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Luna Online Open Beta Review

I was least to say timid of trying out this game, but over the few weeks i played its grown on me, not a good thing as i usually shy away from asian grinder games. But in the past few days i've started to question whether i should play or not, hopfully this small review will help others make their own choices. Please be aware that this is all my own opinions based on what i've experienced and seen while playing LUNA Online.

Graphics are mediocre and a bit too cartoony for my taste, one of the strangest things though is the amount of memory this game seems to take up even on lower graphically settings. Clipping occurs too much around town objects and there are several repeated textures in the fields (you can only use that same house a few times before it gets boring)

Npcs are also repeated as per the norm for rpgs but it can be puzzling when you see the same character over and over again with a different name. The playable character models are all presets with the most basic of customisation, you can pick between elves or humans. Visual effects for spells seem a little drab even large AOEs appear as little mor than a flash of light or fire and then disappear, a minor disappointment after you've leveled enough to use that epic skill.

I liked the idea that both races have different starting stats that could work with or against your build. One single stat point is awarded at each level though for the most part the game doesnt allow for a lot of strange builds, melee characters either go full strength or dex while magic users will go pure intelligence or wisdom. Deviating from these pathes usually ends with a poor avatar as the game seems to favor offence over defense, becoming a full vitality warrior is almost impossible with the current state of the game (due to an immature community)  unless you started early on when the game went open beta.

Kill stealing is unchallenged in this game, you will only recieve full exp and items if you are the one that deals the ^killing blow^ This makes it frustrating when battling bosses or high-hp mobs such as giants. The community also seems seperate and distant with the guilds and highlevels sticking to each other and the low levels not really understanding the game mechanics. Partys are rare untill later areas where its faster to quest with a group but i have met some unsavory people and wonder about the future of the games community.

PK and the dueling system is well balanced at the moment as these are still mid-level game classes, theres no true overpowered class as each has its benifits as well as flaws, one example is dueling while as an archer, it can be troublesome as you cant leave the small area your confined in to use your range as advantage.

Sound and music is typical asian pop style songs, although i did hear a lot of reused soundbytes from games like rose online etc, (kobolds in particular make the same noises as mantises from flyff) Also the repeating voice over for the mages standard attack will grate as time goes by so much so that i turned down both sound options to the lowest.

So in short, Graphics 4/10 Sound 3/10 Playability 8/10 Community 3/10

Some other notes.

* Gpotato has never had the best servers, so be prepared to lag even if you have the highest net connection.

* The economy is also way over-priced and for an early game at that.

* Bots and Gold sellers are abundant, and will remain as gpotato are notorious for not listening to reports. (they will tell you otherwise though)

* fishing is enjoyable and a good break from all the grinding, which at level 40 you will notice the massive increase in exp needed to level just once.

* Crafting is a much more better alternative to embueing your gear with jewels, the refinement system seems to be based on luck and doesnt really reward the player.

* Dont waste time trying to buy rares and sets as you will level past these required items too quickly for them to be of any use, i do suggest you buy cheap items from other players though as the ingame vendors can be pricey.


Again this is all my opinion and is open for discusssion, and i would like to point out that i have not covered every single detail in this game just the major points that appeal to me.

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