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Definitely seeing a large amount of ganking and due to the level design of morheim one level 30 SM can make most of the asmodian level 20-24 morheim content pretty much useless. It really only takes one sad person to do this. Similar to the hunting camp in old style WoW.
If you didn't like WoW PvP servers don't play this game. I played a PvP server. So i will probably play this game. But there is a good bit of misinformation from people out there. What i am saying here is simply the truth and i have seen it with my own eyes. I have already seen a few people who zoomed to max level do nothing but harass zones.
Say whatever you want about "at release" and having better things to do that is BS. Abyss is open, and people in WoW had better thigns to do as well. I have alerady seen more than one person spend all Beta weekend do nothing bu harass the copious amounts of really bad chokepoints that exist in morheim. The whole zone is a gankers dream. +10 is a huge difference. The classes get much better around level 25 and a level 20 does about 33% of the damage and misses about 50% of the time to a level 30.
Yeah its no place for carebears that is for sure. When you become level 20 be ready to get ganked 24/7 bring atleast 3 friends when leveling
The only thing to remember is that all it takes to counter that person is to either have some lowbies band up or to have a higher level come in and spank him =P.
There might be some ganking at times, certainly, but I think if you're smart you can probably avoid a good bit of it.
Remember there will be a slayer system introduced, basically preventing high level people ganking lowbies ..
Penalties of PvP in PVE Areas
If you go on a killing rampage in enemy territory (does not apply to the Abyss), you will receive penalties for doing so. This is called the Slayer System. The effects are as follows:
1. Depending on the amount of killings you will receive points. If your penalty points go over a certain limit, you will receive the penalty effects. If you kill lower leveled players than you, you will receive more points.
2. The penalty effects are categorized into two. One is a ?Curse? and you cannot use rifts. The second is a ?Judgment? and under this effect you cannot be resurrected in any Kiosk placed in the enemy territory, as well as use rifts.
3. The name of the Curse/Judgment depends on the race. If you are Elyos, you will receive Curse/Judgment of Asphel. Asmodians will get Curse/Judgment of Ariel.
4. Once you come under Curse or Judgment, your location will be revealed throughout the local map for the entire opposing faction members. Also, even if you are under a hiding skill, your title will be seen, making it even easier to be spotted.
5. You must go back to your own lands or the Abyss and wait for a certain amount of time for the Curse or Judgment to disappear.
6. If you or someone else kills a slayer, 12 nearby players of the dead body will receive buffs.
7. The killer of the slayer will be announced throughout the area chat under the format of ?[Race]?s Hero [Killer of the Slayer] has defeated [Slayer] while he was under [Judgment or Curse] of [Ariel or Asphel].
GW2 the future of MMO gaming
For reasons like this we are just playing a beta, and not really a preview event. They have yet to update the client and show us the true features we'll see at release, and this is one of them, that some people say that "killed rift PvP" on Korea.
I hope Open Beta features the retail version, so that people won't get a misunderstanding on what the game offers, and they don't have any obligation to research future patches when they are just checking if they have fun with the game or not, first impression is everything and a lot of people are getting the wrong impression because they are playing a beta without a lot of things that will be added on release.
Until the practice of ganking is actually punished in a PVP setting, it will occur.
Even then, it will still occur, though perhaps less often.
Frank 'Spankybus' Mignone
-3d Artist & Compositor
-Professional Amature
Until you SEE them in-game and working properly, assume neither. If the 1.5 version is not in beta, assume some features mentioned are either broken or missing.
That is the voice of experience talking.
"" Voice acting isn't an RPG's just a production value." - grumpymel2
Until you SEE them in-game and working properly, assume neither. If the 1.5 version is not in beta, assume some features mentioned are either broken or missing.
That is the voice of experience talking.
Hello voice of experience, how are you? Oh wait, you might be my conscience...
