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Now, first off, let me say that this is only my opinion and what I've gotten from the recent press conference, trailer, and general heresay from the online community.
People seem to be complaining (or happy, such as in my case) that FFXIV looks like a remake/sequel to FFXI, but is that necissarily such a bad thing? Basically all they're doing (again, from what I've seen thus far, which isn't much) is making another FFXI but with improvements and fixes to all the things people really had complaints about.
Knowing SE, and their fascination with replayability, I'm sure the difficulty won't drop too far, and the soloing won't be the focus of the game. This is, of course, not to say that partying will be the focus of the game either, they just wouldn't balance on the thin wire between solo and group by throwing their balance completely one way, it's unwise.
Just step back for a second. What other great games (I consider FFXI to be a great game, I don't know if this has changed but it used to be the only MMO with a boss never beaten) have you encountered that had sequels/remakes that were absolutely amazing? Sure it doesn't work all the time, look at the difference between Devil May Cry 1 and 2. But then look at the 3rd installment, it was just like the first, but better graphics, more action, great story, more weapons, longer. If two things are similar don't count it to be a bad thing, there's a reason for games being similar: to include successful tried options, systems, story, etc.
The same goes for great books. Look at The Hobbit, then look at The Lord of the Rings (the books, of course). Very similar, same characters in some cases, the same world, basically everything that was any good in The Hobbit Tolkein ran with and made a tale of epic proportions.
It isn't like SE doesn't know what they're doing, they excel in originality and using what works (and making up new things that sometimes don't, though that's common trial and error). I'm sure that they'll be keeping what was so great about FFXI and put their own little twist on it to make it new and great and, obviously, more accessible. It won't be for everyone, Final Fantasies aren't, MMOs aren't, and we all know FFXI isn't.
FFXI with a facelift, semi-soloability, faster paced and a new job system? Sounds like my kind of game.
that was quite hard to read....
i doubt the new FF will be drastically different (Dawn of war 2 style) but they have said they wanted to change things
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds
-Solid non level based game
-Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
Of course it will and should be similar AND different, my point is simply that similar is not necissarily bad.
From what I read I think the combat system will be radically different.
FFXIV is set in a futuristic/science fiction esque world. Where FFXI is set in a fantasy/medievil world. Totally different.
XIV will be casual friendly. XI isnt.
XIV will have no levels. XI does.
So far the ONLY thing that we can say is being used again based on official announcements is similar races.
Originally posted by Scagweed22
is it the graphics? the repetativenesses? i mean what is the point? you could be so much more productive in real life
Real life brings repetition and pointlessness too. The only thing real life offers is Great graphics. Its kinda expensive too and way to dependent on the cash shop. Totally pay to win as well. No thank you. Ill stick to my games.
I really hope your right...
{what do you mean its set in a sci-fi setting? where did you get your information for this? and why has all the art so far had swords and stuff in it?}
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It is final fantasy nearly all their games are a mix of science fiction/fantasy concepts as well as things unique to the series itself.
It has been said in several of the interviews/writeups from E3 that the new world is more technologically advanced than Van'adiel. That doesn't mean we all have lazer guns though, like I said it is Final Fantasy "science fiction", rather than thinking of it like futuristic or medieval fantasy based you should think of it as an alternate universe.
Man I really wish they would release some more info, Like this whole "sci-fi" thing it kinda scares me, BUT having said that.... FFXI did have quite a bit of tech "mixed" in with the game *cough air-ship* that didn't seem out of place at all...but was pretty advanced...So we'll see.
(Also it the trailer they released when the Galka is fighting on the boat it is a rather old looking boat...)
{Crosses fingers}
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