A guy I once worked with one day started singing along with some music and it was like one of those really, really, BAD American Idol auditions. I said in what I thought was obviously a joking and sacastic tone that he was a real good singer. But then it turned out he was really like one of those Amercian Idol contestants who have no clue how bad they are and he took my sarcastic comment as a genuine compliment.
However, this was many years before American Idol existed so I was previously unaware that someone could be that bad and not realize it. He continued happily singing at the top of his lungs and I backed away slowly, afraid to catch the crazy from him.
If this is actually a real post I would ventire to guess a couple of things in reading it.
1) There is WAY more this than what was stated.
2) Looks like people there have too much time on their hands. This would warrant some layoffs anyway.
3) Unless you work at a game company or with a bunch of high tech folks who game the odds are you just alienated yourself and confused the living crap out of your co-workers who will now think you are off. Looks like communication skills and common sense might be lacking.
I think you should put something in writing as soon as possible. Write up the words to the song in an easily followed format. Then explain some of the terms in it, like what a 'raid' is. Explain that the term 'shaman' is used only in the context of the video game. Explain that the game has no connection with any real world religion. Then explain to your boss that your co-worker is a douchebag, and then take a dump in his coffee and quit your job.
If this post was really true and not some attention seeker, then make a detailed memo explaining things. You always stand stronger when you have things in writing.
I really want to reply to the OP, but I fear it will give him just more attention than needed. So I guess I will just keep this whole comment in black. Of course this will lead to my next infarction, but who cares.
OP, as long you are not fired, relax. It might be a good idea to chat up the colleague (dont use gamer lingo) and ask why he was offended and apologise for it.
I think you should put something in writing as soon as possible. Write up the words to the song in an easily followed format. Then explain some of the terms in it, like what a 'raid' is. Explain that the term 'shaman' is used only in the context of the video game. Explain that the game has no connection with any real world religion. Then explain to your boss that your co-worker is a douchebag, and then take a dump in his coffee and quit your job.
You said you where sitting around in your offices with some buds making this song...could it have been the process itself (sitting around with your buds and just rapping stuff off) that got out of hand?
Also the buds that you were with could go to your boss and tell them their take on this entire thing, you are allowed to build a defense doncha know
I agree with this completely, we should head back to where we made all those left turns.
We should repeal the civil rights act. It was much better when we could lynch black people.
We should repeal Medicare/medicaid, it was better when poor and old people died.
We should repeal women's right to vote; keep em in the kitchen and barefoot.
Lord how I miss the days where we could commit mass genocide upon Native American's without retribution.
And the Civil War, boy I want a slave badly - stupid liberal Republicans.
The of course, there was our very first liberal turn - I long for the days of being subjugated under a tyranical monarchy; we never should have left the Brittish Empire.
Those minorities are lucky that we enslaved them and brought them here; or subjugated and oppressed them for generations. Pure unadulterated luck. They should be thanking us. After all, what are they thinking? That these rights are inaliable endowed to them by their creator? How could we Americans possibly believe that?
The history of America is a history of left turns which have extended freedom and liberty, if you don't like it, what did you guys used to say....there's always Russia.
Hey I wanna feed the troll!!!!!!
Lol some ppl are so sensitive. Everyones a victim and the white man is the devil. People like you force people like me to become racist and defend my race (white) from being slandered from non-whites.
Pretty sure history books prove white men pretty much built the civilized world. So how about a little credit now and then?
Also any race that won't/didn't fight for their freedom doesn't deserve it. Best motto ever ,"Live free or die" . This will get some people mad but survival of the fittest still applies to the human race. Your only a victim if you don't have the courage to fight.
Well I'm all out of troll food for now and I won't be reading this troll thread anymore and your opinions aren't important anyway.
I think singing about playing WoW while at work should be grounds for termination on it's own. Sad.
Agreed. If this guys job performance is anything like his song writing then I suppose they were just looking for an excuse and decided to use this as their best one.
