This is almost a silly question. The scietific types who agree with this nonsense are the same who will tell you global warming is not a scam. Video games do not cause violence. Video games are not a real culture. Rap is what causes violence. It IS a culture. It is a culture tat tells you day after day, (I guess ill call it Song) after song that you need to be hard, you need to have the biggest dick, you have to prove yourself through violence, you have to treat women like dirt, you have to disrespect authorty, and u have to be a giant pussy and use firearms to acomplish all this.
Video games..LOL ... Maybe video games with rap music in them..
Thats why Im glad theres games like APB where all the wanna be white kids can make there toons with the skin color slider on the darker side at char creation and act out their fantasies of killin cops and slappin hos ... and being tough behind their monitors.
Used to have an angry roommate. He'd spend as much money on gaming hardware as games because he'd get pissed off and break the controller/keyboard/whatever. Good times.
Similarly I get most violent on stupid puzzle games with no violence.
Basically the report is about how some kids killed themselves/others because of D&D and is D&D dangerous because of this. Honestly, this debate is as old as time and no original argument one way or the other has been posed since the debate started.
They didn't kill anyone because of D&D but because of their disturbed mental health.
The argument is simple: This type of people were part of the human population far longer than any D&D or movie violence.
Just trigger causing the affliction was something else in those times.
That's my point. The actual report makes it seem like D&D pushed these kids over the edge.
Originally posted by GTwander:
How are you an MMO? Or any of us for that matter?
I say we strike all users from the site for not being MMOs.
It all depends on the person. There are so many elements that can affect a person's behavior. For example, the environment, the people around him, the things he sees on TV and so on... Games are just one factor for a person's behavior but not always.
VHS used to be to blame for children acting out violently, these days it's video games.
There has been some research done on the correlation between violent behaviour and video games, the majority seem to conclude that playing these games increase violent behaviour [ Violent Video Games - Psychologists Help Protect
But many of these earlier works have been criticized for failing to see that it could be violent kids being drawn to violent games, and not the games making these kids violent [ Why video games really are linked to violence ].
Ok when I grew up in the 70's and 80's we had Atari. The highlight of my day was being allowed into my friends place to play his atari. We'd sit there all day playing absolutely crap pixelated graphics with beeps and boops. We loved it.
When not playing Atari we'd be outside in the forest behind our parents place. We'd built a large wooden fort up in the tree. Then we played what we called "guns." We all had toy guns. You can't get them like this anymore I'm sure because of all the anal retentive mothers out there. I had a toy AK-47, Uzi, M-16 they looked real. My friend had this rambo machine gun like the large one he uses in the movie which you fed plastic bullets to. We had this machine gun squirt guns that looked like the real thing, with a cartridge you could fill with water and slam into the handle and shoot it out automatically.
We'd be out in the forest for hours playing "guns." Pretending to fight imaginary enemies, usually whichever movie we had watched.
In all that time, I grew up and never had the urge to go out and shoot someone. I never had the urge to go out and purchase a gun. I play video games and I know thats what it is. A game.
The problem in this day and age is political correctness and not raising your children the right way. Ever seen the movie idiocracy ? It almost seems like reality. Thats where we're headed. People who should not reproduce keep doing it and letting their borderline C.H.U.D. spawn run around disregarding everything.
It's not a black and white answer. Is a stable and well adjusted person going to become violent because of a vidio game?
No. Is a person already predisposed to mental health issues going to adversly affected by a violent game?
Possibly, but they could just as easily be affected by other sources. Are people who are already predisposed to violence drawn to violent games?
Yes. The more violent the game the more likely these people are to be drawn to it.
I have a 17 year old son who, as a child, was not capable of distinguishing between fantasy and reality. We could not allow him to watch cartoons or Power Rangers because he would constantly try to re-enact everything he saw. On the other hand, neither of my daughters would even dream of trying the same things he did. My 7 year old daughter loves cartoons and MMO's but would never dream of hurting anyone and will tell you it's not real.
