Minus the ramifications of exploitation, I'd love to play a game that was like WoW and Guild Wars combined. Be able to have NPC bots that I could equip and have as part of my "team", but with focus on the gameplay elements of that of WoW... and I mean incorporated into the game, not like the people that 5-box accounts and have them all run around together.
"There is only one thing of which I am certain, and that's nothing is certain."
I want a game that is basically guild wars and wow combined as well.
Here are the features I like from both...
Guild wars (and wow to some extent has this)... Very good questlines. Has beginning and end and progression.
Guild wars (and wow to some extent has this)... The ability to solo nearly all content. If not solo, grab a bot to help you out. Waiting on a healer etc... BLOWS so badly it is insane.
WOW, gameplay. The animations are instantanious. If not instant because it is complex actions... the animations NEVER ever take control or override my characters awsd movement in any way.. Guild wars does this... and it SUCKS. Aion does this... and it is one of my major gripes. If I am out of range, tell me I will move my character in range... DO NOT DO IT FOR ME. Do not auto follow unless I tell it to... do not auto face unless I tell it to... do not do ANYTHING unless i explicitly tell it to for the character I am playing only.
Wow. The ability to go where ever you can get to in the map... guild wars to a certain extent... but Guild wars removes the ability to jump.... which is a gripe with me as well.
Graphics like guildwars or wow. Both are good enough imho.. I do not care to get the perfect realizm... just not something horribly bad looking like eq1.
Relatively easy progression through the game... wow and Guild wars both have this... and it is great. I do not want to play a HARD game... if I want to do something hard... I can chose to fight... harder mobs. It is my choice... not forced by developers. I do both actually, when I feel like a challenge I look for higher lvl mobs to solo, or epic mobs to group on.
LOTS AND LOTS of skills, so many skills there will never be a way to balance them all out... if something is Overpowered... let it go. That is fine... I will replay the game how ever I want to play it. I can incorporate that OP ability or not.
Rangers... are ranged... they should kill a mob before it gets near you. 2 mobs, is another story.. but a single mob.. dies.
All classes can solo.
The mobs in the world. MOVE around with some purpose, and are varied in graphic, ability, and size shape, hps like wow. COH FAILED COMPLETELY due to this lack of movement and lack of variety.
Cooldowns are very limited... and skills can be chained in any order. EQ2 had skills given in a way that you had to basically use them ABCD... and only in the ABCD order.. over and over again... boring. I chose the skills I use, and what order I will use them in. WOW and guild wars are both very good at this.
Guild wars fails me with the nerfing of abilities. Leave the gameplay alone. Some abilities that had 30 second buff times have been reduced to 6 seconds.... too twitchy now... and that is freaking insane nerf.
If the game is hard enough that if I make a single mistake, fail to hit a single button within a 2 second window of time... etc, my character dies, and the whole group dies.... then the game is no longer a game and is work... NEVER DO THIS IN A GAME !!!!!!!!! NEVER do this for any reason ... ever... no matter how much people complain about too easy... carebear... wanting to group... etc.... NEVER DO THIS... you will kill your game.
Balance the above to not being unkillable and superpowered though....
Allow movement through the game easily... as in mounts or movement buffs or what ever... movement from an area to another should never be the worst chore...
avoid chores... we are playing a game already to avoid real life ones.
No lag.
After the game has been developed and players can solo effectively ... fire the developers... They feel the need to tweek everything... this ruins the game over time.
There'd be tree-houses and no magic and tons of some big ass dinosaurs chasing us around. It sounds simplistic but I think it would be really fun. Especially if there was flying dinosaurs to watch out for:) We'd have to make out own weapons out of sticks and rocks!
I'd love to visit prehistoric earth. Just to make my heart pound in fear:)
Ooh, Sims of Warcraft would have to be my first choice. Orrrrr, Fable Online? Fallout Online? Why do these all sound like horrible ideas? [Rhetorical]
From there, I have a laundry list of creative thoughts:
Mech-based or mech-implemented, action-based MMO that focuses on complete skill customization. You could be a missile launching "clothy" or a sabre wielding tank. Armored Core comes to mind. PVP style. But you wouldn't have to stay in your mech always. In that case, you had a sort of dual-class specialization, where after leaping out of your mech (perhaps to enter a building or mountain side that the mech can't fit into), you immediately use YOUR specialties (which could be very similar to your mech's or something totally different). I could go on with this as it has been something I've tossed around for almost a decade, but for the sake of holding your interest, I'll move on.
