Aion is killing WoW in Asia. It has more than 3,5m subscribers in Korea/China and is 6 month old (2 months in China) , it isn't released in Taiwan, Japan and all the western countries. This game is going to get more subscribers than WoW worldwilde.
Will you still play WoW?
What will I do?
Find some way to cash in on all those flying pigs I'm going to start seeing...
Well if asians switch to Aion, is actually good news for WoW: - no more kiddies creating blood elves because they look anime - no more asian gold farmers spamming general chat - no more kiddie gold beggars
So yes! Go Aion! Gather up as much anime-loving kiddie n00bs! PLEASE!!!!
Well if asians switch to Aion, is actually good news for WoW: - no more kiddies creating blood elves because they look anime - no more asian gold farmers spamming general chat - no more kiddie gold beggars
So yes! Go Aion! Gather up as much anime-loving kiddie n00bs! PLEASE!!!!
who really sounds like the kiddie here.
He has the typical WoW mentality . . . the reason I don't play the game.
It's a Jeep thing. . . _______ |___| \_______/ = |||||| = |X| \*........*/ |X| |X|_________|X| You wouldn't understand
Aion will not get nowhere near to a steady playerbase like WoW ,specially since the game is represented in asia only atm and is like 1/2 yrs old . Love it or hate it , Blizzards winner WoW set out 'worldrecord' in subs wich every company wishes for (guess why we see so many clones *cough* )
comparing each and every title to WoW is a waste of time
Wait up ..see where its goin then talk ....have a nice day
How do you define the act of "killing WoW"? If you mean a loss of 50% or more of it's subscribers caused directly by diverting them to newly released games (in the future) such as TOR/Aion/etc., then I would still be very skeptical of this happening. It doesn't hurt to dream, though
However, no game is going to steal all of WoW's subs and push Blizzard to shut the game down; it's going to take years before that could possibly happen, and the ever-growing staleness of the game itself will most likely contribute to that possible demise.
Aion is killing WoW in Asia. It has more than 3,5m subscribers in Korea/China and is 6 month old (2 months in China) , it isn't released in Taiwan, Japan and all the western countries. This game is going to get more subscribers than WoW worldwilde.
Will you still play WoW?
You know what kills MMORPGs, competing with super-giants like Blizzard, Its like deciding to become a profession fighter and making your first fight against The World Champion, you are more than likely gonna get pwn'd. Stop comparing things to WoW if you want them to do well because to be frank Blizzard could hire enough people to run a smear campaign against Aion, and they would be done before you hit level 10 and get your gay wings.........Theres an old saying "Give someone enough rope and they will hang themselves." if you want to see WoW fail....just wait, they are upsetting part of their fan baseand it will eventually lead to their doom. But Everytime some makes a _______ will kill WoW thread, it just provokes Blizzard into garroting them with the slack that would have hung them.
There are times when one must ask themselves is it my passion that truly frightens you? Or your own?
What will I do?
Find some way to cash in on all those flying pigs I'm going to start seeing...
who really sounds like the kiddie here.
who really sounds like the kiddie here.
He has the typical WoW mentality . . . the reason I don't play the game.
= |||||| =
|X| \*........*/ |X|
You wouldn't understand
probably I will be playing another game since I am not playing WoW and not going to play EMO-ion either.
so clever mang.
Move these kind of threads into the trashbin or off to the Aion boards.
First off ...royal stupid post take offence .
Aion will not get nowhere near to a steady playerbase like WoW ,specially since the game is represented in asia only atm and is like 1/2 yrs old . Love it or hate it , Blizzards winner WoW set out 'worldrecord' in subs wich every company wishes for (guess why we see so many clones *cough* )
comparing each and every title to WoW is a waste of time
Wait up ..see where its goin then talk ....have a nice day
How do you define the act of "killing WoW"? If you mean a loss of 50% or more of it's subscribers caused directly by diverting them to newly released games (in the future) such as TOR/Aion/etc., then I would still be very skeptical of this happening. It doesn't hurt to dream, though
However, no game is going to steal all of WoW's subs and push Blizzard to shut the game down; it's going to take years before that could possibly happen, and the ever-growing staleness of the game itself will most likely contribute to that possible demise.
You know what kills MMORPGs, competing with super-giants like Blizzard, Its like deciding to become a profession fighter and making your first fight against The World Champion, you are more than likely gonna get pwn'd. Stop comparing things to WoW if you want them to do well because to be frank Blizzard could hire enough people to run a smear campaign against Aion, and they would be done before you hit level 10 and get your gay wings.........Theres an old saying "Give someone enough rope and they will hang themselves." if you want to see WoW fail....just wait, they are upsetting part of their fan baseand it will eventually lead to their doom. But Everytime some makes a _______ will kill WoW thread, it just provokes Blizzard into garroting them with the slack that would have hung them.
There are times when one must ask themselves is it my passion that truly frightens you? Or your own?