Well its been over a month since I last played WAR and the main reasons I quit was down to boredom, Over powered classes and over powered crowd control.
It just wasn't fun being stunned and disabled etc, all the time not being able to get a action off and dead in seconds. Watching bomb squads (1 group Bw's and WP's) take out a full warband because of the over powered CC they had. Then there was Witch Elfs and Witch Hunters, Both Overpowered but Instead of nerfing both they nerfed one (WE) and made the (WH) even more stronger. In my opinion no matter how much a skillful player you are, you should not be able to kill another player within 1-5 seconds because of Over powering CC without at least getting some fight back.
Also Lag issues, I never really experienced it as bad but friends did and for them it got so bad they quit. It was a problem Mythic clearly couldn't handle so instead of trying to fix the overall problem (in september will be 1 year = still not fixed) they reduce the number of players in a set area, which was resulting in a lot of players being unhappy at being unable to help with the likes of fortress defense/seige. The fortress problem is so bad Mythic may end up taking them out of the game, surely a problem that big should have been realised in the years of beta.
I even found the lack of community feel a problem, Warband / Groups shunning other players but at the same time expecting that player to help with the overall battle. In my opinion it was things like that, that caused resentment and bad blood amongst players.
Overall my opinion is like most players wanted another DAOC type experience and we never got it. Mythic have made so many mistakes that I doubt they can ever really recover from. Warhammer imo now is a stop gap type game, a type of game you play untill something better comes along or when your bored / burned out of your main game.
Will we ever get a DAOC type (in its prime) game where we fight for relics, a zone where we can roam about and use hide and sneak tacitcs, have the start of a zone like a train station lol, lines of groups lead about by a speed class, being able to climb up a wall (on the outside) taking out the bow users etc, and overall a more tight community who would want to fight and help each other for the sake of their realm. I don't know if we will ever get a game like that again, I used to think if Daoc 2 ever got made then Mythic was the company to do it, but now i'm not so sure now.
Oh well now i just need to wait for Old Republic now.
Well its been over a month since I last played WAR and the main reasons I quit was down to boredom, Over powered classes and over powered crowd control. It just wasn't fun being stunned and disabled etc, all the time not being able to get a action off and dead in seconds. Watching bomb squads (1 group Bw's and WP's) take out a full warband because of the over powered CC they had. Then there was Witch Elfs and Witch Hunters, Both Overpowered but Instead of nerfing both they nerfed one (WE) and made the (WH) even more stronger. In my opinion no matter how much a skillful player you are, you should not be able to kill another player within 1-5 seconds because of Over powering CC without at least getting some fight back. Also Lag issues, I never really experienced it as bad but friends did and for them it got so bad they quit. It was a problem Mythic clearly couldn't handle so instead of trying to fix the overall problem (in september will be 1 year = still not fixed) they reduce the number of players in a set area, which was resulting in a lot of players being unhappy at being unable to help with the likes of fortress defense/seige. The fortress problem is so bad Mythic may end up taking them out of the game, surely a problem that big should have been realised in the years of beta. I even found the lack of community feel a problem, Warband / Groups shunning other players but at the same time expecting that player to help with the overall battle. In my opinion it was things like that, that caused resentment and bad blood amongst players. Overall my opinion is like most players wanted another DAOC type experience and we never got it. Mythic have made so many mistakes that I doubt they can ever really recover from. Warhammer imo now is a stop gap type game, a type of game you play untill something better comes along or when your bored / burned out of your main game. Will we ever get a DAOC type (in its prime) game where we fight for relics, a zone where we can roam about and use hide and sneak tacitcs, have the start of a zone like a train station lol, lines of groups lead about by a speed class, being able to climb up a wall (on the outside) taking out the bow users etc, and overall a more tight community who would want to fight and help each other for the sake of their realm. I don't know if we will ever get a game like that again, I used to think if Daoc 2 ever got made then Mythic was the company to do it, but now i'm not so sure now. Oh well now i just need to wait for Old Republic now.
