WOW players have no more games that are begging them to come. My ,my. Bioware says this is NOT a game for you. Now what will you do? With no more MMO's in development at all that even want you, you're stuck with your little silly game. Reality should soon be setting in. Will you keep on playing the game you've been desperately wanting to quit? A game made by a company that robbed you of billions of billions of dollars, that gave you hardly anything for all that money, but instead used it to screw over every gamer in the world with 3 boxes of starcraft 1 repackaged....WITH NO LAN. By a company who willingly put you in front of the entire world on South Park. So the rest of the world could laugh their asses off at you. How does it feel to be among the ranks of Jenifer Lopes and Tom Cruise?
My advice..LOTRO. Great game. Turbine, great company. Only other game out there that is remotely geared towards you. Don't wait til they add Mordor and evil races. You mine as well say you came from maple story then. It's the only option for WOW players that have been wanting to quit. Hurry, the coolness that was WOW will leave as quickly as it came. Last one out is laughed at the loudest. LOTRO is your only choice for the type of game you enjoy. This one is not for you unless you to enjoy SW and KOTOR. No epics for you here. DING!!!
Turbine for Fantasy
Bioware for sci-fi
Those could and should be the new leaders.
Fuck Blizzard. Thats right..Fuck em!!
p.s. Better your friends too. Don't leave them to be our entertainment.
See you in the dream.. The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.
This is going to be a single player game with a monthly fee.
Anyone looking for a good MMO here should get a reality check.
Anyone looking for a good SINGLE PLAYER game (kotor 3) you will probably like it. But this will be as over instanced, hand holding, linear gameplay, kiddie game to date.
I agree with some points. I think the mentality of Bioware is more condusive to creative an mmo then blizzards: Bioware tends to work on a feature till it's perfect then move on to new features and ways of making the game interesting, where as blizzard tends to launch games with only a few features then abandon those that seem to be unpopular or unpollished (world pvp, crafting, languages, housing) and focus solely on the ones they find to be most popular (Arenas, Battlegrounds, Raids). While it has worked for blizzard for a while in the last two years eleven of my friends have quit playing (same ole same burns players out). Also you said the game had been reviewed already; this is a fallacy, the game isn't even complete yet, what you read was a runthrough of the demo shown at e3.
Blizzard uses WOW to harvest hours played into bottles so that the dev team can remain immortal
I dont think any single game will kill WOW. But if one takes into consideration Aion, MO and the Star Wars and Star Trek games coming in the not so distant future a combination of these along with the fact that WOW is in decline could well do some damage. Even if these game release unfinished and buggy, which Aion will not and i highly doubt if SWTOR will eiher, they will still draw some folks from WOW. As to whether they hold the WOW faithful that come to them is anyones guess but if say Aion isnt their cup of tea, will they go running back to WOW or try SWTOR or STO or one of the others? I could go on for quite sometime about the reasons why WOW isnt the game it once was but most people know the reasons and those that fail to see it never will. So no, SWTOR wont kill WOW but it could put a big dent into it.
I dont think any single game will kill WOW. But if one takes into consideration Aion, MO and the Star Wars and Star Trek games coming in the not so distant future a combination of these along with the fact that WOW is in decline could well do some damage. Even if these game release unfinished and buggy, which Aion will not and i highly doubt if SWTOR will eiher, they will still draw some folks from WOW. As to whether they hold the WOW faithful that come to them is anyones guess but if say Aion isnt their cup of tea, will they go running back to WOW or try SWTOR or STO or one of the others? I could go on for quite sometime about the reasons why WOW isnt the game it once was but most people know the reasons and those that fail to see it never will. So no, SWTOR wont kill WOW but it could put a big dent into it.
Mortal Online isn't a very big hitter. It's a very very under the radar niche game.
This'll just be a single player game anyway, a dissapointing piss poor MMO
I dont think any single game will kill WOW. But if one takes into consideration Aion, MO and the Star Wars and Star Trek games coming in the not so distant future a combination of these along with the fact that WOW is in decline could well do some damage. Even if these game release unfinished and buggy, which Aion will not and i highly doubt if SWTOR will eiher, they will still draw some folks from WOW. As to whether they hold the WOW faithful that come to them is anyones guess but if say Aion isnt their cup of tea, will they go running back to WOW or try SWTOR or STO or one of the others? I could go on for quite sometime about the reasons why WOW isnt the game it once was but most people know the reasons and those that fail to see it never will. So no, SWTOR wont kill WOW but it could put a big dent into it.
