Its the sad truth WoW is probably never going to die. The honest reason behind this is because if even the most perfect game came out that could in theory kill WoW. All of the hardcore players(which is a majoirty of WoW players) have devoted to much of their wasted lives to quit. And as long as people still play it it will never die.
LOL my thoughts as well. No matter how good a mmo is that comes out, many of the hardcore wont leave because of the hours they have invested in WoW. But, at the same time this may allow a good community in the new mmos that come out so its a win win situation.
Before I start let me say first. I do not play WOW anymore. I played for the first 2 years of the game got my Prot Spec Warrior to level 60 and left the game just before TBC came out. I enjoyed the game greatly was in a good guild, but wanted to check out Vanguard which I did and stuck to it even though it had ALOT of issues I personally still liked it better than WOW... But that didnt make WOW a bad game. However since that time when I left the game. I have seen several new games and tried several of them as well Some such as Warhammer claimed to be the next big thing... the WOW killer if you will. Now the argument is that Aion might trump WOW. Well it might and it might not. Here are reasons WOW is as successful as it is. 1. It is very polished. regardless of what people who hate wow say they cant deny the fact the devs attention to detail is some of the best we have seen in any game. 2. It runs great even on low end computers. When Vanguard came out I went out and built me a new computer just to play the game.. Not everyone has the budget to do something like that. I know personally several people that wanted to play Vanguard when it came out but couldnt afford a machine to run it well to make it worth playing. What happened? They went back to WOW. 3. The game engine is stable and does not suffer from countless bugs. I personally believe there are better games out there than WOW or games that have more potential than WOW. HOWEVER most MMOs that launch these days are pushed out to early suffering from major engine stability issues or bugs. I use Vanguard as my example. Or hell even the last supposed WOW killer WAR which yes I did play up untill last month. WAR to this date still crashes constantly on many computers has graphics anomallies on a regular basis and has major lag in crowded areas even though the graphic polygon count is not really that high... WOW has a stable fairly bug ridden engine. (and yes I realize it has had its share of issues) but even at launch it ran fairly smooth in comparison to games being released today... You could also use AoC it had HUGE amounts of bugs at launch, and didnt recieve many of the fixes it needed untill recently. 4.I would say WOW is a casual game, but really maybe at lower levels it is but at higher levels it can be grindy just like any other game. However the lower levels are fairly casual. Casual enough to suck gamers in. 5. High amounts of Content. Granted alot has been added since launch. But even from the early days there was stuff to do. Or stuff that was challenging enough to keep people going. IE Molten Core. Which back in the day was a tough cookie to crack. But they also keep adding to that content. Those to me are pretty much the top 5 reasons why WOW hasnt been killed yet. Or should I say is still the top dog. No game to date has had a launch that offered the combination of Polish, stabiltiy of game engine, lack of major bugs, or sufficient content to keep players happy for long. However I do see a game upcoming that might be able to knock WOW off that top dog tier. It might not. but it might, and I have to say that it is Aion. These are my reasons. 1. The game world is VERY polished. more so than WOW was at launch The attention to detail is just amazing 2.As amazing as the graphics are you really dont need a top end machine to run it. 3. The engine is amazingly stable the servers overall seem topnotch. While the game does suffer from some bugs. Its not bug ridden like Vanguard, WAR or AoC was when they launched. 4. The game while it does take longer to level than WOW... its still a fairly decent pace.. It does slow down somewhat in the higher levels but its fast enough in the lower levels to suck people in. 5.The game has not only a high amount of content for a game at launch but also has a PVP experiance that is far superior to what WOW offers. Like I stated before I dont hate wow.. I actually enjoyed the game and saw many of the positives of the game while I played. Sure I didnt care for the cartoonyness of the world but hey it was a good game. I think after playing Aion these last few months though. I have personally witnessed a game that has everything it will take to be able to compete with WOW... I have played Vanguard, WAR, and AoC and enjoyed my time in all of those games. However I never got the feeling that any of them would EVER compete with WOW due to the issues they all seemed to have and some still suffer from. Aion though.. It just seems different. I realize WOW hasnt been killed yet. But Aion... Aion I think has a good chance of knocking it out of the number one spot. Even if it only does it for a limited time that will be an achievement none has been able to do. Ohh one last thing.. One of the things that will keep players going back to WOW even if they believe they found a better game.. That is friends... With such a HUGE community. There will be some that simply dont wish to try a new game.. And many people will go back to be with those friends that just dont want to leave.
Blah blah blah, nothing will kill WoW, blah blah blah. Your post is just like all of the others before it on this topic. Everyone knows there is no such thing as a "WoW" killer. If if WoW2 came out right now, you'd still have enough people clinging to the first version of it to where it would stlil be proftiable to keep it up.
Wow, can't people just see why World of Warcraft dominates all. Lets go down the list:
Artstyle, artstyle, artstyle. = amazing (Aion artstyle is okay but animeish, though that game uses the same textures as wow just they use bloom and HDr to cover it up, zoom in if you dont see it go to an eye doctor lol) Low poly engine w/great art, awesome spell effects and nice lighting (simple lighting but it works) gpu shadows Amazing fluid animations and char designs = Blizz employs some of the best animators on the planet Great sound and ambient sound and music = sound is crisp and clean Accessible gameplay = maybe a little too accessible for the hardcore nerd wierdo basement dwellers. 3D world engine built from the groundup = very important here's the secret do not use some other companies engine use your own build your own.
