end of things, that was kind of a final straw for me to see you treated that way.
That does NOT look like any kind of community I want to be a part of. Again, I wish you and your family the absolute best, and hope SGW sees some pickup for YOUR benefits. But even if the game were to come out, I don't think I'll be playing it.
From what I gathered from your PM you are clearly a decent person, and the fact that you were absolutely roasted for your POSSIBLE emotional lapse in judgement (I say possible because you had EVERY right to post those things, IMO) is inexcusable to me. What kind of MMO community is left at this point? I hope for the best for SGW solely out of respect for the Devs' hard work, but not much is left outside of that, in my eyes.
Again, my best wishes for everything working out for you and yours. Apologies that your husband's hard work seems to have been wasted on a terrible company & community.
Dez Pifko (as you would know me, at least)
I really hope that *insert game name here* will be the first game to ever live up to all of its pre-release promises, maintain a manageable hype level and have a clean release. Just don't expect me to hold my breath.
Frankly, I don't think that the status of one's pay or benefits with one's job is to be considered company-confidential, unless you actually signed an agreement that stated such specifically.
And besides, once the company breaks their obligation to pay you your due, I'd have little sympathy for them.
In fact, I would bet that the state and feds might be quite upset at CME for doing so, particularly if they are not keeping up with taxes. It's gone on long enough that I'm somewhat surprised that someone hasn't blow the whistle to the state AG. BTW, in a bankruptcy, I believe that salary is pretty much at the front of the line, ahead of creditors. Of course, it's gone on long enough now that it's likely that CME doesn't have anywhere near enough assets to cover even that... which is why it shouldn't have been let go this long.
It's one thing to give a company you believe in time to make good, but that requires trust, and I'd have none for CME.
Thanks Dez Pifko, I very much agree with your sediments. And yeah, that was a tough weekend for me in many ways. I am in a much better place and regret saying anything – but it is what it is.
Out of curiosity, I asked my boss if he thought my husband venting in frustration about my work not paying employees for three months, if that was confidential. He laughed and reassured me that most legit employers wouldn't not pay their employees for that long so it was mute.
This is the only rule in the registration process:
"By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws."
I didnt see anything in the Code of Conduct that specifically applied to me. However, I now know why MMOGULS is a banned word on the SWG Boards. See Rule #1:
1. Conduct or send surveys, contests, pyramid schemes, chain letters, junk email, spam or any duplicative or unsolicited messages (commercial or otherwise).
I think the single most telling statement I have seen about this game, aside from multiple leaks from various people within CME that nobody is getting paid, is this:
Quote is from an interview with GateWorld and Michael Shanks (Daniel Jackson). The quote I highlight is towards the top of the 2nd page of the text of the interview....
GW: A spin-off of a big blockbuster summer film ...
MS: Which as you know has a great track record. [When you're] spinning off of films, the success rate is very high ...
Absolutely. There is a franchise now. There is a brand name. The fact that there's so many incarnations of the same thing that are happening. Whether it be the failing video game or ... [Laughter] I'm sorry! I had to flag that in there. The video game or the merchandising.
It's pretty bad when the stars of the major blockbuster TV Series & DVD movies are blasting CME, however veiled it may be, on this. At this point everyone involved with the TV series has basically stated that the game either has failed or is failing. Only CME keeps saying the game is still alive.
Could they manage to release it? I guess anything is possible. But every passing day makes it more unlikely.
As to Mershu? TBH while I empathise with her about her situation she probably shouldn't have posted about pay, or lack thereof, on the forums. They had every right to ban her... (though that doesn't make banning her the 'right' thing to do).
As to those europeans who are apparently clueless about American employment laws:
The folks at CME that are still working there are apparently doing so voluntarily. Probably because they haven't landed another job yet. The law in America is pretty clear that if you aren't getting paid you are completely within your rights to refuse to work, or go work elsewhere. I suspect the devs still working on the project are trying very hard to find other work... unfortunately in this economy it's fairly difficult to find such work. It's also very true that when looking for work it's best to do it while you are still employed (even without pay). Most employers will look at someone applying who's currently employed more favorably than someone who is not employed. So it's sort of a catch 22 for the folks working w/o pay.... sure they could refuse to work or quit or whatever. But that makes it harder for them to find new work. So I suspect they're just continuing to work while looking for other jobs.