Mortal Online isn't a very big hitter. It's a very very under the radar niche game.
This'll just be a single player game anyway, a dissapointing piss poor MMO
I do not knowi if this will be good or bad but neither do you. I dont know if i will play this game or not. What i do know is your negativity isnt limited to just this game so it pretty much negates anytihng you say about it, at least for me.
I have to agree, I think it will have to be a collection of mmo's that will bring WoW down, but I still think WoW will hold onto a fairly decent playerbase like EQ1 has. And I'm sure Blizzard's new mmo will launch soon after they've taken a large dip in subscriptions. Probably after their forth expansion Emerald dream.
Tired of logging into WOW and just starring at your screen? That's all that's left for you there. SW:TOR, LOTRO, AION...come play with us and leave the cool kids to be robbed and laughed at. Hurry before no one wants you at all. You can see WOW for what it is with nothing else for you to run to. Nothing. Who will have you when your game is the butt of every joke of every gamer. Don't wait for Blizzard to make it worse. They showed the whole world what they thought of you.
See you in the dream.. The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.
Tired of logging into WOW and just starring at your screen? That's all that's left for you there. SW:TOR, LOTRO, AION...come play with us and leave the cool kids to be robbed and laughed at. Hurry before no one wants you at all. You can see WOW for what it is with nothing else for you to run to. Nothing. Who will have you when your game is the butt of every joke of every gamer. Don't wait for Blizzard to make it worse. They showed the whole world what they thought of you.
WoW never was a very good or innovative game, and time has only made it become worse. Then again, there aren't many real MMos out there anymore. WAR and LotRo are barely MMOs with living breathing worlds. Compare the feature list of LotRo to say, EverQuest or Dark Age of Camelot, and its laughable.
It seems there's always some excitement amongst bored WoW-ers when a new MMO comes out these days. I guess it's only natural - even WoW only has X amount of content, and for everyone there will come a time when they've seen it all and done it all.
Personally, while I'm not sure SWTORO will knock WoW off its perch, it is undoubtedly going to come closer than any other recently-released MMO has, and may even eventually overtake it.
For this reason: WoW is a big game partly because it's a BIG game, it has a humungous amount of content. It has this because Blizzard were already a hugely rich and successful company that could afford to put a ton of resources into WoW.
The other companies who have tried to make MMOs since then haven't been as rich (this is just an impression, I might be wrong! ). However, BioWare is already a hugely successful company, just like Blizzard was when it made WoW. I think because of this, BioWare will be able to put a ton of content into SWTORO right from the start, enough to stave off complaints from early-adopting fanatics when they run out of content only a few months into the game's life, and start moaning and giving the game a bad aura (this seems to have been the basic fate of most recently-released MMOs).
Now, the only question is, does the s-f genre of SWTORO have as much "pull" as the fantasy genre of WoW? My feeling is that the popularity of the SW franchise is still strong enough such that "everybody who's anybody" will give it a try - and if the game is good, and has sufficient content at launch, it will be able to retain their interest, especially if they are part of the "bored with WoW" crowd.
Therefore, I predict that the subscription rate won't topple WoW at the start, but will come close enough to shock everyone, and that over time, they may be neck and neck, and eventually SWTORO may even pull ahead. But this last is conditional on there not being some other "surprise" hit MMO. My money for a "surprise hit" is on Champions Online; however, I don't think it will take as big a chunk out of WoW as SWTORO will.
But yea, I think with MMOs the amount of content is hugely important (granted everything else functioning smoothly): who, amongt these developers, will be able to start the game off with sufficient content to stave off complaints for long enough to solidify the subscription rate at its initial high level?
TOR won't kill WoW, nor do I want it to. I'd prefer if all the people who use WoW as nothing more than a $15/month chat client while playing Wack-a-Mole (instances, arena, BGs, AH, etc) stay there, and the gamers come over....if you know what I mean. And that won't kill WoW.
Made by Bioware means squat,i have little confidence in Bioware's ability.
The game models /graphics look horrbile,so paying for VERY old cheap tech is not something i would brag about if i was Bioware.
The game pretty much looks like a console game,even worse in many cases,Bioware is not a bigtime player in the MMO business,they are a console gamer,trying to throw a console game into the MMO fray.
Revolutionize gaming because it wont have fetch me quests?Wow not much to look forward to there,this type of questing has already been done in pretty much every game,and the term "Missions" already done in FFXI,and "missions" actually play a role in the game and for your player.
