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I figured I would throw this question out to the community for all those who left, or are considering leaving WoW. What would bring you back to WoW?
These are some things that would seal the deal for me:
1) Hero classes for all (except Death Knights) classes to evolve into
-- a. Maybe a level 70 chain quest that will take the average player on average 6 hours to accomplish
-- b. Evolving into the hero class is optional but comes with benefits
2) A fresh and new look into PvP
-- a. Broaden the exp gained through PvPing
-- b. More world PvP with objectives, assassinations, and rewards
3) Gear customization (optional)
-- a. Dyes
-- b. Add crafted features to armor (e.g. more spikes, knobs, frilly things if need be)
4) Meaningful crafting!!!!
Creativity costs money, especially to implement it. Even with some of these features looked into in more depth could really turn into its own game. Maybe it’s just me, but I think it would add a little more variety into the game, giving those who left something be proud of and return to WoW.
Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street and Tom "Kalgan" Chilton being fired for beginners.
Team based rankings for bg's for WSG, AB and EotS. Not some half assed attempt to rank people in pugs that it looks like Blizzard is going to do.
Proper raid content without "hard modes" that consist of you have to kill a boss standing on one leg, blindfolded while yodeling christmas carols.
Challenging but interesting 5 man content.
Bringing a bit of immersion and adventure back into the game.
The only way i would come back to WoW is if they released a classic server so that i can emjoy myself with 1-60 again the only time i actually enjoyed the game!
Haha I love it.
Essentially nothing, but I'll play along.
1. Remove Arenas. Completely. Forever.
2. Blizzard start acting like lore meant a damn, like they used to.
3. (Impossible) Replace the vast majority of the sycophantic, me-me-me whining assholes that currently play, with people I could stand to communicate with for more than a few minutes at a time.
Honestly, #3 is the biggie for me. I don't have big problem with the game itself, but it's the people that play it that made me cancel after 3 years. Just got to be too much for me, and the quality of people playing has gotten worse, IMHO.
Katsma is Lithuanian for 'he who drinks used douche fluid'.
There is just too much things i could list that is keeping me away from reinstalling Wow, fixing up all the addons and look for a new guild again that would make me come back if fixed/changed. However if they did revert the front burst damage back to Retribution where is lived for like almost 5 years I'd strongly consider coming back.
Nothing will draw me back to WoW, for me that chapter closed a while back.
*New classes
*All BGs playable in the lower level range slots too.
*Unique/New server concept.
sorry zorn, better go check your facts. the Sims currently holds the title of most succesful video game of all time.
but as to your other points... the arena only helps balance the arena. datamining is only useful if it is in the setting you want data on. case in point: Drinking in the arena. they couldn't balance that, but the problem was only in the arena. if the arena was a great tool to balance the whole game, why doesn't it take 4 seconds to get full benifit from drinks in PvE or BGs?
and while you like to say "so called WoW killers" so much, plenty of other games are far better balanced than WoW. and they don't have to force a form of the game that most of the population dislikes on people.
Everything creates huge amounts of negativity on the internet, that's what the internet is for: Negativity, porn and lolcats.
A server in my time zone. (Atlantic Time)
I like to raid. But I have a job and I can't stay up raiding for that extra hour.
Besides I think a good amount of people wouldn't mind raiding a hour earlier.
The removal of all bg's, And thereby succesfully bringing back the awesome outdoor PVPness that was Hillsbrad Foothills..
Classic server with original level 60 spells/abilities. Basically a reversion back to the second patch before Burning Crusade. Also, no more tweaks on that server. Keep it the way it is, no content/spell/skill updates.
Oh, and it would have to be free to play for me to come back also.
Vault-Tec analysts have concluded that the odds of worldwide nuclear armaggeddon this decade are 17,143,762... to 1.
Nothing. I just cancelled again after re-upping a month ago and I just can't bring myself to play WoW anymore. I think I'm just way too burned out on it. In fact, I pretty much burned out on all fantasy MMORPGs. I'm looking forward to all the upcoming allternatives.
I make spreadsheets at work - I don't want to make them for the games I play.
Having things such as wowarmory and the ability to see exactly what every character has equiped and what your stats are. Also the ability to not see what a players stats are in-game. This has caused so much grief with wanting to go on a raid and getting turned down because of 'Gear Check' and stuff like that. It turns anything you might want to PUG into rejection. Yeah I know it is part of the game, but it's just something that I feel needs to be removed to give others more chances to try and get into groups they might not normally be able to.
Elitest Jerks FTL.
Momo sucks, I have proof.
..its a guideline, not a rule, as players we must remember: Its a Game.
