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Well i just go kill a couple a monster with my sword... Use some magic to defeat the hardest enemys... I sell my loot and trade a bit... Then i take a CAP??? This cap just dosent fit in i think. It ruins a great deal of the game.. I kinda can handle the city setting but the in the middle of the forest thats wack Remove da darn caps and place a teleport that blends in. It could still cost money.
This i think is the best idea on this forum it lights up like this umm. Yeah okay just a sugestion.
Play MMORPG obey your thirst.
Play MMORPG obey your thirst.
haha, ooooh, cabs, lol. i was like, "caps?!" hehe
yeah, the cabs aren't that bad.
I'm sorry what's a cap?
I didn't think the cabs really fit in at first, but they're really useful.
Well i thought the cabs didn't fit in fer like a week then i found them to be very usefull if you want to quick teleport then i found scrolls so cabs are useless to me again.
A true warrior flexes like water, burns like fire, endures like earth, and floats like wind. with Honor,compassion, and loyalty a true warrior will prevail over in its way.
IMO, the cabs work just fine. They may seem to be a little out of place at times, but, unless you have a better suggestion for quick transport between cities, I don't see any reason to remove them.
It's not a cap Korby. They are actually referring to the taxis (cabs).
Cab, or w.e. Actually I'd prefer "teleport rocks" something cool, like a stone or something that gloves not just a original cab from real life, since this is a "fantasy/manga" genre of a MMO game.
I'd buy your comment that is "that it doesn't" fit, yea, it doesn't and they should change it.
The cabs are Nice, they fit in most cities perfectly. I like them, i can't imagine riding a dragon or th, and then MS has a lot of modern ths like jeans and t shirts, it's not all fantasy.