But yeah, can't blame someone that ends up hating Aion because of it, they have no obligation to know or be sure of what WILL be implemented, an impression should only go as far as what they can see and "touch". That's why I hope we'll see an Open Beta with 1.5 and lag issues solved, a true preview event.
1.5 for the open beta would be wonderful.
Until you SEE them in-game and working properly, assume neither. If the 1.5 version is not in beta, assume some features mentioned are either broken or missing.
That is the voice of experience talking.
Exactly. And considering there are currently more elyos in Morheim than asmodians and almost all of them are +5 to +10. Add on the fact that Morheim is so badly designed that you can't do anything due to choke points and its pretty bad.
Suffice it to say that currently on at least one Beta server Asmodians simply can't level unless they get a full group of people who are mostly 23+ and go to the remote Ice Claw. Since all the morheim level 19-23 content is unusable your only option is to mindlessly grind in the other zone which is currently incomplete and has about 2 quests.
I have heard countless MMO say they will do something like a anti-griefers system. Never seen it happen or work,
I believe I was on the same server as the OP yesterday. The only real option was to go another zone. A level 30 SM can easily kill 3 of any class. Bringing 3 friends doesn't help. The Asmo didn't have that many online. A level 20 cleric can't outheal the damage from a level 30. We had around 5 people that tried, but I don't think we ever got the SM below 75% hp. 10 levels is too much for a small group to handle. The Slayer system wouldn't have helped us. Unless it is changed to debuff all his stats. Marking him on the map and disabling respawns doesn't help when you can't kill them in the first place.
I had fun trying for a bit, then I logged. Not being able to make it through the first little canyon was tiring. I could have just zoned elsewhere, but I had played long enough anyway. The best fun I had was with 3 lvl 20 clerics battling a higher level Elyos Chanter. That fight lasted forever until the Chanter decided to jump off a cliff and kill herself.
The OP is irrelevant, because the worldwide channels aren't turned on yet, and because comparatively few players are maxed out & looking for something to do. With only 3 days at a time to play people want to see as much of the game as they can or get a head start forming guilds, making friends, etc. Right now, gankers are shooting fish in a barrel.
As a result, you get the sort of people ganking who enjoy shooting fish in a barrel. What made ganking fun in WoW is it was dangerous. You did it to provoke a hunt against you, and in my lowbie days most of the people who ganked me were good sports rather than sadists. When the world becomes connected, and inevitably responding to ganking situations becomes a popular endgame activity, you probably won't see these situations cause more misery than they would in any other game with a modern chat system and a healthy guild culture.
Do you really think the game could spring up this quickly to challenge WoW in Asia, and more or less put Lineage 2 in its grave, by being another Darkfall or another Age of Conan?
einexile the meek
Vacuos, Winterlong, Vaciante, Eicosapenta
Atlantean, Tyranny, Malton
Until you SEE them in-game and working properly, assume neither. If the 1.5 version is not in beta, assume some features mentioned are either broken or missing.
That is the voice of experience talking.
Hello voice of experience, how are you? Oh wait, you might be my conscience...
But yeah, can't blame someone that ends up hating Aion because of it, they have no obligation to know or be sure of what WILL be implemented, an impression should only go as far as what they can see and "touch". That's why I hope we'll see an Open Beta with 1.5 and lag issues solved, a true preview event.
Well to be honest, I took a break after hitting 21 this weekend. Ganking was happening pretty often. The game definitely needs the 1.5 features added. Without penalties, the rift pvp got fairly annoying.
I think NCSoft West has two real options here:
1. Offer a second server type, where PvP is only allowed in The Abyss.
2. Respond to real anti-ganking pressures by further strengthening the Rift Penalty system previewed in 1.5
Or, of course, they can do neither and flop in the West.
I'd rather have seperate carebear servers, so that PvP overall doesn't get watered down for everyone as the game adjusts to western audiences. It wouldn't bother me one bit to have carebear servers for those who want them and it would be good for the title and good for NCSoft. They are still hurting from the loss of almost $100 million due to the Tabula Rasa fiasco. They should be looking to expand their appeal, targeting casuals AND PvPers with Aion in the West.