1) Removal of the Arena
2) Termination of Kalgan and Ghostwalker
3) A promise, in writing, that PvP balancing will never affect PvE content
4) A stricter adherence to lore
5) stricter policing of the open chat channels
6) For the forums, ONE login per account. No switching around names/avatars to
7) stricter (MUCH) moderation of the forums
8) removal of the ability to link achievments
9) removal of the armory, or at least make it an option
WoW is potentially a good game. Too bad it's run like a College frat house....
nothing could possibly bring me back to this wretched game, nothing!
Although i still play once in a while my account will terminate on the 21 oh this month and i don't see how I could continue playing this game. The game took a course that i personally dont agree and above that i feel tired and bored of the game, also because i played it for 4 years now, so, i dont see what could possibly bring me back, nothing probably...
At this point nothing - I'm through while the whole DIKU/EQ/WoW MMO model.
But in all likelihood I'll be there with the rest of you playing Blizzard's new MMO.
Reading through a lot of these posts it seems as though people want classic vanilla WoW back. While I live in nostalgia from time to time, with my Windfury procking and criting on poor mages still brings a devilish smile to my face. I would venture to say, keep the existing content but adjust the levels in the zones. So maybe have Outlands be from 38-48 and Northrend from 48-60. There are some talents I deeply enjoy and would hate to see them go, so maybe a reworking of the talents. Maybe with a reworking of the zones and maintenance of existing raid content they could keep the new content. Now as far as the gear goes if Northrend was from 48-60 that it would drop equivalent MC gear to prepare for BWL.
While I would hate to see BGs go, I think a reworking of the outdoor PvP should change. I may be wrong in my assumption but people are missing the larger scale battles rather then the 1v1 stuff that has been brought on by capture points on maps… In writing this I fear I know why Blizz had to dumb stuff down to only 1v1 crap and that’s because of “fairness.” People got their feelings hurt and got upset because of large groups attacking them… If that is the case, how sad a day it is.
I never got it why people like Vanilla so much(although I still keep my opinion about 75% of people on these forums never went past level 10), it was pretty horrible till AQ40, with a lot of pointless grinding, glorified Ragefire Ch...i mean Molten Core took a pointlessly long time and PvP was an oneshot fest. What's the cool thing in "Who gets the jump wins"?
WoW was never intended to be a world PvP game and the countless proofs brought by the game engine(WG being the lastest) are enough to me. It seemed rather logical for Blizzard to implement arena for various reasons. There are games up there for world PvP like EVE and L2.
Trust me, 20 seconds delay on every ability wasn't and isn't fun.
Believe it or not Old Wow was way more balanced in terms of pvp minus fear or the Cold Blood Ambush. The only thing i hated in old wow was the lack of control over my attacks as a Retribution Paladin. My spells meant something. If i popped Blessing of Freedom the player had to think on his feet. Paladins felt more like hybrid then they do know and healing mattered no matter what spec you where.
I'll agree that trying to get GM or HWL was too hard and they could of made it directed towards the player to make it better then your overall standing on the server but in the end it made for better pvp.
My point is old wow was very cut and dry. Kill or be killed and Raid or die. Now it's all about a player sitting in Dalaran asking himself "What can i do today that will progress my character?" If a player is asking himself that question then you have failed him as a developer. A player needs a clear indication as to what he can and cannot do to progress on his own and hold meaning. Now a days it's about chasing after epics that would of been considered to be blue grade gear in old wow if he's not sitting with a 2500+ arena rating in 3-5s or clearing the cutting edge raid instance on hard mode.
In old wow GM HWL and Tier 2 gear had meaning and lasted a very long time. Today in Wow epics flood my screen causing my head to do a 360 when going over the loot lists figuring out Bis.
1) Remove the gear treadmill. Make the game being fun the driving force to play the game, not the never ending quest for the next epic.
2) Remove instanced PvP and have meaningful world PvP.
3) Actually balance the classes for once.
Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic
Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW
Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike
Loved: Star Wars Galaxies
Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.
sorry zorn, better go check your facts. the Sims currently holds the title of most succesful video game of all time.
but as to your other points... the arena only helps balance the arena. datamining is only useful if it is in the setting you want data on. case in point: Drinking in the arena. they couldn't balance that, but the problem was only in the arena. if the arena was a great tool to balance the whole game, why doesn't it take 4 seconds to get full benifit from drinks in PvE or BGs?
and while you like to say "so called WoW killers" so much, plenty of other games are far better balanced than WoW. and they don't have to force a form of the game that most of the population dislikes on people.
Whoa whoa, how dare you question Zorn's "facts". They are facts if he says so, reality has no bearing on what he says!
Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic
Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW
Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike
Loved: Star Wars Galaxies
Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.
I think it's a pretty bad example tbh, after the recent Ret nerfs, you spend a lot of time healing with AoW than before. HoF is still an important spell and people in (high rated) arenas still keep track of it and play around it properly.