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I bought a pre-order and have tried to play this game but I just can't manage to play for more than an hour or two. Admittingly, I've only made it to level 10, but I have doubts as to if the game dramatically changes after that.
Graphics in-game are very dissapointing compared with how the game appears in screenshots, gameplay seems worse than WoW- just with really flashy animations, and the entire first 10 levels was spent grinding little bug-like creatures in small and walled-off areas.
I could see this game as a free-to-play and I might try it if it was, but I could not see forking over more than the 5 dollars I already wasted on it.
So... I really don't get the appeal. I understand there hasn't been a major MMORPG release recently, but are people really that desperate that they want to play "this"?
You only just done the tutorial and your saying the game doesnt change dramatically after the tutorial? Atleast played to level 30 from what I heard before making a post about it being over hyped. Enough said.
"Any free people have the right to choose how it wants to be govern thats the essence of democracy. It's sad when America has chosen for the stability and consistency of a dictatorship and doing it democratically" -utnow
The graphics in game are very dissapointing....
i will Just let that marinate for a little while i speculate on how shitty your computer is.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
cool story.
cya later.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
I was gonna say something sarcastic about the OP then thought "why bother" and decided to just go for the +1
The Brave Do Not Fear The Grave
I agree that 10 levels is to early to make a desicion on whether a game is good or bad of course even after 10 levels it may not still be the game for you but for many others it is the type of game play they like so its not overhyped.
Why is this game overhyped? The tread title is misleading. What feature was hyped and was not found or was found lacking in this game?
seriously, mines 6 years old w/ NO hardware upgrades. Even WoW barely gets 30fps in dalaran.
Do you have the willpower to delete YOUR wow toons? XD
[Retired: WoW, RO, EvE, WaR, AoC, LoTR]
For a second I thought this was a Warhammer thread.
It almost was....
Do you have the willpower to delete YOUR wow toons? XD
[Retired: WoW, RO, EvE, WaR, AoC, LoTR]
I can see it not being your style of game (it is evolutionary not revolutionary for a game). However, saying dissappointing graphics kind of kills your argument. Even if your not a fan of the style of the graphics you have to admit they are still very well done (even more so when you take into account how well it runs on medium range computers).
Personally I really like the game. I do not think it's overhyped at all (NCSoft hasn't really hyped the game much). It's not like Age of Conan where funcom was saying the game was the answer to all of life's problems.
(I played the Chinese version of AIon and the so far all of the North American Beta Events).
It's a good game that has some flight in it and refines a few MMO conventions. It's polished beyond belief. Also, unlike a lot of current MMO's, Aion follows the reverse pyramid (well upside down) for content. You start off very constrained but the game opens up as you progress. Problem is a lot of people assume that the entire game is on rails because levels 1 through 10 are. 1-10 are on rails, 11-20 are kind of rails, 20-25 opens up a lot (3 zones to hunt in), from 25 up it's very open. At 55 Aion is pretty typical for an MMO (raiding dungeons) but the PvPvE shakes things up a bit (with the fortresses and such). Also an Aion zone is Gigantic. There is one area at level 17 that has to the most beautiful landscape I have seen in an MMO...
I do not see Aion as a WoW killer, but more as an Age of Conan/Warhammer Online killer.
Can I ask you: what MMORPG are you playing at the moment?
You can't judge a game by just ten levels....give it more time, have more perseverance. This is shaping up to be a game that requires work and not instant gratification.
Aion graphics disappointing? lol, what computer/monitor do you have?
Maybe you selected wrong class or tired to play in bad mode, dunno..And i dont know why you dont like game graphics, if you write your computer spec and in-game settings we can help you maybe.
Not even that was mentioned in the OP.
Why on earth would you feel it necessary to post here?
A shortened version of your post could be:
"I tried this game, barely, and even though I don't know what it's really about, I hate it. Don't you guys too?"
Can I have your beta key?
I can understand if the OP did not like the artwork as that is subjective, but graphics are ok. There are small problems like with ragdoll and charachter portrait on higher resolutions (1920*1200), but otherwise it is good. The engine is one of the best I have seen in MMOs and is able to handle massive amount of people on the screen without having to reduce resolution or lower other settings.
Also, first impressions are important. If the OP feels jaded after first 10 levels, I suggest trying other games.
"The person who experiences greatness must have a feeling for the myth he is in."
Usually people can tell within a few minutes of playing a game whether a game is for them or not. He actually played to level ten. Is it the worst over-hyped game? No...Is it over-hyped? Yes...
This is the best graphically efficient game on medium-end computers, doubt there's much you can find on the MMO market as polishing graphics to run smoothly takes more work than doing simply great graphics. I can't run WoW max at 20+ FPS at my computer, while Aion runs smoothly enough at max settings.
As for the hype, you should try a game because of its features (you know, reading the website and etc to know what to expect) rather than purchase a game because everyone tells you to do it (unless your the kind of person that just wants to play together with your guild or friends, because in this case it doesn't really matter what game is, and doubt this is the case for you).
Worst over-hyped game? Not even close, do you know WAR and AoC? You were just taken by FAN opinions it seems, or you are just a troll, by making such drama on an individual decision.
IMO people should not purchase games without playing researching their features on the OFFICIAL WEBSITE and playing a trial first, but if you just want to be a sheep, it's your choice.
The popularity for this game has only "exploded" after the first Closed Beta, when players themselves went on the word of mouth campaign.
worst maybe not...but yeah overhyped
Maybe it is overhyped. But it is the fanbase that did the hyping. NCSoft themselves has done far less to plug Aion than EA or Funcom did to hype their latest games. *shrug* I find it fun and my graphics look just like the screenshots.
Nah I don't think so. They have been marketing it for the past month or so because it's about to launch but before that you didn't hear hardly anything about AION. You gotta remember the west isn't NCSoft's primary market and AION has been bringing in the money for them for almost a year now. (look at their quartly reports on )
Overhyped is years of that British idiot fool over at Mythic screaming at us about how great Warhammer was gonna be before it launched.
Overhyped is like "Knights of Republic" which is still years away from launch but has an enormous hype / marketing push already.
The people over on that game are setting themselves up for a big disappointment when they discover after years of hype that it's more then likely not going to be all that different and isn't going to provide screaming orgasms per play session.
Overhyped is WoW, which after 5 years Blizzard has managed to keep the Videogame media firmly in it's pocket and feeding the community endless propaganda and advertising about how "great" their game is...when it's not all that, its basic...kill 10 rats, some raids and a weak PvP element.
I dont think Aion is overhyped. The game is the best out there for what it offers imo. You dont like it, fair enough. However it offers something which is lacking in most of todays MMOs and that!
As for the worst over-hyped game ever? I think the way things are looking that title will belong to ToR.
Ah ToR is out now? What exactly was over hyped. Did they fail to deliver something?
Ah ToR is out now? What exactly was over hyped. Did they fail to deliver something?
I said the way things are looking.
Dont want to turn this into a ToR thread, im just saying no MMO has ever lived up to the hype and ToR has more hype surrounding it then every MMO put together.