There is nothing much here going for the game,the light sabre alone are enough to make anyone throw up,if i was the guy in charge of making that weapon model,i would be embarrassed and not let anyone know it was me.Pretty much any first year graphic design person could make a MUCH better looking weapon model,it really is far worse and cheaper looking than i can even make it sound,just awful.
Bioware will have to put out a game to get any recognition.All Bioware has done is release videos where their staff members are reading scripted lines,that make the game sound far better in every aspect than it is.They actually had me sold for a bit until i saw more on the game,besides their telling me how great it is.
One thing the game will have going for it is a STORY and nice voice overs.The story is easy to implement ,thanks to the voice overs,but only LINEAR gameplay can make it happen,unless they have a thousand different voice over responses for each NPC for the players that do not follow a linear pattern.I think the obvious will have to happen,it will have to have a linear game play,kind of goofy ,trying to make that work in a PVP environment.This truly will be a single player console game,with many players giving it the MMO standard.I have yet to hear or see anything related to group play?does it even have group play?
What is more of a challenge in following a NAMED title as SW is,is t omake it play realistically.Example the JEDI class,should be the most dominant in the game,to have the realistic SW deep storyline,wil lthis happen and how rare or how much effort will it be to allow everyone to be a JEDI?Will they just make all classes equal?Tough to claim to be following a deep storyline with deep rich characters,if you don't really implement it that way,and i don't see it happening.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Has ever come close to killing WoW. Stop thinking any game ever will until WoW eventually commits suicide when a WoW 2 comes out, also made by Blizzard.
Either OP is a brilliant troll, or a total idiot. No game. NO GAME. Has ever come close to killing WoW. Stop thinking any game ever will until WoW eventually commits suicide when a WoW 2 comes out, also made by Blizzard.
The next MMO from Blizzard isn't gonna be WoW2, it's a new IP. I'm sure it will do just as well though.
Either OP is a brilliant troll, or a total idiot. No game. NO GAME. Has ever come close to killing WoW. Stop thinking any game ever will until WoW eventually commits suicide when a WoW 2 comes out, also made by Blizzard.
The next MMO from Blizzard isn't gonna be WoW2, it's a new IP. I'm sure it will do just as well though.
Like I said, the only company that could make a game to kill WoW, is WoW's creator themselves.
Well I will say that it is unlikely it will kill WoW but I am certain that the servers will be much lighter after TOR's release in most MMOs than they currently are. As to whether this will continue depends on what’s in the game and so far we're only seeing tiny glimpses. That said I have full confidence in BioWare to deliver and make a great game, this is from experience. So where I will take exception is when people bash BioWare. The company is a trend setter and innovator of the RPG genre. They have not developed a game yet that I have not liked and most of them I love. Jade Empire, Baldur's Gate 1 &2, Neverwinter Nights 1&2, KOTOR, Mass Effect etc. They are in development for 3 games I am looking forward to, TOR is one of them. This game in particular will be epic because it has more lines of voice over already then all of BioWares other large and epic games combined and will take the element for which they are best known and infuse into an MMO so that you have a full immersive experience that is pillared on story and not hunting 6 boar knuckles. In fact one of the most attracting elements of this game is that there will be no boars. I look forward to TOR's release.
Well I will say that it is unlikely it will kill WoW but I am certain that the servers will be much lighter after TOR's release in most MMOs than they currently are. As to whether this will continue depends on what’s in the game and so far we're only seeing tiny glimpses. That said I have full confidence in BioWare to deliver and make a great game, this is from experience. So where I will take exception is when people bash BioWare. The company is a trend setter and innovator of the RPG genre. They have not developed a game yet that I have not liked and most of them I love. Jade Empire, Baldur's Gate 1 &2, Neverwinter Nights 1&2, KOTOR, Mass Effect etc. They are in development for 3 games I am looking forward to, TOR is one of them. This game in particular will be epic because it has more lines of voice over already then all of BioWares other large and epic games combined and will take the element for which they are best known and infuse into an MMO so that you have a full immersive experience that is pillared on story and not hunting 6 boar knuckles. In fact one of the most attracting elements of this game is that there will be no boars. I look forward to TOR's release.
I am also a Bioware fan but most of Wows players prefer Blizzard games. They loved Diablo 1 & 2, I thought they were ok but not great, I lover Baldurs gate and NWN instead. It is not really the same type of games and doesn't really attract the same kind of people.
Blizzard should fear more from Guildwars 2, it is made by the first lead designer from Wow and have many things in common with Wow but with modern graphics and no monthly fees.
