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Not counting computer part upgrades.
I bought a variety of joysticks during my playtime of WW2Ol, as they are required for tanking and aircraft. I also got trackIR.
In the same way, a macro keyboard is required for anyone who wants to play darkfall. You need to macro to skill up, unless you want to end up with your wrist in a cast for clicking 10,000 times in a row, and if you don't have 12 hours a day to play and enjoy staring at nothing for that time. It's also essential when you consider that every player must switch between four forms of combat and the UI is clunky to work with without heavy macroing.
Clicking thousands of times?
Ummm....when I harvest, I click on the resource I want to harvest once and I don't have to click again until after my stamina runs out and I've rested. If you're clicking thousands of time to raise combat or magic skills, well, you're just not playing the game right
lol be glad you weren't there from the beggining. The new players such as the poster just below you have it easy compared to what many of us went through. Took a lot of complaining to get that auto harvesting in game, so say thanks to the haters for that (Thats what anyone that complains is labelled). The rest of the game may slowly catch up. In any case, I am fairly certain you are considered to be among the haters camp now trench. There may be an official announcement in this thread at some point by one of the fanbois later.
You don't neccessarily need a macro keyboard you could use a program that uses a script. Although that breaks the rules.
That is double penalty.
You have to pay for a game that required monotonous grinding just to be competitive. Why be non competitive in a game designed for PvP competition. Now you have to physically sit in front of the computer for hours for days for months pushing the same button in order not to break the rule.
Very good design. Where can I find such loyal customers? I will sell them official macroing tools that does not break their rule. I can also ask them to donate their home and car to me. I might be able to sell them as slaves too, for a life time income stream.
Technically speaking, either one breaks the rules. I'm sure you knew that already, just wanted to clarify.
DarkFall FAQ - Read then Question with Boldness
Ok ,i'm a bit confused here....
How is it again that a game that made you buy a piece of hardware and/ or software to make you better at macroing a good thing?
Iiii-iiiiiit's.... me!!! *Hooray*
It isn't.
I think that was the point... could be wrong though.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
It isn't.
I think that was the point... could be wrong though.
I think you got it.
It's subtle, but it's there.
I agree that it sucks, and I've been here since the beginning. But like I stated in another thread, all that is needed is a revamp to the skill system such as a major increase in how fast you level skills, but also some sort of very noticeable skill decay.
Either way, the grind and advantage to macroers and bloodwalls, and the disadvantage that is being severely seen to those of us who don't do that shit and play the game for how it was probably originally invisioned to be played, is Darkfall's major glaring flaw. Sure, there are other things that need work and things that I would sincerely love to see implemented, but the fact of the matter is that Darkfall would be exponentially better then it already is in my opinion once the skill gain system is completely reworked.
Well gee... the talk of macro'ing just makes me want to run and play... um... more like... not play... this game.
How epic fail is this ? What happened to to the innovative crafting and resource collection? Did AV not learn anything from Eve ? Oh wait... this is AV who couldn't design a decent set of game features if it was handed to them from upon high. One man however can list a load of exciting features which are simply not true. Yet the sad thing is... DF player base probably consider this the pinicle of game design.
I hope to the gods that all game designers really look at DF failing and release a good MMO has to have equal balance of good features in many areas which support one another to make the concept of "a good game".
Posts like this are funny. I've been playing since beta, now on the NA server, and I don't ever macro.
I just play the game when I can and feel great about where I'm at in the game.
My guild mates tell me to swim while away and stuff like that, but I don't do it and ahead of them in many respects.
Truth is, now that you must use a non-newbie weapon and will gain skill the more capable the mob, if you just play the game, you'll do fine. At least, this is what's true for me.
Then again, this may just be another "here's a good thread to bash DFO folks" thread. I don't know, and won't even guess the motivation of so many threads here, but they do seem to come from some other planet.
"Lately it occurs to me,
what a long, strange trip it's been". -Hunter
And yet you admit that members in your own clan do it and have asked you to do it as well?
So, you really don't know where a thread like this comes from? Really?
It seems like a pretty easy trail to follow... but perhaps that's just me.
I macroed in the beginning but to be honest, I think it is slower than just going out and killing mobs for reagents.
The advantage comes in when they afk macro. Those who do the macroing are playing just like you would for some portion of the day. The difference is that they never log out.
Play the game for however many hours that you would normally play it, then when you would normally log off, that is when the macro script kicks in. It continues to "play" the game while you are asleep, at work, at school, etc.
When you are ready to start playing again, the macro is turned off, and you reap the benefits of your character "playing themselves" for the hours you were away. It doesn't really matter how much slower the macro method is. The player that adopts this method will overtake those not using those methods. It's a simple matter of time.
Someone who is having their character play 24/7 will naturally have higher stats than someone only playing 4-8 hours per day.
How simple would it have been for Aventurine to implement an afk kick timer like the majority of other MMOs use? That one simple item would have prevented the vast majority of the afk macroing.
We'll see how long it takes them to figure it out.