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Just a curious poll on how long people believe they are going to actually play WoW!
What you believe you will play the game. I thought when I joined UO that I would play for at least 5 years and I did.
Which FF Character Are You?
I voted for 1-2 years as many other people did it seems.
I've only played 2 other MMORPGs...
SWG which I played for 7 months even though it sucked ... but I didn't know better. (actually I lie... it was fun at first) and CoH ... but that's a different story as most of you know...
considering I lasted 7 months in SWG ... I am pretty sure I'll last at least a year with WoW... whether I hang on for longer will depend on their after release tweaks and add ons. Also depends on how much impact Guild Wars has on me.
Don't get me wrong... I am very excited about WoW and not skeptical since I've already played stress. But this is now and I know a year from now, loving the game or not loving the game, the fresh smell and the romance will still be long gone.
SWG - droid engineer (retired)
CoH - Electric Lama - Lvl 25 Blaster
WoW Stress Beta - Kame - Lvl 16 Night Elf Hunter (brutally killed)
SWG - droid engineer (retired)
CoH - Electric Lama - Lvl 26 Blaster(retired)
WoW - Kame - Lvl 60 NE Hunter
Server: Zul'jin
Guild: Crash Test Bunnies
I clicked 5 years.
Blizzard are renowned for the longevity of their games and I expect to be battling the Horde for a long time to come.
I chose 1-2 years only because WoW has the potential to be another great Blizzard game. But if players can max a character out in 4 months of casual gaming, Blizzard will need to keep adding new stuff to keep me interested.
untill the game becomes non-fun
That's a really hard question to answer. I'm hoping to get at least 2-3 years from WoW, but you never know. The early game is a blast, but a lot depends on how good the end-game is and what kind of community the game attracts. I'm fairly confident that Blizzard will do a decent job with raid content and the battlegrounds, but the community is another matter. After maxing out one or two characters, the thing that keeps me coming back is the people. People were the reason why I stayed 4 years in UO, not the game. And when the community dried up, so did the fun. If I can find a good, stable group of mature gamers in WoW, then I'll probably stick around for a long time after I've finished all the quests. If not...
I will play it simply either until they decide to ruin it with stupid additions or nerfs that I get too homophobic to look at, or until something comes out that blows it away beyond comparison.
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"Can't.. Sleep.. The Carebears.. Will get.. Their way.."
"Can't... Sleep... The Carebears... Will get... Their way..."
i figure maybe a year or two at its current stage maybe less...
but if the expansions come out to be really good then ok...ill stay longer..but seriously...if i max out my level with in 6 months or so....whats the point of continuing....sensless slaughter?...i dunno...lets hope theyll do something cool in the expansion!
(((For star ocean 3 fans)))
WoW alliance guild!! check us out!!
WoW alliance guild!! check us out!!
(((For star ocean 3 fans)))
Longest stretch that I've played an mmo before would have to be 3 years of JumpgateTM
I clicked 2-3 years because im pretty sure this will be my stable game that i can always come back to playin when the others i buy in the future get muy borin.
Five Ninjas are like a bundle of twigs. Together they are hard to break, but separated they are easily snapped.
Five Ninjas are like a bundle of twigs. Together they are hard to break, but separated they are easily snapped.
Well ill go for the 2-3 years period. Becuse i played AO since the begining, and it was my first MMO and a lot of fun. I played that for a long time. But when The expansion was released, I started to play less and less, becuse it ruined the game. So ergo ill be playing until a Expansion pack comes out. I thinl the will take some time. 2-3 years, and when or if an XP pack is beeing released id probbly quit if it a totaly changes the game play, or add a second but wery different world.
Mozilla FireFox is the best!
Cheers! I'm out
Cheers! I'm out ::
5+ years unless something else comes down the MMORPG pipes. I played Lineage ][ for 2 months and would have still been playing if the grind wasn't so bad and the community wasn't so poor. To this day I look up at my stack of games an think about reinstalling it and recreating an account. But with WoW so close, I'm sure I'll forget it quite quickly. I also played Diablo II for about 4 years. That was alot of fun. I still have it installed on my system actually. Blizzard has a great reputation with me; I'm sure I'll be addicted to WoW as a lot of people will.
Two atoms walk out of a bar. The first exclaims, "Damn, I forgot my electrons." The other replies, "You sure?". The first explains, "Yea, I'm positive."
I selected 1-2 years just like many did.
Blizzard hasnt disapointed me yet. And Im still playing Diablo2 unlike the majority of my other games wich are in some landfill or being used as coasters for my coffee on my desk (operation flashpoint).
The last two mmogs Ive played were SWG and JG. I left JumpGate because they basicly got screwed by their publisher (3DO) who dropped the ball on the game bigtime at release and didnt advertise/distribute as promised.. then ended up goin bankrupt. JumpGate btw is the best pvp space combat game I have ever played to date, just unfortunate its the game no one ever played lol. SWG on the other hand I left due to innept tech support, poor csr support, an out right lie...(dealing with supported vid cards) etc... I played that game till publish 6 came out, when their tech support told me that they support all the ATI 9xxx series EXCEPT the AIWs... You guys can guess how pissed I was hearing this after I dished out nearly 400 for it cant ya? lol.