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I just got my 24 inch widescreen and while I love it for most things, having a large monitor annoys me when it comes to playing lower resolution games. A lot of games I play don't support 1920x1200 or other widescreen resolutions. Is there a way I can force my monitor to display black stripes on the the sides rather than horizonally stretching graphics to fit the screen?
A little less likely, is it possible to make my monitor display the screen inside a black frame so I could play games at a lower resolution for better performance but still not have graphics stretched?
If you go into your display driver settings there should be an section called 'Image Scaling' and gives you the option of 'Maintain Aspect Ratio' or 'Scale Image to Panel', you wanna check the first and then it will give you black bars instead of stretching it.
im glad you posted this reply i get my 24 inch tomorrwo can hardly wait
If your video driver don't let you avoid stretching, or you facing some side effects, you can also check for "windowed mode" in your game graphic options, then select the supported game resolution who best fit into your monitor.
Hope this helps, Andrea
Cool got it working, thanks.