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Level 14 and AERIG...where to hunt?

SotoSoto Member UncommonPosts: 177


I sent my 14 SB to SI tonight and was shocked! All the places to hunt were either way too low or too high level mobs. Now where on SI can he hunt? Or someplace better then SI to hunt at 14?


the sword of no sword...


  • JulianDracosJulianDracos Member UncommonPosts: 1,528

    Don't really know Mid.  That should be the zone in SI from 1-20.  Probably more like 1-16 or so if you are killing orange.  This might help you

    Not only will it give you zone info, but there are maps of the zones you can look at that let you know what mobs are where.  That might help you find something to kill.  Also, /map in the game should provide you at least with basic info on what level range a zone is. 

  • StormbowStormbow Member UncommonPosts: 202
    Originally posted by Soto

    I sent my 14 SB to SI tonight and was shocked! All the places to hunt were either way too low or too high level mobs. Now where on SI can he hunt? Or someplace better then SI to hunt at 14?

    The best places to hunt are consistently the pvp zones.


    1-4: Proving Grounds Battleground & 1-4 Demon's Breach.  These zones are empty 99% of the time.

    5-9: Lion's Den Battleground & 5-10 Demon's Breach. These zones are empty 99% of the time.

    10-14: Hills of Claret battleground. This battleground rarely has anyone in it.

    15-19: Killaloe battleground.  This battleground rarely has anyone in it.

    20-24: Here things start getting sticky, because there are commonly people out looking to kill you if you're trying to Xp in Thidranki Battleground.  If 24 is your goal level, to /xp off and spend a large amount of time in Thidranki, head to the frontier behind the relic gate/wall (the safe side, except in relic raids, of course).  You can find Spiders and Abominable snowmen amongst other things to kill from 20-24 for Mid.  Hibs get some Lucradan, wolves, ants, and frogs.  Albs get Giants, wolves, and panther-like cats.  All are behind the relic walls, and good hunting for level 20-24 characters.

    25-29: Braemar battleground.  Start in the ravine right next to your own PK, the worms are often worth excellent XP.  If for some reason there's no camp bonus on those, you can move out into the trees just across the ravines and kill those for excellent xp.  This battleground rarely has anyone in it.

    30-34: Wilton battleground. Start with the frogs and wisps that are (Leave your PK, turn left, go to the first island straight ahead).  When those begin to lose their luster, head to the other island in your pair and you'll find Koalinths between those islands and the next PK.  Beware of the alligators between the islands.  They'll sneak up on ya. ;-)

    35-39: Another sticky level range.  It's quite possible to get from 35 to 39 off the Arawnites in the zone and the ginormous trees in the SE corner of the zone.  Be careful if ya go for the trees, they spam heals, roots, and damage over time spells.  Likewise, Arawnite Shamaness damage over time spells can be suprisingly deadly, but they're usually really easy to kill at range or in melee.  Both monster types will call for help or bring a friend on ocassion.  This zone is almost always populated, see Thidranki above.

    40-44: Leirvik battleground.  Tons of stuff to kill out here.  Koalinths right outside your PK, and manta rays in the water if ya fancy a swim for some XP.  There's almost never anyone in this zone to mess with you.

    NOTE:  Starting at level 40, you're on easy  street if you're shooting for level 50.  Begin doing the Dragon Campaign quests for your realm (Wisps for Hibernia, Elementals for Albion, and I don't recall what for Midgard).  You can easily get from level 40 to levle 50 in 2 days off that quest alone, and you'll make about 7 platinum from those quests alone.

    45-49: Cathal Valley battleground.  Almost always empty.  There's a named in here that drops really unique weapons.  I'd recommend hunting the creature for the drop (cons red to 49, poisons you) as some consider it a status symbol.  There are some monsters out here you could easily xp on, but as I mentioned just above, you should choose to do the Dragon Campaign quests that are repeatable.  Much faster xp, and much higher gold payouts.

    50: Congrats!  The world is your oyster.  Get your killer template together and kick some bad guy butts in the frontier!

    (Following the above plan, I can easily get any character from level 1 to level 50 in under 3-4 days played time.)

  • StormbowStormbow Member UncommonPosts: 202

    I, however, often choose a different approach:

    Because I'm in DAoC for the pvp.

    I'd much rather have someone else get a character from 1 to 50 in 6 hours, than follow my previously outlined plan, spending X days on it.  I leveled enough characters manually since 2001 to deserve the right to get characters powerleveled if I should choose to go that route.

