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To anyone who has played this game i have a few questions.
Is it lag free?
Are no-lifer spam bots selling a lot of gold? (do they have mods that keep this under controlle? Or do they let them run wild?)
Is there more to do other then grind, quest, kill.
What are the graphics like? (cartoon? realistic?)
Do we play as Kids or adult characters?
How bull-shity is there item mall? (sence it is f2p there going to have some dumb ass item mall, but im so board any more im will to deal with a some what shity item mall but it can;t have the option to liek buy weapons or im out.)
I don't really know, try it out yourself. It is in a semi-open closed beta, so far there are no spammers or bots yet.
There is a semi-unreadable captcha that pops up and is hard to visibly see even by a normal player which tests if you are a bot or not. Happens every so often so I would assume it to be hard for bots to afk on this all day.
I played it for a few minutes. I think the instructions are very limited. The chat font is horrid, moving with just a mouse(cant use keyboard/mouse combo) sucks. The point of view is terrible, you can only look down and at an angle on your toon. I dont believe there is a sky, so you are limited to this point of view. I couldnt take much more of it, just because of these things, so thats all I got for now. I may give it another try and see what happens.
Everything cbrd is saying is true. But if you can ignore all these, in my opinion the gameplay itself does make up for it.
The isometric style camera (even though it can be rotated around your toon) was enough to drive me nuts. Plus, you are dead on in regards to the chat font, although the same goes for all font used in game, quests, etc... I played to lvl 10 and gave up. I payed my dues in isometrics and aside from true RTS games, I will not do so again.
Well in my opinion it's a great game the few downfalls include the P.O.V. and limited movement in that area and the font. The pet system is great and the classes and skills are quite deep which is nice. This really combines the elements that are successful in many different games, some people may hate this but its to make a good game ya gotta do it right? I recommend it gl hf
POV FIX --->> i dunno if this will help any... i just found this link that fixes that POV where the camera is not free .. so this link shows you how to get a free camera that is not fixed ... i get back to ya here to tell you if it worked for me later....
EDIT: this POV FIX works !!! .... now you can freely move your camera around with this fix !! just hold middle mouse button and right mouse button to spin your camera around your character
this is a fun game.. lots of quests and fun adventures ..enjoy