A computeristic MMO where you can learn kung fu or anything really all by tapping into some kind of mainframe or something. And you desperately try to fit in with the goth crowd by wearing black trench coats and dark sunglasses while listening to techno music. Man, that one sounds cool.
I'd like to see a Sci-Fi MMO where humans have built a massive spacecraft founded by several very powerful companies on Earth. The rush to build the craft didn't give the companies enough time to devise a solid contract (something that will lead to the two lead factions). Earth is uninhabitable, and we're in search of a new planet. While on our way, our civilzation becomes divided into two super powers, who's leaders care very little for the common man. Civil War breaks out, so it's left up to us at some point to take over the craft. There would be other crafts, available exclusively to players. Perhaps there wouldn't be specific classes perse, but you could customize your skillset as Morrowind by repetition in specific areas. However, you are still only allowed so many points altogether, so as to minimize any OP issues. I could go on with this, but not right now. Anyone else with ideas for this one, please share.
That should do I would say. BTW, No. 2 is The Matrix Online in case you weren't getting it.
For me, my needs are relatively simple. My dream MMO just has to have a good storyline involved. I am a major sucker for a good storyline, and the sad thing is, most MMOs don't give me that. Storyline and lore must be deep and meaningful, the characters (or npcs) must be characterised real enough to make you feel something for him or her... like reading a good book or watching a good movie. I don't even care whether the game uses instances or persistant worlds. If this kind of storyline can only be achieved through instancing, then I'm all for it.
Secondly, I want community interaction. It's no good feeling like a solo player in an MMO... there is a reason why people play MMOs and not single-player RPGs, and that is the community. We need to have people around us, and to do so, we have to make community meaningful in some way. A good guild system, in which one has and must defend a guild hall or town, aa good trading system, in which players need to trade with other players to get what they want, a reason to group with other players for ataining similar goals, though one must not be forced to group either if they don't want.
Oh, and one more thing. It had better use the B2P system. I always feel as if I'm spending too much if I play something with a monthly fee, and extremely disadvantaged if I don't buy something from the cash shop in a F2P game. B2P seems to be the best mix out of all the different payment systems.
Five races (human, giant, dwarf, gnome, elf) and at least three subraces per race (same looks, but different skin colors and some special stuff for each). Especially I want my beloved darkelves (not forced to be evil though). No hybrid races (such as halfelves, halforcs etc).
Classbased. All classes either tank, healer, or support; there are no hybrid classes and there no switching between roles through payment like in WoW. The number of classes rather small, instead subclasses and class customization available. All popular class choices should be available / emulateable.
Statistics: Your character is customizeable with a set of general stats, i.e. statistical values, such as strength, stamina, agility/speed, dexterity. Depending upon your choices of these values, you perform slightly different than others. Every stat is a true choice; i.e. you dont get better results if you follow a rule such as "as a knight, you need to max strength". That would only make about a quarter of your knight abilities extra strong, but weaken all the others.
Skills: You have different abilities to train. You cannot just max them all, but you really have to choose. For example, a fighter might train different weapon types.
Feats: From time to time, you may gain improvements for your character, changing the way the character plays. As a huge example, a mage might turn into a lich, greatly changing how he reacts with the world.
Abilities: Depending upon your class, you get abilities. Depending upon your statistics and skills, their properties change.
Multiclassing: You can restart a character in different classes, each time having to reassign statistics and skills and start at level 1 again. You can switch between your classes in certain save spots (such as cities).
Support NPCs: Depending upon your class, you have NPCs that will support you. For example, a Paladin will have a squire, a Priest will have a disciple, or a Wizard will have a Familiar.
Complex crafting system that produces unique items, depending upon the abilities of the character.
Support for diplomacy as a game in the game to reach actual goals (like you negotiate a spot for building a house from a NPC king, or you negotiate a NPC to serve you as a follower). Especially special tasks such as entering enemy cities will require diplomatic skill.
Levelbased. Levels are gained slowly. No maxlevel as such.
High magic setting - highend mages will be able to lower whole cities if unopposed. Every player develops magic skills.
Huge gameworld with many different kinds of locations (town, wood, grassland / tundra, desert, ice desert, jungle, rural areas, lava seas, magic worlds etc etc) and many dungeons.