Yeah i like this guys point of view... it all depends on the person, and another guy said...what if he played hello-kitty, would that make him more passive? its defiantly not a black and white answer, when theres so many other factors involved
Ok when I grew up in the 70's and 80's we had Atari. The highlight of my day was being allowed into my friends place to play his atari. We'd sit there all day playing absolutely crap pixelated graphics with beeps and boops. We loved it. When not playing Atari we'd be outside in the forest behind our parents place. We'd built a large wooden fort up in the tree. Then we played what we called "guns." We all had toy guns. You can't get them like this anymore I'm sure because of all the anal retentive mothers out there. I had a toy AK-47, Uzi, M-16 they looked real. My friend had this rambo machine gun like the large one he uses in the movie which you fed plastic bullets to. We had this machine gun squirt guns that looked like the real thing, with a cartridge you could fill with water and slam into the handle and shoot it out automatically. We'd be out in the forest for hours playing "guns." Pretending to fight imaginary enemies, usually whichever movie we had watched. In all that time, I grew up and never had the urge to go out and shoot someone. I never had the urge to go out and purchase a gun. I play video games and I know thats what it is. A game. The problem in this day and age is political correctness and not raising your children the right way. Ever seen the movie idiocracy ? It almost seems like reality. Thats where we're headed. People who should not reproduce keep doing it and letting their borderline C.H.U.D. spawn run around disregarding everything.
Here, here. I remember playing "Wild Kingdom" with one of us being a preditor and the other prey
Poor effort yields poor results. Poor parents are going to create poor children. If someone does not raise their kids to be strong- minded then that child is going to be a weak-minded adult who cannot seperate fact from fiction. The same people who cant realize bullies only bully people who let them or are antisocial. Some things are just a fact of life, stupid people are going to do stupid things. Its never going to change. If a person thinks a game is real then they had issues far before they started playing the video game.
it may be a contributing factor but its not the absolute reason why people are violent. there are violent people who dont play video games at all. i say its the person's upbringing that contributes most to violent behaviour, not video games
Your poll is very biased, there is not an option I'm happy with choosing, as I believe saying that video games can separate reality and fantasy and/or foster aggression is about the most ridiculous argument mankind has ever made.
The simple fact of the matter is that if someones crazy enough to be pushed over the edge by a video game, something would have eventually come along and gave them that shove anyway.
I still don't think that video games can be contributed to said crazy people going over the edge, it's absurd.
maybe make the poll selection more specific but for me not violent games can cause violent behavior to the player. it will only depends to yourself if you will idolized you character or imitate it.
I'd say that newspapers and so on couse more violent behavior than any game... Everyday you see people blowing up and so on. That and the failing of many many parents these days couse violent behaviour and not gaming. Scene:
Kid stole something from the bakery and got cought: The baker whaked him once and then later the parents did to
Kid stole something from the bakery and got cought: The baker whaked him once and the parents sewed the baker for thousands and think theyr kid did everything right.
Just and example but if that doesn't couse violent and anti-social behaviour what else? games? realy you think games do more than parents?
I do not think watching violent movies, playing violent games, or reading violent material causes more violence, but I do think it makes people more accepting of it. Which in its own way is bad.
Honestly I think you will get a more honest answer here on a gaming website than in the news media, society wants someone to blame cause the reality is without a target for them to say "they did it" to they are left with the only other answer they can think of which is "I did it". The truth of the matter is that violent people display those tendancies, but why they do this is pretty much a mystery. A child can be raised in an enviroment of domestic violence and come out the other end well adjusted while a kid rasied in a house without any such violence can be a mass murderer. The simple fact of the matter is that as a species we have not evoled into our society we are still hardwired for a more primative way of life, and many of those old survival patterns are still there.
A tame tiger, raised by people from birth, still has moments when it is just like it's wild predocessors. People still have these issues to, genetic survival traits are hard to work out of any animal. No one is entirely without aggression, even the most timid people have it, it is the people with it in spades and no control of it that are the problem. As with fire arms it's all about personal control, who uses a gun how is up to them, but if everyone used them in the correct intended fashion crime would be lower.
I've been playing video games for a while since I was a kid, and violence in games has not affected me in any way. It all depends on the child's upbringing and social environment.
Violent games do affect people playing them.. and the more violent the more violent and agressive will be the player reactions in real life.
Thing is.. after the player stops playing the game, usually after 5 - 10 minutes he/she goes back to normal.. but theres a period in wich the psychology of the player is related in a very close connection to the game.
If you doubt it.. get someone playing some violent game for a while.. say 1 hour and then try to make that person do a simple task as going to open door.. and see how that person reacts.
God, one place I'd hope this thing wouldn't pop up.
Generally, anyone in the gaming community can and will tell you the following.
"Violent games don't cause violent behavior"
"There is a rating on the box for a reason"
I've played violent games, truth be told, I've played em since I was 9. I played Silent Hill, Deathtrap Dungeon, and a few others. I haven't tried decapitating anyone, or light them on fire, or even stab them with a rusty knife. Neither have I needed to have any psychological help. I've grown up gaming though, so perhaps that instilled a natural sense of... I dunno, common sense when it comes to reality.