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated
Until you SEE them in-game and working properly, assume neither. If the 1.5 version is not in beta, assume some features mentioned are either broken or missing.
That is the voice of experience talking.
Hello voice of experience, how are you? Oh wait, you might be my conscience...
But yeah, can't blame someone that ends up hating Aion because of it, they have no obligation to know or be sure of what WILL be implemented, an impression should only go as far as what they can see and "touch". That's why I hope we'll see an Open Beta with 1.5 and lag issues solved, a true preview event.
Well to be honest, I took a break after hitting 21 this weekend. Ganking was happening pretty often. The game definitely needs the 1.5 features added. Without penalties, the rift pvp got fairly annoying.
You need to remember the beta was capped and alot of people wanting to try rift PvP. There was last no regional chat to rally people to fight against the enemy which was a pain. This will be alot different compared to retail where most players will be focused on leveling.
GW2 the future of MMO gaming
... if "ganking" bothers you, maybe you shouldnt play any pvp games
take names and get revenge.. those who cry about it will paint nice pretty targets on thier heads >=D
In retail that same said 30 SM will be leveling, not ganking people. The cap was 30 this weekend. Also you'll have debuffs for rifting and there will be more things to do once Aion goes live. Relatively few people even hit lvl 30, I only know of one other Assassin who did and saw a lvl 29 who probably did in the end as well on the Elyos side.
I guess i'm a "care bear" because i dislike PvP in an MMO for the most part. Why cant you just opt out of it? Just in a setting you can change if you want to be open for PvP or not. Make it where you cant just change on a whim though so you can gank and change to PvE. Like in WoW if you attack you are open for PvP only make it for like 3 hours.
EVE - Sharvala
FFXI - Shazamalicious
Guild Wars - Xavier Lucifer & Charlize the Necro
"Ranged...stuck...tree...15 random words... suck... noob fanboy... I MAKE GUIDE!"
Ok Fiontar, last week I disagreed with yout on this. So I will come out and say it. I was wrong, you were right. I have never been proven so wrong.
Please keep in mind any of you doubters. I was part of a group that killed the afternoon +4 level gankers AND found there kisk which they had hidden in a terrain exploit. This is not some guy who did not participate, this is not someone who does not understand rift mechanics or spawn mechanics. This is not coming from the sidelines. In fact I was the one who directed the alliance we formed (about 10 ppl) that we had to find the Kisk mobile respawn point (props to that assassin who spotted it in the terrain exploit I would not have found it). Most did not know what a kisk even was. This gave us 1 hour respite and then the flood arrived.
Until you SEE them in-game and working properly, assume neither. If the 1.5 version is not in beta, assume some features mentioned are either broken or missing.
That is the voice of experience talking.
Hello voice of experience, how are you? Oh wait, you might be my conscience...
But yeah, can't blame someone that ends up hating Aion because of it, they have no obligation to know or be sure of what WILL be implemented, an impression should only go as far as what they can see and "touch". That's why I hope we'll see an Open Beta with 1.5 and lag issues solved, a true preview event.
Well to be honest, I took a break after hitting 21 this weekend. Ganking was happening pretty often. The game definitely needs the 1.5 features added. Without penalties, the rift pvp got fairly annoying.
You need to remember the beta was capped and alot of people wanting to try rift PvP. There was last no regional chat to rally people to fight against the enemy which was a pain. This will be alot different compared to retail where most players will be focused on leveling.
You fall under the category of "misinformed". Anyone who has been camped at morhiem's entracne while roving bands kill everything in seconds in the leveling areas would understand that "regional chat" don't mean crap in comparison.
There is no way out of morhiem fortress once its camped, other than to take a flight point. If you are level twenty you are either near morhiem fortress and getting killed by campers or at the elim trees and getting killed by people coming from the rift or just roving around. Everyone is already collected at the narrow and high chasm that is the only way out. The respawn on death already "rallies" everyone.
