If your finding it hard to enjoy, you won't enjoy it. This game is either love it or hate it. There really is no grey area in this game, I hate to say it. It will not be for everyone. If you don't like it just press on to one of the other two coming out this month(if they are to your liking) or wait for something else.
That makes sense. i was hoping I was simply missing something.
Still, If I were to give some constructive feedback to the devs it would be to provide a little more guidance after the tutorial to get started. First impressions usually set the tone for the rest regardless of quality.
1st impressions always don't pane out either, lets take Age of Conan for instance. When that game was released, the 1st 20 levels of the game were Dynamic, after that, it became just another grind game with fantastic graphics and alot of loading zones to get to end game at level 80. Despite state of the art graphics, the gameplay wasnt there for me.
Warhammer Online was the same, great in BETA then fell apart somewhere in the middle. Its not a true open world and has many load zones as well which takes me out of immersion. When I heard about the City being instanced during takeovers, I said, yep, this one isnt for me either.
EQ2 another fantastic game from the get go, however way too many load zones which takes me out of immersion. There is alot to do in that game, but it just doesnt feel like a real world to me.
World of Warcraft in the year 2004.. I said I am not playing that silly looking game with pastel colors, it looks like a 3rd grader will love this game, I stuck it out and complained for the 1st month on what the hell I am playing, then it grew on me. I think it was because it was a easy mmo to understand and it had a nice open world. This probably ranks #3 of best MMO's I have ever played.
SWG I was hooked on day 1, that game could have sucked for some, but me being a Star Wars geek, I loved the game and became a fanboy real damn quick. Even though I didnt understand what the hell to do on Day 1, it was the immersion that got me hooked on this game and the Star Wars essence.
Anarchy Online from the get go was HORRIBLE! Servers would crash, My characters would constantly get stuck and the PvP system was broke. I left that game for about 1 year and came back and it was absolutely kick ass! This hands down was my 2nd favorite mmo of all time next to SWG. I do remember stating alot, SWG should have this feature in its mmo.. etc etc..
Eve Online I was a late bloomer too and talk about a game where you need to study and understand, It took me about 1 month to comprehend this game, but once I got the hang of it, I absolutely loved it! I think I just like MMO's that are more complicated to understand. I feel if I get to understand the game I appreciate it even more. Anyways 1 server 30k peeps all together in 1 universe. I still play on and off today. This is the 4th best MMO I have ever played.
So do 1st impressions mean alot? Well maybe to some, but not to me..
Sometimes we find a diamond in the ruff and dont even know it.
Highplains, my first impression wasn't good. But the game intrigued me enough to see if I liked it. I've said that a few times. I don't think you can go off first impressions. I think you need to play it for a few hours.
AoC has one of the longest tutorials I've ever seen in a game, 20 levels and about 15hrs worth fo game play. But from Fallen Earth, once people get out of the 10minute tutorial, it takes about an hour or two on average for someone to make up there mind IMO. If your on the fence already your most likely not going to give it a chance or have an open mind, others the game just lacks that appeal and I know what they mean. This game is lacking something, I can't figure it out, could be more pvp, could be housing, could be to open on crafting and no one specializes on one or two types. Not sure, its not a big deal to me, because I feel that "it" the game is lacking will be in shortly after release.
That makes sense. i was hoping I was simply missing something.
Still, If I were to give some constructive feedback to the devs it would be to provide a little more guidance after the tutorial to get started. First impressions usually set the tone for the rest regardless of quality.
1st impressions always don't pane out either, lets take Age of Conan for instance. When that game was released, the 1st 20 levels of the game were Dynamic, after that, it became just another grind game with fantastic graphics and alot of loading zones to get to end game at level 80. Despite state of the art graphics, the gameplay wasnt there for me.
Warhammer Online was the same, great in BETA then fell apart somewhere in the middle. Its not a true open world and has many load zones as well which takes me out of immersion. When I heard about the City being instanced during takeovers, I said, yep, this one isnt for me either.
EQ2 another fantastic game from the get go, however way too many load zones which takes me out of immersion. There is alot to do in that game, but it just doesnt feel like a real world to me.
World of Warcraft in the year 2004.. I said I am not playing that silly looking game with pastel colors, it looks like a 3rd grader will love this game, I stuck it out and complained for the 1st month on what the hell I am playing, then it grew on me. I think it was because it was a easy mmo to understand and it had a nice open world. This probably ranks #3 of best MMO's I have ever played.
SWG I was hooked on day 1, that game could have sucked for some, but me being a Star Wars geek, I loved the game and became a fanboy real damn quick. Even though I didnt understand what the hell to do on Day 1, it was the immersion that got me hooked on this game and the Star Wars essence.
Anarchy Online from the get go was HORRIBLE! Servers would crash, My characters would constantly get stuck and the PvP system was broke. I left that game for about 1 year and came back and it was absolutely kick ass! This hands down was my 2nd favorite mmo of all time next to SWG. I do remember stating alot, SWG should have this feature in its mmo.. etc etc..
Eve Online I was a late bloomer too and talk about a game where you need to study and understand, It took me about 1 month to comprehend this game, but once I got the hang of it, I absolutely loved it! I think I just like MMO's that are more complicated to understand. I feel if I get to understand the game I appreciate it even more. Anyways 1 server 30k peeps all together in 1 universe. I still play on and off today. This is the 4th best MMO I have ever played.
So do 1st impressions mean alot? Well maybe to some, but not to me..
Sometimes we find a diamond in the ruff and dont even know it.
Highplains, my first impression wasn't good. But the game intrigued me enough to see if I liked it. I've said that a few times. I don't think you can go off first impressions. I think you need to play it for a few hours.
AoC has one of the longest tutorials I've ever seen in a game, 20 levels and about 15hrs worth fo game play. But from Fallen Earth, once people get out of the 10minute tutorial, it takes about an hour or two on average for someone to make up there mind IMO. If your on the fence already your most likely not going to give it a chance or have an open mind, others the game just lacks that appeal and I know what they mean. This game is lacking something, I can't figure it out, could be more pvp, could be housing, could be to open on crafting and no one specializes on one or two types. Not sure, its not a big deal to me, because I feel that "it" the game is lacking will be in shortly after release.