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
CME hit a lot of stars up on their visits to the studio for becoming investors in the game, and many took them up on it. When they are bitching about CME or the state of the game, they are privy to those 'investor' updates and would be in the know.
Surprisingly, some investors to CME have never been hit up for additional contributions to help secure their original investment. However, many of the investors in Tim’s company Knowledge Relay have been.
Oddly, Tim Jensen’s spin on how he feels about Knowledge Relay to CME vs. what he tells his investors @ Knowledge Relay are two different stories. I smell a lot of good cop/bad cop going on here.
I will say one thing here, just because you found it somewhere else on the net, still doesn't mean its not classified, confidential information or a sore point for them. For example if I tell someone my salary, that's company classified / confidential information, now if some one posts that on another site, and the you post that information about that salary on their site, you are posting classified and confidential information (it hasn't been officially released information from the company, and is against there TOC).
Because you find information somewhere else (this doesn't mean its still not classified in some sense or confidential information), you need to use common sense to realize whether its gonna cause a reaction or not, personally I thought a deletion of the post and a warning would have been sufficient, but hey its a touchy subject I bet, and you pressed the wrong persons buttons with it.
Coming here to complain about it seems a little screwed up, personally I would have sent an email stating you made a mistake, which obviously you did, considering you didn't realize they would ban you for this, instead of complaining about it on another forum. (If you knew you would get banned for posting it, then you got what you aimed for).
Interpreting what you understand as what you read, is another matter all together, 'we are having financial difficulties', doesn't come across as a statement that salaries are not being paid (they neither confirmed or denied it), you may know that, you may have even suffered under it, but its still not an open statement from them that they are not paying salaries, you knowing and then using there vague reply as a foundation to prove your statement can be seen as a breach of there TOC. Its there website and there forum, they do with it as they want, and how they enforce there TOC is upto them, just because you got banned because you knew you would be touching a sore point, and then complaining about it comes across a bit extreme.
If you were truly sorry about the 'misunderstanding' a simple email to the forum mod would have sufficed, but to complain about it on another forum, shows you have alterior motives.
Just my opinion, but
Company classified information that they aren't paying her husbands salary and have dropped health insurance for her kids? Whatever you're smokin' it can't be legal man! Maybe you purchased it from MR Whiting at one of his MMOGULs appearances in Rio?
It's hard to classify or make information confidential when everyone already knows about it, don't you think? I didn't see her break the RoC, it's just team Whiting don't want anyone to know what's happening so that they can squeeze the maximum cash out of this before CME goes chapter 11 along with MMOGULs.
My advice to any developers working at CME is to quit now, because it's the best chance you have of seeing any back pay. If you quit now they'll probably pay the money but if you wait they could go chapter 11 and you get nothing while Whiting makes off with the swag. Think about it, it's cheaper to keep everyone working for free and go bankrupt rather than lay them off and pay what's owed.
She got banned for telling everyone about Gary Whiting's immoral practices, FACT!
Actualy...very important technical distinction here... do not "Quit"....Quiting can impact your unemployment benefits. Simply state that you are "unwilling to provide further work without being paid the compensation that you are owed". What CME is doing to it's employees, technicaly qualifies as a "layoff" even if they aren't calling it that. If you get "layed off"... you qualify for unemployment benefits.... they may even be FORCED to offer you Health Insurance through COBRA if you had it as a benefit at the time of your layoff (i.e. when they stopped paying you)...... definately march down to your local unemployment office and inform them exactly of what is going on.
But yes, get your resume together and start looking for another job. No reputable company behaves that flow issues or no. In some states what they are doing would actualy be ILLEGAL.
