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Good MMO to come to?

darkchancedarkchance Member Posts: 36

Im a WOW veteran and love the game but some times i like to differentiate for a little while what i play so i dont get bored, and ive tried out EVE a little bit and was wondering is this a pretty good mmo to try out as a subber. I heard something that the game itself is free? And that you just pay the 15 bucks a month, is this true? thanks


  • EnkinduEnkindu Member Posts: 1,098

    You will find people on this board (like myself) that think Eve is far and away the most incredible game ever created.

    You will also find people that think eve is:

    1) A screensaver

    2) Spreadsheets in space

    3) Impossible

    4) A huge waste of time

    5) Populated entirely with evil griefers

    6) Pointless to start now because veterans will always have more skillpoints than you do...

    etc etc

    Read over the posts on this board and take a look at the eve online forums.  Coming from WoW you may find the lack of direction, steep learning curve, and global PvP a bit surprising.

    There's a standard 14 day free trial downloadable, also a 21 day trial (check the related thread in this forum).  This will not be enough time to even scratch the surface of what the game has to offer, but you should DEFINITELY try before you buy.  Eve is not for everyone, but if you are a match odds are that you will love it.

    My screen name is the same in game, if you decide to try feel free to look me up and I'll be happy to help you out.

    deviliscious: (PS. I have been told that when I use scientific language, it does not make me sound more intelligent, it only makes me sound like a jackass. It makes me appear that I am not knowledgable enough in the subject I am discussing to be able to translate it for people outside the field to understand. Some advice you might consider as well)

  • qazymanqazyman Member Posts: 1,785

    Yes it's true. Every time there is an update or patch every player receives it the next time they log in. You can also use in game currency to pay for the game. Many people fund second characters this way.

    Comparing the two games is like comparing apples and oranges. I will say this tho. One of the biggest differences is, in EVE the idea of having better or stronger to defeat your enemy is complete fail. EVE is about working together to build an empire in space. If you try to have the best you can possibly afford someone will just take it from you and crush your hard work before your eye's. If you and a couple of friends take out in something you can afford to lose, you might make some "isk", have some fun, and live to fly another day.


    It's an attitude really and it takes some time to see it from a different POV.

  • EtypeEtype Member Posts: 52

    As someone who started about 6 months ago I can assure you that Eve is a masterpiece and that new players need not be intimidated. I also came from WoW, but I was totally unprepared for what awaited me in New Eden. The learning curve is extremely steep, the room for error wide, and the patience required to succeed great.  However, these difficulties are not arbitrarily designed. CCP did not create a complex game for the sole purpose of complexity. The learning curve is the result of a brilliant layering of player afforded possibilities . 

    WoW created what is, essentially, an amusement park. The players path is tightly scripted and predictable. Its a controlled environment and ultimately, all WoW players walk along a predetermined road, with predetermined goals and conclusions. In Azeroth, the choice in gaming experience offered to players is really no greater that one person stopping at the hot dog stand while another chooses cotton candy.  Thats because everyone ends up in the same place regardless of the choices they made along the way.

    Eve is the exact opposite. In fact, it could not be more different. Whereas WoW is an amusement park , Eve is a fully functional dynamic societal structure. Yes I know thats a mouth full but I could not think of a better way to articulate it. Trust me though, despite my wordiness thats exactly what New Eden is - a true infrastructure.  Its one of those things that must be experienced to understand as words, especially forums blurps, fail terribly to paint accurately .

    In some ways Eve is a leap of faith, at least it was for me. I had read the raving reviews for quit a few years and even dabbled with the trial a couple of times but I never got the jist of it and quickly returned to WoW. Then, about 8 months ago I visited a random non game related news site and they had a small article discusing a recent universe altering event in a game called Eve. This was before my time but as I remember correctly there was a corporation called Band of Brothers and they were the kings of the hill that everyone beleived invincible. Until they were usurped by shockingly unconventional tactics and it created a shockwave that warranted the attention from an unexpected source - the small news site that I stumbled upon.