The truth of the matter is that the games do nothing, its the psychological issues beneath it that cause them. Its the parents who pay no attention to what games their children are playing. Who know their children need mental help and yet allow them to.
This whole "Blame the media" thing has been going on ever since the idea of "entertainment" was thought up. Books, comics, movies, now games are under the eye of the paranoid, self-righteous "moralists". Hell, even music is still under "examination" as well.
It isn't the rapper or metal group's fault when a kid listens to their songs and shoots someone or does drugs, and neither is it GTA's fault a kid stole a rifle from his father's gun rack (which lacked a lock) and shot up a few cars from an overpass above a freeway. Hell, remember Columbine? The media wanted to blame games cause the kids just so happened to have the old Doom game (I have the very same game, but I'm still here and typing this too), and even Marylin Manson, and while I'm not the biggest fan of his music, it doesn't take a psychologist to know it wasn't his fault either.
The only thing worse than the paranoid moralists? Mass media. And number one on that spot? Fox News Network. They will grab onto whatever little fact they can and blow it up bigger than the prostitue whose been working the corner for ten years can with a baloon. Hell, remember Mass Effect? I do. Remember the "Graphically intense sexual scene with full frontal nudity that would happen no matter what"? That I don't. Remember the expert who wrote a book and WASN'T trying to sell it and DID play the game fully and agreed? Well... partly so... I mean I remember she called herself an expert and wrote a book, but she admitted that she never even played or heard of the game. I also remember how much of a lash she suffered on her Amazon sales cause of it too heh.
I've got nothing more to really say, I've typed and wrote papers, I've argued this before, and I'm personally sick of the topic. There's nothing else I can really even add, besides this:
Jack Thompson being disbarred was the happiest thing I've seen so far in my lifetime.
Edit: As for ya Ed, the only game that gets me even close to becoming violent is Gears of War 2's multiplayer, it just surprises me that Epic ruined it AFTER the bad multiplayer in the first one. I've played Silent hill for hours straight before, even as a kid, and moved right onto doing homework with no issues.
Violent games do affect people playing them.. and the more violent the more violent and agressive will be the player reactions in real life. Thing is.. after the player stops playing the game, usually after 5 - 10 minutes he/she goes back to normal.. but theres a period in wich the psychology of the player is related in a very close connection to the game. If you doubt it.. get someone playing some violent game for a while.. say 1 hour and then try to make that person do a simple task as going to open door.. and see how that person reacts.
I used to fight professionally. I am not a violent person. Keeping violence contained takes will.
This same discussion started about Rock and Roll music. (probably earlier) Rock and Roll made people do evil things.
It is all nonsense.
People do not want to admit being responsible. We are all responsible for what we do. No one and nothing else is to blame.
depends on how good you are.. well if there are people stupi* enough to think that what they saw on games is cool and they will just apply it in real-life.. wew. really depends on you.
This is almost a silly question. The scietific types who agree with this nonsense are the same who will tell you global warming is not a scam. Video games do not cause violence. Video games are not a real culture. Rap is what causes violence. It IS a culture. It is a culture tat tells you day after day, (I guess ill call it Song) after song that you need to be hard, you need to have the biggest dick, you have to prove yourself through violence, you have to treat women like dirt, you have to disrespect authorty, and u have to be a giant pussy and use firearms to acomplish all this.
Video games..LOL ... Maybe video games with rap music in them..
Thats why Im glad theres games like APB where all the wanna be white kids can make there toons with the skin color slider on the darker side at char creation and act out their fantasies of killin cops and slappin hos ... and being tough behind their monitors.
Jesus Christ.
Video games.. LOL
Sort of off topic...but not really.
Used to have an angry roommate. He'd spend as much money on gaming hardware as games because he'd get pissed off and break the controller/keyboard/whatever. Good times.
Similarly I get most violent on stupid puzzle games with no violence.
They didn't kill anyone because of D&D but because of their disturbed mental health.
The argument is simple: This type of people were part of the human population far longer than any D&D or movie violence.
Just trigger causing the affliction was something else in those times.
That's my point. The actual report makes it seem like D&D pushed these kids over the edge.
Originally posted by GTwander:
How are you an MMO? Or any of us for that matter?
I say we strike all users from the site for not being MMOs.