Furthermore Bankruptcy would actually be the BEST thing that could happen to the employees right now. Bankruptcy plans require Court oversight....and one of the Courts primary mandates is to make sure employees get paid any compensation owed them (in priority right after paying any taxes owed, and BEFORE anything else).
It's very likely the case that Whiting is trying to stave off Bankruptcy as long as possible to prevent Court oversight...and syphon off as much of the existing assets as possible.
Note, if anyone is interested (I believe CME offices are in AZ correct?). Please see these links....
The laws vary a bit from state to state....but from what I read....
If CME was offering Health Insurance and dropped it they are RQUIRED by Federal Law to inform thier employees about eligibilty for COBRA.
It's also pretty clear that CME (if it's offices are in AZ) is in violation of state labor law.
Note...... you can get back upto triple the amount owed you by an employer as a attorney fees.
Don't sit around and wait for empty promises to come through. The unpaid employees should all get together and 1) file complaints with the State Labor board... 2) Get a lawyer to represent them. Individualy you may have some difficulty getting good legal the amount that any one of you is owed may not be sufficient to attract a lawyer to take the case. Collectively, if you all goto a lawyer together.....they could be looking at a pretty significant settlement.... which means pretty significant Attorney fees able to be awarded.
At the very worst, you force CME into involuntary insolvency.... which is actually what you want at this point.... you want Court oversight....and you want any of it's remaining assets going to pay you (....and you are 2nd on the list of people to paid in a bankruptcy proceeding...right behind back taxes)..... The longer you wait....the fewer assets there will be to go toward resolving debts.
I as a Stargate fan, am sad to see that the game the bare the name of the series that I love so much hurt so many good people, hope MGM rip the rights right out of there hands so that this people can get back to there normal life. I am sure there are game designers out there that want hire this good people!
the employees dont care cuz there will be at least 200k people retarded enough to buy this game when it comes out at launch for 50 big ones. 10 million dollars will help pay the employees so they are not worried one bit. Can u said Vanguard?!
The employees who aren't being paid NOW surely care about that at the very least. The game will probably never be released at all if the lack of funding and bad publicity continue. So all the idiots who might buy the game when its released no matter how bad it is aren't actually a factor unless the game actually makes it to a point where it even could be released.
This situation is a bit different from Vanguard. The original creator(s) of Vangaurd are the ones who made it a crappy game but they sold it off to Sony who in turn was the company which lied about the quality of the game and released it knowing it wasn't ready or any fun.
I would compare this game more to Shadowbane, in the sense that it has been in development for a long time, will probably continue to be in development for a long time, people doubt it is anything other than vaporware and the company making it seems to be run by liars and theives.
And I agree with the guy who said the unpaid employees need to get a lawyer and fight back. What this company is doing is wrong and apparently illegal as well. What this company is doing needs to be stopped and people who aren't being paid shouldn't put up with this kind of crap when there is an obvious means of fighting back. I recall saying as much on the guestbook of one of those "days since last paid" sites which popped up awhile back but now seems to be gone.
The History of the Order of The Golden Shields
The site appears to be on it's own domain now at
Whats sad about this, is a great IP thats going to waste lead by a bunch of muppets at cme which even if it did launch i would not let them have my credit card details lol, shame about the workers and feel for there familys, times right now are hard enough.
Wish mgm would step in and cancel it and put this torid affair out of everyones misery.
Hopefully then it will be picked up by a real company and fans will get the game they deserve.
Playing: FFXIV
Future: wishing for SWG 2, World of Warcraft Classic
Played: Most current and extinct MMO's - 18 Years in....
Interesting Fact - I own 27 Tarantula's
The site appears to be on it's own domain now at
Er... yeah, I think you may be right. I saw that site too but assumed it was a different site because it looks slightly different and doesn't have a guest book like the old site did. I just assumed the older site died when the web host froze the account and that this site was a different one. Whatever, I guess it doesn't matter much.
The History of the Order of The Golden Shields