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MMORPGS part of a balanced diet?

So I'm not currently playing any mmorpgs, partly because there aren't any that tickle my fancy but also because whenever I start to play mmorpgs they slowly start to consume my life. For example back when wow came out I had a semester of univerity under my belt and was working part time for my city council as part of their trainee program for civil engineers, I also exercised regularly and was in good shape. Then I started wow and I had to give something up so I stopped exercising I didnt get fat but I wasn't fit and healthy anymore. Next I started raiding and my university results went down hill as a result and I pretty much got fired for being slack in turning for work (which was pretty hard to do considering Im a full time student). So when BC came out I had a good look in the mirror and decided to quit. I slowly got my shit together upped my grades and finished my degree. Then at the end of last year my work mate and I (a closet gamer also) decided to get back into wow, we often reminisced about the old days. Slowly it happened again and life outside the game got worse as I became more infatuated with spending more time inside the game. My mate and I quit about 3 months into wotlk with a level 80 mage and a lot off naxx gear. We both pretty much came to the conclusion that wow was just too addictive and time consuming but to be honest part of me still wishes I was playing any mmo. So I want to hear stories from other people on how they managed to keep their mmo play part of a balanced life. I'm sure there are a lot of other people like me who would also like to learn hehe.

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