Bioware games are all about telling a story, Blizzard games are about killing and looting. I think TOR will be a huge succes but I don't see it taking so many players from Wow.
It is actually amusing to see the constant talk about a WoW killer, and WoW just keeps on being the biggest MMO out there with an outdated graphics engine, the same gameplay and the same stupid laughter on their way to the bank.
Will this game be different? I don't know. We hear a LOT of talk about how different it will be, how it will change things. Uh oh. You see, there are two types of games out there. That is WoW, that did things one way, and everyone else who did change things and ALL together, do not even come close to the same subscriber base. That tells you something.
For instance, Star Wars The Old Republic is going to be a lot more solo friendly then previous MMO's. Good? No. If I want solo-play I fire up a single player game and have no-one running out trying to make an ass out of themselves.
From the little gameplay video we have seen so far,the game, well it isn't anything special. The Star Wars look is going to be a huge pull, but SWG showed that it is NOT enough in the long run.
It seems to be heavily story based. They got the largest group of writers of any MMO but is it enough?
In AoC I came across players that complained about all the talking in that game, how are kiddies with the attention span of a kitten going to react to a game where a decission you made last week affects you now?
Lets not forget that Bioware has absolutely no experience with MMO's. They never had to include a chat channel, never had to implement a mail system, never had to deal with different groups getting in each others way. No, neverwinter nights does not really count.
And we have heard nothing yet about how the PvP is going to work.
I am hopeful, but as an EX-SWG player, and an EX-AoC player and an EX-Vanguard player, I am kinda used to get disappointed.
WOW players have no more games that are begging them to come. My ,my. Bioware says this is NOT a game for you. Now what will you do? With no more MMO's in development at all that even want you, you're stuck with your little silly game. Reality should soon be setting in. Will you keep on playing the game you've been desperately wanting to quit? A game made by a company that robbed you of billions of billions of dollars, that gave you hardly anything for all that money, but instead used it to screw over every gamer in the world with 3 boxes of starcraft 1 repackaged....WITH NO LAN. By a company who willingly put you in front of the entire world on South Park. So the rest of the world could laugh their asses off at you. How does it feel to be among the ranks of Jenifer Lopes and Tom Cruise?
My advice..LOTRO. Great game. Turbine, great company. Only other game out there that is remotely geared towards you. Don't wait til they add Mordor and evil races. You mine as well say you came from maple story then. It's the only option for WOW players that have been wanting to quit. Hurry, the coolness that was WOW will leave as quickly as it came. Last one out is laughed at the loudest. LOTRO is your only choice for the type of game you enjoy. This one is not for you unless you to enjoy SW and KOTOR. No epics for you here. DING!!!
Turbine for Fantasy
Bioware for sci-fi
Those could and should be the new leaders.
Fuck Blizzard. Thats right..Fuck em!!
p.s. Better your friends too. Don't leave them to be our entertainment.
See you in the dream..
The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.
This is going to be a single player game with a monthly fee.
Anyone looking for a good MMO here should get a reality check.
Anyone looking for a good SINGLE PLAYER game (kotor 3) you will probably like it. But this will be as over instanced, hand holding, linear gameplay, kiddie game to date.
Darkfall Travelogues!
I agree with some points. I think the mentality of Bioware is more condusive to creative an mmo then blizzards: Bioware tends to work on a feature till it's perfect then move on to new features and ways of making the game interesting, where as blizzard tends to launch games with only a few features then abandon those that seem to be unpopular or unpollished (world pvp, crafting, languages, housing) and focus solely on the ones they find to be most popular (Arenas, Battlegrounds, Raids). While it has worked for blizzard for a while in the last two years eleven of my friends have quit playing (same ole same burns players out). Also you said the game had been reviewed already; this is a fallacy, the game isn't even complete yet, what you read was a runthrough of the demo shown at e3.
Blizzard uses WOW to harvest hours played into bottles so that the dev team can remain immortal
I dont think any single game will kill WOW. But if one takes into consideration Aion, MO and the Star Wars and Star Trek games coming in the not so distant future a combination of these along with the fact that WOW is in decline could well do some damage. Even if these game release unfinished and buggy, which Aion will not and i highly doubt if SWTOR will eiher, they will still draw some folks from WOW. As to whether they hold the WOW faithful that come to them is anyones guess but if say Aion isnt their cup of tea, will they go running back to WOW or try SWTOR or STO or one of the others? I could go on for quite sometime about the reasons why WOW isnt the game it once was but most people know the reasons and those that fail to see it never will. So no, SWTOR wont kill WOW but it could put a big dent into it.