When a game comes out that matches all of the above I will drop wow. good luck! Even Star Wars TOR is based off some other engine and not bioware's own, very bad mistake right there. Look at WAR, look at Vanguard based off other engines that were not intended for MMO's.
I don't see how BioWare using a propritary engine is a big mistake. Have you seen what the engine can do? It's pretty rediculous. Go google the HeroEngine and tell me it's not exactly what they need. Using a proprietary engine will allow them to focus on the story right from the very begining.
Its the sad truth WoW is probably never going to die. The honest reason behind this is because if even the most perfect game came out that could in theory kill WoW. All of the hardcore players(which is a majoirty of WoW players) have devoted to much of their wasted lives to quit. And as long as people still play it it will never die.
LOL my thoughts as well. No matter how good a mmo is that comes out, many of the hardcore wont leave because of the hours they have invested in WoW. But, at the same time this may allow a good community in the new mmos that come out so its a win win situation.
Actually isn't the majority of WoW's players supposed to be casuals with only a small popualation of hardcores?
Built by Simutronics, the most experienced online game developer in the world, HeroEngine gives your team the best tools to build the best games faster.
Umm never heard of a game released that even uses the engine. Funny how they're the most experienced game developer in the world lol, its statements like this that scare me away.
Bioware use to make their own engine, you know for BG BG 2, Jade Empire, Star Wars KOTOR, NWN and then they decided to use UT3 for MASS EFFECT! Big mistake since it ran like monkey balls on the PC andhad issues on the xbox 360 with textures, shadows look like crap. Then they decide to use a third party engine for Star Wars TOR. If you ask me they were bought over by EA and they got lazy its called laziness. Companies have to learn the golden rule, create your own engine (it may add 1 to 2 yrs to development and cost more money but look at Blizz as an example. I don't think im touching an EA product ever again, SOE and EA can go take a walk. I will stick with the more professional big boys blizz, Arenanet and anything made by Ubisoft.
Someday I hope I can get a full night's rest when I know WoW is offically pronounced dead. For now, I guess I'll keep tossing and turning every night waiting for that WoW killer so I can get some sleep.
you may get used to your tossing and turning while playing your sub 50k mmo, but sure that wow killer is just around the corner... its called WOW2.0
HeroEngine: Built by Simutronics, the most experienced online game developer in the world, HeroEngine gives your team the best tools to build the best games faster.
Umm never heard of a game released that even uses the engine. Funny how they're the most experienced game developer in the world lol, its statements like this that scare me away.
That's because this engine is brand new and SW:TOR is the first game to use it. Their claim at being the most experienced ONLINE game developer in the world comes from them creating online games since 1987.
Bioware use to make their own engine, you know for BG BG 2, Jade Empire, Star Wars KOTOR, NWN and then they decided to use UT3 for MASS EFFECT! Big mistake since it ran like monkey balls on the PC andhad issues on the xbox 360 with textures, shadows look like crap. Then they decide to use a third party engine for Star Wars TOR. If you ask me they were bought over by EA and they got lazy its called laziness. Companies have to learn the golden rule, create your own engine (it may add 1 to 2 yrs to development and cost more money but look at Blizz as an example. I don't think im touching an EA product ever again, SOE and EA can go take a walk. I will stick with the more professional big boys blizz, Arenanet and anything made by Ubisoft.
I would argue that there is a big difference though. This HeroEngine was made specifically for online games. Look at some of the demos and tell me it's not impressive. I would bet BioWare had a hard time deciding whether or not to create their own engine or use this one.
I am hoping your right, I would like Star Wars TOR to turn out great as well. I love the IP though I lost faith in MMO's to be honest. I applaud Adventurine for trying something new and completely opposite of WOW. It's too bad it is just way too amateurish and horribad (animations, chars and sounds) to play, though their engine is nice (nothing spectacular or next gen but its an open world so it can't be too realistic it runs nice though). WAR would have been a bit better if developed on a better engine (revamped stripped sortof upgraded DAOC engine gamebryo is a good engine if coded right they didnt code it right).
Aion is going to be even less of a threat to WoW than AoC or Warhammer. No offense, but no one (in the west) gives a damn about Aion, especially WoW players. Last time I was in game no one had even heard of it, let alone is ready to jump ship for it. I remember AoC making a far bigger splash with its pre-release hype and look where that game is at now. Warhammer missed its hype train by about a year, plus it sucked. As a matter of, fact all these "WoW killers" have sucked. Maybe SW: ToR will turn this trend around, but I doubt it.