i ve been playing age of conan for a couple of months since finally giving up warcraft . when an email came through inviting me to 10 free days i thought cool i ll give that a try again and see how much they ve improved the game . unfortunatly its pretty much what i remembered it to be . i still enjoy the scenarios but the rest of the games dead i had a terrible time finding warbands . i thought it would be much improved given theres less servers now but unfortunatly not . what a shame i really had high hopes for this game but with so few people playing in tier 4 it really defeats the object . i was also disapointed to see my squig herfer had been deleted . i got him to level 27 . this has never happened in any other game to me . when i ve gone back theres always been all my alts there etc . if they wanted me to come back i m afraid wiping out a mid level character really is nt the way to do it . the scenarios are still fun though in the evening its not too bad a wait to get into them . but i can play something like team fortress for free . i thinkn warhammer like ddo and spellborn might be another game that needs to look at the free to play ( micro transaction ) system
Frankly I haven't got a clue how this game remains the 4th ranked game on this website when AoC was burried long ago by WAR fanbois who mostly turned into haters upon release.
Watch it.
The MMORPG staff really LOVE this game and was quite "protective" of it in the past. You are treading in dangerous waters here, friend.
Besides, business is business. Mythic/EA pays paid pretty good for advertising and pushing it. If you read around the internet on this game, you can still find some really, REALLY embarrasing official "reviews" pushing WAR as a "threat to WoW" by "reputable internet sites" still today.
I mean, they JUST wrote reviews saying Wow should watch out. (IGN comes to mind)
Frankly I haven't got a clue how this game remains the 4th ranked game on this website when AoC was burried long ago by WAR fanbois who mostly turned into haters upon release.
Watch it.
The MMORPG staff really LOVE this game and was quite "protective" of it in the past. You are treading in dangerous waters here, friend.
Besides, business is business. Mythic/EA pays paid pretty good for advertising and pushing it. If you read around the internet on this game, you can still find some really, REALLY embarrasing official "reviews" pushing WAR as a "threat to WoW" by "reputable internet sites" still today.
I mean, they JUST wrote reviews saying Wow should watch out. (IGN comes to mind)
I won't go in to why I think the game is bad, since I've talked about it multiple times. I will say that Mythic did not try to fix the issues people were having in the game since launch, and that's enough for me to unsub. It's probably too late to get most people to come back even if they do turn the game around.
Too much stop/start/stop/start during development, too many design changes and a poor management of bringing designs to reality have hampered it from being great.
Wow you've got to be kidding me.. IGN 'grudge match' WoW vs WAR? Who are they kidding?
I haven't trusted 'official' review sights in the last few years, least of all this one. This entire website has gone to shit over the years, though the community has done most of the damage. If the MMORPG.com folks dislike what I am saying and want to remove me, by all means I'd be happy for it. I barely visit this website anymore dispite being one of the very early members here. So in the end, it's their bad. In the end WAR is high on the 'best MMOG around' list on this website not because it's any good, but because thats what Mythic pays for. Typical.
Money talks. Beckett Massively Online Gamer has a full page add stating that Eurogamer says " It wont be long before Funcom has one of the best MMO's in the world". Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures. I know AOC has been working on the game but it would have to be quite better than it was a 6 months ago.
The fact that this game ran like crap on uber high end computers is what killed this game for alot of people. If you try to tell me you had incredible framrates on large scale battles... i think you're blind. I am glad i stopped playing after 2 months post release.
Well, I like some of the ideas behind WAR and the humor in some quests is laughing fun at times but alas, that's about it.
The most game breaking thing is the (lack of) combat responsiveness. I personally found it aweful, and since it's very important to me for something like this to work proberly in a PvP oriented MMO like this, it just made me look for other flaws..
I couldn't help but feel a bit claustrophobic while running around exploring the world. It just felt very small and narrow although it is quite a big world - I guess it's the way they've designed the zones, too theme park like.
Also you could basicly get stuck in everything which after a certain amount of time became a real pain.
The PvP was too focused on AoE and with the introduction of the AoE-oriented Choppa and Slayer classes, it just made the whole PvP experience a joke.