"Ignorance begets confidence more often than does knowledge." - Charles Darwin "It is far easier to be critical than to be correct." - Benjamin Disreali "A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way." - Mark Twain
So we were all sitting around chatting, and one guy was singing a song he made up of his, so i thought it would be a great time to impress people at my job with my made up song by adding a mixture of WoW having no idea this would make me a racist.. heres how it went No more melee, no more spell casting with desire, take me raiding..taking me higher with your speed. Im on fire...forget the naxxramas if you wanna see me.. cause im decked out in tier eight, you like? Forget your guild bank cause I need no money ..all i want is ..is your Ulduar!!! playing a resto shaman!!! is a new way of life to me!!, im just playing a resto shaman, come on baby raid with me!! we are playing a resto shaman!! its a new way to set me free!, im just playing a resto shaman, yes I wanna know! Yes I wanna see! Now were talking, all of it is on the line, with your tier nine...with desire, take me higher, push me higher with your mind..same old fire..forget the ulduar if you wanna see me,darkness and loneness out of the way, you like? Forget your guild bank cause i need no money, all I want is..is your Colosseum. Playing a resto shaman!! Is a new way of life to me..im just playing a resto shaman come on baby raid with me!! we are playing a resto shaman its a new way to set me free! im just playing a resto shaman, yes I wanna know...Yes I wanna see! Bam this guy at my job took offense, told my boss now there thinking of laying me off. What do i do?
This is one of those situations where they must actually be "looking for a reason" I'm missing anything racist in the song (though if it sounded how it read you should have kept that one to yourself maybe) but you know how it is some folks can be as late as they want as much as they want,say whatever they please and so on. It just sounds like something else is going on there I doubt it was your song or any true percieved racist remark as there was none at all *shrugs* what you need to be doing though is get in writing exactly why action is being taken against you if you broke some type of company policy then you should be getting fired not laid off which is exactly why I would demand in writing exactly why I'm being laid off or fired it sounds rather fishy.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
Thanks guys. Being a minoritiy in todays corperate world is hard.
Lol qq more. Actually whites have it harder today because of the racist minorities crying about their rights. If a black/ethnic guy and a white guy have the same credentials for a job interview the black/ethic guy gets it. That sounds extremely racist.
Black/Latina miss America, wheres the white Miss America?
Black schools, wheres the white schools?
Oh and the "I'm black/spanish/different I have it harder" routine doesn't work any more since we have a half non-white president so get off your ass and get a job. Also if you personalaly weren't a slave then you can't use that excuse either.
So in conclusion stop crying minorities, your lucky your even here and your being treated better then most white ppl that were born here.
That is the most miss guided, ridiculously ignorant post I've read in sometime.
So in conclusion everyone should stop crying since this was originally the Indians land eh? actually we're all lucky we're here since we've clearly been treated better than the indians..
How about a little more thought/foresight and allot less blithering nonsense before posting.
America will continue to achieve greatness because of all it's people..period.
A guy I once worked with one day started singing along with some music and it was like one of those really, really, BAD American Idol auditions. I said in what I thought was obviously a joking and sacastic tone that he was a real good singer. But then it turned out he was really like one of those Amercian Idol contestants who have no clue how bad they are and he took my sarcastic comment as a genuine compliment.
However, this was many years before American Idol existed so I was previously unaware that someone could be that bad and not realize it. He continued happily singing at the top of his lungs and I backed away slowly, afraid to catch the crazy from him.
That's my contribution to the thread.
I have no sympathy for someone who likes wow and raiding so much they have to make a retarded rap/poem about it.
i hope they sue you so you dont have any money to play anymore mmorpgs aswell
If this is actually a real post I would ventire to guess a couple of things in reading it.
1) There is WAY more this than what was stated.
2) Looks like people there have too much time on their hands. This would warrant some layoffs anyway.
3) Unless you work at a game company or with a bunch of high tech folks who game the odds are you just alienated yourself and confused the living crap out of your co-workers who will now think you are off. Looks like communication skills and common sense might be lacking.
i like this reply. especially the last sentence.
If this post was really true and not some attention seeker, then make a detailed memo explaining things. You always stand stronger when you have things in writing.
I really want to reply to the OP, but I fear it will give him just more attention than needed. So I guess I will just keep this whole comment in black. Of course this will lead to my next infarction, but who cares.
OP, as long you are not fired, relax. It might be a good idea to chat up the colleague (dont use gamer lingo) and ask why he was offended and apologise for it.
Hope things will go well.
Nobody is useless, he/she can still be used as a bad example.
i like this reply. especially the last sentence.
This reminds me of Dying Dave dumpalink.com/videos/Dying-Dave-7e45.html
You said you where sitting around in your offices with some buds making this song...could it have been the process itself (sitting around with your buds and just rapping stuff off) that got out of hand?