It all depends on the person. There are so many elements that can affect a person's behavior. For example, the environment, the people around him, the things he sees on TV and so on... Games are just one factor for a person's behavior but not always.
VHS used to be to blame for children acting out violently, these days it's video games.
There has been some research done on the correlation between violent behaviour and video games, the majority seem to conclude that playing these games increase violent behaviour [ Violent Video Games - Psychologists Help Protect
Children from Harmful Effects ].
But many of these earlier works have been criticized for failing to see that it could be violent kids being drawn to violent games, and not the games making these kids violent [ Why video games really are linked to violence ].
A paper distinguish between mmorpg's and fps games in how and if they affect behaviour [ Video Game Violence Research Yields Mixed Results ].
"The purpose of our lives is to be happy"
*Dalai Lama
This is again as old as time. Try watching this
Ok when I grew up in the 70's and 80's we had Atari. The highlight of my day was being allowed into my friends place to play his atari. We'd sit there all day playing absolutely crap pixelated graphics with beeps and boops. We loved it.
When not playing Atari we'd be outside in the forest behind our parents place. We'd built a large wooden fort up in the tree. Then we played what we called "guns." We all had toy guns. You can't get them like this anymore I'm sure because of all the anal retentive mothers out there. I had a toy AK-47, Uzi, M-16 they looked real. My friend had this rambo machine gun like the large one he uses in the movie which you fed plastic bullets to. We had this machine gun squirt guns that looked like the real thing, with a cartridge you could fill with water and slam into the handle and shoot it out automatically.
We'd be out in the forest for hours playing "guns." Pretending to fight imaginary enemies, usually whichever movie we had watched.
In all that time, I grew up and never had the urge to go out and shoot someone. I never had the urge to go out and purchase a gun. I play video games and I know thats what it is. A game.
The problem in this day and age is political correctness and not raising your children the right way. Ever seen the movie idiocracy ? It almost seems like reality. Thats where we're headed. People who should not reproduce keep doing it and letting their borderline C.H.U.D. spawn run around disregarding everything.
Yeah i like this guys point of view... it all depends on the person, and another guy said...what if he played hello-kitty, would that make him more passive? its defiantly not a black and white answer, when theres so many other factors involved
Here, here. I remember playing "Wild Kingdom" with one of us being a preditor and the other prey
Poor effort yields poor results. Poor parents are going to create poor children. If someone does not raise their kids to be strong- minded then that child is going to be a weak-minded adult who cannot seperate fact from fiction. The same people who cant realize bullies only bully people who let them or are antisocial. Some things are just a fact of life, stupid people are going to do stupid things. Its never going to change. If a person thinks a game is real then they had issues far before they started playing the video game.
Not sure about everyone else, but I've lost count of how many boars I've murdered in real life after playing MMO's.
it may be a contributing factor but its not the absolute reason why people are violent. there are violent people who dont play video games at all. i say its the person's upbringing that contributes most to violent behaviour, not video games
Your poll is very biased, there is not an option I'm happy with choosing, as I believe saying that video games can separate reality and fantasy and/or foster aggression is about the most ridiculous argument mankind has ever made.
The simple fact of the matter is that if someones crazy enough to be pushed over the edge by a video game, something would have eventually come along and gave them that shove anyway.
I still don't think that video games can be contributed to said crazy people going over the edge, it's absurd.
maybe make the poll selection more specific but for me not violent games can cause violent behavior to the player. it will only depends to yourself if you will idolized you character or imitate it.
I'd say that newspapers and so on couse more violent behavior than any game... Everyday you see people blowing up and so on. That and the failing of many many parents these days couse violent behaviour and not gaming. Scene:
Kid stole something from the bakery and got cought: The baker whaked him once and then later the parents did to
Kid stole something from the bakery and got cought: The baker whaked him once and the parents sewed the baker for thousands and think theyr kid did everything right.
Just and example but if that doesn't couse violent and anti-social behaviour what else? games? realy you think games do more than parents?
I do not think watching violent movies, playing violent games, or reading violent material causes more violence, but I do think it makes people more accepting of it. Which in its own way is bad.
Honestly I think you will get a more honest answer here on a gaming website than in the news media, society wants someone to blame cause the reality is without a target for them to say "they did it" to they are left with the only other answer they can think of which is "I did it". The truth of the matter is that violent people display those tendancies, but why they do this is pretty much a mystery. A child can be raised in an enviroment of domestic violence and come out the other end well adjusted while a kid rasied in a house without any such violence can be a mass murderer. The simple fact of the matter is that as a species we have not evoled into our society we are still hardwired for a more primative way of life, and many of those old survival patterns are still there.