Right focused on leveling, until of course they hit the level cap. And of course I have never seen something like a level 60 camping nessingway's hunting camp for hours and hours. Nah it will never happen. Everyone will do the right thing I am sure.
Well you can't opt out in Aion, because thats not the game design, its a PvP oriented game. There are plenty of MMOs where you can opt out (that being, there are ways to avoid it).
Not every MMO has to be designed the same way.
Well you can't opt out in Aion, because thats not the game design, its a PvP oriented game. There are plenty of MMOs where you can opt out (that being, there are ways to avoid it).
Not every MMO has to be designed the same way.
Then don't design your zone with the only early level content right next to the major camp spot and certainly don't make the zone so incredibly full of choke points that the "home team" gets screwed.
The problem is not just that a lvl 30 SM can easily destroy multiple level 20s. The problem is it is easy as cake for one person to disrupt 15 and one group can basically control key parts of the entire zone and shutdown all leveling in the 19-23 range with 2 groups of level 28-30s.
All of the early level morhiem content favors the attacking force to such a degree that it is just absurd. If the game were truly PvP focused they would have actually designed the zone in such a way that a defending force was not put into a box and had multiple angles to go at an invading force.
I don't really understand why does people want to go into rifts and camp lowbies. Rifts imo are waste of time expect maybe if you have infiltration quests. You have to spend about 20 minutes looking for rifts. I am a level 30 in the beta and was getting about 1 AP per kill on rank 9's. During this beta, about 99% of the people that I ran into are rank 9's. I don't understand why people want to camp and kill them because they are not worth any AP. You could get far more AP by grinding mobs in the abyss verus killing rank 9's. Maybe it's just me and I don't find rifts rewarding enough for me to care.
I am not sure but don't you guys have another level 20-25 zone. Elyos have Theobomos if we wanted to avoid rifts.
Edit: I think Brusthonin is the 20-25 zone for asmodians.
Yes it was pure griefing. Keep in mind there was an entire legion doing this all weekend, 20 hours per day. I didn't even play saturday and a large number of people reported them do the same thing they did Sunday. And this is Beta. This is completely pointless behavior when done 20 hours a day.
It was pathetic in the extreme, but they don't get it because they are griefers. You can't explain it to them. They can't even understand that it does not get your goat. I could always simply leave to the other zone, which was a super boring grind but I could have leveled fine. My maybe they are 5 years old I don't know, but its sad. Same thing happened in WAR with unbalanced servers and warcamp camping, but this was much worse.
For a while towards the end there was a group of 6 high levels still camping moehiem gate and killing anyone who tried to do anything. Two full groups of Elyos just sat near the first land bridge and literally did nothing unless someone made it past the other 6. They did this for 2 hours straight. One group of active griefers, two full groups of random legions seemingly afk griefing anything that came close. The only reason I even knew they were there is I just did a bunch of suicide runs. They were literally just sitting there doing nothing for 2 hours.
This was a Beta test. A Beta test. They would have to be stupid to not realize they completely stopped all leveling. They had nothign at stake. Nothing to gain nor were they even persuing any kind of fun. Merely point and click instant sadism. All the while they msut have known that there was no real content "testing" going on for the asmodian side because they were preventing it. For absolutely no reason.
None of this makes any real or rational sense. But I guarantee you this kind of stuff exists and is common.
Note: you can cross faction talk using your private store banner. Elyos and Asmodians can read each others store text. So some kind of explanation was given.
I am not sure but don't you guys have another level 20-25 zone. Elyos have Theobomos if we wanted to avoid rifts.
Edit: I think Brusthonin is the 20-25 zone for asmodians.
Yes and that zone is safe but for a level 20 it literally has 2 quests. You could concievably grind that place to get to 22 or 23. But farnkly I'd rather shoot myself in the nuts than do that. And i don't know of any decent elites there to grind for decent group xp. The zone seems incomplete on Beta servers.