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As the title proclaims, What would you like to see from current or even older MMOs added to FFXIV? Or is there something you DON'T want from other MMOs?
For me, I would have 2 lists.
Taken from other MMOs:
1. Quest XP (I decided to change my mind, based on a few things I've read today, and a few posts about quest based leveling. I realized that type of leveling really only works in games where you roll many characters in order to play each class. With FF, one character all jobs, quest based leveling doesn't really work. Still want some xp from doing the quests there are though.)
2. Vanity Pets
3. Public Quests(FF style)
4. Dyeing armor
5. Addon functionality(probably not possible due to console issues, but you never know)
What NOT to take from current MMOs:
1. Gear Gating(should be about skill and player spec first, gear second)
2. Boring crafting (like WoW and LOTRO and WAR)
3. Item Malls
4. If they decide to have you make 1 character 1 job meaning you'd have to make a ton of alts to experience the other jobs, then dont' limit the amount of characters to a horribly low number per server.
That's all I can think of, I'm sure my fellow MMO brothers here can add some more. Looking forward to reading them.
I'm just going to post the same trhing I put in the other wishlist.
WoW style solo leveling will hurt the close community that was built up from overcoming hardships and grouping in FFXI.
Everyone likes the tight close knit community, why have solo to endgame style questing that would ruin this?
Having friends that you need to rely upon is a much better way to approach content than kill x, take to y.......repeat ad nauseum till endgame.
NO. Sorry, but I made friends in FFXI not based on leveling with them. Matter of fact, I never had a static leveling party. NOt having the static leveling party, for many people, is the reason I and many others were drawn away by games like WoW and LOTRO. I play FF for the story anyway and the world building and music and the DEPTH of the game mechanics. Getting friends out of that is an added bonus.
I have MORE friends in games like WoW and LOTRO because I was never hindered by the leveling mechanic. FFXI hindered me with time spent and having to rely on other people for an aspect of the game that shouldn't rely on other people. The rest of the game(the non leveling part)is what parties are for.
Obviously, you don't like WoW or that style of play, that's fine. But based on working in the industry and talking to many people, the forced group leveling in FFXI was and IS a huge turnoff for the majority of people out there.
The problem Elocke is that you can't have both types of gameplay effectively without creating one that is easier than the other for leveling. FFXIV is not focused on end game, it will be focused on the journey to get there.
If the hardcore grinders can lvl cap in only a couple months that would suck wouldn't you agree? it took like a year for people to cap in FFXI. nI don't think SE is interested in making a leveling treadmill where ppl can just quest to cap.
I hope there will be many casual solo aspects to FFXIV. FFXI was a bit too hardcore for my taste, but I also see the harm in making it too easy to cap from solo play. 10 million wow players complaining about the endgame grind tells me this.
I wan't to be able to enjoy FFXI for the next 6 years without being at endgame for 5 1/2 of thoes. So I'm sorry but no thanks to solo casual grind....I'll pass.
1. Vanguard's offensive and defensive target system.
2. Clothing and inventory for different spheres (Crafting and Adventuring). Vanguard did this best with 4 inventories worn at once for all 4 of its spheres.
3. Interactive crafting similar to Vanguard's.
4. Public Quest system from Warhammer. A great way to get strangers to group in a quest directed game.
5. Progression raiding similar to EQ1 with meaningful gaps in progession between guilds. Where one cannot simply skip to the new content.
6. Guild leveling. I woudl prefer a mix of L2's guilds leveling system and Warhammer's guild levels.
7. A stat recording system similar to eq2players or vgplayers that actually works.
8. Community projects that truly required the community. Let me give you a couple of examples. They had atunnel that crafters needed to tunnel through while being proctected by adventuers. This tunnel led to new areas of content. Likewise bridges which took a mammoth amount of time to build could be built to islands which otherwise could nto be accessed. Towns could be fixed and rebuilt all the advantages for doing this were never put into the game (at least while I still played it).
What I would like to see not taken would be:
1. Releasing the game in an unfinished state.
2. Easy leveling.
3. Solo orientated game where reputation matters little.
4. Mob vs. player challenge is made to be easy and not provide any thought.
I too like the guild leveling ideas from EQ2 and WAR, same with the stat recording systems. I didn't quite like how VAnguard implemented the defensive/offensive target idea (although that might have just been the UI itself confusing me), I prefer how it happens in LOTRO, if I cast heal on the mob, the target he has targeted, which I can see gets the heal. vice versa with damage spells if I cast at a fellow party member it will forward to his current target.
good go please no quest based leveling. kill x and y a thousand times gets sooo repetitive and uncreative. yes, even more repetitive than killing mobs with a group for xp.