With that being said I do understand why some people enjoy WAR, because it has its moments for sure. And people have the right to hope for better days and acceptable changes - I just didn't see any back when I played.
I have played them all, several to top level. This is the only game I can log in and with no hassle be in a large PvP group within a couple of minutes. PvP in Warhammer is balanced and gated so that it is available, meaningful and rewarding at all levels. You can start this game a level all the way up strictly through PvP... You will even have great gear throughout the ride.
I don't think WAR is a bad game I just find it unispiring after the starting areas. Love the beginning though the first time you take on some PQs and enter PvP areas while doing quests.. it's really neat... but then it just becomes shrug-worthy.
Well, I tried to re-sub last week just to see how the game was doing after MJ was fired. That alone was worth the month sub fee. <snip>
I dont know why everyone gives Jacobs shit all the time.
I respected the guy, very upfront and honest, and he didn't resort to changing his and his teams vision about the game and it's direction just to appease to the consumer base. It was refreshing to see.
If you say so pal. Ranting and raving, and telling people not to play his game ≠ honest. He flat out lied several times during Warhammer's development.
His 'vision' meant few subscribers. If his 'vision' was to make something almost no one liked, and even those who DO like it having laundry lists of complaints... then kudos Mark Jacobs. Well played. You've successfully ruined 2 games now. Congrats!
Well its been over a month since I last played WAR and the main reasons I quit was down to boredom, Over powered classes and over powered crowd control.
It just wasn't fun being stunned and disabled etc, all the time not being able to get a action off and dead in seconds. Watching bomb squads (1 group Bw's and WP's) take out a full warband because of the over powered CC they had. Then there was Witch Elfs and Witch Hunters, Both Overpowered but Instead of nerfing both they nerfed one (WE) and made the (WH) even more stronger. In my opinion no matter how much a skillful player you are, you should not be able to kill another player within 1-5 seconds because of Over powering CC without at least getting some fight back.
Also Lag issues, I never really experienced it as bad but friends did and for them it got so bad they quit. It was a problem Mythic clearly couldn't handle so instead of trying to fix the overall problem (in september will be 1 year = still not fixed) they reduce the number of players in a set area, which was resulting in a lot of players being unhappy at being unable to help with the likes of fortress defense/seige. The fortress problem is so bad Mythic may end up taking them out of the game, surely a problem that big should have been realised in the years of beta.
I even found the lack of community feel a problem, Warband / Groups shunning other players but at the same time expecting that player to help with the overall battle. In my opinion it was things like that, that caused resentment and bad blood amongst players.
Overall my opinion is like most players wanted another DAOC type experience and we never got it. Mythic have made so many mistakes that I doubt they can ever really recover from. Warhammer imo now is a stop gap type game, a type of game you play untill something better comes along or when your bored / burned out of your main game.
Will we ever get a DAOC type (in its prime) game where we fight for relics, a zone where we can roam about and use hide and sneak tacitcs, have the start of a zone like a train station lol, lines of groups lead about by a speed class, being able to climb up a wall (on the outside) taking out the bow users etc, and overall a more tight community who would want to fight and help each other for the sake of their realm. I don't know if we will ever get a game like that again, I used to think if Daoc 2 ever got made then Mythic was the company to do it, but now i'm not so sure now.
Oh well now i just need to wait for Old Republic now.
i ve been playing age of conan for a couple of months since finally giving up warcraft . when an email came through inviting me to 10 free days i thought cool i ll give that a try again and see how much they ve improved the game . unfortunatly its pretty much what i remembered it to be . i still enjoy the scenarios but the rest of the games dead i had a terrible time finding warbands . i thought it would be much improved given theres less servers now but unfortunatly not . what a shame i really had high hopes for this game but with so few people playing in tier 4 it really defeats the object . i was also disapointed to see my squig herfer had been deleted . i got him to level 27 . this has never happened in any other game to me . when i ve gone back theres always been all my alts there etc . if they wanted me to come back i m afraid wiping out a mid level character really is nt the way to do it . the scenarios are still fun though in the evening its not too bad a wait to get into them . but i can play something like team fortress for free . i thinkn warhammer like ddo and spellborn might be another game that needs to look at the free to play ( micro transaction ) system
Watch it.
