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leon20leon20 Member Posts: 6

Ive been playing WoW and quite frankly, im bored of the raids/pvp and sick of the community. Im torn between going back to AoC and EQ2, both of which i played a lot of. I was just wondering, how is the player base of EQ2 at the moment? i don't want to come back to a dead game.


  • bahamut1bahamut1 Member Posts: 614

    Very good. Probably not the highest population it has ever been but still higher than launch. Population fluctuates according to time of year, what new content was added, and economy. Considering economic times, the population is very solid. A couple servers are over-populated, and there's a couple of servers that are quite low, so most people's view changes according to what they experience.

    I'll even go ahead and predict a very large population increase in February. If Obama gets his head out of his butt, and economy starts coming back, new expansion with new starter area, and a (supposed) increase in marketing we should see quite an increase.

    "Granted thinking for yourself could be considered a timesink of shorter or longer duration depending on how smart..or how dumb you are."

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