Originally posted by Scagweed22
is it the graphics? the repetativenesses? i mean what is the point? you could be so much more productive in real life
Real life brings repetition and pointlessness too. The only thing real life offers is Great graphics. Its kinda expensive too and way to dependent on the cash shop. Totally pay to win as well. No thank you. Ill stick to my games.
I actually never got bored of the party system in FFXI. Simply because in order for the party to be a successful one, every player had their role and were held accountable to do so. For example, if the Red Mage didn't refresh the paladin, or the Bard didn't ballad the mages or the Samurai continuously missed their Solo SC, then it would hinder the party. These things all went with being on the edge while doing your job.
Another thing that doesn't seem to be mentioned is the competition that goes on within parties between damage dealers, and tanks for that matter. The tank has a personal pride they have to uphold by not getting continuously raped via the mob burning through shadows or simply being a bad tank. On the other hand, you have DD's going at it to see who can reign supreme by doing the most damage through weapon skills. Partying with friends was always a blast simply because the trash talking going on saying "1050 > 920" or "Asuran Fists > Tachi: Kasha" was priceless in my opinion. The competitiveness and also the accountability of the party system is what kept it intriguing and fun at the same time.
lets see here
- The lvling system based off Quest Exp like we have seen in games like LOTRO/WOW/ etc....
- Story Wise ...FFXI did a great job i think there is nothing that should be changed in this Aspect.
- Mounts...we def. need it dragons...chocobos...something, The whole Chocobo ride thing was nice but i want an actual mount that has no timer i can hop on and ride till i get knocked off by a mob or something.
- More custimization it a Legendary weapon system that Lotro implements (the legendary system in lotro is very nice)
- Make crafting more one likes to craft 1000 swords to hit lvl 10
- Job system wise i think they did amazing in this aspect nothing should change in the job system. Samurais ftw!! name one MMO that has a Samurai Class in it..... other than FFXI lol
- Now i think what was great about FFXI was their WEapon skill system and how it worked but i would like to see more WEapon based Skills that are tied to an actual Class.
- Dyeing armor i'm not soo into but i would like to see more Diversity in the armor...most of the armor in FFXI looks the same...u could be wearing a lvl 70 leather vest that looks like a lvl 7 leather vest...i think we need more diversity.
- i want to see actual Raids(dynamis was the closest thing to a raid in FFXI) they have in Lotro and stuff and have Raid Armor instead of farming a boss spawnt hat spawns once a week and ur chances of killing him or even claiming him are slim to none.
- This game needs to have overall a more western feel to it , i know its an Asian MMO and theres alot of good things in Asian MMOs but theres alot of great things that Western MMOs have and i think they need to incoporate these features into their game.
- the one thing that Every Asian MMO has in common is FREAKING BOTS....and Gold Selling....i think there has to be some strict guidlines and maybe some anti exploit mechanic here, granted u also see botting in western games but u just dont see it as much as u see it in Asian MMOs.
Things I DON'T want to see taken from other MMOs
-quest based leveling
-pointless crafting and pointless economies where the currency and items are so easy to come by they're useless/a dime a dozen
-major instancing (I know there was some instancing in FFXI but it was done well IMO to where it didn't ruin the immersion you get in FFXI)
-boring, lifeless feeling worlds
Things I DO want to see from other MMOs
-Lineage 2 had a cool guild system with levels which was cool (I know L2 is kinda old but w/e)
-More customization options as far as the looks of my character are concerned (although this didn't really bother me much in FFXI)
Originally posted by Scagweed22
is it the graphics? the repetativenesses? i mean what is the point? you could be so much more productive in real life
Real life brings repetition and pointlessness too. The only thing real life offers is Great graphics. Its kinda expensive too and way to dependent on the cash shop. Totally pay to win as well. No thank you. Ill stick to my games.
From TenTonHammer:
"SE has indicated that FFXIV will use a job system like the one so popular in FFXI, but the company also said that it would feel different from the one in its previous MMO. Most of the speculation in this area stems from the SE response to IGN’s question about the importance of weapons. SE told IGN that weapons greatly influence character development and that fans should inspect the FFXIV logo for clues. SE further explained that the concept is a “wheel” of warriors trying to cover the backs of their comrades.
Popular theories for the meaning of these clues is that weapons will grant stat bonuses as people use them or that they will define the job of the character equipping them and have abilities that can be learned from them.
The FFXIV logo displays what appears to be a group of casters and support jobs surrounded by allies with short- and long-range melee weapons, prompting speculation that combat may involve a front and rear guard with casters in the middle."
"Will the same character be able to learn any job?
The answer to this question is unknown at this time. SE admitted that character development is the main focus of FFXIV and that it will not involve a traditional experience points system. This has led to conjecture that the game will employ a skill up system like the one used in Darkfall or an Ability Points (AP) system like the one used in Final Fantasy Tactics.
