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Alright so, I'm looking for a true MMO-FPS-RPG.
what I mean by true is, it HAS to be FPS. I went through an old thread and pretty much all the games people linked too were either 3rd person shooters or not shooters at all. But yeah, if you still unsure. I mean like Call of Duty 4 type FPS, 1st person.
Needs RPG aspect, experience, leveling, stats. preferably weapon upgrading as well.
and MMO, massive scale world, with mainly, PvM type play. Yes, PvP is always great. But I have Call of Duty for that.. But yeah, item drops, different quality, rare unique kind of thing.
I've looked and I can't find anything, and I'm leaning towards a game of this nature not existing, but I'm curious to know if anyone else knows of any.
Also preferably of something newer, that actually looks good and isn't 100 years old
Thanks for any help.
also preferably F2P, but if one you know about happens to be P2P post it anyway. I'm willing to p2p if it's worth it.
Hrm, sort of what I'm looking for, but not a big fan of the mech suit type thing.
Crapfall seems to be in your future.
Currently I'm interested in seeing how Parabellum plays out.
MAG if you got a PS3 is a pretty good game. HUD is a bit on the annoying side because there's little icons over all your allies heads all the time, though it does come in handy.
Other wise, you may just want to go back and look into Planetside. I'd still honestly call it one of the better shooters I've played in general.
EDIT: Er, MAG ain't out yet. Forgot about that. Ok, get MAG once it's been released in your case. XD
"The knowledge of the theory of logic has no tendency whatever to make men good reasoners." - Thomas B. Macaulay
"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." - Daniel J. Boorstin
Ive been looking for a true MMO FPS +RPG too, and some of my posts were related to this "problem".
The overall idea is that you cant find a true MMO FPS RPG.
1. Because "technology" cant handle it: be it server programming, server/clients processing power/connections.
You can only get a true FPS experience in single players, and just recently in multiplayer games and even those has a limited number of players... Battlefield series, Call of Duty 4, Planetside etc. None of them is MASSIVE regarding number of players as the first M from MMORPG requires.
2. Because a true FPS success/power is based on player skill, twitch based gameplay and a true RPG success/power is based on time and effort spent. So in theory it falls under the principle of contradiction, because or one governs power/success or the other. In practice you would have to face balancing problems forcing changes and addaptations to one or another, thus they wouldnt be "true" anymore, it would be 50-50 "true".
You could have both, but one of them wouldnt be dominant and here is where people wouldnt accept/understand it at first.
This leads to the another issue: target audience, each crowd expect something different, fps crowd dont like when someone who spent more time and effort than them owns them and the rpg crowd dont like when someone has better eye-mouse/skill/coordination/reflexes than them thus headshotting their character to death.
There are people who like both, like me and you. Everyone else would have to addapt, but eventually would learn to play and love it.
Twitch gameplay in itself is a pure concept, free of any considerable criticism. Its problem is that its hard to code real physics in MMORPG engines with thousand of players and npcs with their fancy server/connections.
Character progression, on the other hand, can get wrong in many levels... Its hard to implement in a design level. It has the grind problem, wich makes itself herd insofar as the less creativity is invested in randomizing the activities is needed for progression (whatever type of effort is needed for a certain ammount of time). Thats something many single player games and multiplayer moded games achieved and MMOs are still scratching the surface.
Even if you take out the grind. You still have to deal with time and effort core equation of a "true" RPG. Grind is a side effect of a badly planned/implemented equation. If the effort required during that certain ammount of time is not pleasing/sattisfying/rewarding/fun/entertaining enough then it falls under grind. This is also one of the hardest puzzles of the gaming industry, its not clear at first, but here is the thing: its easy to make something entertaining in itself, but once you add degree of functionality (reward/power) to it you have something you had no idea would happen. The functionality (reward/power) gets priorized in detriment of entertainment due to a long term benefit: character progression itself (wich is the nuclear target that motivates the whatever "stuff to do" is embebed in the equation of time and effort). You cant allow that happen and noone knows how to avoid it, even if they understand this particular mechanics of player behaviour. (i.e. battlegrounds rewards paradigm)
And then there is something even shadier... people's personalities, they are all different, their needs are different... one of the sensible aspects is what drives people to play: regardless of whatever stuff people like to do, there is one thing that is paramount for a huge chunk of players: competitivity, the drive to win and be the best and own everyone else.