The MMORPG staff really LOVE this game and was quite "protective" of it in the past. You are treading in dangerous waters here, friend.
Besides, business is business. Mythic/EA pays paid pretty good for advertising and pushing it. If you read around the internet on this game, you can still find some really, REALLY embarrasing official "reviews" pushing WAR as a "threat to WoW" by "reputable internet sites" still today.
I mean, they JUST wrote reviews saying Wow should watch out. (IGN comes to mind)
I kid you not.
Does anyone come up with original posts anymore????
Watch it.
The MMORPG staff really LOVE this game and was quite "protective" of it in the past. You are treading in dangerous waters here, friend.
Besides, business is business. Mythic/EA pays paid pretty good for advertising and pushing it. If you read around the internet on this game, you can still find some really, REALLY embarrasing official "reviews" pushing WAR as a "threat to WoW" by "reputable internet sites" still today.
I mean, they JUST wrote reviews saying Wow should watch out. (IGN comes to mind)
I kid you not.
Wow... that first paragraph read like an advertisement and was simply ridiculous.
Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic
Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW
Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike
Loved: Star Wars Galaxies
Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.
I won't go in to why I think the game is bad, since I've talked about it multiple times. I will say that Mythic did not try to fix the issues people were having in the game since launch, and that's enough for me to unsub. It's probably too late to get most people to come back even if they do turn the game around.
I'd give a 6.5 / 10
Too much stop/start/stop/start during development, too many design changes and a poor management of bringing designs to reality have hampered it from being great.
Its too late now to properly fix the game.
- My MMORPG Gaming Blog
Money talks. Beckett Massively Online Gamer has a full page add stating that Eurogamer says " It wont be long before Funcom has one of the best MMO's in the world". Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures. I know AOC has been working on the game but it would have to be quite better than it was a 6 months ago.
The fact that this game ran like crap on uber high end computers is what killed this game for alot of people. If you try to tell me you had incredible framrates on large scale battles... i think you're blind. I am glad i stopped playing after 2 months post release.
Well, I like some of the ideas behind WAR and the humor in some quests is laughing fun at times but alas, that's about it.
The most game breaking thing is the (lack of) combat responsiveness. I personally found it aweful, and since it's very important to me for something like this to work proberly in a PvP oriented MMO like this, it just made me look for other flaws..
I couldn't help but feel a bit claustrophobic while running around exploring the world. It just felt very small and narrow although it is quite a big world - I guess it's the way they've designed the zones, too theme park like.
Also you could basicly get stuck in everything which after a certain amount of time became a real pain.
The PvP was too focused on AoE and with the introduction of the AoE-oriented Choppa and Slayer classes, it just made the whole PvP experience a joke.
With that being said I do understand why some people enjoy WAR, because it has its moments for sure. And people have the right to hope for better days and acceptable changes - I just didn't see any back when I played.
I have played them all, several to top level. This is the only game I can log in and with no hassle be in a large PvP group within a couple of minutes. PvP in Warhammer is balanced and gated so that it is available, meaningful and rewarding at all levels. You can start this game a level all the way up strictly through PvP... You will even have great gear throughout the ride.
-----Zero Punctuation Eve Online Review-----
I don't think WAR is a bad game I just find it unispiring after the starting areas. Love the beginning though the first time you take on some PQs and enter PvP areas while doing quests.. it's really neat... but then it just becomes shrug-worthy.
I dont know why everyone gives Jacobs shit all the time.
I respected the guy, very upfront and honest, and he didn't resort to changing his and his teams vision about the game and it's direction just to appease to the consumer base. It was refreshing to see.
If you say so pal. Ranting and raving, and telling people not to play his game ≠ honest. He flat out lied several times during Warhammer's development.
His 'vision' meant few subscribers. If his 'vision' was to make something almost no one liked, and even those who DO like it having laundry lists of complaints... then kudos Mark Jacobs. Well played. You've successfully ruined 2 games now. Congrats!