Ok, I must be whacked in the head for asking this and I know everyone will probably be chasing me with torches and pitchforks, but I just have to ask....
Of the flood of "cutsey" manga style f2P games out there, which one is the best.
Inquiring minds want to know...
Dragonica and NeoSteam are both fun and have a realtively high 'cuteness factor' to them.
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Why you made this thread in Aion section ? you either new to the forums or looking forward to get flame.
To one degree or another, I had fun in Fiesta Online, Luna Online, Holic Online, and Florensia.
Asda Story was kind of fun to play with people I knew IRL the first time I played it when it was on Game&Game, but when I went to play the GamesCampus version, it was too much "been there, done that" and not nearly as fun without my partners-in-crime.
This is where I draw the line: __________________.
I would pick Free Realms, Wizards 101, and Runes of Magic.
I agree with all these ^^ but i would stay away from Neosteam that someone mentioned.
I agree with all these ^^ but i would stay away from Neosteam that someone mentioned
While Runes of Magic does seem interesting, I'm looking for a game that is a bit more "chibi style". You know the kind...cutusey, big headed, big eyed characters who look too inocent for the revealing outfits they are wearing. The kind that usually have some girl winking at you in their banners.
Wizards does seem to be a bit more of that style, but i'm looking for something more on the F2P/Cashshop model as well.
I did also play Neosteam (being the big fan of Steampunk that I am) but the lack of character customization kind of ruined it for me. The fact you could not even really choose the sex of your character was an increadable turn off .
I guess the game that looks closer to the style I want in Flyff, but I have read so many negative comments on it lately that I was wondering if there are better games out there.
Dream of Mirror Online might fit what you're looking for. If you haven't tried it you might wanna check it out.
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hello kitty online island adventures?
I don't I have sunk that low....yet
MMORPG.com is giving away free closed beta keys for Dragonica over on the homepage. The screenshots looked very "cutesy" ... you should go check it out
Ether Saga
Played : WOW, LOTRO, COH/COV, EQ2, SWG, and WAR.
Playing EVE Online and AOC.
Wtg for SW:TOR and WOD
I second that. I just started playing Ether Saga the other day and I'm hooked. I think it might be the best f2p I've ever played.
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