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Hi, can you guys tell me game with :
- fast leveling
- good graphics
- job
- custom character
Plz suggest me a game i'm bored to look to all game on youtube lol
p.s. : (MMorpg) i dont want pirates things... kind of silkroad... if you find a good private sro server ( rates x1000 or more) just tell me thx.
What...? You want a job? And do you want to reach max level quickly or... just keep on leveling up in an infinity?
World of Warcraft
City of Heroes
City of Villains
Guild Wars
classes if you prefer...
What...? You want a job? And do you want to reach max level quickly or... just keep on leveling up in an infini
just start normal with a classe like warrior and become knight ... gladiator something like that