Quests are long and complex, with different possible outcomes.
PvP events like castle sieges. PvP areas such as an arena.
Player build cities, and preferably other parts of game world influenceable by players.
Player driven economy.
Dynamic world. Quests are generated at random; they wont appear at the same place at all times, and once a player solves a quest, it cannot be solved by others as well.
Raid events on all levels. Special highend mobs will appear at random and will have to be killed by a large group of players of matching level. Raid bosses drop special crafting ingredients required for the best items.
Minus the ramifications of exploitation, I'd love to play a game that was like WoW and Guild Wars combined. Be able to have NPC bots that I could equip and have as part of my "team", but with focus on the gameplay elements of that of WoW... and I mean incorporated into the game, not like the people that 5-box accounts and have them all run around together.
"There is only one thing of which I am certain, and that's nothing is certain."
I want a game that is basically guild wars and wow combined as well.
Here are the features I like from both...
Guild wars (and wow to some extent has this)... Very good questlines. Has beginning and end and progression.
Guild wars (and wow to some extent has this)... The ability to solo nearly all content. If not solo, grab a bot to help you out. Waiting on a healer etc... BLOWS so badly it is insane.
WOW, gameplay. The animations are instantanious. If not instant because it is complex actions... the animations NEVER ever take control or override my characters awsd movement in any way.. Guild wars does this... and it SUCKS. Aion does this... and it is one of my major gripes. If I am out of range, tell me I will move my character in range... DO NOT DO IT FOR ME. Do not auto follow unless I tell it to... do not auto face unless I tell it to... do not do ANYTHING unless i explicitly tell it to for the character I am playing only.
Wow. The ability to go where ever you can get to in the map... guild wars to a certain extent... but Guild wars removes the ability to jump.... which is a gripe with me as well.
Graphics like guildwars or wow. Both are good enough imho.. I do not care to get the perfect realizm... just not something horribly bad looking like eq1.
Relatively easy progression through the game... wow and Guild wars both have this... and it is great. I do not want to play a HARD game... if I want to do something hard... I can chose to fight... harder mobs. It is my choice... not forced by developers. I do both actually, when I feel like a challenge I look for higher lvl mobs to solo, or epic mobs to group on.
LOTS AND LOTS of skills, so many skills there will never be a way to balance them all out... if something is Overpowered... let it go. That is fine... I will replay the game how ever I want to play it. I can incorporate that OP ability or not.
Rangers... are ranged... they should kill a mob before it gets near you. 2 mobs, is another story.. but a single mob.. dies.
All classes can solo.
The mobs in the world. MOVE around with some purpose, and are varied in graphic, ability, and size shape, hps like wow. COH FAILED COMPLETELY due to this lack of movement and lack of variety.
Cooldowns are very limited... and skills can be chained in any order. EQ2 had skills given in a way that you had to basically use them ABCD... and only in the ABCD order.. over and over again... boring. I chose the skills I use, and what order I will use them in. WOW and guild wars are both very good at this.
Guild wars fails me with the nerfing of abilities. Leave the gameplay alone. Some abilities that had 30 second buff times have been reduced to 6 seconds.... too twitchy now... and that is freaking insane nerf.
If the game is hard enough that if I make a single mistake, fail to hit a single button within a 2 second window of time... etc, my character dies, and the whole group dies.... then the game is no longer a game and is work... NEVER DO THIS IN A GAME !!!!!!!!! NEVER do this for any reason ... ever... no matter how much people complain about too easy... carebear... wanting to group... etc.... NEVER DO THIS... you will kill your game.
Balance the above to not being unkillable and superpowered though....
Allow movement through the game easily... as in mounts or movement buffs or what ever... movement from an area to another should never be the worst chore...
avoid chores... we are playing a game already to avoid real life ones.
No lag.
After the game has been developed and players can solo effectively ... fire the developers... They feel the need to tweek everything... this ruins the game over time.
Pre-CU SWG with Jump to Lightspeed or a clone done by a better company.
My MMO Dreams are about to come true sometime soon...
I would love to see a prehistoric MMO come out.
There'd be tree-houses and no magic and tons of some big ass dinosaurs chasing us around. It sounds simplistic but I think it would be really fun. Especially if there was flying dinosaurs to watch out for:) We'd have to make out own weapons out of sticks and rocks!