Also the buds that you were with could go to your boss and tell them their take on this entire thing, you are allowed to build a defense doncha know
Damn you guys still feeding this troll?
I thought white was the new minority.
There are always a million sides to every story.
Yeah, being a white male in today's world is rough. Couldn't agree more with you ...
I agree with this completely, we should head back to where we made all those left turns.
We should repeal the civil rights act. It was much better when we could lynch black people.
We should repeal Medicare/medicaid, it was better when poor and old people died.
We should repeal women's right to vote; keep em in the kitchen and barefoot.
Lord how I miss the days where we could commit mass genocide upon Native American's without retribution.
And the Civil War, boy I want a slave badly - stupid liberal Republicans.
The of course, there was our very first liberal turn - I long for the days of being subjugated under a tyranical monarchy; we never should have left the Brittish Empire.
Those minorities are lucky that we enslaved them and brought them here; or subjugated and oppressed them for generations. Pure unadulterated luck. They should be thanking us. After all, what are they thinking? That these rights are inaliable endowed to them by their creator? How could we Americans possibly believe that?
The history of America is a history of left turns which have extended freedom and liberty, if you don't like it, what did you guys used to say....there's always Russia.
Hey I wanna feed the troll!!!!!!
Lol some ppl are so sensitive. Everyones a victim and the white man is the devil. People like you force people like me to become racist and defend my race (white) from being slandered from non-whites.
Pretty sure history books prove white men pretty much built the civilized world. So how about a little credit now and then?
Also any race that won't/didn't fight for their freedom doesn't deserve it. Best motto ever ,"Live free or die" . This will get some people mad but survival of the fittest still applies to the human race. Your only a victim if you don't have the courage to fight.
Well I'm all out of troll food for now and I won't be reading this troll thread anymore and your opinions aren't important anyway.
Trolls = Hardcore
Fanbois = Carebears
The only posts I read in threads are my own.
Agreed. If this guys job performance is anything like his song writing then I suppose they were just looking for an excuse and decided to use this as their best one.
"Ignorance begets confidence more often than does knowledge." - Charles Darwin
"It is far easier to be critical than to be correct." - Benjamin Disreali
"A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way." - Mark Twain
Yeah, who is the racist here?
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
Horrible cover story for OP to post some crappy song he wrote, and you guys believe it.
This is one of those situations where they must actually be "looking for a reason" I'm missing anything racist in the song (though if it sounded how it read you should have kept that one to yourself maybe) but you know how it is some folks can be as late as they want as much as they want,say whatever they please and so on. It just sounds like something else is going on there I doubt it was your song or any true percieved racist remark as there was none at all *shrugs* what you need to be doing though is get in writing exactly why action is being taken against you if you broke some type of company policy then you should be getting fired not laid off which is exactly why I would demand in writing exactly why I'm being laid off or fired it sounds rather fishy.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
Wasn't he the "girlfriend vs. wow who wins"-guy? troll or stupid... in both cases he needs no further attention
Oh damn, I fell for the troll post. Thanks for pointing out he is just looking for more attention.
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
Lol qq more. Actually whites have it harder today because of the racist minorities crying about their rights. If a black/ethnic guy and a white guy have the same credentials for a job interview the black/ethic guy gets it. That sounds extremely racist.
Black/Latina miss America, wheres the white Miss America?
Black schools, wheres the white schools?
Oh and the "I'm black/spanish/different I have it harder" routine doesn't work any more since we have a half non-white president so get off your ass and get a job. Also if you personalaly weren't a slave then you can't use that excuse either.
So in conclusion stop crying minorities, your lucky your even here and your being treated better then most white ppl that were born here.
That is the most miss guided, ridiculously ignorant post I've read in sometime.
So in conclusion everyone should stop crying since this was originally the Indians land eh? actually we're all lucky we're here since we've clearly been treated better than the indians..
How about a little more thought/foresight and allot less blithering nonsense before posting.
America will continue to achieve greatness because of all it's people..period.
Dutchess Zarraa Voltayre
Reborn/Zero Sum/Ancient Legacy/Jagged Legion/Feared/Nuke & Pave.
Cut his/her head off and keep it on a pike near your work area, that way everyone knows not to mess with you. =]
"The great thing about human language is that it prevents us from sticking to the matter at hand."
- Lewis Thomas