A skill up system would result in a character getting better at wielding long swords the longer he fights with them. Meanwhile, the AP system has players earn points to unlock abilities. AP earned while a white mage could only buy white mage abilities."
I was sick of quest based leveling after a couple of weeks of WoW. Please no more!
--Solo content should be available but leveling slower should be much slower than leveling in party.
--Job system from FFXI. I love changing jobs & having sub-jobs but still keeping my same character. It was also easier to notice people that I had a good experience partying with earlier but didn't add them to my friends list. I hate rerolling another toon just to do another job.
-- I like the option to grind & dungeon crawl. I know they're not popular but at least make it a viable option. I don't mind leveling slower but I do want it to be an option.
-- I like combo attacks similar to skillchains
-- I loved the BCNM (i might have acronym wrong) where you delevel at a certain boss. Helps keeps the challenge.
-- I want the ability to either turn off XP gain or the ability to delevel myself temporarily. It'll help friends with different XP rates stay together.
-- I really liked public quests from Warhammer. I'd love to see that carried over.
-- I want world mobs to have some intelligence. Sometimes they link, sometimes they agro by sight, sometimes they agro by smell, etc. I still remember all the MOBs I had to run/hide from when trying to make it to Jeuno for the first time. Great memories.
-- I love how how TCOS handles armor. Really helps everyone maintain their own look.
**** PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let people be able to choose their server when creating a char.
-- I liked Vanguard's interactive crafting system. However, I know some people hated it. Please implement the somthing similar to Vangard crafting for SOME of the craft trades, not all. That way people that just want to click to craft also have that option.
-- I'd like the ability to replay cinema scenes (assuming that this FF will also have cinema scenes). Even if it can only happen in a certain spot in a certain city. When you're in a party & everyone's seeing the cinema scene already, I feel that I have to skip it so that I don't slow my party down.
-- Ability to be in multiple guilds. This is so important if you're the high level character in your guild. That way you can have a guild just for end game & still be in touch with your main guild when you just want to have friends to chat with.
-- Setup some activities which don't involve leveling. Ex: Chocobo racing, taverns where ppl can play simple games. These kinds of activites will help provide something different & allow the opportunity for players of different levels to have fun. Also provides another place for players to meet each other. Partying should be the only way to build up your friend list.
-- More teleport to location spells & items.
"SE admitted that character development is the main focus of FFXIV and that it will not involve a traditional experience points system"
so there will be no leveling at least not in a traditional sense, even a FFXI type of leveling.
With the focus on Weapons SE also hinted at... and talk of materia coming back ala FF VII...
I'm guessing the advancement will come from gaining experience using different weapons which kind of define what Job your character has, but you are able to equip materia and materia chains in your weapons to differentiate and customize your character further. These weapons and materia will "level up" with you over time and become stronger and look more powerful.
What I am hoping is that you have an Overall level for your character so even if you change weapons/jobs to try something else you don't really start over at level 1 you still are the same Overall level you just have to build you skill/ability list with the new job's weapon(s).
I also hope if they have sub jobs that you can level them at the same time as your main job as long as you use abilities from both.
And I hope armor is a lot more cosmetic and more about appearance, maybe customizable with different materia for stats kind of like TCoS with their sigils on weapons/armor.
With no real levels per say the content could be a lot more open and dynamic, you'd travel the land and choose what story arcs to pursue and what areas to explore while becoming stronger without having to stick to a specific path or return to newbie zones and all that.
heerobya, your last post=awsome awsome awsome and i agree 100% that would make the game world seem HUGE if thats how it ends up going down, and that means doing jobs and leveling per say (gaining more skills) would be SOOOOO much fun as compared to "here we go again today, gotta grind grind grind to get that next level"
The idea of materia in FFXIV makes this game the most I am hyping for, aside from the game being a FF game.
1. Unlimited crafting potential-I don't want to have to make a mule for crafting
2. You can get great gear from PvP, PvE and crafting
3. Limited PvP looting
4. Houses
5. Towns
6. Auto attack
7. Faction PvP not free for all PvP
8. A combined level/skill you level you get points to put into skills YOU want..if I want to be a warrior that is a stealthy tracker archer and can still swing an axe and make potions...I can!
9. Intricate customization of clothing, crests and gear.
10. A very low PITA ratio (pain in the ass)
So if you took housing and pvp from old school UO, with a WoW like interface and AoC player enclaves and FFXI anime graphics and Fallout 2 style skills and perks and warhammer online rvr all modified to the latest brainpower you would have my game.