A tame tiger, raised by people from birth, still has moments when it is just like it's wild predocessors. People still have these issues to, genetic survival traits are hard to work out of any animal. No one is entirely without aggression, even the most timid people have it, it is the people with it in spades and no control of it that are the problem. As with fire arms it's all about personal control, who uses a gun how is up to them, but if everyone used them in the correct intended fashion crime would be lower.
I've been playing video games for a while since I was a kid, and violence in games has not affected me in any way. It all depends on the child's upbringing and social environment.
Violent games do affect people playing them.. and the more violent the more violent and agressive will be the player reactions in real life.
Thing is.. after the player stops playing the game, usually after 5 - 10 minutes he/she goes back to normal.. but theres a period in wich the psychology of the player is related in a very close connection to the game.
If you doubt it.. get someone playing some violent game for a while.. say 1 hour and then try to make that person do a simple task as going to open door.. and see how that person reacts.
God, one place I'd hope this thing wouldn't pop up.
Generally, anyone in the gaming community can and will tell you the following.
"Violent games don't cause violent behavior"
"There is a rating on the box for a reason"
I've played violent games, truth be told, I've played em since I was 9. I played Silent Hill, Deathtrap Dungeon, and a few others. I haven't tried decapitating anyone, or light them on fire, or even stab them with a rusty knife. Neither have I needed to have any psychological help. I've grown up gaming though, so perhaps that instilled a natural sense of... I dunno, common sense when it comes to reality.
The truth of the matter is that the games do nothing, its the psychological issues beneath it that cause them. Its the parents who pay no attention to what games their children are playing. Who know their children need mental help and yet allow them to.
This whole "Blame the media" thing has been going on ever since the idea of "entertainment" was thought up. Books, comics, movies, now games are under the eye of the paranoid, self-righteous "moralists". Hell, even music is still under "examination" as well.
It isn't the rapper or metal group's fault when a kid listens to their songs and shoots someone or does drugs, and neither is it GTA's fault a kid stole a rifle from his father's gun rack (which lacked a lock) and shot up a few cars from an overpass above a freeway. Hell, remember Columbine? The media wanted to blame games cause the kids just so happened to have the old Doom game (I have the very same game, but I'm still here and typing this too), and even Marylin Manson, and while I'm not the biggest fan of his music, it doesn't take a psychologist to know it wasn't his fault either.
The only thing worse than the paranoid moralists? Mass media. And number one on that spot? Fox News Network. They will grab onto whatever little fact they can and blow it up bigger than the prostitue whose been working the corner for ten years can with a baloon. Hell, remember Mass Effect? I do. Remember the "Graphically intense sexual scene with full frontal nudity that would happen no matter what"? That I don't. Remember the expert who wrote a book and WASN'T trying to sell it and DID play the game fully and agreed? Well... partly so... I mean I remember she called herself an expert and wrote a book, but she admitted that she never even played or heard of the game. I also remember how much of a lash she suffered on her Amazon sales cause of it too heh.
I've got nothing more to really say, I've typed and wrote papers, I've argued this before, and I'm personally sick of the topic. There's nothing else I can really even add, besides this:
Jack Thompson being disbarred was the happiest thing I've seen so far in my lifetime.
Edit: As for ya Ed, the only game that gets me even close to becoming violent is Gears of War 2's multiplayer, it just surprises me that Epic ruined it AFTER the bad multiplayer in the first one. I've played Silent hill for hours straight before, even as a kid, and moved right onto doing homework with no issues.
About the title: Of course it causes violent behavior (in game) or a store return if its too hard or lame
Xtreme Hello Kitty Hunting anyone?
I used to fight professionally. I am not a violent person. Keeping violence contained takes will.
This same discussion started about Rock and Roll music. (probably earlier) Rock and Roll made people do evil things.
It is all nonsense.
People do not want to admit being responsible. We are all responsible for what we do. No one and nothing else is to blame.
Not really. I've played so many violent games but it has never crossed my mind to grab a knife and go on a cleaving spree.
I am simply myself, no more and no less. And I only want to be free.
What about this poll
Does different cultural elements affect behavior?
Is violent behavior, a behavior?
Are video games, a cultural element?
Are violent games, games?
97% of those who voted are so stupid.
depends on how good you are.. well if there are people stupi* enough to think that what they saw on games is cool and they will just apply it in real-life.. wew. really depends on you.