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TheCapNTheCapN Member Posts: 36

I have a friend who is in beta.  His favorite race are the Trolls.  He loved the Troll Headhunters in War3.  He makes a Troll Hunter thinking that he could resemble a Troll Headhunter... However there are NO throwing spears, therefore, he's a troll with a bow imageimage

Now I'm not sure if there aren't  any throwing spears in game or not (just taking this info from my friend). 

I think that players should be able to create a character that at least resembles a unit from war3 if they so choose.  It seems they need to include more weapon options.


The Devil is in the details.


  • KlyneKlyne Member Posts: 66
    A troll with a bow image? LOL! That's hilarious. It's just so... out of place.



  • jenovajenova Member Posts: 2

    Never really liked the idea of how a spear is thrown and another somehow magically appears in your hands again ::::37::

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