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One of the major concerns with MMORPG development is the bandwidth requirements that most people can actually handle.
Go to and find out your speed if you don't have a decent idea already.
The World of Warcraft FAQ ( states that the game requires a 56.6k modem or better to play.
With so many people moving to broadband connections, what can developers reasonable demand today as a bandwidth requirement without excluding too many people from playing their games?
its never fast enough
31.29 mb/s, I don't know what that equals on your chart.
I agree with VV though, it's never fast enough.
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
I usually get 6.5 mps down but my upload is relatively slow ,360 kbs or so.Thanks Time Warner cable
1 mb/s is 1000 kbps, so you're getting about 31,290 kbps - so you would be in the >7001 kbps category. :-)
Lucky you.
i have 10MB but it only works at like 300kbs-500kbs per sec. iv getting fibre optics soon so that shall improve
March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon
15 mb's downstream
1mb's upstream
And unlike the competition, Telenet actually achieves their projected speeds.
If you are interested in subscription or PCU numbers for MMORPG's, check out my site :
Favorite MMORPG's : DAoC pre ToA-NF, SWG Pre CU-NGE, EVE Online
Never fast enough? lol I'm getting 19.46 mb/s, you're way ahead of me and my speed is waaay above average, according to the results of that speed test. What are you using?
So far, based on 12 votes, I'm in the 33.3% category versus the top 41.7% category of 7Mb/s.
I came out to:
5.72 Mb/s download
0.93 Mb/s upload
Ping 57ms
Download Speed
MP3 File (5 MB) 7 sec
Video Clip (35 MB) 49 sec
Movie (800MB) 19 min
Upload Speed
E-mail Attachment (1MB) 9 sec
Photo Gallery (8MB) 1 min
Video Clip (35 MB) 5 min
Edit: Ah yeah the pick:
AC2 Player RIP Final Death Jan 31st 2017
Refugee of Auberean
Refugee of Dereth
1 mb/s is 1000 kbps, so you're getting about 31,290 kbps - so you would be in the >7001 kbps category. :-)
Lucky you.
Thanks I can vote now.
@Rahj - Comcast Highspeed Internet with Speedboost.
This is my internet LOL.
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
Your connection speed rarely dictates how fast you surf/download. The server you are connecting to is usually the limiting factor.
Do i need to say more .
my speed is in my sig, its like 6mb down/1 up, but when downloading i get about 700-750kbps.
This is the BS area that the bandwidth people are feeding us.The REAL number that matters is the upload,and this is the area they will not allow you much,they will give you tons of D/l,but even this they are fabricating ways to stop users from d/ling so much,like blocking certain address.Or they are telling you that they need to lower the usage for the good of all users and to keep the integrity of the
I don't think there is a game out anyhow that needs a ton of bandwidth,what we need is better coded games that utilize dual processors and utilize the GPU's alot better than they do now if at all.Most of our gaming is still going through the HD and cache,and poorly written code is eating up far more memory than the games should be.
To answer the question my speed is around 600 up and 2.5k down,however i am paying for pro hi speed,if i was paying for normal it would be like 450 up and 1-1.5 down.I pay a CRAZY amount to boot like 65-70 a month,normal is around 50 bucks a month,after the dreaded tax man clicks in of course.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
You find out it depends on the server your downloading from and distance. Also your download limit is a % of your connection speed this way you dont hog all the server.
"The person who experiences greatness must have a feeling for the myth he is in."