RPGs arent a huge success just because of the "play a role and live a story element", they are a huge success because of the character progress appeals to people inate will of power.
If you make a true MMO FPS+RPG game will find that in order to compete, to be the best and own everyone else, some people will do whatever it takes, over and over and over if there is no cap/limits to how much power over others they can possess. Then the mechanics of competitivity itself comes in effect: only the best can it the cake, everyone else down the piramide doesnt. Not everyone can be a hero in a competitive multiplayer environment with character progression based on time and effort and hierarchy defined on power.
It might work in RMT mmorpgs in China, but not in the Western World. People cant accept such differentiation wich is the result of RPGs characteristics. Thats why they implement caps and try to balance everything out. In the first person shooter games such characteristic is even more rejected: people start all equal and whatever advantage they get is not really meaningfull to the outcome, thats an abyss for FPS designers and players. Everyone fears it, they wont try to matrix jump through it.
In certain games, they give "perks" wich allows a degree of achievement/rewarding but not so much to give a substantial advantage over others who doesnt have (thats why I said in theory it cant be considered a "true" RPG, because characters progression dominance gave place to twitch based skill dominance), in others there is power cap (based on a level cap limitation) of one to four weeks (limited in time span, so if there is any gap, such can only be enjoyed for limited period by those headstarted, certainly not a "true" RPG mechanic once the rabbits have been caught up to it stops being an RPG, because such mechanic is hypocrite/illusory), if its longer, then they segregate the stronger from the weaker by limiting other aspects like... in Huxley people of level 50 cant fight with players level 10, the room based is also level based... Or in Exteel they have rooms/turns, so its not massive as well.
Then, you have games like Project of Planets, Earthrise, Tabula Rasa with server dominance of the twitch based gameplay, where the server assigns cooldowns for everyshot, every sideways strafe, jump the character does. Its not a client based twitch based gameplay like in Counter Strike, Team Fortress, Call of Duty series. The former doesnt even have proper bullet physics, colision detection, and other characteristics of "true" FPS games.
Then you have those other types of MMOFPS (wich they arent either), like Global Agenda, Huxley, that will offer a true FPS client side twitch based gameplay (as opposed to server side, distinction I created now), attempt to sell using the MMOFPS stamp, without really being massive in number of players, even less time and effort spent as determining factors to success (wich is why I think they should extirp the hypocrite Massive from their slogan!). Also, those are instanced with heavily limited number of concurrent players interacting with each other seamlessly.
Finally, there is the worst type of self intitled MMOFPS... Sudden Attack, Parabellum, Wolfteam, Crossfire, Blackout and many others not worth mentioning, because there are so many and they are being made like there is no tomorrow nowadays... games that are just fps multiplyaer online (MOFPS) and have no idea what the Massive stands for.
Hellgate London had an hybrid (not true) FPS client side twitch based gameplay as well as the RPG mechanics (since it was the governing factor), but it wasnt Massive, it also was instanced and the character progression was severelly capped (people could reach the cap in 2 weeks therefore not a true RPG as well, therefore just temporary sense of time and effort spent)
Planet Side and World Online II, were "MMOFPS" just due to number of players, but they took the MMO from MMORPGs to try and sell their fish. They also dont come close to sattisfy the "true RPG" requisites, but they didnt tried, neither advertised too.
In short, there isnt a true MMORPGFPS right now. There are technological limitations, design limitations, audience/cultural limitations.
What would fit the MMORPGFPS genre in my book:
Neocron, AND
Ace Online/Space Cowboy/Flysis/Air Rivals,
These two are the closest you can get from the utopic concept of a MMORPGFPS in my opinion.
There are many games coming out though. Keep in mind those will fullfill the client side twitch based gameplay, but might not feature a first person view, maybe just a third person (not sure about those yet, but what I personally care about is the twitch gameplay)
All points Bulletin,
Jumpgate Evolution,
Black Prophecy,
Crime Craft,
Fallen Earth - not sure about this one, but just mentioning anyway.
There are many others but... you get the idea...