    This piqued my curisousity, I mean how could a video game make such waves as to deserve even this small nod on a news site. So I began looking more closely into Eve than I had before. I began reading the history of the game, not the history of its development, or even the lore behind New Eden. I began reading the real history that was written by the players themselves and its truly amazing, It reads like a movie script chock full of exciting adventures and conflicts. Listen to the older players and they discuss these memorable battles and wars, failed business ventures and speculative plans of future world domination.

    There are in game player designed universities, banking institutions, professional pirate corps , trading corps and much, much more. You'll see powerful trading tycoons hiring small armies of skilled pilots to aid them in their greedy and devious pursuits. Treaties, deals, ransoms and betrayal. Embezzlement , stocks and bonds crumble and fortunes made. Its absolutely effin crazy how deep this game can take you.

    As I stated earlier, Eve is a leap of faith because you simply wont grasp its depth from the outside. You have to push up the learning curve and get beyond the newbie dome. But eventually it hits you, its all for a purpose and when you realize just how much of that purpose is of your own design you can't help but admire the genius that is Eve.  The game has its issues, but they're so overshadowed by its triumphs as to be negligible.

    So yea, its worth the sub and you should give it a shot.


  • MalcanisMalcanis Member UncommonPosts: 3,297

    I would also advise a little light reading of the Crime and Punishment forum on the EvE-O website. A number of activities that would be frowned on, prohibited or even get you banned in other games are perfectly legitimate in EvE. CCP take player freedom pretty seriously, and there are plenty who will use that freedom to your great disadvantage.

    NB: EvE players have a reputation for being unpleasantly elitist, but that's an oversimplification. New players who turn up on the forums crying about some loss or failure of theirs and suggesting that EvE be changed (ie: made easier or more theme-parky) to resemble other games "to encourage new players" will be thanked for their delicious tears and not much else. New players who turn up, take the game for what it is and ask how to avoid the issue, having shown that they have already put at least a little effort into trying to find out for themselves will get masses of advice and assistance.

    Remember a few simple rules:

    There is no "safe space". It's just that in high-sec people will only kill you if they have a reason to - and that reason might not be obvious to you. In lo-sec or 0.0, anyone you dont definitely know is friendly is ipso facto hostile.

    Dont trust anyone without good reason - and if you do, as eventually you will have to, dont trust them more than you have to. Dont give anyone any information, ISK or assets that you dont need them to have.

    Decide what purpose you have undocked for and fit your ship for that purpose.

    Most important of all: DONT FLY WHAT YOU CANT AFFORD TO LOSE

    Give me liberty or give me lasers

  • NicoliNicoli Member Posts: 1,312

    Well to answer your last question first. The game is pretty much free, If you do a straight up Start a new account I think its still 5 dollars+ first month, If you do a trial first not even that. Which speaking of the trial PM pretty much any of the players in this thread with you e-mail address and we can get you a 21 day trial invite instead of 14.

    Do I consider eve worth subbing... well I have my subscription set to yearly so well, yes. That said EVE takes a bit to get into, a player corp can help significantly especially if you know what you want to get into. That said DO NOT equate SP to levels!!! EVE's skill system is setup so that there is not a whole lot of depth in each skill, but tons of them. With the exponetial requirement to train each level with a linear bonus means you can quickly get to average/above average in most skills, but to max it takes a while. This system as well as how the ships and modules balanced means that 2 people working together can generally drop 1 person working by himself most of the time, regardless of skill point difference.

    Besides that if you do get into it and get stuck with something look me up, I'm generally available to help out sometime.

  • MaligarMaligar Member Posts: 81
    Originally posted by Etype

    As someone who started about 6 months ago I can assure you that Eve is a masterpiece...
    ... blah blah blah ...
    So yea, its worth the sub and you should give it a shot.

    *Standing ovation*

    That was far and away the most articulate, thought out, and TRUTHFUL description of EVE I have ever had the pleasure of reading.

    +1 to you.

    Maligar Kelison
    Threat Removal

  • EttirxaEttirxa Member Posts: 93

    it should become even easier for a newbie when dominion is released. There will be several new tutorials covering PVP basics and exploration as well as a few requirements for key skills like thermodynamics, salvaging and cloaking being lowered.

    Give it a try now or in a few months its up to you.

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