I'd love to visit prehistoric earth. Just to make my heart pound in fear:)
Ooh, Sims of Warcraft would have to be my first choice. Orrrrr, Fable Online? Fallout Online? Why do these all sound like horrible ideas? [Rhetorical]
From there, I have a laundry list of creative thoughts:
That should do I would say. BTW, No. 2 is The Matrix Online in case you weren't getting it.
THE Rooster Nash
Dark Age of Camelot 2.
For me, my needs are relatively simple. My dream MMO just has to have a good storyline involved. I am a major sucker for a good storyline, and the sad thing is, most MMOs don't give me that. Storyline and lore must be deep and meaningful, the characters (or npcs) must be characterised real enough to make you feel something for him or her... like reading a good book or watching a good movie. I don't even care whether the game uses instances or persistant worlds. If this kind of storyline can only be achieved through instancing, then I'm all for it.
Secondly, I want community interaction. It's no good feeling like a solo player in an MMO... there is a reason why people play MMOs and not single-player RPGs, and that is the community. We need to have people around us, and to do so, we have to make community meaningful in some way. A good guild system, in which one has and must defend a guild hall or town, aa good trading system, in which players need to trade with other players to get what they want, a reason to group with other players for ataining similar goals, though one must not be forced to group either if they don't want.
Oh, and one more thing. It had better use the B2P system. I always feel as if I'm spending too much if I play something with a monthly fee, and extremely disadvantaged if I don't buy something from the cash shop in a F2P game. B2P seems to be the best mix out of all the different payment systems.
Main characters:
Jinn Gone Quiet (Guild Wars)
Princess Pudding (Guild Wars)
Definitely classic fantasy.
Five races (human, giant, dwarf, gnome, elf) and at least three subraces per race (same looks, but different skin colors and some special stuff for each). Especially I want my beloved darkelves (not forced to be evil though). No hybrid races (such as halfelves, halforcs etc).
Classbased. All classes either tank, healer, or support; there are no hybrid classes and there no switching between roles through payment like in WoW. The number of classes rather small, instead subclasses and class customization available. All popular class choices should be available / emulateable.
Statistics: Your character is customizeable with a set of general stats, i.e. statistical values, such as strength, stamina, agility/speed, dexterity. Depending upon your choices of these values, you perform slightly different than others. Every stat is a true choice; i.e. you dont get better results if you follow a rule such as "as a knight, you need to max strength". That would only make about a quarter of your knight abilities extra strong, but weaken all the others.
Skills: You have different abilities to train. You cannot just max them all, but you really have to choose. For example, a fighter might train different weapon types.
Feats: From time to time, you may gain improvements for your character, changing the way the character plays. As a huge example, a mage might turn into a lich, greatly changing how he reacts with the world.
Abilities: Depending upon your class, you get abilities. Depending upon your statistics and skills, their properties change.
Multiclassing: You can restart a character in different classes, each time having to reassign statistics and skills and start at level 1 again. You can switch between your classes in certain save spots (such as cities).
Support NPCs: Depending upon your class, you have NPCs that will support you. For example, a Paladin will have a squire, a Priest will have a disciple, or a Wizard will have a Familiar.
Complex crafting system that produces unique items, depending upon the abilities of the character.
Support for diplomacy as a game in the game to reach actual goals (like you negotiate a spot for building a house from a NPC king, or you negotiate a NPC to serve you as a follower). Especially special tasks such as entering enemy cities will require diplomatic skill.
Levelbased. Levels are gained slowly. No maxlevel as such.
High magic setting - highend mages will be able to lower whole cities if unopposed. Every player develops magic skills.
Huge gameworld with many different kinds of locations (town, wood, grassland / tundra, desert, ice desert, jungle, rural areas, lava seas, magic worlds etc etc) and many dungeons.
Quests are long and complex, with different possible outcomes.
PvP events like castle sieges. PvP areas such as an arena.
Player build cities, and preferably other parts of game world influenceable by players.
Player driven economy.
Dynamic world. Quests are generated at random; they wont appear at the same place at all times, and once a player solves a quest, it cannot be solved by others as well.
Raid events on all levels. Special highend mobs will appear at random and will have to be killed by a large group of players of matching level. Raid bosses drop special crafting ingredients required for the best items.