Mortal Online isn't a very big hitter. It's a very very under the radar niche game.
This'll just be a single player game anyway, a dissapointing piss poor MMO
Darkfall Travelogues!
Mortal Online isn't a very big hitter. It's a very very under the radar niche game.
This'll just be a single player game anyway, a dissapointing piss poor MMO
I do not knowi if this will be good or bad but neither do you. I dont know if i will play this game or not. What i do know is your negativity isnt limited to just this game so it pretty much negates anytihng you say about it, at least for me.
I have to agree, I think it will have to be a collection of mmo's that will bring WoW down, but I still think WoW will hold onto a fairly decent playerbase like EQ1 has. And I'm sure Blizzard's new mmo will launch soon after they've taken a large dip in subscriptions. Probably after their forth expansion Emerald dream.
Tired of logging into WOW and just starring at your screen? That's all that's left for you there. SW:TOR, LOTRO, AION...come play with us and leave the cool kids to be robbed and laughed at. Hurry before no one wants you at all. You can see WOW for what it is with nothing else for you to run to. Nothing. Who will have you when your game is the butt of every joke of every gamer. Don't wait for Blizzard to make it worse. They showed the whole world what they thought of you.
See you in the dream..
The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.
WoW never was a very good or innovative game, and time has only made it become worse. Then again, there aren't many real MMos out there anymore. WAR and LotRo are barely MMOs with living breathing worlds. Compare the feature list of LotRo to say, EverQuest or Dark Age of Camelot, and its laughable.
Darkfall Travelogues!
It seems there's always some excitement amongst bored WoW-ers when a new MMO comes out these days. I guess it's only natural - even WoW only has X amount of content, and for everyone there will come a time when they've seen it all and done it all.
Personally, while I'm not sure SWTORO will knock WoW off its perch, it is undoubtedly going to come closer than any other recently-released MMO has, and may even eventually overtake it.
For this reason: WoW is a big game partly because it's a BIG game, it has a humungous amount of content. It has this because Blizzard were already a hugely rich and successful company that could afford to put a ton of resources into WoW.
The other companies who have tried to make MMOs since then haven't been as rich (this is just an impression, I might be wrong! ). However, BioWare is already a hugely successful company, just like Blizzard was when it made WoW. I think because of this, BioWare will be able to put a ton of content into SWTORO right from the start, enough to stave off complaints from early-adopting fanatics when they run out of content only a few months into the game's life, and start moaning and giving the game a bad aura (this seems to have been the basic fate of most recently-released MMOs).
Now, the only question is, does the s-f genre of SWTORO have as much "pull" as the fantasy genre of WoW? My feeling is that the popularity of the SW franchise is still strong enough such that "everybody who's anybody" will give it a try - and if the game is good, and has sufficient content at launch, it will be able to retain their interest, especially if they are part of the "bored with WoW" crowd.
Therefore, I predict that the subscription rate won't topple WoW at the start, but will come close enough to shock everyone, and that over time, they may be neck and neck, and eventually SWTORO may even pull ahead. But this last is conditional on there not being some other "surprise" hit MMO. My money for a "surprise hit" is on Champions Online; however, I don't think it will take as big a chunk out of WoW as SWTORO will.
But yea, I think with MMOs the amount of content is hugely important (granted everything else functioning smoothly): who, amongt these developers, will be able to start the game off with sufficient content to stave off complaints for long enough to solidify the subscription rate at its initial high level?
That line makes you awesome
A witty saying proves nothing.
Made by Bioware means squat,i have little confidence in Bioware's ability.
The game models /graphics look horrbile,so paying for VERY old cheap tech is not something i would brag about if i was Bioware.
The game pretty much looks like a console game,even worse in many cases,Bioware is not a bigtime player in the MMO business,they are a console gamer,trying to throw a console game into the MMO fray.
Revolutionize gaming because it wont have fetch me quests?Wow not much to look forward to there,this type of questing has already been done in pretty much every game,and the term "Missions" already done in FFXI,and "missions" actually play a role in the game and for your player.
There is nothing much here going for the game,the light sabre alone are enough to make anyone throw up,if i was the guy in charge of making that weapon model,i would be embarrassed and not let anyone know it was me.Pretty much any first year graphic design person could make a MUCH better looking weapon model,it really is far worse and cheaper looking than i can even make it sound,just awful.
