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Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning: What Difference Does a Year Make? Q&A



  • ccerna1ccerna1 Member Posts: 4

    I was waiting for a long time for this game to come out.

    One of the things from Open Beta that really, really ticked me off and not just myself but many people as well was the blind eye mythic turn when many of us reported there were some serious issues with the game perfomance.

    1) the Memory leaks

    2) server side lag and also client poor performance.

    Many people including myself provided logs, after logs, some other folks when as far as building a new PC just for the game, top of the line gaming rig and they still had issues, come to find out by others that the game was barely using the GPU and was dumping everything into the processor....yet Mark Jacob said there was a small issue on "few" people....when there were soo many post on one of the forurms warhammaherllaince (forget exact url) the post for this problem reach well over 200k+ views and replies..


    Sorry when you have EA backing you up, you better deliver your goods, SPECIALLY when you have the community supporting you, and he had the odacity to deny there was an issue with the game....sorry I work hard for my money as well as many other gamers, dont come and tell me is my hardware when I can run other MMO's with no issues period....


    You would figure he had learn a thing or two from DAOC....

  • ElGuappoElGuappo Member Posts: 94

    Hard-hitting questions there and some honest, insightful answers too. Kudos to both parties for a frank and open discussion.

    No, wait. The other thing. Utter drivel. Yeah, that.

    The ruptured capillaries in your nose belie the clarity of your wisdom.

  • GreenLanternFanGreenLanternFan Member Posts: 374

    Well, I was going to start my post off with a quote from one of you above posters, but with there being so many posts that touched upon items that were quote worthy, it becomes a moot point. Matter of fact, I might go as far as saying this thread is probably one of the most productive, constructive and/or purposeful I've seen at this site. However, I would like to quote the following from Jeff Skalski:

    "Will players concerns be addressed? Of course not 100% completely, but I want to be more transparent with our community with where we're at and where we're going. I play the game and I'm still not fully satisfied. We have more work to do."

    For months now, I've been preaching the importance of the above statement (in regards to being more transparent with the community) to anyone at Mythic that would listen, including a couple of long winded letters to the powers that be. Unfortunately, their follow through in that one critical area may have come a little too late. I believe that of all of Mythic's blunders with this game, that may have been the absolute, most catastrophic. In business, regardless of whether you agree or disagree with your customers thoughts, wants, needs, wishes, etc., it's never a good thing to ignore them without acknowledging the fact that at the very least that customer matters and that you are at least somewhat concerned with their needs. This is all the more important when the very success of your business is riding on the success of one sole product and your customer base is directly held together and dependent upon the content of their fellow customers.

     It kind of reminds me of when I used to work for the government and most of those around me would walk around with their nose stuck up in the air due to the fact that they held a position within an important function of the government, yet it seemed that I was one of very few employees there that would shrug my shoulders with the thought of the job I held, feeling that it wasn't my job that defined who I am. Needless to say I left that job amidst many people telling me I was stupid for giving up that job, even though I was working with a bunch of pompous people I couldn't stand and hating the work that I did. Point being, with the way Mythic seemed to treat it's customers, I couldn't help but envision those at Mythic walking around with their noses stuck up in the air after acquiring the rights to the WAR ip, all the while thinking that they were more important to the equation than they actually were.

     Maybe I'm completely wrong in feeling that way. Maybe that wasn't it at all, but I am a paying customer however and Mythic has in some way caused me to feel this way. Like I said, I may be way off the mark, but for some very strange reason, players concerns, complaints and cries for answers, for the longest time seemed to fall on deaf ears at Mythic. Be it the rumored stubbornness of Mark Jacobs or maybe those he answered to, none of us outside of the Mythic family truly knows. 

      What I do know however, is that you don't go from having close to a million plus subs, down to around 200k as fast as they have without something very truly wrong outside of the typical MMO growing pains. Most of you I'm sure have been asking the very same thing I have been the last couple of months, "how do you screw something up THAT BADLY?" It is quite apparent given some thought, that Mythic may know a thing or two about game development for the most part IMO, but severely lacks in the area of business development. As I know from reading many posts, I'm not the only one that has shaken my head at some of the business decisions Mythic has made during the last year of this game. I can't ever remember doing that with Blizzard in regards to their direction with WoW as a business model, while personally, I despise that game.

    Furthermore, when a large portion of your customer base has been giving you feedback that your Chef's Special tastes terrible, you don't keep feeding your customers the same dish thinking the recipe is fine. This is exactly what has happened with class balancing in WAR as players have been screaming for months that the game has needed balancing and yet we were witness to other severely less important areas of the game being addressed while balancing issues were either being pushed to the back of the line or sometimes getting no mention at all. That (pardon the pun) is a recipe for disaster and if this game does fail, it will become the poster child alongside SWG as to what not to do with an MMO.

      I've been a WAR sub from the very beginning and still have an active account currently as my intent was to stay on until Aion's release. I truly love the WAR ip and like a lot of others have had more fun in this game, specifically with RvR than with any other MMO I've played to date. I believe that the game has made some good progress as of late and I do hope it not only survives, but succeeds. It certainly will have a huge mountain to climb. It can start that steep climb by excepting that some of their customers do have some valid points and great ideas that could help make the slope a little less slippery. If only Mythic could put their pride in check and reach out their hand to grasp those trying to help them up.

    Your fail comment, failed.

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