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Im looking for a small, sandboxy game that doesnt require much thinking, time, or trying.
As an example, ill use the Battlefield 2 multiplayer demo. The demo only has 1 map, and it isnt too big. There are multiple servers you can play on. The game is intended for players to compete and use strategy to win the battle. But usually i log in just to hang out or play around. It usually involves team killing (running each other over with humvees), although were all just playing around and not grieving each other.
So im looking for a game that has a single, small map. It can have multiple servers to choose from. There shouldnt be very challanging objectives or grinding, and cirtainly no intense RPG character building.
Other examples of what im looking for could be:
1) A small online Grand Theft Auto - like game, where we can run each other over with cars, shoot each other with guns, and blow each other up with rocket launchers.
2) A RPG-like game, where players can cast spells or slash each other with swords, chat, and fight off incoming swarms of monsters that occasionally rush in. Maybe some weird, fun spells such as calling down a huge meteor on a friend, or summoning a huge dragon to fight.
Id like it to have at least half-decent graphics, since there isnt really any gameplay. If anyone knows of a game like this please let me know!
Try Age of Chivalry, the CS:S mod. Get CS:S first though, lol.
No MMO is what you described. No games are like that. I guess try Champions Online, it has small maps with many different servers that you can go to. Seems like what you want. It's the only remotely similar game.
Hmm, GunZ Online perhaps?
Maybe just wait for All Points Bulletin, bit like GTA i think.