Bioware will have to put out a game to get any recognition.All Bioware has done is release videos where their staff members are reading scripted lines,that make the game sound far better in every aspect than it is.They actually had me sold for a bit until i saw more on the game,besides their telling me how great it is.
One thing the game will have going for it is a STORY and nice voice overs.The story is easy to implement ,thanks to the voice overs,but only LINEAR gameplay can make it happen,unless they have a thousand different voice over responses for each NPC for the players that do not follow a linear pattern.I think the obvious will have to happen,it will have to have a linear game play,kind of goofy ,trying to make that work in a PVP environment.This truly will be a single player console game,with many players giving it the MMO standard.I have yet to hear or see anything related to group play?does it even have group play?
What is more of a challenge in following a NAMED title as SW is,is t omake it play realistically.Example the JEDI class,should be the most dominant in the game,to have the realistic SW deep storyline,wil lthis happen and how rare or how much effort will it be to allow everyone to be a JEDI?Will they just make all classes equal?Tough to claim to be following a deep storyline with deep rich characters,if you don't really implement it that way,and i don't see it happening.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Either OP is a brilliant troll, or a total idiot.
No game.
Has ever come close to killing WoW. Stop thinking any game ever will until WoW eventually commits suicide when a WoW 2 comes out, also made by Blizzard.
The next MMO from Blizzard isn't gonna be WoW2, it's a new IP. I'm sure it will do just as well though.
The next MMO from Blizzard isn't gonna be WoW2, it's a new IP. I'm sure it will do just as well though.
Like I said, the only company that could make a game to kill WoW, is WoW's creator themselves.
Well I will say that it is unlikely it will kill WoW but I am certain that the servers will be much lighter after TOR's release in most MMOs than they currently are. As to whether this will continue depends on what’s in the game and so far we're only seeing tiny glimpses. That said I have full confidence in BioWare to deliver and make a great game, this is from experience. So where I will take exception is when people bash BioWare. The company is a trend setter and innovator of the RPG genre. They have not developed a game yet that I have not liked and most of them I love. Jade Empire, Baldur's Gate 1 &2, Neverwinter Nights 1&2, KOTOR, Mass Effect etc. They are in development for 3 games I am looking forward to, TOR is one of them. This game in particular will be epic because it has more lines of voice over already then all of BioWares other large and epic games combined and will take the element for which they are best known and infuse into an MMO so that you have a full immersive experience that is pillared on story and not hunting 6 boar knuckles. In fact one of the most attracting elements of this game is that there will be no boars. I look forward to TOR's release.
I am also a Bioware fan but most of Wows players prefer Blizzard games. They loved Diablo 1 & 2, I thought they were ok but not great, I lover Baldurs gate and NWN instead. It is not really the same type of games and doesn't really attract the same kind of people.
Blizzard should fear more from Guildwars 2, it is made by the first lead designer from Wow and have many things in common with Wow but with modern graphics and no monthly fees.
Bioware games are all about telling a story, Blizzard games are about killing and looting. I think TOR will be a huge succes but I don't see it taking so many players from Wow.
It is actually amusing to see the constant talk about a WoW killer, and WoW just keeps on being the biggest MMO out there with an outdated graphics engine, the same gameplay and the same stupid laughter on their way to the bank.
Will this game be different? I don't know. We hear a LOT of talk about how different it will be, how it will change things. Uh oh. You see, there are two types of games out there. That is WoW, that did things one way, and everyone else who did change things and ALL together, do not even come close to the same subscriber base. That tells you something.
For instance, Star Wars The Old Republic is going to be a lot more solo friendly then previous MMO's. Good? No. If I want solo-play I fire up a single player game and have no-one running out trying to make an ass out of themselves.
From the little gameplay video we have seen so far,the game, well it isn't anything special. The Star Wars look is going to be a huge pull, but SWG showed that it is NOT enough in the long run.
It seems to be heavily story based. They got the largest group of writers of any MMO but is it enough?
In AoC I came across players that complained about all the talking in that game, how are kiddies with the attention span of a kitten going to react to a game where a decission you made last week affects you now?
Lets not forget that Bioware has absolutely no experience with MMO's. They never had to include a chat channel, never had to implement a mail system, never had to deal with different groups getting in each others way. No, neverwinter nights does not really count.
And we have heard nothing yet about how the PvP is going to work.
I am hopeful, but as an EX-SWG player, and an EX-AoC player and an EX-Vanguard player, I am kinda used to get disappointed.