Guess you didn't like the 20 levels of non-linear progression Planetside threw at you to pan out a troop alongside the perks it's added to gaining badges and command experience?
EDIT: Honestly all in all, the only upcoming game I'd say to look for would be MAG to fit yer desires if Planetside or such ain't your cup of tea.
"The knowledge of the theory of logic has no tendency whatever to make men good reasoners." - Thomas B. Macaulay
"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." - Daniel J. Boorstin
Upcoming Mortal online is the only game with MMO+FPS+RPG. Darkfall online is a MMOFPS but have no RPG part (or almost no).
You might want to take a look at The Chronicles of Spellborn
Tcos I looked into, and not the kind of game I'm looking for.
I do intend to pick up MAG when it's released. I'm curious to try out the 256 ppl MP seems fun.
Mortal Online I'll have to take a look at.
Idk planetside just seems idk stupid lol.
I've come across a game called Fallen Earth, which is currently in closed beta, and it seems to be pretty close to what I'm looking for. It is indeed an RPG, and you have the option of playing in either 3rd person or 1st person. It has a proper FPS system which is, wherever your bullet hits is where the damage is dealt etc.. I'm not 100% how it works, but according to them, it's a proper fps system. But for now I'm unable to try it due to closed beta.
Chronicles of Spellborn, looks like a worthy game.
I guess I should add, when I say FPS, I mean guns
Face of Mankind should be on your radar:
Yeah, I already checked that out, the gfx on it are really bleh.. and idk just seems like a piece of crap.. lol
Planetside has some "RPG" elements, but are more like... added flexibility. More options. Is the *king* of the MMOFPS genre.. The battles feel masive enough, often with 5/6 tanks, copters, soldiers, etc.. sure, and maps are giganteous, so you don't collide with magic area borders, like in a BF2 map. Ignore all this thing, TL; DR material. Planetside is just *fun*, so go there, and ignore all other shotters.
im amazed nobody has mentioned Huxley yet
it fits all OP's reqs
Huxley is basically the original Unreal Tournament with some RPG aspects. Might be worth checking out OP.
Huxley, Global Agenda, The Agency, APB, Parabellum...
Just to name a few MMO-FPS that will get released soon.
Global Agenda and APB are third-person shooters not FPS. Haven't tried Parabellum or The Agency though.
Anyone got a hold of Fallen Earth fileplanet-subscribers beta yet?
You can try Phantasy Star Universe. Its got some FPV and has classes that specialize in guns. I believe the xbox version is fairing better than the pc version. I don't know if that is what you are looking for tho.
Huxley meets all of your requirements.
Fallen Earth shows a lot of promoise but its been in beta for over two years and still needs loads of work before it is ready to be released. Been playing it for a long time now.
Fallen Earth...used to play the beta, got sick of the extraordinary slow progression, crashes, graphics settings doing nothing, memory leaks, lots of bugged quests, entering towns and immediately crashing.
The premise is good, the area chosen is bad (they chose the desert for one important detail, that there is a lack of detail). Hoover dam is seen in the tutorial from the inside, not sure if its actually in game.
The game took an unusual stand at crafting, that is, making it central to the game, and slightly realistic in that in may take a long time to craft things, and your going to have to do this over and over and over again.
Its open PvP, but actually encountering someone in the vastness of desert is exceedingly rare outside the small "towns".
I have to agree witrh above poster, the game still needs a lot of work before release. As for requirements, I last heard it will need a pretty decent rig to handle the memory leaks and poorly written graphic engine. I believe it was leaked that the entire game is Linux based, so that may have something to do with it being garbage.
Fallen Earth is about as close to what you've described as anything that I've seen recently....
What is PvM? I know PvE, and PvP, but not that one.
The Agency might be third-person, but I think it's gonna look gorgeous.
Mortal Online and Fallen Earth are, or can be played FPS. Fallen Earth has FPS aiming, but RPG numbers "under the hood" for damage calculation.
Global Agenda, APB, Huxley. Not really "massive", as in the number of players in any given space is limited .Bonus for Huxley for you is that it's gonna be free.Bonus for APB for me is that it also looks gorgeous.
I've heard from multiple sources that Huxley is worse then Crime Craft......utter fail