You have to realize that WoW players are not MMO fans. My coworkers that play/ed WoW also have Xbox Live and play major releases by established game studios. The MMO genre, like other game genres, is sort of irrelevant to the vast majority of gamers. What really matters is that "it" factor. If anything, the true WoW killers will be Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2, seeing as how a sizable chunk of the WoW population joined because they were fans of Blizzard's previous games (myself included). Will I go back to WoW when those two games are released? I highly doubt it, seeing as how they will provide many more years of entertainment, and by then, Blizz's new MMO will be out. Not to mention all the other big non-Blizz games coming out later this year, and next year.
The bottom line is there never will be a WoW killer. WoW will get slowly eroded by other non-MMO games and time. A more accurate question is will there ever be a MMORPG as successful as WoW? If there is, it will have to have that "It" factor and universal appeal. Like WoW, the fact that it's an MMORPG will be irrelevant.
LOL my thoughts as well. No matter how good a mmo is that comes out, many of the hardcore wont leave because of the hours they have invested in WoW. But, at the same time this may allow a good community in the new mmos that come out so its a win win situation.
"I play Tera for the gameplay"
Blah blah blah, nothing will kill WoW, blah blah blah. Your post is just like all of the others before it on this topic. Everyone knows there is no such thing as a "WoW" killer. If if WoW2 came out right now, you'd still have enough people clinging to the first version of it to where it would stlil be proftiable to keep it up.
I don't see how BioWare using a propritary engine is a big mistake. Have you seen what the engine can do? It's pretty rediculous. Go google the HeroEngine and tell me it's not exactly what they need. Using a proprietary engine will allow them to focus on the story right from the very begining.
LOL my thoughts as well. No matter how good a mmo is that comes out, many of the hardcore wont leave because of the hours they have invested in WoW. But, at the same time this may allow a good community in the new mmos that come out so its a win win situation.
Actually isn't the majority of WoW's players supposed to be casuals with only a small popualation of hardcores?
Built by Simutronics, the most experienced online game developer in the world, HeroEngine gives your team the best tools to build the best games faster.
Umm never heard of a game released that even uses the engine. Funny how they're the most experienced game developer in the world lol, its statements like this that scare me away.
Bioware use to make their own engine, you know for BG BG 2, Jade Empire, Star Wars KOTOR, NWN and then they decided to use UT3 for MASS EFFECT! Big mistake since it ran like monkey balls on the PC andhad issues on the xbox 360 with textures, shadows look like crap. Then they decide to use a third party engine for Star Wars TOR. If you ask me they were bought over by EA and they got lazy its called laziness. Companies have to learn the golden rule, create your own engine (it may add 1 to 2 yrs to development and cost more money but look at Blizz as an example. I don't think im touching an EA product ever again, SOE and EA can go take a walk. I will stick with the more professional big boys blizz, Arenanet and anything made by Ubisoft.
you may get used to your tossing and turning while playing your sub 50k mmo, but sure that wow killer is just around the corner... its called WOW2.0
I guess that joke went right over your head.
That's because this engine is brand new and SW:TOR is the first game to use it. Their claim at being the most experienced ONLINE game developer in the world comes from them creating online games since 1987.
I'm not saying that makes it true... but they have been around for a while.
I would argue that there is a big difference though. This HeroEngine was made specifically for online games. Look at some of the demos and tell me it's not impressive. I would bet BioWare had a hard time deciding whether or not to create their own engine or use this one.
I am hoping your right, I would like Star Wars TOR to turn out great as well. I love the IP though I lost faith in MMO's to be honest. I applaud Adventurine for trying something new and completely opposite of WOW. It's too bad it is just way too amateurish and horribad (animations, chars and sounds) to play, though their engine is nice (nothing spectacular or next gen but its an open world so it can't be too realistic it runs nice though). WAR would have been a bit better if developed on a better engine (revamped stripped sortof upgraded DAOC engine gamebryo is a good engine if coded right they didnt code it right).
great music... Much better than WOWs or Aions! MUSE For the win!
Aion is going to be even less of a threat to WoW than AoC or Warhammer. No offense, but no one (in the west) gives a damn about Aion, especially WoW players. Last time I was in game no one had even heard of it, let alone is ready to jump ship for it. I remember AoC making a far bigger splash with its pre-release hype and look where that game is at now. Warhammer missed its hype train by about a year, plus it sucked. As a matter of, fact all these "WoW killers" have sucked. Maybe SW: ToR will turn this trend around, but I doubt it.
You have to realize that WoW players are not MMO fans. My coworkers that play/ed WoW also have Xbox Live and play major releases by established game studios. The MMO genre, like other game genres, is sort of irrelevant to the vast majority of gamers. What really matters is that "it" factor. If anything, the true WoW killers will be Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2, seeing as how a sizable chunk of the WoW population joined because they were fans of Blizzard's previous games (myself included). Will I go back to WoW when those two games are released? I highly doubt it, seeing as how they will provide many more years of entertainment, and by then, Blizz's new MMO will be out. Not to mention all the other big non-Blizz games coming out later this year, and next year.
The bottom line is there never will be a WoW killer. WoW will get slowly eroded by other non-MMO games and time. A more accurate question is will there ever be a MMORPG as successful as WoW? If there is, it will have to have that "It" factor and universal appeal. Like WoW, the fact that it's an MMORPG will be irrelevant.