  • StormbowStormbow Member UncommonPosts: 202
    Originally posted by Vinterkrig

    buy endurance pots and do task dungeons
     and you may wanna re-think your class, as far as stealthers go, your prob better off playing a hunter these days
     equiping a shadowblade efficently is going to cost you well over 150 plat unless your on classic ...


    Avoid the task dungeons.

    Three month after they were released, the monsters inside all of the task dungeons received huge amounts of additional Hits, Armor Factor, and spell resists, especially at the 30+ range in TDs.  Also, the xp per hour in a TD is not better than the XP per hour in zones that receive double xp per monster kill (pvp zones).  I'm not entirely sure, but I believe Task Dungeons are also left out when it comes to camp bonuses, which means you're getting even less XP per kill inside them.  Yes, the end XP bonus is huge, but it's not particularly worth it compared to the plan I've outlined above.

    Care to race to 50, Vinterkrig?  You solo task dungeons, I'll solo my plan above. 

  • StormbowStormbow Member UncommonPosts: 202

    It should be noted, also, that equipping -any- character is going to cost an arm and a leg, but 150 plat is an enormous overestimation to anyone with crafting and pve connections.

  • xeeeemeeeeeoxeeeemeeeeeo Member Posts: 20

     How do you get to these battlegrounds?

  • StormbowStormbow Member UncommonPosts: 202
    Originally posted by Xemeo

     How do you get to these battlegrounds?


    If you're playing in Hibernia - Head to Tir na Nog, Druim Ligen, or Druim Cain and you can teleport to the BGs.

    If you're playing in Albion - Head to Camelot, Castle Sauvage, or Snowdonia Fortress and you can teleport to the BGs.

    If you're playing in Midgard - Head to Jordheim, Svasud Faste, or Vindsaul Faste and you can teleport to the BGs.

  • xeeeemeeeeeoxeeeemeeeeeo Member Posts: 20

     I went to wilton to hunt.  It was completely empty (everyone is on their ywain chars).  


    The mobs are few and far between from what I've seen so far.  Is there a higher concentation of mobs in a particular spot in the battlegrounds?

  • StormbowStormbow Member UncommonPosts: 202
    Originally posted by Xemeo

     I went to wilton to hunt.  It was completely empty (everyone is on their ywain chars).  
     The mobs are few and far between from what I've seen so far.  Is there a higher concentation of mobs in a particular spot in the battlegrounds?

    Yeah, I mentioned in another post on this forum that the battlegrounds are all usually pretty empty except for Thidranki and Molvik.

    What do you mean?  The mobs in Wilton are few and far between?  You missed some...

    Wilton monster locations

    The Frogs & Wisps are all over the islands with their label over it.  Alligators are between the F&W locations and the Koalinth locations.  The Frog & Wisp islands can have a named Frog on them, Gorf.  The east side of the island that's west of Hibernia (Portal Keep), south side of the island NE of Albion (PK), and the north side of the island that's south of Midgard (PK) can have a named Koalinth on it.  (I forgot it's name.)  The area marked "other" has maybe 1-2 alligators per swamp.  I've never really hunted there, but know it's not many.

    So there's a lot of stuff out there to kill.  The frogs and wisps are the lowest level, the Koalinths and alligators are highest.  The named mob are about 32 (Gorf) to 35 (the Koalinth).

  • beeker255beeker255 Member UncommonPosts: 351

     Storm is right pve in the BG's I do say though at 30 I skip that bg and go to frontier and level then i hit molv and bg it till 50 if im not Pl...I played mid for many years so I know all the pve dungeons if I get bored but hehe bg's and frontiers ftw

  • StormbowStormbow Member UncommonPosts: 202

    As I mentioned somewhere around these forums elsewhere too, as soon as you hit 40, it's smooth sailing all the way to 50 (over the course of about 2 days real life time, maybe 16 hours played time).  At 40, you've got a repeatable Dragon Campaign quest that's worth a TON of XP and money (compared to grinding or any other quests).  You can do that quest over and over and cruise right though from 40 to 50 with little problem at all, no matter which class you're playing, because there are often many others doing those quests at the same time.

    Ask in the realm's mainland /reg chat for Elementals (Albion), Wisps (Hibernia), or (Midgard is S.O.L., I forget the quest name and the monsters to kill) quests.  There's bound to be someone that can point you in the right direction and help ya along.

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