I just see a system where you have an overall level for your character that is a sum of all your experiences in the game, and perhaps this defines your stats to some degree so that even if you change jobs you can still adventure in areas appropriate to your level...
but your weapon and weapon skills define your role, your job and abilities and are interchangable like in FF XI and with subjobs and customizing what materia and materia chains you use to create a unique character that is the sum of their parts.
a massive world with lots of story and quests to go on but not really the "kill 10 x" type but more so adventures and real story arcs with plot and related events and branching narratives that take you places.
where you can be the solo adventurer wandering the world making your own destiny and a name for yourself or you can party with friends and allies and tackle some of the true horrors in the world for fame, riches, and glory!
What do I want it to take from other games hmmmmmmm. NOTHING!!!
I would like to see FFXIV stay one of a kind like XI is.
Quest based leveling...
I decided to change my mind, based on a few things I've read today, and a few posts about quest based leveling. I realized that type of leveling really only works in games where you roll many characters in order to play each class. With FF, one character all jobs, quest based leveling doesn't really work. I Still want some type of XP reward from doing the quests though.
This type of leveling works find in games like WoW and LOTRO and WAR, where you pull an alt through the same content over and over. In a game like FFXI and probably with FFXIV, one character can only do each quest ONCE so that idea is moot. I just always wished the quests in FFXI gave more substantial rewards, mainly xp as it was very hard to get xp other than grouping to level.
Another reason i rather be forced (to an extent) to group is because it really does weed out the bad players. And by bad I mean jerks and rage quitters ect. In FFXI your reputation is very important and could effect how far you get in the game. If you're friendly ect you well get further and stuff. I really like that and it does help to build a better community.
Though, FFXI does have systems inspired by other MMOs... but with that unique SquareEnix twist.
If they continue with that (which, from what they've said so far, they will), then all will be well.
There's no other MMO quite like FFXI (beyond the basics of xp, quests, leveling, etc), and I really hope SE delivers another unique experience with FFXIV. If they do, and they can pull off the "more solo content" bit without killing what makes FFXI so unique - like its community, for one - then maybe all those who've been hearing us players/fans rave about XI all these years, despite its various flaws and "WTF" bits, will have an idea of just *why* we've done so.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
Yes, definitely.
The community in FFXI is such that you can really develop a reputation that precedes you - for better or worse.
I've seen people become something of "mini-celebrities" that it seems everyone knows about, even if they've never met or grouped with them personally.
Likewise, I've known (and had run-ins with) the type of people whose reputation inevitably results in them being rejected by and ostracized by the community because they're serial ass-hats. I've known of at least 2 people personally who basically had to leave my server and start over fresh on another one because they couldn't get groups, thanks to their antics. Word gets around.
Here's one example...
There was a guy some years back on Pandemonium.. a Taru Black Mage (or at least he was at the time) who would basically join a party and try to commandeer it; giving orders, telling people what to do, bitching people out for no good reason. When he, inevitably, got kicked from the party. He would then start bad-mouthing the party in shout, while he repeatedly mob-trained them (this was back before mobs de-spawned) 'til he got them killed. Then he'd stand over them and smack talk. If they tried to re-group and start again, he'd mob-train them again 'til they left. If the party moved to another spot, he'd follow them and continue.
A real Grade A asshole.
Well... his reputation got around. Within a month or so later, I was in a party with people I'd never met or grouped with before. We were fighting crabs (strong against melee) and, so, a BLM was an ideal choice. The party leader said "There's a BLM seeking..." . Someone asked "What's the name?" They said the name and, immediately, we all responded with some variation on "No! Do not invite him". The leader laughed and said "well, okay then.. that settles that." We each shared our experience with him, and a couple others had heard of him previously.
A few weeks after that I learned he'd left the server because no one would invite him to groups; no one could stand him. Parties would dissolve if he was invited. He couldn't get anywhere. He'd basically run himself off the server.
That's the kind of accountability I hope exists in FFXIV as well.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
I hate to see FFXIV come out as a WoW clone.
First, i hate Quest leveling. Everyone become so into doing quest, there will be no communication between players. One reason i love FFXI is that people do Party and they "TALK", quest partying will not have the same effect as these people will leave if their part already done. Talking make the communty so great and it is the BEST PART OF FFXI.
Secondly, I do not want to see "solo" leveling being too much. Why? if solo leveling is enable, everyone go solo. no one will party. I don't enjoy the time i play WoW where i solo quests, i even hate myself for grinding solo time from time, because i am wasting time not to network myself. Soloing will also create hates as one territory being takeover. They should limit the Solo ability to an extend. Maybe a timer ... 1-2 hour everyday can be solo (a power up only for that duration).
Thirdly, PLEASE for god saken don't add raid dungeons. I don't mind dynamis because it is truely fun. But Raid dungeon like WoW are just waste of time!
i really hope that they use the AP system like in tactics. I think that it could work wonders for a mmo. And its a logical choice for final fantasy
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